Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Further Investigation of Practitioner Ms. Wang Xiuxia's Death in Fushun City
2003-07-17On the evening of June 15, Ms. Wang's health was in a critical condition and she looked pale and short of breath. But the police took no notice and failed to summon emergency treatment for her promptly. They have completely lost all sense of humanity and compassion, ignoring those in pain and dying in order to comply with "orders from above" which seeks those who practise Truthfulness - Compassion - Forbearance.
Nursing Mother Incarcerated in Shayang Forced Labour Camp
2003-07-17Ms. Chen Liqun is a Dafa practitioner in Wenquan Area, Xianning City, Hubei Province. She has a new baby, less than one-month old. While clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa and the persecution on May 22, 2003, Ms. Chen was reported to the police. She was arrested and sent to the Maoershan Detention Centre.
Chilling Account of Crude and Unbearable Torture of Dafa Practitioners by Lanzhou City Police
2003-07-17Under the leadership of Mr. He Po and Mr. Wei Dong, the police tied Li Wenming to an iron chair and put a special helmet on his head. They knew that the terrible effect of this torture method would make anyone desire death over life; the helmet was to prevent the victim from committing suicide. The police applied custom-made handcuffs to Li Wenming's wrists. The handcuffs were actually two iron rings that could be tightened by twisting the screws.
Vile Torture Methods Used Against Falun Dafa Practitioners in the Shanghai Women's Labour Camp
2003-07-17The law stipulates that labour camps should not accept people older than 50 years. However, in order to persecute Falun Gong practitioners and force them to renounce their beliefs, officials detained many elderly Falun Gong practitioners for prolonged periods of time and intensively tortured them both physically and mentally.
Flagrant Abuse of Human Rights Against Hubei Province Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-07-17Beaten unconscious by the police, they poured cold water over him to revive him so that they could continue their brutality. They tried to force him to renounce his belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance using extreme torture methods. He was beaten severely, such that his body was covered in bruises and lacerations. Even so, police extorted 12,300 Yuan from his family before agreeing to release him. Within half a month after Mr. Dong was released, he still could not take care of himself due to the physical injuries he received.
Gratitude and Admiration - A True Story Triggered by a Truth Clarification VCD
2003-07-17"Ms. Wang, thank you so much for you're bringing me the chance to discover and practice Falun Dafa. I wish more and more other lost ones may see the light (like I did) and find the path a bright and healthy world! I am fortunate and blessed to live in a free country so I can declare loudly without any fear, "I want to learn and practice Falun Dafa!""
A Guard Who Knows the Truth about Falun Gong Feigns Sleep to Help Practitioners Escape
2003-07-17A clerk with the government of a small town has often been sent to guard illegally-arrested Falun Gong practitioners. Many of his relatives and friends practice Falun Gong and have clarified the truth about Falun Gong to him, so he knows that Jiang's regime is persecuting good people. Every time he was put on duty to guard Falun Dafa practitioners, he would treat them nicely, give them food and water and secretly tell them that his relatives and friends also practice Falun Gong.
The Persecution is the Result of Jiang's Decision to Override the Government's Decision with his Own Will
2003-07-16From the great amount of testimonies and material evidence that Falun Gong practitioners have published on Dafa website's to expose the persecution, we can see that when some local policemen treated Falun Gong practitioners badly, practitioners usually questioned them peacefully and seriously according to law and principles, but the excuses that those policemen often gave right away were usually the same: "You can go to (reason with) Jiang Zemin. It is Jiang that asks (us) to do this."
Woman Dafa Practitioner from Changchun City Dies Amidst Harassment by Local Police
2003-07-16Due to the persecution and long term harassment from the local police, Diao Jing finally left this world in agony on May 5, 2003. Such a sad and terrifying state of affairs that practising her belief in Truthfulness - Compassion -Tolerance should lead to torture, unjust treatment and finally death for this lady and 754 other innocent practitioners.
Female Practitioners Incarcerated in Water Dungeons in Nanmusi Forced Labour Camp
2003-07-16One night, the CCTV (Chinese state-owned TV) programme "Focus" defamed Dafa, so she began to do Dafa exercises to validate Dafa. The guards dragged and threw her against a wall. She vomited a large quantity of blood. On June 20, 2001, Ms Tao Juhua was moved to the 8th Squad. She refused to call out her "number." Squad Director Li Jun ordered collaborators to handcuff her behind the back to the iron bars of the window of the confinement cell, with a quilt stuffed between her arms on her back to cause further pain.
Steadfast Lady Practitioner Suffering Agonies in Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp Again
2003-07-16Since July 20, 1999, Jiang's rogue regime has decimated the families of Dafa practitioners. The police tried to intimidate Tan Xiuying and told her that if she didn't stop practising Falun Dafa, she and her husband would be laid off, and their son wouldn't be able to go to college. Under such pressure, Tan Xiuying did not waver, but her husband was forced to divorce her in order to maintain his ability to make a living.
Appalling Abuse of Falun Gong Practitioners in Fujian Province
2003-07-16Another seven have been sentenced to forced labour camps. There are 42 people being illegally detained as criminals, and 55 being illegally detained for "public security reasons." None of the practitioners who have been illegally detained have been spared from having their homes searched and their belongings confiscated by the police. The police have tried to extort money from them, anywhere from 31,000 Yuan to 2,000 Yuan. In total, the police have extorted nearly 100,000 Yuan.
Elderly Dafa Practitioner Dies After Being Persistantly Beaten in Dalian City Forced Labour Camp
2003-07-15While being detained at the Dalian City Forced Labour Camp, Mr. Zhang was beaten so badly that he couldn't get to sleep at night. He also coughed all day long and vomited blood very often. Once he vomited about 200 ml blood. Seeing that Mr. Zhang was on the verge of death, the labour camp released him on medical parole in order to escape responsibility.
"Punishment" for Practising Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance Leads to Death of Female Practitioner in Guizhou Province's Female Forced Labour Camp
2003-07-15During her illegal one-year detention, she was always locked up in the cell, not allowed to go out. Also, she was punished to stand still in a fixed position for long periods of time, resulting in severe damage to her muscles. Towards the end, she needed to be carried in and out of the toilet. A once healthy lady reduced to infirmity and finally death because she refused to relinquish her belief in Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance.
Police Murder Many Dafa Practitioners in Taiyuan City
2003-07-15On October 1, 2002, people from the Wanbailin District Police Department in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province founded a "101 special case group" consisting of 30 criminal police officers whose job is to spy, follow and abduct Dafa practitioners. From mid-October to mid-November, they abducted more than 100 practitioners and demolished Dafa truth clarification material sites. The police along with Taiyuan City Public Security Hospital brutally tortured the practitioners.