Other News, Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Revealing the Shocking State of Female Practitioner's Corpse in Zhangjiakou City
2003-07-09Yang's family members were not notified until two days after her death, and they were not allowed to see her remains until right before the cremation at the city crematory. According to an eyewitness, Yang's face was so pitifully deformed that people who were familiar with her would not even recognise her. There were signs of bleeding from her mouth, nose, and ear. Her face was covered with traces of blood and cuts from being beaten. Her body was covered with bruises that were purplish-black in colour.
Crimes Against Humanity Committed in Jinan City Forced Labour Camp
2003-07-09Detained Falun Gong practitioners have lost almost all of their freedom. Correspondence with their families is tightly investigated. Whenever there were "important conferences," they would be deprived of the right to meet with their families, and even phone calls were not allowed. This year, owing to rampant SARS, the Forced Labour Camp existed in a shutdown form. Family members were only allowed to send money and clothes once a month, making it harder to know the details inside the Camp.
Lanzhou University Assistant Professor Suffering Abuse at Gongjiawan Brainwashing Centre
2003-07-09Early on the morning of November 24, 2001, the City Police Department and the University security department broke into Bao's home to forcefully take him away. Under this pressure, Bao jumped out of the building in order to escape and broke his leg in the process. He was hospitalised as a result. After he came back from the hospital, the university kept pressuring him to give up his belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance, and even threatened to fire him.
Wuhan Authorities Imprison Practitioner for Extended Period
2003-07-09Mr. Yan has now been illegally imprisoned for more than 9 months. He has been unable to be at home with his wife for over 2 years. Policeman Xiang Hui frequently calls to harass his wife and child. Once he threatened the child: "Don't tell your mother where your father is. If we find that she contacts other Falun Gong members, your family's property will be confiscated and you will be driven out of the apartment."
Chinese Officials Cover Up the True Situation of the SARS Epidemic to Save Their Jobs
2003-07-09For the most part, the SARS situation in China has been covered up. Recently, the Chinese government held an internal teleconference and relayed one of Jiang Zemin's orders, namely: "If more SARS infections and proliferations are reported, local government and party officials will be subject to immediate dismissal."
Forty-Seven Falun Gong Practitioners Transferred to Lanzhou City Brainwashing Centre
2003-07-08Authorities there don't allow them to talk to each other or walk around. Everyday, sinister people use both hard and soft tactics to threaten and persuade them. They even force some former Falun Gong practitioners, who collapsed under the mental pressure and recanted their belief, to try to spread their warped ways of thinking to the practitioners, and they punish those practitioners who do not cooperate with the evil people.
Well Respected College Teacher and Director of Company Suffer Unjust Persecution in Zhoukou City
2003-07-08In December 2001, she was again abducted from the college where she worked and her home was ransacked again. She was illegally detained in Shenqiu Detention Centre until July 2002, when she was unjustly sentenced to three years of forced labour in Shibalihe Women's Labour Camp, Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, only for practising the peaceful exercises of Falun Gong. She is still in detention to this day.
Charitable Female Dafa Practitioner Cruelly Tortured for Five Days in Liaoyuan City
2003-07-08It is these good people who are being persecuted today! In the small city of Liaoyuan with a population of 420,000, in the process of this barbaric persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, three Falun Dafa practitioners have been persecuted to death.
The "610 Office" Commits Evil Acts in Anhui Province
2003-07-08In 2002, a handicapped practitioner, Chen Jianyuan, was detained in a detention centre because of appealing for Dafa and he was brutally beaten up by policeman, Jiang Kefeng and his son. Due to the brutal beating he received, Chen Jianyuan lay on the bed and could not eat or move for several days. Not long after he recovered from his injuries, Jiang Kefang put him back into detention centre and started another round of physical persecution against him.
Exposing the Hideous Crimes of the Wuhan Women's Prison
2003-07-07They tied our hands and feet and held us down on the freezing ground for three hours. At 10:15 PM we were allowed to go back to our dorms. At that time, the policeman Wang laughed wildly and said, "If you are not ill tomorrow, I will respect Falun Gong." As a matter of fact, we were all right the following day. In the early morning, the police officers used the same means to torture us. They ordered us to stand on the concrete ground with bare feet and then sprayed cold water on our feet. They also used scotch tape to seal our mouths.
Despicable Means of Persecution of Female Dafa Practitioner by Shijiazhuang Railway's Public Security Sub-bureau
2003-07-07They sent secret agents to stay in the hospital to attempt to seize practitioners who came to visit. At this time, Yan Guangliang attempted to disguise himself and went to the hospital, but he was caught by the guards Qiao Xiaoxia and others from the Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp who also wanted a promotion. Even though Yan Guangliang was shouting: "You got the wrong one. I am not a Falun Gong practitioner!", the guards still seized him and brought him to the local police station. The entire incident was despicable and laughable.
Wuhan City Brainwashing Centre Abducts and Brutally Tortures Over 100 Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-07-07Jiang utilised his power and all the propaganda machinery and public opinion tools in the country to carry out vicious defamation against our most respected Teacher and Falun Gong, and to deceive people throughout China. To promote justice and safeguard the truth, I, as one of millions of Falun Gong practitioners, and using my personal experiences of suffering during the persecution, and the facts of the persecution against my fellow practitioners that I have witnessed, request that Jiang Zemin and the "610 Office" be tried in the international court.
Stories of Chinese People Awakening to the Truth
2003-07-07Practitioner Huizhen herself went to Beijing twice to appeal for Falun Dafa. Her husband, Police Officer Chen, personally participated in her arrest and showed no mercy, even to his wife. After a period of kind and patient explanations, Chen's attitude toward Dafa completely changed. Now he fully supports his wife's Falun Gong practice. In the evening he accompanies his wife to paste up signs that clarify the truth and hand out flyers.
Hotel Manager's Logic Silences the Evil "610 Office" Personnel
2003-07-07There is an employee of a certain hotel in China, a Falun Gong practitioner who works hard according to the high standards of Truthfulness -- Compassion -- Forbearance. Her manager appreciates that Falun Dafa teaches people to behave well and that practitioners are good people. Many times the county "610 Office" personnel have harassed the hotel unreasonably with fines because of having a practitioner working there.
Charles Li Has Been Forbidden to Practice the Falun Gong Exercises in Nanjing Prison, American Consular Protests in Written Form
2003-07-06A Journalist from the Epoch Times phone interviewed Mr. Stuart Patt, a spokesperson for the Consular Affairs Bureau of the U.S. State Department. He said, "On June 25, U.S. Consulate Officials met with Mr. Charles Li." This is the first direct meeting between U.S. Consulate Officials and Charles Li since the severe outbreak of SARS on April 23, 2003.