Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
60 Year Old Ningxia Province Practitioner Ms Zhang Yufang Paralysed Due to Persecution
2004-07-0860 year old Ms Zhang Yufang is a retired official from Ningxia Province. Because she continued to practise Falun Dafa, she was imprisoned in the Young Women's Labour Camp of Ningxia for two years. She had to undergo brainwashing, hard labour and torture which resulted in her having a stroke. She is now paralysed down one side of her body and cannot take care of herself. Her husband was also imprisoned and her daughter was forced to live in exile to avoid arrest.
Practitioner Ms. Li Xiaqiu is Tortured to the Point of Mental Collapse at the Tumuji Forced Labour Camp
2004-07-08Li Xiaqiu is a beautiful and kind girl. She lived in Manzhouli City, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region. She was detained at the Tumuji Forced Labour Camp because she practised Falun Gong. Only in her thirties, she suffered violent abuse, which led her to have serious heart problems and a mental breakdown. According to the labour camp regulations, someone with a health condition like hers should have been given medical parole and sent home for treatment. But she suffered in the labour camp for over two years.
Illustrations of Torture Methods Used to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners (Number 31) - Locked to a Ground Ring (Photo)
2004-07-08In this torture, the victim's hands are handcuffed and the feet are shackled. Under such torture, the victim can only sit and is unable to lie down. The police often lock practitioners this way for several days straight. If the practitioners want to use the toilet or eat meals, they need other people's help. In the winter, the victim is not allowed to wear warm clothes. Normally many people would collapse under such torture in no more than two weeks.
Jilin Province Dafa Practitioner Wu Keli Almost Blind Due to Torture
2004-07-07Fifty-six-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Wu Keli was from Jilin Province. After he started practising Falun Dafa people who knew him well commented, "If every manager were like him, there would not be any corruption." In March 2002 he was deceived into going to a police station and then sent to a detention centre, where he has become almost blind due to torture.
Hospital Security Workers Abduct Doctor, Police Beat A Friend Who Comes to Her Aid
2004-07-07Ms. Wang Qihui is a retired doctor from the Chinese Medical Hospital in Yunnan Province. Since the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, the police and work unit have had her under surveillance. On holidays or so-called sensitive days, hospital security workers would take her and detain her in the hospital. In 2002, she was taken to Kunming Mental Hospital and suffered brutal torture physically and mentally during the so-called "treatment."
Illustrations of Torture Methods Used to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners (19-30)
2004-07-06Method 22: Sitting on a Small Stool: This is not an ordinary stool. There are very small squares carved or molded on the surface. The police tie the practitioners so that they can't stand up. After sitting on the stool for a while, the small squares cut into the practitioners flesh, causing the buttocks to bleed and fester. This is a very cruel torture.
60 Year Old Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Qin Jinxiu of Hubei Province, Passed Away Due to Continuous Persecution
2004-07-06Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Qin Jinxiu, was 60 years old and retired. She was imprisoned many times and brutally tortured. Ms. Qin, however, refused to compromise and insisted on telling people the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution, using any means. The police put her in a cell with just enough room for one person to stand, and interrogated her.every three hours, did not allow her to sleep, eat, or use the toilet. After she was allowed to go home, she was harassed by police and passed away on February 23, 2004.
Dreadful Persecution of Gansu Province Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Jin Jilin
2004-07-06Mr Jin Jilin is a 41-year-old Dafa practitioner from Gansu Province. He was sentenced to 12 months' hard labour and later 10 years of hard labour where he suffered severe torture, because he would not renounce his belief in Falun Dafa. For months afterwards, Mr. Jin could not wear any clothes. In March 2004, he was sent to prison for 50 days where he was continuously shocked with electric batons and also violently beaten and kicked.
Dafa Practitioners in China Strongly Condemn the Jiang Regime's Terrorist Acts
2004-07-06"We are extremely shocked upon learning that an Australian Falun Gong practitioner was shot in South Africa. Jiang's regime has blatantly carried out a terrorist act on the soil of another country, taking its persecution abroad. All practitioners in Guangdong Province strongly condemn the Jiang regime for their hiring of thugs to shoot Falun Gong practitioners. We call upon all kindhearted people in the world to awaken to the evil nature of Jiang's regime and condemn such appalling violence!"
Supplementary Information About the Death of Ms Li Chunrong - Lingyuan City Police Responsible (Photo)
2004-07-05Ms. Li Chunrong lived in Liaoning Province. Ms. Li was persecuted because she practised Falun Gong and died at the age of 48. She was abducted and sent to a detention centre for two weeks. She was mentally tormented, and physically abused. Just three days after her husband brought her home, she suffered a brain haemorrhage and passed away.
Dafa Practitioners Brutally Persecuted at the Zhangjiakou City Brainwashing Centre (Photos)
2004-07-0518 year old high school student Ms. Zhang Conghui was expelled from school because she clarified the truth about Falun Gong at school. Later she was detained at a detention centre and brutally tortured and made to undergo brainwashing. There are scars all over her body and hands from the torture she suffered. After two months of torture, she was released. Right now, she has a dull look, and she exhibits mental confusion. Her mental capacity is just the same as a child of two or three years old.
Practitioner Li Jiangang, Is Abducted Right Before His Wedding
2004-07-05Mr. Li Jiangang of Shandong Province, was abducted a few days before his wedding. On April 24, 2004, while driving, he was suddenly stopped and apprehended by Weifang National Security agents. The next morning police attempted to abduct his fiancee and her mother. Fortunately they escaped. The wedding money that they had saved and put aside was taken when the National Security policemen ransacked the apartment.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Meng Qingxia from Jilin Province Dies as a Result of the Persecution
2004-07-04Ms. Meng Qingxia was a 40-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner from Jilin Province. She was sent to Changchun City Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp in November 2002. During the detention, as she remained firm in her belief, yet torture made her so weak that she was skin and bones. In November 2003, she was sent back home. However, she was never able to recover and passed away on April 1, 2004.
Ms Shen Jianli, a Lecturer from Jilin University, is Tortured to Death, Her Family Members Also Suffer Greatly
2004-07-04On March 6, 2002, Ms Shen Jianli, a Jilin university lecturer, went to attend her husband Zheng Weidong's trial. The authorities arrested her inside the courtroom and left her daughter alone at the gate of the court. Zheng Weidong was sentenced to 13 years in prison. Within one month of her arrest, Ms. Shen was tortured to death. This injustice allowed for a wife and mother to be tortured to death, and for a husband and father to be sentenced to a long prison term. A little girl thus lost her father at age 3 and her mother when she was just 5.
An Account of the Persecution My Wife and I Suffered and How She Was Tortured To Death
2004-07-04My name is Zhang Qizhen. I am fifty-five years old and a Dafa practitioner. My wife, An Xiukun, also a practitioner, was forty-nine years old. My wife went to Beijing four times to appeal. Each time she was arrested, detained, and tortured. In June 2000, the police brutally force-fed her in a detention centre. She was rendered comatose. When intravenous infusion failed to revive her, she was sent to the hospital on June 7. She died on June 11. I also suffered brutal treatment for three years in a labour camp.