Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Harbin City Women's Prison Kill Yet Another Dafa Practitioner
2003-01-06Yet another innocent lady who was only trying to be a good person and follow Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance has been senselessly and brutally murdered by Jiang's regime. Despite thier attempts to try to cover up their shameful acts, the facts of their wicked deeds are being exposed more and more
Falun Gong Practitioner Dies at the Hands of the Harbin City Police Department
2003-01-06Falun Gong practitioner Wang Hong'gang was cruelly tortured to death during an interrogation at the Harbin City Police Department's Detention Centre Province on June 18, 2002. The police department blocked this information and has not yet notified Wang Hong'gang's family of his death.
Torture Death of Dafa Practitioner in the Feng'nan City Detention Centre
2003-01-06Practitioners were forced to stand outside for long periods of time under the scorching sun. They were also forced to run, squat, and hold the same position for long periods of time, in addition to being verbally abused and humiliated by the guards. The practitioners were often beaten until they were on the verge of death.
Frenzied Beating Leads to Death of 50 Year-Old Practitioner
2003-01-06A policeman named Li Jianmin brutally beat her with a rubber nightstick. Sun Xiucai held firmly to her righteous thoughts. She did not speak one word. The police were at their wits' end, so they sent her to a detention centre.
Why Was I Forced to Leave School at Age 16?
2003-01-05The evil police once again kidnapped my father and me to the brainwashing class. A few days later, I felt close to a mental collapse. The tremendous pressure and the endless lies made me feel suffocated every second. I wanted to cry but I was tearless. Finally, I had to leave high school and wander about like my mother.
Urgent! Please Help Rescue Falun Dafa Practitioner, Mr. Song Xu (Photos and Phone Numbers)
2003-01-05Mr Song Xu has been suffering unimaginable ruthless torture after undergoing a hunger strike for more than 50 days. His hunger strike is the only method available to him to stand up against the brutal and unjust incarceration that he is enduring. We call upon the people of the world who believe in human rights and justice to help free Song Xu!
Practitioners Subjected to Brutal Force-Feeding in Weining Labour Camp
2003-01-05The brutal force-feeding resulted in the practitioner vomiting a large volume of blood, which could have resulted in death...The vicious police threatened Dafa practitioners by saying, "If you don't make the seven promises, there is only death before you."
Changchun City Police Fire Shots At a Dafa Practitioner
2003-01-05When this practitioner, who did not realise what had happened, came quickly, he realised that something was wrong. He immediately turned back, and ran for his life. During the frantic chase, the police shot at the practitioner three times, but luckily missed!
Tragic Death of Practitioner at the Hands of the Police in Heilongjiang Province
2003-01-04Huang Xiaoguo was furious and viciously kicked Yang's wife down to the ground. He threatened that all of his family members, including the 1-year-old grandson, would be in trouble if he couldn't find Yang Wenhua. With no way out, Yang's whole family had to go to the hills and hide for two days and nights..
Ongoing Brutal Torture at Shibalihe Female Labour Camp
2003-01-04She was unconscious when she was carried back to her cell and could not take care of herself. She had bruises and two-centimetre-deep wounds in her shoulders that were caused by the rope. The cuts had swelled and abscessed, and did not start to heal even after two months. She suffered greatly.
Widespread Abuses of Dafa Practitioners in Baoding City Brainwashing Centre
2003-01-04Gao declared, "If you do not reform, I will kill you." They kept torturing me, without restraint, until I lost consciousness. Both of my legs could not squat down for half a month as a result of the horrific torture. They beat me for several days. My face became swollen and my teeth were broken. I could not eat for half a month.
The Story of My Familys Terrible Persecution
2003-01-04In the freezing cold winter the callous and depraved abusers showered her with icy water, forced her to eat human excrement, shocked her feet and body with electric batons, and forced her to take psychotropic (mind-altering) drugs. During sleep she was often dragged into the hallway to be severely beaten, and in a few instances she was beaten unconscious, with an egg-sized chunk of hair and skin torn from her head.
The Story of Dafa Practitioner's Great Courage During Persecution (photos)
2003-01-03Everyday the inhuman prison guards force-fed him. One time a prison guard violently pulled out one of his teeth with pliers and force-fed him with two packages of salt..."Although it was wrong that you tortured me, I still want to apologise to you sincerely." The prison guard was struck by what he said, and was on the verge of tears. He put down the pliers in his hand and left.
Innocent Husband and Wife Given Jail Sentences for Practising Falun Gong
2003-01-03During the violent arrest, Yuan Wenxin suddenly had symptoms of a heart attack: her face became pale, she had difficulty breathing and fell to the ground after losing consciousness...When Yuan regained consciousness, she was immediately put in jail. No care or consideration was given to her fragile condition.
My Suffering Over the Last Three Years
2003-01-02I was transferred to the city hospital, hoping that the pain would end; but actually it was just a prelude to something even worse. When my wounds were dressed I cried because of the agonising pain; so my mouth was stuffed to muffle my cries.