Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Seven Electric Batons Used to Shock One Practitioner in the Zibo Forced Labour Camp
2006-09-09The officials worked together to persecute the practitioners by detaining them individually and in secret. They used many vicious tortures. Every practitioner suffered from electric shock torture to varying degrees, the worst example was using seven electric batons to shock one practitioner. They also put a motorcycle helmet on a practitioner's head, then turned on the speaker in the helmet to the highest volume broadcasting a recording that slandered Dafa. This torture damaged the practitioners' nervous system. The torturers took turns blowing cigarette smoke into the helmet to make the practitioners cry and cough. They tied practitioners up with a belt so tightly that the person could not breathe and was almost in shock.
Non-Practitioner: My Experience in the Tianhe Custodial Station in Guangzhou
2006-09-09Though those Falun Gong practitioners were very kind and full of compassion, the guards never spared them of abuse. The guards often called them out and had so-called "heart to heart talks" with them. They were very hypocritical and tried to lure them to be "reformed." The guards tied a Falun Gong practitioner Zhu Dezhi to the ground with steel shackles with his arms around the outside of his knees and then cuffed his arms together between his legs (This type of torture was called "thread a needle and nail shackles"). He had to ask someone to help him even when he went to the toilet. Sometimes he had to defecate into a cup and wash and use the cup again.
At Least Seven Falun Gong Practitioners Who are Pilots Suffer Persecution - Liu Ping Tortured to Death
2006-09-08After former pilot of China Eastern Airlines, Mr Yuan Sheng was reported for talking about the Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party and advising three people to quit the Chinese Communist Party, he had to request refuge status in the USA. Despite the strict blockage of information from China, it was discovered from news reported outside of China, that at least seven pilots who practise Falun Gong have suffered persecution. In early 2002, Shuangkou Forced Labour Camp in Tianjin tortured pilot Liu Ping, who was in his twenties, to death.
Ms. Chang Lijun from Shandong Province Sent to Forced Labour Camp - Her Whereabouts Now Unknown
2006-09-08On the morning of September 6th, 2005, practitioner Ms. Chang Lijun was arrested by local police and taken to Shandong First Women's Labour Camp. Three months later they still hadn't "transformed" her, so the labour camp secretly moved her. Six months have passed and still there is no news about Ms. Chang, which very much worries her family, relatives, and friends. Second group chief Ms Niu Xuelian is very malicious, and practitioners are tortured with electric shocks even if they've already fasted for over ten days. Even the non-practitioner detainees are unable to watch, and are heard saying, "I am in my 30s, but I've never seen such a malicious woman before!"
Mr. Jiang Xiquan, 56, Arrested Late at Night, Sent to Forced Labour Camp for Two Years
2006-09-08At around 10:00 p.m. on May 5th, Mr. Jiang Xiquan had just gone to bed. Suddenly he heard knocking, and he got up and opened the door. Six strong men charged through the door, and rummaged all through the room. They confiscated a Falun Dafa book, as well as some leaflets exposing the persecution. They then arrested Mr. Jiang Xiquan without giving a reason. Mr. Jiang is 56 years old. His wife witnessed their home being ransacked and her husband's arrest and became very frightened. Mr. Jiang's wife had to borrow money to give about 4,500 yuan, then 3,100 yuan and then 500 yuan to officials to release her husband. Although Jiang Xiquan was released he was later arrested again and sent to a forced labour camp.
Persecution Cases of Several Falun Dafa Practitioners from Panzhihua City, Sichuan Province
2006-09-08Mr. Liu Benhong was a 73-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner. He was arrested when police broke into his home and ransacked it. He was held in a detention centre but because he refused to be "transformed," he was injected with unknown drugs which caused him to suffer migraines, frequent vomiting and his conscious became unclear. On September 12th, 2002, after he was detained at Miyi Detention Centre for eighteen months and eight days, he was released. After he came home, the aftereffects of the unknown drugs caused him severe pain. On December 17th, 2005, Liu Benhong passed away.
60-Year-Old Mr. Li Jinyu Died Due to Repeated Persecution
2006-09-08Mr. Li Jinyu, 60, suffered from urinary bladder cancer. In 1998, however, he started practising Falun Dafa. Within several months all his diseases disappeared. The persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20th, 1999. Li Jinyu said, "If I didn't practise Falun Gong, I would have died a long time ago." Because he didn't give up, authorities ransacked his home and monitored his movements. He was detained for fifteen days. They stole 70 yuan from him and extorted 200 yuan for "expenses." Soon after he was detained again and then repeatedly harassed at home. Li Jinyu had a relapse and passed away on May 17th, 2005.
Zhuozhou City 610 Office Returns Illegal Fines to Conceal Their Crimes
2006-09-07Not long ago, Mr. Zhang Shun, Chairman of the 610 Office refunded the illegal fines extorted from Ms. Liu Jizhi (a Falun Gong practitioner raped by police), and practitioners Mr. Wang Helin and Ms. Qu Wenting. Zhang Shun gave it to the Xitong Village committee and left the money to the disposal of the committee. On the receipt it says it was a refund for the "training fee" at Nanma Base. This was an obvious attempt to obscure the facts of the crime and to hide the truth about the persecution.
Persecution Stories of Two Practitioners in Guojiatun Town, Shandong Province
2006-09-07I went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa and was arrested on Tiananmen Square. At the police station a group of police officers came and called me up to the second floor. They asked me if I wanted to continue practising Falun Dafa. I said: "Yes. Dafa is so good, I will practise for the rest of my life." Before I could finish speaking, the police officers started to beat me with their shoes. In half an hour, my buttocks became black. The police officers eventually stopped beating me. However, they forced me to press my hand onto an ink pad, and then forced me to rub my face with the dirty hand. They yelled at me, saying "If you wipe it off, we will beat you to death!"
Sun Fusheng and His Wife from Hebei Province Forced to Remain Homeless for Four Years
2006-09-07Dafa practitioner Sun Fusheng and his wife Hou Xingzhi have been subjected to persecution because they practise Falun Dafa and forced to remain homeless for four years. In the second part of 2001, Mr. Sun was harassed by police and they tried to force him to write a "guarantee letter" promising to quit practising Falun Dafa and they handcuffed him to the heating pipes on the third floor. In order to avoid being persecuted, he left his home and went from place to place. 610 Office agents went to Ms. Hou's place of employment to harass her again and to try to force her to write the guarantee letter. The continual harassment and threat of being imprisoned forced Ms. Hou to leave home, leaving her daughter and parents behind.
Practitioner Sentenced to Seven Years in Prison and his Wife Recently Arrested
2006-09-07In 2001, Guo Peijun and his wife were arrested. Guo Peijun and some other Falun Dafa practitioners refused to cooperate with the commands of the authorities, so police officers took turns beating them, and grabbing benches and wooden clubs to hit the head and face of Guo Peijun. Immediately, he started bleeding, and his skin was torn, with the flesh opened up. Later, while he was washing his clothes, after four rinses, the water was still red from the blood, and the clothes could not be cleaned any more. In 2005, Guo Peijun was sentenced to seven years in prison and is currently detained in Tiebei Prison. His wife Yu Jing was arrested again on July 12th.
Ms. Liu Guifu and Ms. Zhang Lianying Protest the Persecution in Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp
2006-09-07Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Liu Guifu and Ms. Zhang Lianying from Beijing were imprisoned in Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp for a long time. Their belief in Dafa was firm, so the labour camp gave up persecuting them with torture and brainwashing. They were each imprisoned in a single room in the training centre unit and separated from other people for a few months. At present, Ms. Liu Guifu and Ms. Zhang Lianying are taking measures to protest in the labour camp in order to be set free with a verdict of not guilty, but the details are still not known.
Mr. Gao Hongfei, 30, a Falun Dafa Practitioner from Shanxi Province, Died as a Result of Persecution
2006-09-06Mr. Gao Hongfei, a Falun Dafa practitioner was a former student at Jilin Industrial University. While detained at Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp, he was subjected to numerous torture sessions and nearly died. When Mr. Gao returned to his hometown, he was again subjected to frequent threats and extortion by the local police. As a result, he became homeless and destitute. On August 9th, 2006, Mr. Gao passed away at the age of only 30.
62-Year-Old Ms. Li Xuehua from Shanxi Province, Died As a Result of Persecution
2006-09-06Prior to the Sixteenth Party Congress in 2002, the police ransacked the family's home and took Ms Li Xuehua to a custody centre. Her 80-year-old mother, who was left home alone, passed away one month later from starvation and illness. A citywide arrest of Dafa practitioners in Jincheng began on March 2nd, 2006. About 20 police officers broke into Li Xuehua’s home and ransacked it. They took all Dafa materials and related equipment and arrested Li Xuehua’s daughter. Long-term persecution devastated Li Xuehua. Ms. Li passed away on April 7th, 2006.
Ms. Lin Yanmei Force-Fed with Unknown Drugs At Sanshui Women's Labour Camp in Guangdong Province
2006-09-06Ms. Lin Yanmei, a practitioner was arrested by Dianbai County Police Department 610 National Security Brigade. She has been in Guangdong Sanshui Women's Labour Camp for persecution for more than a year. The labour camp stealthily put unknown drugs in her food. At present, Ms. Lin's reactions are slow and she is depressed. Ms. Lin Yanmei's family members are extremely worried about her safety.