Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
The Criminal Acts of Tan Xinfeng, Deputy Secretary of the Huaxilou Administrative Office
2011-01-15Tan Xinfeng is currently the Deputy Secretary of the Huaxilou Administrative Office in the Qiaocheng District, Haozhou City, Anhui Province. Tan had a reputation for being a local bully, so he was recruited to be a hired thug for the Huaxilou Administrative Office. Tan began his career by actively participating in the persecution of Falun Gong. Tan participated in the following and harassing of Falun Gong practitioners. He also assisted in arresting practitioners from their homes and putting them in brainwashing centres and forced labour camps. Tan arrested one practitioner and put her in prison, knowing that the practitioner's husband was in a long-term comatose state and that she had a child who was still in school, which left the woman's family in a dire situation.
Eleven Years of Persecution Leaves a Family of Five with Two Dead and Two Imprisoned
2011-01-14Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Peng Liang and Mr. Zhang Jingzhou were arrested in the early morning hours of December 13th. Mr. Peng Liang had a family of five who were all Falun Gong practitioners. During the eleven-year-long persecution, all five members of the family have been subjected to arrests, home ransacking, detention, brainwashing, and forced labour terms. Two of them have died as a result of the persecution, and one has suffered a mental breakdown.
Five Practitioners Detained in Wuhan City Women's Labour Camp
2011-01-14Five practitioners are currently detained in Division 5 and Division 6 of the Wuhan City Women's Forced Labour Camp. Ms. Wang Yujie, 23, was arrested by police in March 2010. She was sentenced to one year of forced labour. Ms. Wang was brutally tortured and was forced to remain standing for long periods of time. She was only allowed to sleep between 2 a.m. and 5 a.m.
Persecution Carried Out by Guard Yin Guijuan at Tumuji Forced Labour Camp in Inner Mongolia
2011-01-14Yin Guijuan, guard at the Tumuji Forced Labour Camp, frequently beats Falun Gong practitioners with electric batons, handcuffs them and hangs them up for long periods of time. She has instigated drug-addict inmates to beat practitioners. She has openly and directly told drug addicts and prostitute inmates that their sentences can be reduced if they beat practitioners. The harder they beat them, the more their sentences can be reduced.
Hebei Forced Labour Camp Threatens to Extend Terms to Force Practitioners to Watch Chinese Central TV (CCTV)
2011-01-14In June 2010, Wang Weiwei, division head at Hebei Women's Forced Labour Camp, instructed inmates to sexually abuse Falun Gong practitioner Hu Miaomiao. The sexual abuse inflicted on Ms. Hu caused tremendous suffering, both physically and psychologically. In October 2010, Hebei Women's Forced Labour Camp commenced a new wave of persecution against Falun Gong practitioners. Those practitioners who remained steadfast in their belief in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance were not allowed to see their family members or make phone calls, and were forced to watch Chinese Central TV (CCTV) news reports every night.
Please Rescue My Wife and Daughter
2011-01-13I am all alone at home, a place that used to be warm and full of laughter. My dear wife and daughter, are you still OK? On December 13th, my wife and daughter visited relatives. I lost contact with them at noon. A couple days later I got the heartbreaking news that they had been arrested by police and imprisoned at the Huachuan County Detention Centre. Family members, friends, and I went to the Huachuan County Police Department on December 16th. Officers refused to answer our questions and refused to let us visit. I am thinking about my family and worrying about them every second. I feel great pain and sorrow whenever I think about their suffering in the detention centre.
Ms. Song Guilan Crippled as a Result of Persecution, Her Family Harassed
2011-01-13Ms. Song Guilan, a Falun Gong practitioner from the countryside of Heilongjiang Province, has become crippled as a result of persecution. She recounts: "During an interrogation, they (guards) grabbed my hair and rammed my head into a wall. I was dizzy and my head was buzzing. There were big lumps on my head and I lost consciousness. They notified my family to come get me and take me to the hospital when they realised that I was near death. At the time, I had no feeling in my legs. I was paralysed and unable to walk." After her release, Ms. Song was forced to become homeless to avoid harassment and threats from Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials. Her family was also harassed and threatened.
Nine Falun Gong Practitioners from Mancheng, Hebei Province Arrested in One Day
2011-01-13On August 16th, 2010, the Mancheng County 610 office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong), police station, and the Domestic Security Bureau ransacked nine Falun Gong practitioners’ houses and arrested them. While practitioner Ms. Zhao Zhiyun was taking care of her nephew’s child on August 16th, several policemen broke into her house, saying that they wanted to ask her something at the police station. She said she had to watch the baby and they could ask her in her house instead of the police station. Those policemen tried to take her by force, and she lost consciousness in the process. They then began to ransack her house with no legal documents.
Practitioner Huang Futang in Zibo, Shandong Province Files Charges Against Policemen
2011-01-13Falun Gong practitioner Huang Futang was arrested in June, 2009 by local police, and was then tortured until he gave a forced confession. Huang Futang was then sentenced to a forced labour camp for over one and a half years, and was sent to Shandong Forced Labour Camp in Zhangqiu on July 4th, 2009. This is the second time that Mr. Huang was sent to a forced labour camp. He was once detained in Qiugu Forced Labour Camp in Boshan for three and a half years. He has filed a lawsuit against the forced labour camp.
The Chinese Communist Party's Shocking Persecution of Talented People in Mainstream Society
2011-01-12On December 27th, Ms. Zhu Ying, a former representative who attended the National People's Congress, and a national model worker in Xinxiang City, Henan Province, was deceived into leaving her home and arrested by police officers from the Dongdajie Police Station on September 27th. According to sources inside China, she was abused until her death in the Xinxiang City Detention Centre on November 30th, less than five weeks after being taken into police custody. Her body was cremated on December 2nd. Ms. Zhu had begun practising Falun Gong when she was fighting cancer, which was cured through her cultivation practice.
Witnessing Torture at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2011-01-12I am a Falun Gong practitioner from Liaoning Province. I was taken to the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province by the Dalian Domestic Security Division on September 20th, 2007. In that place, I witnessed the brutal persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Regardless of the time, day or night, I could hear practitioners' pitiful screams as they were being tortured. Guards used any imaginable torture methods and brainwashed practitioners viciously in an effort to have practitioners renounce their belief.
Family Threatened for Inquiring about the Cause of Mr. Cai Fuchen's Death
2011-01-12Practitioner Mr. Cai Fuchen was persecuted to death in Gongzhuling Prison on September 15th, 2010. Before being persecuted to death, Mr. Cai suffered brutal physical torture at the hands of the prison guards. According to the prison authorities, Mr. Cai committed suicide by jumping off a tall building. They refused to allow his family members to see his corpse. Mr. Cai's family members had strong doubts about the cause of his death and hired a lawyer to investigate. However, the prison, the Pingdong Procuratorate and the Changchun Procuratorate tried to shift the responsibility to each other. The deputy chief of the Pingdong Procuratorate even threatened Mr. Cai's family and their lawyer: “Appealing is just asking for more trouble. No one will ever help you.”
Ms. Bai Gendi Released from Prison After Four and a Half Years of Torture
2011-01-12Ms. Bai Gendi was arrested in Shanghai in May 2006. The Shanghai 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) had declared June 14th and 15th, 2006, the dates of then-upcoming Six Country Summit, as sensitive dates and used this as an excuse to arrest Falun Gong practitioners at the time. In 2007, after being detained for 10 months, Ms. Bai was sentenced to four and a half years in prison by Shanghai's Xuhui District Court. She was released from the Songjiang Women’s Prison in Shanghai on November 22nd, 2010, after serving the full prison term. During the first eight months, she was frequently beaten, handcuffed and tied up with ropes. She was given very little food and water, deprived of sleep and kept in isolation. The guards put urine and unknown medical substances into her food.
Lawyers Enter Not-Guilty Plea for Ms. Yang Jian from Tianjin
2011-01-11Wuqing District court officials held a hearing for Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yang Jian on October 30th, 2010. Beijing lawyers Mr. Jin Guanghong and Mr. Xie Yanyi entered a not-guilty plea on her behalf. They pointed out that practising Falun Gong is not illegal in China, therefore Ms. Yang had committed no crime. The four-hour defence impressed those who observed the procedures.
Fuzhou City 610 Office Prevents Lawyer from Meeting with and Reviewing his Falun Gong Practitioner Client’s Case
2011-01-11Mr. Wang Yongjin is a 37-year-old Falun Gong practitioner from Fuzhou City, Fujian Province. He holds a master’s degree in Ancient Chinese language and is an excellent writer. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began its suppression of Falun Gong in 1999, he was arrested for refusing to give up his belief. In August 2010, he was arrested and taken to the Fuzhou City First Detention Centre. Mr. Wang’s family hired a lawyer from Beijing after learning of his arrest. However, guards at the detention centre flashed a statement supposedly signed by Mr. Wang expressing his intention not to use a lawyer. The lawyer also had doubts about the validity, legality, and authenticity of the statement, but he was still refused a meeting with Mr. Wang.