Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
16 Falun Dafa Practitioners from Various Provinces Passed Away Under Persecution
2005-06-06Practitioner Mr. Liu Jinguo, 39, went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. On the evening of May 6, 2001, he was arrested by several policemen when he was telling people the truth about Falun Dafa and explaining that practitioners are innocent people being wrongfully persecuted. He was brutally beaten and was later sentenced to two years of forced labour. He was sent to the Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City. At the labour camp, he developed severe scabies and was once near-death. When he was released in July 2003, he could hardly walk. In early 2004, a storage place for leaflets exposing the persecution was destroyed by the government, and his name was disclosed. He was forced to become homeless to avoid persecution. After a long period of isolation and emotional pressure, his physical condition worsened. He passed away on May 12, 2005.
Fourteen Falun Dafa Practitioners Die As a Result of the Persecution in Four Different Provinces of China
2005-06-06Ms. Ding Giulian, fifty-one years old, was a Falun Dafa practitioner who lived in Liaoning Province. She was diagnosed with cancer in 1994 and started to practise Falun Dafa in 1995. Her health improved greatly and she was once again healthy in both body and mind. In October of 2000, Ms. Ding travelled to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Dafa and was arrested at Dailian Airport. She was detained and subjected to persecution at a detention centre. Due to the enormous stress, Ms. Ding suffered a relapse of her old disease, and she died on October 14, 2001.
Ten Falun Gong Practitioners from Various Locations Die Due to Persecution
2005-06-06Ms. Zheng Chenggui was over seventy years old from Hunan Province. In October of 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. She was escorted back to her home town, where the local 610 Office and the public security bureaus frequently threatened and harassed her. In March of 2002, she was reported while telling people in a village the truth about Falun Dafa and explaining that practitioners are innocent people being wrongfully persecuted. She was detained and tortured at the county detention centre for three months. Upon returning home, her health deteriorated, and she passed away in April of 2004.
Elderly Mr. Li Peiyi from Anhui Province Passes Away after Suffering Brutal Torture in Labour Camp and Mental Hospital
2005-06-0568 year old Falun Dafa practitioner Li Peiyi was sent to a forced labour camp and mental hospital by the 610 Office because he persisted in practising Falun Dafa. He was seriously injured physically and mentally, and suffered severe memory loss due to the savage torture. As a result Li Peiyi lost his memory and often cried. Despite his condition, the police harassed and intimidated him at his home, and forced him to write a guarantee statement to give up practising Falun Dafa. His family lived in fear. As a result of the all the persecution he suffered, Li Peiyi passed away in April 2005.
Mr. Du Yingguang of Tianjin City Suffered Brutal Tortures; Excrement Was Wiped in His Mouth and Nostrils
2005-06-0531 year old Mr. Du Yingguang suffered unspeakable torture in a forced labour camp. During one horrifying round the police shocked him with electric batons, continuously soaked him with cold water on a freezing cold night and wouldn't let him sleep at night. They tied him up in a chair and ordered inmates to smear faeces on his face, mouth and nose. The inmates pinched his nose closed to force him to breathe through his mouth, and then they smeared the faeces into his mouth and nose. A policeman then squeezed mustard into his nostrils. They tortured him for over 20 days.
Fourteen Falun Dafa Practitioners from Jilin, Hebei, Hubei, Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia and Yunnan Provinces Persecuted to Death
2005-06-05After the persecution began in July 1999, 66 year old Ms. Wang Renying was detained for saying "Falun Dafa is good" to the Hubei provincial government. She was released only after signing a "guarantee statement" under torture that said she would not practise Falun Dafa anymore. Officials repeatedly harassed her, ransacked her home, extorted money from her and sent her to brainwashing classes several times. Ms. Wang was then forced to sign her name on a guarantee statement, saying that she would not travel to Beijing to appeal. After that, her body deteriorated day after day until she suffered a mental breakdown. She suffered internal bleeding from a ruptured blood vessel in her brain and passed away on February 24, 2002. Her dying wish to see her husband was denied.
Practitioner Ms. Wang Yuqin Died After Suffering Persecution at the Judong Women's Labour Camp
2005-06-05Ms. Wang Yuqin was 45. She believed so strongly that Falun Dafa is good and that the persecution is unjust, she went to Beijing three times to appeal, one time on foot. She was arrested three times and persecuted brutally and brainwashed. As a result She was later diagnosed with colon cancer and released on medical parole. She passed away on March 13, 2002.
Mr. Pan Hongdong Was Recently Tortured to Death in Prison in Heilongjiang Province
2005-06-04Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Pan Hongdong was tortured to death in Tailai Prison on May 15, 2005. Policemen from the Tiefeng Criminal Police Squad brutally tortured him using various means, including shocking his genitals with an electric baton. He was tortured beyond recognition. His body was covered with scars and wounds; there were bloodstains near his mouth, ears, and nose; there was a round scar on his chest; and there were obvious bloodstains on his legs and back. He was a really pitiful sight!
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Huang Liping from Hubei Province Dies as a Result of Torture
2005-06-04On July 9, 2003, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Huang Liping was arrested by police for continuing in her cultivation practice. She was taken to a detention centre, where she was savagely tortured. The guards injured her throat cartilage and vocal cords during a brutal forced-feeding. Ms. Huang aspirated food into one of her lungs, causing violent coughing. After she was released from detention, she was sent to hospital, where an X-ray revealed necrosis of all but a ping-pong ball-sized part of her lung. She often choked on food. The major parts of her lungs became web-like, covered with dead tissue, and she could not drink fluids or eat normally. Ms. Huang passed away on May 4, 2005.
Police Officers in Liaoning Province Murdered Ms. Liu Zhi
2005-06-04Ms. Liu Zhi was forced to leave her home to avoid persecution. However, she then returned home to help her son go to school. On August 20, police officers broke into her home. Without even letting her put on a jacket, they took Ms. Liu to the brainwashing centre. Within days, she was tortured to death. The authorities did not permit her family to hold funeral services, and unlawfully cremated her body.
The Mental Hospitals in Jiangsu Province Use Drugs to Torture Falun Gong Practitioners
2005-06-04A practitioner imprisoned in one of the mental hospitals in Xuzhou City was forcibly injected with unknown drugs twice, and force-fed drugs three times. After the injection was forced upon him, the practitioner's limbs became weak. His whole body was in pain and was trembling. His state of mind was unclear, and his thoughts became confused to the point where he could not follow directions. He also could not chew food, and rice would easily fall out of his mouth. He was unable to find his way to the door of the toilet. Staring straight ahead, he walked slowly and drooled. He didn't even have the strength to wash his face or brush his teeth.
An Appeal to Rescue 17 Orphans in China Whose Lives Are at Risk
2005-06-04June 1st is International Children's Day, when children around the world are celebrating their own holiday. On this very day and under the same heaven, however, an unbelievable tragedy is happening to a large group of children in China, which boasts a glorious history of over 5000 years.
A Dutch Practitioner’s Experience of Being kidnapped in China
2005-06-03They asked me many questions. I did not mind telling them my good experiences of practising Falun Gong. I told them all about it. But when they asked me specific things like the names of people, certain events or things I felt that could harm other people, I was not willing to tell them. They were not satisfied with my answers and they told me that I was not cooperating well.
56 Year Old Ms. Liu Yawen Arrested While Distributing Information, Amnesty International Starts Rescue Campaign
2005-06-03According to an announcement by Amnesty International of the United States, 56- year-old Ms. Liu Yawen was arrested on March 31 in Beijing when she was distributing Video CDs containing information about Falun Gong. She was detained in isolation and subjected to interrogation in a detention centre in Beijing. It is likely that she was also brutally tortured. We have learned that officials at the detention centre won't allow Ms. Liu's family members to visit her. In the meantime, officials from the neighbourhood committee and the police station went to search Ms. Liu's house.
Seventeen Falun Dafa Practitioners Reported Dead from the Persecution
2005-06-0346 year old Mr. Zhao Xin was arrested and detained at a detention centre in 2000. Police brutally tortured him. He was handcuffed for a long time. His top teeth were knocked out. A policeman kicked him in his chest seventeen times, which caused internal bleeding. After he was released, he still felt pain inside his chest, and he spat out dark-red blood several times. Even after his release the police continued to closely monitor him. His health condition deteriorated, and he felt unbearable pain in his chest during the latter half of 2004. He died on January 15, 2005.