Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Seven Falun Gong Practitioners from Jiangxi Province, Jilin Province, Heilongjiang Province and Shandong Province Were Persecuted To Death
2005-04-23Mr. Li Yizhong, 62 years old, was a school teacher from Jiangxi Province. In July 2000, the police arrested him and detained him in a detention centre. During detention the police ordered seven inmates to take turns beating him. After his release, he vomited a lot of blood and his health took a turn for the worse. In 2001, Mr. Li was arrested in Tiananmen Square for appealing for Falun Gong. After being released, he could not go home for fear of further persecution. He was homeless for over three months and his health worsened. The 610 Office ransacked his home, fined his family, the school fired him. Under such stress Mr. Li died on March 14, 2005.
Three Elderly Falun Gong Practitioners from Liaoning Province Died from Persecution
2005-04-23Not only have Falun Dafa practitioners endured extreme torture and physical abuse in this relentless peresecution but they and their families have also suffered heartache, pain and loss as family members are arrested, incarcerated, tortured and even killed. Such is the case of 69 year old Ms. Wang Fuqin, whose three daughters were sent to jail for practising Falun Dafa, one of whom was badly tortured. She could not take the huge blow of the series of events of her family members being persecuted, and in March 2004, Wang Fuqin passed away.
Jilin Province Police Hammer Thumbtacks into Fingernails of Practitioner Accused of Tapping into TV Signals
2005-04-23The Jilin Province Police Department has revealed that in March 2002, they captured a Falun Dafa practitioner because he had intended to tap into the cable television system and broadcast a video exposing the persecution. The practitioner, whose name remains unknown, was very determined and refused to answer any questions. So, whenever the desired result was not immediately forthcoming, the police would hammer a thumbtack into one of his fingernails. It remains unknown exactly how many thumbtacks were hammered in, because the interrogation team soon began doing it after each question. No mercy was ever shown.
Torture Methods Used on Practitioners in Shanghai's Tilanqiao Prison
2005-04-23In Shanghai's Tilanqiao Prison Falun Gong practitioners are detained with death row inmates. Prison guards treat practitioners the same as these dangerous criminals except that they are not handcuffed. However, they are often treated worse than the criminals on death row. Practitioners are detained in the three-by-three-metre prison cells for 24 hours a day, year after year. There is unremitting mental torture. Withering leg muscles and sores are common for practitioners. Their bodies and minds are severely tormented.
Mr. Ge Xinzhong Dies as a Result of Persecution for Taking in a Fellow Practitioner; Police Attempt to Cover It Up
2005-04-22Practitioner Mr. Ge Xinzhong took in another practitioner who had been released from a labour camp and for this he was arrested and put in a detention centre. In the detention centre, Mr. Ge Xinzhong went on hunger strike for nearly 30 days. After being tortured by force-feeding until he was at his last gasp, he was sent to the county hospital, where all efforts to save him failed. He died on March 25 of this year.
Seven Older Falun Dafa Practitioners from Henan Province Die as a Result of Persecution
2005-04-2258 year old Ms. Li Fengling, 58, lived in Henan Province. She had previously suffered from severe heart disease and had surgery to replace a heart valve. She became very healthy after she started the practice of Falun Dafa. In July 1999, the police abducted her from home and held her in a detention centre for six weeks. She remained determined during her detention. She kept on practising Dafa after her release, despite numerous difficulties due to the police monitoring and harassment. However, she had a relapse of her old illness and passed away in October 2001.
Four Falun Dafa Practitioners from Beijing and Hebei Province Die from Persecution
2005-04-22Ms. Zheng Zongying, 44, lived near Bejing City. She was gravely ill before she learned Falun Dafa, but became healthy after starting the practice in 1998. She knew from the bottom of her heart that Falun Dafa gave her a second life. After Jiang Zemin's faction began persecuting Falun Gong, she went to Beijing to appeal in 2001. She was arrested by police in Tiananmen Square, and was sent to a detention centre. There she was severely beaten, and incurred injuries all over her body. Ms. Zheng's health deteriorated after she was released, and she died in late 2001.
Eleven Practitioners, Including Nine Elderly, Died from Physical and Mental Trauma Due to Persecution
2005-04-22Practitioner Mr. Sun Jinzhou, 60 years old, had worked at the Huanggang City Embankment Division. He had already lost the most of his teeth and was sickly. After he started practising Falun Gong, he miraculously grew new teeth and all of his illnesses disappeared. After July 20, 1999, he refused to write a "guarantee statement" to stop practising Falun Dafa despite pressure from his workplace and frequent harassment and threats from his son. He passed away in October 2003 after suffering relentless persecution.
Zhang Yichao, an 18-Year-Old Girl from Inner Mongolia, Died as a Result of the Persecution of Her Family
2005-04-21Ms. Zhang Yichao was a young woman. She and her parents all practised Falun Gong. The police arrested her parents and Yichao was persecuted by the political thugs in her school. To avoid further persecution, she left home. Yichao contracted tuberculosis working in places far away from home. She later returned home but died on April 6, 2005. Zhang Yichao was only 18 years old.
Liaoning Province Practitioner Wang Yuemin Dies from Persecution - Three Family Members Arrested
2005-04-21In March 2005, police from Fuxin City, Liaoning Province arrested Falun Dafa practitioner Wang Xiuying, her brother Wang Yuemin and her son Wang Bing. Wang Yuemin was persecuted and tortured repeatedly. The authorities released him after his haemoglobin count dropped to only three grams and his life was in danger. He became extremely weak and passed away on March 24, 2005 at the age of forty-three.
Five Falun Gong Practitioners in Their Seventies Passed Away Due to the Persecution
2005-04-2177 year old Ms. Chen Xianglan started practising Falun Gong in 1997. In October 1999, she went to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong and was sent back to Liaoning Province. She was detained for one month before she was sent to a brainwashing centre. The officers pressured Ms. Chen to write a guarantee statement to give up Falun Dafa by not allowing her to sleep or go home. Later she was fined and her home ransacked. The police threatened her and kept her under surveillance. When they sent her daughter to a forced labour camp for the second time she suffered terribly. She lost her eyesight, and her old illness came back. Ms. Chen died in August 2001.
Seven Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioners in Liaoning, Hebei, Guizhou and Henan Provinces Die as a Result of Persecution
2005-04-21These seven practitioners were all elderly ladies except one and were aged between 59 and 94. It is inconceivable that a 94 year old lady should be considered a threat to society because she practised Falun Dafa and followed the principles of Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance. Yet the sad truth is that she was threatened by police and members of her family were sentenced to forced labour camps. She subsequently gave up the practice and passed away in March 2003.
Update on the Son of Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Zhongrong of Sichuan Province Who Was Tortured to Death
2005-04-2033 year old Ms. Zhang Zhongrong was tortured to death around 6 p.m. on August 26, 2002 by officials from Yangjia Town government. Shortly after 1 p.m. on August 26, Zhang Zhongrong and her husband were harvesting crops when police officers arrived and took her away, despite the couple's pleas. The officials said, "You have to pay 2,000 yuan and attend the 10-day class before you can go home and harvest the crops." She was frustrated and cried. They tried to force her to curse Falun Dafa. She firmly refused to obey their orders. After 6 p.m. a practitioner saw Zhang Zhongrong lying lifeless in a hallway in the government building.
Liu Yongjing Brutally Tortured by the 610 Office and Linyi City Detention Centre
2005-04-20Liu Yongjing was arrested on June 10, 2004. He was beaten black and blue and thrown into the Linyi City Detention Centre that night, with hands and feet shackled. He held a hunger strike to protest this persecution. On about the fourth day of his hunger strike, policemen from the detention centre force-fed him by pushing a tube into his stomach. The tube was not the thin, silica gel tube required by hospitals, but a thick, rubber tube. It was very painful having such a tube forced into his body. The perpetrators then pushed the tube in, then pulled it out, and repeated this torture. This nearly resulted in Liu Yongjing's death. His cries for help were heard at the beginning then faded away. Liu Yongjing was on the verge of death after that torture.
More Details About Mr. Chen Xueda, an Engineer from Liaoning Province Who Died as a Result of Persecution
2005-04-20Mr. Chen, 67 years old, a chief engineer always worked conscientiously and was devoted to his company. He became ill from overwork. So when he took up the practice of Falun Dafa and he recovered and was full of vigour, he was naturally filled with gratitude towards the practice. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, Mr. Chen spoke frankly and submitted a written statement supporting Falun Dafa. However he was arrested and detained in the local detention centre and jail, where he was severely persecuted. Even at home his workplace tried to force him to renounce Falun Dafa. Chen Xueda died suddenly on January 23, 2004.