Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Daughter's Money Stolen, Father Jailed, Mother Forced to Leave Home - Police try to Ruin Family
2002-11-28When Chen's little daughter went to the labour camp to ask for the money, Li Cai, the labour camp's Administration Section Chief, claimed, "The money will not be returned to you! You can go to wherever you want to appeal! You will be arrested if you come again to ask for the money!" What kind of law enforcement officer would go so far as to threaten and intimidate a little girl who has no one to look after her?
USA: Please Help Rescue My Mother, A Retired Physics Professor in Jilin Province (photo)
2002-11-27Once, I called my father and he deeply sighed, "If our family's suffering would allow hundreds of thousands of families to be free of such suffering, my heart would be in peace." I wept upon hearing this. My heart was touched by my father's kindness. Even more so, I wept for the plight of millions of Falun Gong practitioners and their families who are suffering the persecution simply for their steadfast belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance.
Canada: Dafa Practitioner Calls for Help to Rescue Her Illegally Detained Father in China
2002-11-27On July 4 2002, my father was taken away for questioning and about 7 police officers came to our house. Without a search warrant, they ransacked the house. Later, my father was charged with various "criminal" offences and detained. No visitors, not even relatives, were allowed to see him. On November 12, the family received a call from the police department, saying that my father would soon be put on trial.
The Inside Story: Shibalihe Labour Camp in Zhengzhou City, Fabricates Television News Reports
2002-11-27The guard took the plate of rice and pretended he was feeding a "sick" practitioner gently, bit by bit, for the TV camera. He even pretended to say some comforting words to her so the reporter could record it with a TV camera. Very soon, the story was shown on the Henan Provincial TV station. Afterwards, that fake "sick practitioner" told us, "I felt terribly hot and was soaked with sweat. It gave me an awful feeling."
Two Senior Citizens Cruelly Tortured for Practising Falun Dafa in Chibi City
2002-11-27He kicked the lower part of her body with boots and consequently, that part of her body has remained swollen for more than two years. Her internal organs were severely damaged by his kicking. She was forced to kneel down on the ground for half a day and her eyes were struck blind. She could not even walk, sit down, eat, move, or get up due to the severe beatings. Some times she was so heavily pummelled that she fainted into unconsciousness.
Masanjia Labour Camp Authorities Brutally Torture Dafa Practitioners
2002-11-27Their arms, leg and feet are tied to chairs. Some practitioners have been forced to sit there for two weeks, some for one month, and some for even longer. The practitioners were only allowed to use the bathroom twice a day.
The Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Hebei Province
2002-11-27One of the arrested practitioners was a woman in her sixties. For over an hour, she was badly knocked around by Li Shanghong. He forced her to kneel on the ground while he electrically shocked her mouth, face, head and other sensitive ares with an electric baton. He left her lying on the ground in the icy winter wind.
Germany: Urgently Rescue German Resident's Wife Mrs. Wang Xiaoyan
2002-11-26Falun Gong practitioners in Germany are appealing to the German government, international human rights agencies and the kind German people on behalf of German resident Zhang Zhendan's wife Mrs. Wang Xiaoyan. She was arrested for distributing Falun Gong leaflets at the end of 2000 and sent to a labour camp for brainwashng. After her release she has been forced to live on the streets to avoid further persecution.
Australia: Persecution Ruins the Family of Hairdresser Ms. Chen Jianrong
2002-11-26In August 2000, Ms. Chen's brother and sister-in-law were arrested, abused and mistreated in a detention centre. Her brother was released, but his wife Ms. Li Cuiling [pictured] was sentenced to three years of forced labour. Ms. Chen worries about her family members' safety in China and hopes the kind people of the world can extend their help to end this brutal persecution soon.
Retired Teacher Liu Xiwen from Suihua City Passes Away After Prolonged Persecution
2002-11-26"You'll be fired if your father makes trouble again." He also said, "If your father doesn't write the statement, then you can write it. We'll promote you to school principal if you behave well." When she refused, the officials refused to hand over Liu's pension. Later, when she was in the process of being considered for promotion, Yu Hongchen said to her, "Since your father is still practising Falun Gong, you won't be promoted as long as Director Yang and I work at the education committee."
Female Dafa Practitioner Tortured to Death by Police
2002-11-26When the police slapped her hard on the face, she did not feel any pain. The police then slammed her to the ground and stomped on her back. She still wouldn't give in. ..While in detention, she was beaten and cursed by the criminals, and suffered all kinds of torture. However, she never gave up her belief in Dafa. After one month's torture, she was in bad shape.
An Account of the Abuse I Suffered at Xigemu Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province
2002-11-26Once, some inmates tried to force me to recite the prison rules, but I refused. Because of this, they kicked my back with their leather boots, which caused a chronic injury that prevented me from moving when sleeping... Police on duty and other assigned inmates watched us from the hallway. We were forced to sit on the small stools continuously for 20 hours every day. We had very little time to sleep each day, and what little sleep we had was often interrupted.
Dafa Practitioners Sentenced to Thirteen Years in Prison
2002-11-26At the police station she was barely able to get out of the van, even with assistance. The next day Liu Mei had a headache, severe pain in her arms, legs, and pelvis, and was still extremely shaken. But for the next two days she was threatened, beaten and cursed by the First Department of the Dandong Police Department. Her husband Zhu Changming was hung up and beaten by the Criminal Police Team of Donggang City for six days.
Practitioner Zhi Guixiang Murdered by No. 3 Detention Centre and Public Security Bureau,Changchun City, Jilin Province
2002-11-25The No. 3 Detention Centre does not apply any lawful and humane measures to Dafa practitioners. They will detain a practitioner as long as he or she is still breathing. They force-fed and tortured Guixiang, in spite of her terrible physical condition. They cuffed and shackled her and confined her in a solitary cell. They didn't send her to a hospital until she was very close to death.
Canadian Citizen Asks for Help in Rescuing His Nephew who was Kidnapped by Chinese Police
2002-11-25He actively clarified the truth of the persecution to everyone around him and encouraged them to clarify the truth, too. Unfortunately, the police illegally arrested him this March and his whereabouts are uncertain. It was said that he might be sentenced to serve in a forced labour camp for several years.