Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Liu Shuhong Died in 2005 from Persecution in Shandong Province
2006-03-30Ms. Liu Shuhong, a 35-year-old Falun Gong practitioner, was frequently persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) regime. She was persecuted to the point of metal collapse, and later her husband was sentenced to three years of imprisonment. During this long-term persecution, Mrs. Liu's health deteriorated further, and she finally passed away on July 25th, 2005.
Mudanjiang City Prison's Persecution of Dafa Practitioners
2006-03-30On the morning of February 23rd, jail wardens Chen Zhanfeng and Wu Xuejun used electric batons to beat practitioner Guan Wenlong in the sweatshop office. These wardens also deprived Wenlong of any sleep. Wu also used an awl to poke holes in Guan Wenlong's back and right leg. At noon, the wardens denied Wenlong lunch and beat him in the toilet. They did not release Wenlong until all other inmates had finished eating. Wenlong's face was bloody and swollen.
"Join the CCP" Activity Conducted in Seventh Ward of the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2006-03-30Around July 20th, 2005, a forced "Joining the CCP" activity was conducted in the Seventh Ward of the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. The Seventh Ward head Zhang Bo (male) forced everyone to write an application letter, but this caused strong resistance by detained Falun Dafa practitioners and non-practitioners as well. Zhang Bo put pressure on all the guards, then the guards tortured every detainee, subjecting even older and illiterate detainees to brainwashing. The guards prepared the application letters, then forced everyone to sign their names.
Mr. Zhou Shouzhong, Former Mayor of Panjin City, Dies as a Result of the Persecution
2006-03-29After he started practising Falun Gong, 72-year-old Mr. Zhou Shouzhong, former mayor of Panjin City, Liaoning Province, became very healthy and his formerly incurable illness disappeared. When the persecution of Falun Gong started, Mr. Zhou was subjected to all kinds of pressure and disturbance. Mr. Zhou had to give up the practice. He was forced to go to hospital and was told that he would live for only several weeks. After over a year of suffering, Mr. Zhou died with regret in late 2005.
Four Practitioners from Inner Mongolia, Hubei and Hebei Provinces Pass Away Due to Persecution
2006-03-29After she started practising Falun Gong in 1995, 61-year-old Ms. Fan Daozhi miraculously recovered from her diabetes. In April 2000, on her way to appeal in Beijing, she was arrested and detained in the Hewan Forced Labour Camp. Three months later, Ms. Fan's severe suffering, both mentally and physically from the persecution, caused a relapse of her diabetes. After arriving at home, the lawless authorities continued to harass her in her home. Under the long-term harassment and persecution by CCP personnel, Ms. Fan died of illness in late October 2005.
A Practitioner Recounts her Horrific Experience in the Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp
2006-03-29"During the 70 days and nights, they brainwashed me. Liu Junling slapped my face numerous times each day. The evil criminal acts of Liu Junling and other instructors of Team 4 in the Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp injured my body and mind so severely that I was on the brink of a mental collapse. When I went to bed after the 70-day torture was over, my body ached as if it were falling apart and I could hardly sleep. The pain in my lower limbs lasted even longer. What's more, the mental wounds continue to bleed and will never heal."
Qingdao City Judicial Bureau Violates the Law by Forbidding Lawyers to Represent Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-03-29Among these 103 law offices and 1,468 lawyers registered in Qingdao, no lawyer could be found to dare to defend the innocent Falun Gong practitioners who pled not guilty. On the morning of January 25th, 2006, Ou Yunjie's father, Ou Zhaolin, who is an ordinary person with no law knowledge, had to defend his daughter and wife who pled not guilty. Although the father of innocent couple Sun Hong and Min Huirong went through great difficulty to find an lawyer for them, the Qingdao judicial bureau exerted pressure and asked the lawyer to withdraw from the case, threatening that the lawyer must not handle this case or represent those who pled not guilty.
Remembering My Mother Wu Yuxian
2006-03-28During the Lantern Festival, I could no longer restrain my repressed sadness and anxiety. My mother, a Falun Dafa practitioner, had passed away on February 9th, 2006 due to the evil Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution. Recalling my mother's life, many thoughts and feelings surfaced. Even after my mother was persecuted to death, they still wouldn't quit, and continued to bring more pressure and cause more trouble. In addition, there are still countless families that are suffering the same kind of cruel persecution in China today.
Recalling the Past Several Years of Persecution of Changchun Practitioner Mr. Wang Hongge
2006-03-28Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Hongge has been suffering from brutal persecution since November 2000 simply because he remains steadfast in Dafa. The mistreatment and abuse he has had to endure under the persecution include torture and forced confessions. Tiebei Detention Centre police officer Liu Huibin in Changchun even stated, "I am ordering you to confess! You have to confess! I am telling you to admit guilt! You have to do it, even if you refuse. On this bench, if I say you raped your mother, you will have to admit it!"
The Evil Concentration Camps Have Existed for a Long Time
2006-03-28On January 1st, 2001, practitioner Xiaoyun was arrested in Tiananmen Square when appealing for Falun Dafa. Policemen used all their might, but they still could not force her to speak her name. At around 3 a.m. the next morning, all of the arrested practitioners were suddenly gathered together and pushed onto a huge bus. Policemen on the bus said something strange: "We are sending you to two places. One of them is the Masanjia Labour Camp. If you still won't 'reform', we will send you somewhere else." Upon reaching a certain location, a very formal procedure was undertaken. Police officers from two departments stood along the two sides of the road. Ever since then, many Falun Dafa practitioners have been missing.
Ms. Wang Xiulian Suffers a Mental Breakdown Due to Torture in Zhangjiakou City Brainwashing Centre
2006-03-2859-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Xiulian has been tortured to the point of mental breakdown at the Zhangjiakou City Brainwashing Centre. Due to the long-term mental and physical damage, Ms. Wang Xiulian is now suffering from a mental breakdown. She often talks to herself, crying and laughing, wears yarn or toilet tissue in her hair, and so on. She was so healthy before the persecution, and followed Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance, but now her situation is tragic and pitiful.
Appeal to Rescue Practitioner Ms. Wu Jingjuan from Guangdong Province
2006-03-27On January 20th, 2006, practitioner Ms. Wu Jingjuan, who has been "illegally detained" in the Guangdong Province Kedong County Detention Centre, filed an appeal letter to the Jieyang City Intermediate People's Court, refuting the decision made in January by the Kedong Court to sentence her to three years. Ms. Wu Jingjuan is now detained in Kedong County Detention Centre. We appeal to people around the world for support and rescue efforts.
Cruelty in Henan Province Forced Labour Camp
2006-03-27In January 2004, Mr. Ma Lucheng, a practitioner from Jiaozuo, Henan Province, was taken to the Third Forced Labour Camp in Henan Province after he had already been on a 43 day hunger-strike in a detention centre. On the same evening, Jia Zhigang, the squadron captain of the third division, forced a pot of boiling water into Mr. Ma's stomach, causing him immeasurable pain. Director Liu pretended to be nice and took him to the hospital. In fact the officials tried to recruit him in brainwashing other practitioners, which was rejected by Mr. Ma.
Persecution-Related Deaths of Twenty-four More Practitioners Verified in February (Photos)
2006-03-27Civil channels in February 2006 have verified the torture deaths of twenty-four Falun Gong practitioners from Mainland China. Since the Chinese Communist Regime under former dictator Jiang Zemin's directions began persecuting Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, a total of 2,838 practitioners have been verified to have been tortured to death. Among these 24 death cases, eight of them took place in February alone. The victims' ages ranged from 35 to 64. Eleven of the 24 practitioners (46%) were women.
Practitioner Ms. Li Ping Brutally Tortured at Tianjin Women's Labour Camp
2006-03-27Due to the non-stop arrests, imprisonment and torture, 32-year-old Ms Li Ping was severely devastated both physically and psychologically. A once young, healthy woman with a promising future, Ms. Li has been reduced to a weak and mentally disoriented person. Because she shouted, "Falun Dafa is good," Ms. Li was put in a confinement cell, where she was deprived of sleep. She was not allowed to go to the dining hall to have meals, nor was she allowed water to drink. She could not get in touch with anybody, except the people who monitored her around the clock. She could not send letters to her family.