Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Female Dafa Practitioner from China Radio International Dies After Excessive Torture
2003-01-14Here was this prominent lady working for China Radio International, who was miraculously cured of cancer through her practice of Falun Dafa. Falun Dafa saved her life, saved the country a countless cost in medical bills, yet she suffered the same unjust fate as hundreds of others in China, she was tortured to death for her belief. Her death sent shockwaves through China Radio International.
Crimes of Yueyang City Police Include Branding Elderly Practitioners with Hot Irons
2003-01-14A 62 year old practitioner was branded in 48 places on his stomach, chest, and back by two glowing hot screwdrivers, while in a hanging position. Luo's body was severely injured from the abuse.
Horrifying Tortures - Burying Practitioners Alive and Force-feeding Human Excrement
2003-01-14Now camp officials have changed their torture methods from using electric shock on practitioners, shackling practitioners in a squatting position, long-time physical punishment to using force-feeding of human excrement and burying practitioners alive. Such depraved and disgusting torture is unthinkable for any normal human being!
Female Dafa Practitioner Dies From Savage Torture in Heizuizi Prison In Changchun City
2003-01-13Her younger sister could not contain her anger any longer and told the wicked police, "You have tortured my sister to this extent, yet you still have her handcuffed and shackled! Do you still have any human decency left? My sister was in perfect health when you kidnapped her. You have tortured her to the brink of death. You still want to extort money from us?"
Shanxi Police Murder Train Operator from Shijiazhuang Railway (Photos)
2003-01-13The wicked officials exerted great pressure by intimidating Ding Linghong's parents, making the elderly couple's lives even more difficult in addition to losing their beloved son. They were so intimidated that they have still yet to dare to hold a funeral for their son. What's even more outrageous is that sometimes they are forced to say that their son "died under normal circumstances."
Prolonged Torture Leads to Death of Dafa Practitioner in Shuangcheng City No. 2 Detention Centre
2003-01-13Tragically, his own brother who had been duped by the Jiang regime's propaganda, betrayed him and turned Jiang Liguo in to the local authorities...During the time he was detained by the township government, the officials beat him with plastic tubes filled with sand to the point where his feet were too swollen to walk.
Three Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured to Death in Baimalong Female Forced Labour Camp
2003-01-13More than 700 Falun Gong practitioners are being detained in the Baimalong Female Forced Labour Camp in Zhuzhou, Hunan Province. Hoping to force practitioners to renounce their beliefs, the evil labour camp organised a special team to torture them both physically and mentally. Atrociously, three practitioners suffered extreme abuse which lead to their deaths.
Falun Gong Practitioners Around the World Will Hold Press Conferences Calling on the Jiang and Luo Regime to Stop Killing
2003-01-12From January 12 to 14, Falun Gong practitioners around the world will hold press conferences and peaceful appeals to expose the Jiang regime's persecution of Falun Gong practitioners and demand an end to the killing.Since November 2002, reports of forty-three practitioners being killed in forced labor camps, detention centers, jails, and "Rehab" Centers have been received overseas.
60 Year-Old Female Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death in Guangdong Province
2003-01-12Yet another tragic death of an elderly lady, kidnapped and then brutalised until her body could take it no more. The Jiang regime, due to fear and paranoia of good people, has wasted huge sums of money on mobilising its security forces to unleash its hatred against Dafa practitioners, many of whom are grandmothers and grandfathers, elderly people who have found relief from their ailments and peace in their hearts through practising Falun Gong.
Yanji City Dafa Practitioners Suffer Extreme Anguish at Hands of Police
2003-01-12That evening, the evil police at the detention centre did not sleep the whole night in order to viciously torture these three practitioners. The cries of misery at the detention centre carried on all night. Guo Peijun's clothes were saturated with blood so badly that he could no longer wear them...
Record of Atrocities Committed by Policemen in Liaoning Province
2003-01-12They violently beat Dafa practitioners' faces with thorny cactus leaves... They tied practitioners tightly with thick wire cables, and then they used hand-cranked telephones to generate electricity to shock the practitioners all over their bodies. Each time the electric shock torture lasted for about 8 hours. The pain caused by the torture was impossible to describe.
Middle School Teacher Is Persecuted in a Mental Hospital
2003-01-12This persecution is so vicious such that even ones own family can be poisoned by the lies, leading a husband to betray his wife, deliberately abuse her, and collude with the authorities to have her incarcerated and tortured. Gao colluded with the local officials, the principal, a school director, and the Chengguan Police Station to secretly detain his wife in a mental hospital.
Female Practitioner Passes Away Due to Long-Term Torture Suffered in the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp
2003-01-11Wamg Shufeng was suffering from severe oedema and fluid accumulation in her abdomen, had vomited blood and had blood in her stool. At the time of her release, she was not able to think clearly and her legs were paralysed...she was never able to recover and passed way on December 18, 2002
Two Chongqing City Female Dafa Practitioners Tragically Tortured to Death
2003-01-11The death toll rises again, with the unjust and barbaric persecution claiming two more innocent lives. Two ladies from Chongqing City area, who only tried to be virtuous and kind, and to think of others before themselves, would not bow to the unreasonable pressure of the Jiang regime to attempt to force them to give up Falun Dafa.
Totally Sane Female Dafa Practitioner Incarcerated and Drugged in Laixi City Psychiatric Hospital
2003-01-11According to messages given to family members of other patients who were visiting the hospital, Hu has been receiving intravenous injections against her will while her hands are cuffed and her feet are chained. The doctors have been brutally force-feeding her and injecting her with unknown drugs. Eyewitnesses have said that Hu's entire body is swollen, and her life is in imminent danger! Doctors, who are supposed to be healers, yet who conduct themselves in such disgraceful ways, are no more than barbaric butchers!