Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Reenactment of Torture Methods at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp - Part 4 (Photos)
2006-03-23Re-enactment of torture method: split legs and head against the floor. The practitioner's legs are split open to the maximum while he is handcuffed with his arms behind his back. The guards press his head downward until his face touches the floor. The practitioner's tendons are torn; it is excruciatingly painful. In mid-October 2000, practitioner Zou Guirong, who was later tortured to death, was tortured this way. She wrote, "Guards and collaborators pushed me down, tied my hands behind my back and pressed my head toward my thighs. My body bent like a compressed spring. I could hardly breathe and I screamed."
Police Try to Cover Up Theirs Crimes After Torturing Liu Zhirong to Death
2006-03-22On January 14th, people from the Tianshui Court brought practitioner Mr. Liu Zhirong's family to see his body at the hospital. A secretary from the court told them that Mr. Liu's death was a result of suicide. Mr. Liu's frozen body was lying on top of a portable bed. There was blood on his forearms and hands. There was a 2 to 3 foot scar on the right side of his neck. Two of his blood vessels were cut. Liu's wife cried and shouted, "He did not commit suicide! He did not commit suicide! He was tortured to death by you, the police! I will find out who the murderer is." She knew that her husband was a true believer and practitioner of Falun Gong and was an honorable man. He would never have attempted to commit suicide.
Two Practitioners in Hebei Province, Die Shortly After Being Arrested
2006-03-22On March 7th, 2006, police arrested some practitioners. Practitioner Mr. Hong, around 20, used to have kidney problems. After he took up the practice of Falun Gong, his symptoms improved, however, the kidney problem still relapsed from time to time. The female practitioner used to have cancer. On the day of the arrest, after he was taken to the police car, the police saw that Hong Fei was not in good health and they threw him out of the car and onto the street. As a result, Hong Fei died. The female practitioner fainted when she was arrested. Not long after, she also passed away. The details of these two deaths are being investigated. At present, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is spreading the rumour that the two practitioners died because of their practice of Falun Gong.
Two Older Falun Dafa Practitioners from Beijing Die Due to Persecution
2006-03-22Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Tang Jianshu was 65 years old. She was arrested seven or eight times for appealing for Falun Dafa. When Ms. Tang was detained in the Haidian District Detention Centre, she was tortured with severe electric baton shocks, causing her body to be covered with scars. Due to long-term mistreatment by the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution, she became severely ill, had a blurry mind, could not speak clearly, experienced slow reactions, and could not recognise her friends or family. She died in October 2005.
Reenactment of Torture Methods at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp - Part 3 (Photos)
2006-03-22This re-enactment photo shows the torture method of squatting and handcuffing. The practitioner is handcuffed to the railing of the bottom bunk and his lower body is forced underneath the bed. This is a horrific torture. The practitioner is handcuffed this way for several hours, several days or more than ten days.
Witness Continues to Reveal the Horrors of Organ Removal from Live Falun Gong Practitioners Inside the Sujiatun Concentration Camp
2006-03-21Another interview was conducted with the witness who came forward several days ago to reveal details regarding the Sujiatun concentration camp in Northeast China. In this interview the witness revealed that her ex-husband was one of the main surgeons in the concentration camp. He is a brain surgeon, and was mainly in charge of cornea removal.
Practitioner Mr. Zheng Yongguang Tortured to Death During Second Labour Camp Detention
2006-03-21Mr. Zheng Yongguang persisted in practising Falun Dafa. Communist regime officials unconstitutionally detained him five times, and he was twice sent to labour camps. During the first detention at a labour camp he was beaten so mercilessly that he sustained a ruptured spleen. Mr. Zheng required surgery to remove the spleen. During the second labour camp incarceration he developed liver cirrhosis and tuberculosis. He died on March 9th, 2006.
Detailed Information on Mr. Du Shiliang's Death
2006-03-21Between 2002 and 2003, in order to "transform" Mr. Du Shiliang, the guards in Mudanjiang Prison forced him to work long hours during the day and deprived him of sleep at night. They also instigated a criminal inmate to torture Mr. Du many times. He had to haul water from the prison to the factory each day. Each time he did this he was exhausted and sweating from head to toe. Mr. Du Shiliang was forced to do intensive physical labour for long periods of time and deprived of the ability to do the Falun Dafa exercises. This was extremely difficult for someone over 60 years old. On January 20th 2006 his family received notification that Mr. Du had died that day due to an acute illness.
Three Practitioners from Neimenggu Province, Hebei Province, and Liaoning Province Died because of the Persecution of Falun Dafa
2006-03-21Ms. Wang Shuying was 51 years old. In November 2000, police searched her home and found some materials exposing the persecution. They "illegally detained" her at a detention centre for one year. Ms. Wang got sick because of long-term detention and persecution. In April 2001 and August 2002, she was sent to a brainwashing centre and went on a hunger strike to protest the illegal detention. The brainwashing centre then force-fed her. Her husband was also detained for six months simply because his wife was a Falun Dafa practitioner. Later on, police stopped by her home several times and harassed her. Ms. Wang Shuying died on January 22nd, 2006.
Re-enactment of Torture Methods at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp -- Part 2 (Photos)
2006-03-21The practitioner's legs are tightly tied with a thin rope with his legs in the double-crossed position; his arms are forced behind his back and handcuffed. There are two ways of handcuffing. The victim is tied in these positions for several hours or sometimes more than ten hours at a time. The captors place foul-smelling shoes and other filthy things underneath the victims' noses and sometimes they tape the practitioner's mouth shut.
Rape Victim Arrested Again, Zhuozhou City Hit with Heavy Storms
2006-03-20Early in March 2006, the victim of the Zhuozhou City rape case, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Jizhi, and her daughter were arrested in Beijing by Zhuozhou City 610 Office and State Security Agents. Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Jizhi cannot find justice anywhere after being raped in police custody. Instead, she was arrested. Ms. Liu Jizhi is a farm worker who lives in Zhuozhou City, Hebei Province. Just because she refused to give up her faith in Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance, she was arrested and tortured by policemen from the Dongchengfang Town Station. On November 24th, 2005, she was raped by policeman He Xuwjian.
Chinese Communist Party Officials at the Law School in Lanzhou City Brutally Persecute a 70-year-old Practitioner
2006-03-20Longjiawan Law (Training) School, Gansu Province is responsible for torturing Ms. Luo Qingshu, a Falun Dafa practitioner who is 70-years-old. She was once handcuffed and hung-up for as long as 12 days and nights. A police officer named Qi once yelled at her, "You are against the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). You say I have handcuffed you and hung you up five times. Then I will handcuff you and hang you up ten times, one hundred times. I will peel off your skin and pull out your tendons. You are such a stubborn person.
Practitioner Ms. Liu Ying in Chengdu City Arrested and Injected with Toxic Drugs
2006-03-20The 610 Office personnel have arrested practitioner Ms. Liu Yingmany times. They injected her with drugs causing her to become mentally disordered and unable to take care of herself. On February 21th, 2006, the 610 Office went with the local police department to Ms. Liu's home and arrested her, together with the two practitioners who were taking care of her at her home. Currently, no one knows where they are detained.
Reenactment of Torture Methods at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp -- Part 1 (Photos)
2006-03-20Torture re-enactment: hanging upside-down. The practitioner's legs are pulled through the bottom railing of a bunk bed with his head pointing downward in mid-air. His arms are tied behind his back. As a result of being positioned upside down, the practitioner usually experiences blood rushing to the head, which causes severe swelling of the head. Several minutes later he suffers from shortness of breath and dizzy spells. Guard Wang Xiuju tortured practitioner Zhang Xiuling this way and ordered collaborators to hit her head until her eyes turned black and blue. They even burned her face with a lit piece of paper.
Practitioner Mr. Xiao Guozhi's Face Disfigured from Beating in Tieling City Labour Camp
2006-03-19On the morning of February 14th, 2006, the Fifth Ward Head brutally beat five detained Falun Dafa practitioners and shock them with electric batons. One of the practitioners, Mr. Xiao Guozhi has been severely injured, and his face is severely disfigured due to the electric baton shocks. His lips are curved outward, and are swollen to one and a half inches thick; the left side of his face is deformed from the swelling, with a 5-inch-long unhealed wound from a baton burn, seeping liquid. His deformed face is a tragic sight to behold.