Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Call for Urgent Rescue of Several Dafa Practitioners from Fushun Slated for Secret Transfer
2006-04-03It was learned recently that several Dafa practitioners from Fushun, Liaoning Province, who have been suffering from long-term persecution, would be transferred to "a place." According to the insider who exposed the Sujiatun Concentration Camp, Falun Gong practitioners from the provinces of Liaoning, Jilin and Heilongjiang in the northeast, and those from provinces in central China were being transferred to a secret place. The current situation of the above-mentioned Dafa practitioners from Fushun is extremely worrying.
Harbin Women's Prison Head Liu Zhiqiang Incites Inmates to Persecute Dafa Practitioners
2006-04-02Harbin Women's Prison Head, Liu Zhiqiang, is inciting inmates to rampantly persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. The situation is very urgent, and help is needed to rescue the practitioners.The more that inmates torture practitioners, the earlier they can be released. Nine thugs all achieved the highest score for early release. They rampantly persecuted practitioners, and here are some examples.
Eyelids Pierced with Needles and Suffocated with Smoke: Tortures Practitioner Wang Bingwen Endures at Qingdao Forced Labour Camp (Photos)
2006-04-02While he was illegally detained at the Qingdao Forced Labour Camp over last two years, Falun Dafa practitioner Wang Bingwen has suffered devastating and shocking inhumane treatment. In order to "transform" Wang Bingwen, the police deprived him of sleep for 14 consecutive days, suffocated him with smoke, burned him, stabbed him with needles, and beat him. After being beaten to the point that he lost consciousness, they continued beating him to awaken him. They tied him onto a stool so that he could not move at all. As a result, Wang Bingwen's muscles became seriously atrophied.
Four Practitioners from Shandong and Hubei Provinces Die as a Result of Persecution
2006-04-0288 year old Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Hu Huaide lived in Dongxiya Village, Shandong Province. He started to practise Falun Gong in 1998. Under the persecution of the Chinese Communist Party there was not a quiet day in Mr. Hu's house. His house was ransacked three times and his son was illegally detained nine times, sent to a detention centre five times, and sent to a forced labour camp for three years. On several occasions, a large amount of money was extorted from his son. The family's crops, valued at 50,000 yuan, were also ruined The severe mental torment made him mentally disordered, and he passed away on September 26th, 2005.
Revisiting the CCP's Crimes in Anshan in Light of Sujiatun Concentration Camp
2006-04-02On August 27th, 2002, her abusers tortured Ms. Zhang Li so cruelly in Anshan Detention Centre that her life was hanging by a thread before she was finally sent to the hospital. Because the police denied her any medical treatment until it was too late, she subsequently died. As confirmed by eyewitnesses, Ms. Zhang Li's trachea and armpit were sliced open as she was dying. After each interrogation, others witnessed that she was scored with bloody knife wounds.
New Witness: There Are Dozens of Similar Concentration Camps
2006-04-01After the first two witnesses exposed the Sujiatun atrocities, another witness who identified himself as "a veteran military doctor in the General Logistics Department of the Shenyang Military Region" stepped forward to point out that the Sujiatun Concentration Camp indeed exists, organ harvesting and cremation of bodies is done routinely there, and some are even cremated while still alive. He stated that the Sujiatun hospital is only one of 36 similar concentration camps. Findings from the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong point to a similar situation.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Bai Shaohua Near Death; Can the Persecutors Escape Responsibility for Their Crimes? (Photo)
2006-04-01Mr. Bai Shaohua was tortured nearly to death. He had been sent home from the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp and, even though he had not recovered from the torture and could not walk on his own, agents from the Communist regime again arrested him.
Ms. Zhou Guilan Arrested by Police in Daqing City
2006-04-01Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhou Guilan is in her 60s and lives alone in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. At around 3:00 p.m. on February 26th, 2006, policemen arrested her at home. They cut the electricity first, then stormed into her apartment when she came out to check the plugs, ransacking her place. Ms. Zhou Guilan's daughter and son went to the police department every day for three days to request a visit with their mother, but they were refused. It was still very cold, and the police refused to allow them to send her warm clothes.
CCP Harasses and Arrests Practitioners in Yanji City Prior to the Two Congresses
2006-04-01From February 28th, 2006, until the beginning of the Two Congresses (Congress for People's Representatives and Congress for Political Consultation), the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) conducted another round of persecution against practitioners in the Yanbian area, including eight counties and cities such as Yanji, Tumen, Antu and Longjing. The situation in other areas is unknown due to the information blockade. This was part of a nationwide persecution against practitioners during the Two Party Congresses.
Mr. Wang Zhige Made Blind in One Eye by Police in Heilongjiang Province
2006-04-01Practitioner Mr. Wang Zhige was unjustly sentenced and imprisoned in Hulan Jail, Heilongjiang Province. There he was tortured by the prison guards and common criminals. Then in Fangzheng County Jail, police officers to beat Mr. Wang Zhige on the face, causing loss of sight in his right eye. He went on a hunger strike to protest and was brutally force-fed.
Police in Changzhou and Shanghai Prohibit Friends of Deceased Practitioner Wu Dianhui to Visit His Family
2006-03-31After suffering brutal tortures for over six years, Wu Dianhui passed away on February 11th 2006. During his two-year detention, the police shocked him with electric batons, which burned his skin. He was forced to do intensive labour during the day and was deprived of sleep at night. Very frequently he was put into solitary confinement, handcuffed, chained, and beaten by other inmates.
Chinese Communist Party Persecutes Blind Falun Gong Practitioner
2006-03-31Wu Wenzhang, went to Beijing in 2001 to say, "Falun Dafa is good." The police arrested him, he was savagely tortured and then sent back to his hometown, where he was detained for fifteen days. Wu Wenzhang left home to avoid further persecution. On April 30th, 2004, police found him and arrested him. He was unlawfully sentenced to three-and one-half years in May 2004. Jidong Prison have persecuted him ever since. Before the 2006 Chinese New Year, Mr. Wu showed symptoms of severe illnesses and he could not eat. The prison authorities firmly refused to release him.
Personnel from the Education Council in Chongqing Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2006-03-31Since the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, the Party secretary and the director in charge of the Education Council of Jiangbei District, Chongqing have been playing notorious roles in carrying out the secret order of Jiang Zemin to "defame, financially crush, and physically eliminate" Falun Gong practitioners. Education Council secretary Kong Fanming and director Tang Jianzhong fully cooperated with the 610 Office to brutally persecute teachers who refuse to renounce Falun Dafa in middle and elementary schools in the entire district.
After Medical Parole for Torture-induced Terminal Illness, Ms. Chen Weijun is Again Detained at Heilongjiang Women's Prison
2006-03-31Ms. Chen Weijun was illegally arrested and detained during the past six years. She has suffered excruciating pain dozens of times, and was released only after her life was in danger. She was attacked and beaten with electric batons, was hung up, force fed with a nasal tube. They pulled the feeding tube back and forth after it had been inserted, then left the tube inside her stomach for a long time until the tube grew green fuzz. This happen repeatedly. She was diagnosed with late stage uterine cancer. The cancer had spread and she was given three months to live. She was not bailed out until August 2005, but was arrested again on October 17th. Currently she is still being persecuted in the Heilongjiang Women's Prison in Harbin City.
Liu Jizhi, Where Are You?
2006-03-30My heart sank to the floor when I learned that Dafa practitioner Ms. Liu Jizhi had been illegally arrested yet again. She had suffered so much humiliation and physical trauma from being raped by a policeman. After the persecutors at the Baoding City Police Department in Hebei Province vowed to find the two rape victims in order to "destroy live evidence so there is no way to verify the facts," Liu Jizhi was arrested again. Liu Jizhi's daughter was arrested along with her. Nothing has been heard from mother and daughter during the past dozen days.