Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Shandong Province: 23 Year Old Shandong University Student Killed by Police
2003-12-08A 23-year-old university student was tortured to death like this. The police department tightly blocked the news. Later on, a relative of Zhang Zhenzhong saw a piece of news in a newspaper in Beijing, "A tourist drowned after falling into a river in Tongyin county, Henan province." When he saw the picture, he recognised the person and realized it was Zhang Zhenzhong. In this way, the police covered up the truth and tried to avoid taking responsibility. Zhang Zhenzhong's father could not believe it was true. When he went to the Tangyin Detention Centre to ask for his son, the police did not dare to admit what had happened. In order to get justice for his son, Zhang's father brought the case to the court in Tangyin County. However, the judge said, "We know that Falun Gong is innocent, yet who can make a ruling on this case since it was a result of Jiang Zemin's orders?"
Jilin Province: Jiutai City Court Puts on a Cultural Revolution Style Show Trial
2003-12-08A few days before this secret trial, these thirteen Dafa practitioners, who had been kept in the Jiutai City Detention Centre for a long period of time, each suffered severe beatings. The beatings injured the practitioners in various ways: Mr. Shi Wenzhuo has bruises all over his body; Ms. Liu Yamin suffered broken teeth; Ms. Han Xiaolian's eyes were swollen shut and she could not see. The police handcuffed these thirteen behind their back, tied ropes around their necks and secretly brought them to court. In court, the police did not allow the practitioners to speak up for themselves. They would tighten the rope when anyone spoke, so the practitioner was choked and could not utter a word.
Guizhou Province: Twelve Guiyang Dafa Practitioners Brought to Court Again for Broadcasting Falun Dafa Truth-Clarification Videos on Chinese TV
2003-12-08On August 22, 2003, the Yudang District Court in Guiyang City, Guizhou Province held an unlawful trial at a remote location in Wudang District against twelve Dafa practitioners. The Yudang District Court denied Dafa practitioners the right to have a defence lawyer and adjudicators. They did not notify any of the families with regard to the court date and location. In just one day Yudang District Court sentenced the twelve Dafa practitioners to different prison terms, with the maximum length of 16 years. During the sham trial, the judge did not even allow the twelve Dafa practitioners to defend themselves.
Heilongjiang Province: Complete Denial Of Dafa Practitioners Human Rights
2003-12-08Mr. Zhang Xingye is a former Oil Extraction Plant employee. Because of his belief in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" and striving to be a good person, he was forced to retire earlier than expected. He was abducted by personnel from the Plant and the Sa District's Yongjun Police Station, Daqing City. On November 15, 2002, the Honggang District Court secretly and illegally sentenced him. The Court could not show any criminal activity on the part of Mr. Zhang and did not follow any legal procedure. Conforming to the provincial regulations on Falun Gong, he was sentenced to 10 years in prison. The court staff could not help telling practitioners, "We don't want to do this. Your case was already decided by the provincial authorities." Zhang Xingye was thus illegally imprisoned in Daqing City Prison.
Hubei Province:The Criminal Acts of Torture Committed against Dafa Practitioners at Police Station in Shiyan City
2003-12-07His body was so deformed from the tortures that he no longer resembled a human being. Because the policemen could not find any criminal evidence against the man to justify their cruelty, they started fearing for the potential legal consequences of murder. Out of cowardice, the policemen took the man to a hospital in Sanyan for resuscitation and medical treatment. To conceal their crimes, the head of the Renmin Road Police Station warned his subordinate officers before they headed for the hospital, "When the doctors ask you the cause of his injury, you must reply that the injuries were caused by two bandits, who robbed the man's wallet and beat him. If you give them the wrong answer, you will pay for the consequence with your life." So the head of Renmin Road Police Station and two police officers took the man to Taihe Hospital in Sanyan. The doctors and nurses were shocked to see the man's severe injuries. They demanded, "Who has done this to you? Do these criminals have any humanity left in them?"
Appalling New Details Regarding the Death of Dafa Practitioner Ms. Zhao Chunying
2003-12-07The Jixi Procuratorate carried out the first of two autopsies on the remains of Ms. Zhao Chunying. They found a large knife wound on her head. They also found four broken ribs and many black and purple bruises that they concluded were the results of a violent beating. According to their findings the beating also caused considerable internal bleeding with blood flowing out of her mouth. On November 15, 2003, the Heilongjiang Judicature Appraisal Committee carried out the second autopsy. They found not only broken ribs, but also a fractured skull. Even more appalling, they found that her heart, spleen, pancreas and other internal organs were missing and could not be accounted for. At present, Zhao Chunying's family members are suing the murderers.
Hubei Province: The Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Wuhan City
2003-12-07Recently, Jiang Zemin visited Wuhan City, Hubei Province. Thereafter, a new round of persecution against Dafa practitioners in the Xinzhou area of Wuhan City was initiated....The thugs then searched Mr. Guo's home and really made a mess. In this emergency situation, Mr. Guo's wife ran out of the house and shouted loudly for help. When people in the neighbourhood came, they found that eight men were trying to leave in a hurry. Mrs Zhang realised that something was wrong, rushed into the room and saw that Mr. Guo was lying on the floor and there was blood all over his body, face and the floor. The neighbours carried him to a bed, but when they couldn't stop his bleeding, the family rushed Mr. Guo to the emergency room of the People's Hospital of Xinzhou District. But his injuries were too severe and he was pronounced dead at 8:00 pm on October 31, 2003.
College Lecturer Zhou Genzheng Tortured for His Beliefs
2003-12-07Mr. Zhou's wife, Zhang Jianling, was forced to participate in attempts to brainwash him. She was under tight surveillance every time she went to look after her husband. Facing intense harassment, Zhang Jianling was humiliated and she had to resign from her workplace. In order not to involve his wife, Zhou suggested a divorce. His wife is in extreme despair because the previously happy family is being broken up by the persecution. Throughout these last few years, her physical and mental endurance have been tested beyond limit.
Yang Chunbao's Leg Amputated as a Result of Repeated Torture in the Handan Forced Labour Camp
2003-12-06Hebei TV station showed a programme defaming Yang Chunbao. Part of the programme said, "Yang Chunbao caused trouble intentionally in the labour camp. He did not use the washroom. Instead, he relieved himself on the bed, making the bedding dirty." There were several enlarged shots of him. According to several informed prisoners, Yang Chunbao was tortured to the point of being unable to walk. He had to relieve himself on the bed since he could not walk to the washroom and nobody was taking care of him.
Entire Family Abducted and Persecuted for Practising Dafa - Fifty Four Year Old Ms. Guo Sulan Passed Away
2003-12-06Her husband was unjustly sentenced to two years of forced labour, and she was sentenced to one year of forced labour. Because her physical health was poor, due to torture, the labour camp did not accept her. She was released only after she was taken back to Tongnan County and after being almost persecuted to death by malicious police officers. After one year of suffering through this painful situation, she passed away at about one o'clock on the afternoon of November 3, 2003. What is more tragic is that Guo Sulan's husband is still jailed in the labour camp and could not go home to see her for the last time. Her daughter was forced by the authorities to leave during the funeral preparation.
Taiwanese Resident Doing Business In China Forced to Sign a Guarantee Letter Because of a Sitting Meditation Photo in an Advertisement
2003-12-06However, because of this picture, several employees of the company were sent to the Public Security Bureau and were detained for a long time. In the end, under pressure from the Public Security Bureau, they were forced to sign a letter guaranteeing that they have nothing to do with Falun Gong before they could be released. There are no Falun Gong practitioners in the company. However, even this law abiding company was not able to escape from this type of harassment. These types of actions on the part of the Public Security Bureau in China, which violate people's human rights, have chilled the hearts of the Taiwanese doing business in China.
Inhuman Deeds in Guangxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2003-12-06The prison police would arrange a special "watcher" for every practitioner. The watcher was allowed to beat or verbally abuse the practitioner at will. An older practitioner, Ms. Lin Yunying, suffered verbal abuse every day from the watcher, who would follow her everywhere, even to the toilet. When the watcher went to the toilet, the practitioner had to be around. Sometimes, when the practitioner took a little longer time in the toilet, the watcher might scold or even drag her out before she could finish.
More Facts About the Death of Shanxi Province Practitioner Li Qingzhou
2003-12-05After he was released from the labour camp, he suffered a lot of brutal persecution by the local police. In July 2002, he was violently removed from his child's home and taken to Tieyiju Detention Centre. He was then sentenced to a two-year term in a forced labour camp. When he was sent to the labour camp, he was found to have high blood pressure during a health checkup. As a result, the camp refused to accept him. He asked to be released on bail so that he could obtain medical treatment, but his application for release was declined by detention centre authorities.
Dafa Practitioner Endures Painful Torture in Linxi City
2003-12-05Since September, Qian Fajun has been on hunger strike to protest the unjust treatment he has received. After he had been on hunger strike for a month, the police began force-feeding him. When they finished force-feeding him, they left the tube inside his body to cause him even more discomfort. As a result of Mr. Qian's continued resistance to the persecution, several of his front teeth have been knocked out by the police and collaborators. The collaborators used screwdrivers and pliers to force open his mouth, causing his mouth to bleed.
Dafa Practitioners Speak Out for Justice in Wuhan City Court
2003-12-05Although the four practitioners had suffered severe mental and physical torture and lost their freedom, they took the opportunity of the trial to expose the deeds of the authorities in a dignified manner, to speak out for justice, and to validate the goodness of Falun Dafa...Yu Ganghai presented the fact that Dafa practitioners are good people everywhere to expose the crimes of Jiang Zemin's regime, who confuse right and wrong and try to ruin people's conscience. He also told the judge that it is not a crime for us practitioners to clarify the truth to people.