Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Outrageous Means of Torture Used Against Falun Gong Practitioner in Fanjiatai Labour Camp
2003-07-20In the brickyard kiln of Fanjiatai Labour Camp, it is 80º C (around 160º F to 170º F) hot all year round, and the burning bricks were bright red. One day the police pushed Liao Yuanhua onto a pile of burning bricks. With smoke coming from his burnt body and with miserable cries, Liao Yuanhua fainted. The police laughed mercilessly at seeing his suffering.
Exposing the Evil in Baoding City Forced Labour Camp
2003-07-20Falun Gong practitioners are forced to work up to 15 hours every day and fed only with low quality food. Occasionally the quality of the food improves, but this is only the case when people come to inspect the labour camp or when news reporters come for interviews. When those people arrive, the practitioners who courageously speak out to expose the evildoers in the camp are taken away and closely supervised, while a few carefully chosen former practitioners who turned against Dafa under torture are allowed to go out and sing praises of the labour camp.
Jiang Zemin Regime's "610 Office" Blatantly Leaves Behind Evidence of the Persecution at the Hebi City Bus Station, Henan Province (Photos)
2003-07-20The chilling words "Falun Gong practitioners are forbidden to ride buses" are clearly seen on the door of the Hebi City Bus Station, Henan Province.
Fushan City Detention Centre Torture to Death Dafa Practitioner to Death Tragically Leaving Six-year-old Child Orphaned Leaving
2003-07-19In October 1999, Huang Ke's wife Zhong Yunxiu was also tortured to death for being firm in practising Dafa. At that time, their child was not yet two years old. After Huang Ke's death, his elderly parents and his child, who is not yet six years old, are left uncared for. What a tragedy that Huang Ke's parents must live without their son; and what a tragedy that a young child must live without the love of his parents!
Living Hell for Falun Dafa Practitioners in Sanshui Forced Labour Camp
2003-07-19Police who tortured practitioners boastfully declared: "It is the people above who want us to do this. If you people die, we are not responsible according to the law." Sanshui Labour Camp Education Director Ye Xiujia said, "We are not doing anything illegal and you all can sue." In December, the most ruthless person who tortured practitioners was Lu Jinhu. This person had a wicked heart and was very rough. He used to hit Wang Bin and say: "I don't need to treat you as a human."
Conditions at Beijing's Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp During the Height of the SARS Panic
2003-07-19As soon as the impetus of SARS weakened, the police returned to their former patterns of wrongdoing and began rampantly persecuting Dafa again. Some even challenged Dafa practitioners in a weird tone. Now they have started a new round of persecution. The patrol resumed; working hours have gone back to normal; extended brainwashing hours have resumed. Some even said that SARS did not cause large scale deaths and used this as a tool to threaten Dafa practitioners. Right now, determined Dafa practitioners are still harassed and persecuted in various ways.
Forced Brainwashing and Relentless Torture Commonplace at Hebei Province Brainwashing Centre
2003-07-19They are deprived of sleep for long periods of time, ten to twenty days at a stretch. Practitioners are not permitted to have a bath or to shower, and they are forbidden from using the toilets. There are also undercover agents that act as practitioners, and try to brainwash them when their minds are exhausted. Under these hideous conditions the mind and body undergo extreme pain, and the mind suffers tremendously.
Experience In Chat Rooms: Treat Internet Spies With Righteous Thoughts
2003-07-19I feel the evil factors are indeed very few and feel much less pressure now in chat rooms. Many Internet spies are actually the ones who know the truth. We should expose them right after encountering them in the Internet and suppress them with righteous thoughts simultaneously. The evil is most afraid of being exposed, even in the chat room.
"610 Office" Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners and their Families During the SARS Epidemic in Hebei Province
2003-07-18Bai explained to the police that Falun Gong practitioners are all good people, and there is nothing wrong about cultivating truthfulness, compassion, and tolerance. Even the onlookers said, "How could she be wrong about that? They are good people." Then someone came and asked Bai to irrigate the field, but police would not let her. Bai's mother-in-law is over seventy years old. She was terrified beyond description.
Police in Detention Centre in Shantou City, Claim, "We Kill Practitioners to Meet Quota!"
2003-07-18The responsible government branches and officials have done nothing to punish the murderers. On the contrary, they threatened and harassed Chen's family members by admitting, "Your husband was killed by us for practising Falun Gong. We have gone to a lot of trouble in meeting quota [the given quota of killing Falun Gong practitioners]. How dare you speak out?! You want to be killed!?" After Chen died, Shantou City experienced thunderstorms for a whole week.
Baimalong Forced Labour Camp Inflicts Untold Physical and Psychological Damage upon Falun Dafa Practitioners
2003-07-18For more than three months, they tortured her with injections of nerve debilitating drugs once a week whereas the normal dosage for actually ill patients was once a month. These medicines caused severe damage to Yang's body, including: nausea, vomitting, fatigue, memory loss, unconsciousness, and loss of body control. Yang still had serious complications from these drugs half a year later.
Lanzhou City Second Detention Centre Guilty of Hideous Crimes against Dafa Practitioners
2003-07-18Each of the six Dafa practitioners suffered inhumane treatment. The police tortured the six practitioners by shackling them in this position for over 40 days. When the cuffs were removed, the practitioners could not sleep for many days and nights due to severe pain from their limbs being shackled in such a position for extended lengths of time.
Atmosphere of Terror Reigns in Guangzhou Tianhe Detention Centre
2003-07-18At that time, Gao Xianmin was force-fed with table salt containing iodine. Only a small amount of water was added to 2 packages of salt (1000grams), and was poured into his mouth all at once. It caused medical "food poisoning." In addition, during the ruthless and unprofessional force-feeding they poured the mixture into his trachea causing him to suffocate and die. The directors of the detention centre, Zhu and Ma, are responsible for his death.
A Seventy Year-Old Woman Sells Eggs Worth Three Yuan to Produce More Dafa Materials
2003-07-18Time and time again she collected several dozens eggs to sell, and then gave the three Yuan she earned from the eggs to produce more Dafa truth materials. She said: "Three Yuan can make several dozen flyers. My wish is that when some folks get up in the morning, they will see the materials and suddenly understand the truth upon opening the door." I felt touched by this story and tears came to my eyes, as if the simple and compassionate old woman were right in front of me.
Solemn Declarations from People Who Don't Practise Falun Gong
2003-07-18A "solemn declaration" is a person's public statement declaring to the world that whatever he or she has done or said under duress or deception that was against Falun Dafa is null and void. Most of these statements have come from Falun Dafa practitioners in China who wished to express regret that, in the face of physical torture and brainwashing, they had signed documents renouncing Dafa and guaranteeing not to practise again. Also, as more and more people in China learn the truth about how they have been deceived and lied to by the Jiang regime, many non-practitioners are also submitting "solemn declarations."