Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Abuse at Hexing Brainwashing Centre in Deyang City, Sichuan Province
2010-11-01Practitioners detained at the Hexing Brainwashing Centre are each placed in a cell with two people monitoring each practitioner. They eat, drink, use the toilet, and do everything in the cell. The two monitors follow the practitioner wherever he or she goes. They don't allow practitioners to do the Falun Gong exercises. Falun Gong practitioners must follow their requirement in whatever they do. If they don't follow their orders, they are labelled as not being "transformed" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong]. Those practitioners are given books, newspapers, and video tapes that slander Falun Gong, to facilitate the comprehensive brainwashing. Sometimes, a professional CCP-trained brainwashing expert is utilized, to instill the CCP fallacies as part of brainwashing the practitioners.
Another Falun Gong Practitioner Cited in Gao Zhisheng Letter is Tortured to Death
2010-10-31Ms. Sun Shuxiang, 53, died on October 10th, 2010. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began to persecute Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, Ms. Sun had been arrested, detained, sentenced to forced labour, and tortured multiple times. She recounts her experience in detention: "One officer slapped me and asked which fellow practitioners I knew. I said I did not know any. He then used an electric baton to shock me deep in between my lower ribs. Seeing that I still did not give out information about my fellow practitioners, the officers targeted my eyes with the electric baton. I felt as if my eyes were about to fall out." Ms. Sun was cited as a torture victim by prominent attorney Gao Zhisheng in an open letter to top Chinese officials Hu Jintao and Wen Jiabao on December 12th, 2005.
Falun Gong Practitioner and Attorney Mr. Zhu Yubiao Arrested
2010-10-31Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhu Yubiao, a lawyer, was arrested by agents of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) again on August 18th, 2010. He has been detained at Haizhu District Detention Centre now for over 50 days. Mr. Zhu was the first lawyer in Guangdong province to openly defend the rights of Falun Gong practitioners; and the officials were aware that his defence was based on the law. With no way to refute the facts, the court officials did not know how to respond. When Mr. Zhu was defending Falun Gong practitioners in court, he said, "Our country bans and punishes cult organizations and activities severely; however, none of these provisions mention Falun Gong. In another words, the law does not say Falun Gong is a cult."
Mr. Zhang Guangcai Sentenced to Forced Labour for the Third Time
2010-10-31Mr. Zhang Guangcai, 49, was arrested and tortured multiple times, and sentenced to forced labour three times. The most recent sentence came shortly after his arrest on September 20th, 2010, when he was on his way to the hospital to visit his ill father. He is currently awaiting transfer to a forced labour camp. Mr. Zhang was arrested in October 2000 while on his way to Beijing to appeal for justice for Falun Gong and sentenced to two years of forced labour. He was sent to the Handan Forced Labour Camp. Because he refused to give up his belief, guards subjected him to brutal torture. Two of his ribs were broken after guard Wang Xusheng kicked him for taking care of other sick practitioners.
Crimes at the Xinjin Brainwashing Centre in Sichuan Province
2010-10-31Ms. Liu Hui is 38 years old and was held at the Chengdu Women's Prison for four years until October 11th, 2006. Then she was taken to the Xinjin Brainwashing Centre. She resisted the centre's attempts to get her to give up her faith, despite section head Hu verbally abusing her, and staff member He Chengyan dragging and brutally beating her. She went on a hunger strike upon learning that the food was laced with poisonous substances. Yang Liuqing savagely force-fed her and injured her with a metal mouth-opening device, making her bleed onto her clothes.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Sumei Persecuted
2010-10-30Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong in 1999, Ms Wang Sumei has been constantly harassed by local police in her residential area. She has been sent to a forced labour camp, detained, and interrogated at Tangxunhu Brainwashing Centre in Wuhan City, and interrogated at the local police station. Throughout these ten years her family members have been living in fear and her relatives have not been able to lead normal lives. She recounts the persecution: "In the labour camp I was forced to stand completely still for long periods of time, forced to attend military training, and had to do slave labour. I became sick due to the work and persecution."
Jiang Botao Secretly Transferred to Lianjiangkou Prison after Family Appeals
2010-10-30Falun Gong practitioner Jiang Botao from Qitaihe City in Heilongjiang Province has been jailed in Qitaihe Prison for more than three months. His family members are not allowed to visit him. A family member of Jiang Botao went to Qitaihe Prison to visit him on October 8th. He was told that Falun Gong practitioners are not allowed any visitors. He then found the warden of the prison who told him that special permission was needed to visit a Falun Gong practitioner. The family member said to the warden, "By law, they are allowed a visitor once a month. Why does the organization which executes the law not follow the laws of the Chinese constitution?" They could not answer. Recently we heard that Jiang Botao was secretly transferred to Lianjiangkou Prison in Jiamusi City.
The Torture of Women Practitioners at the Tumuji Forced Labour Camp in Inner Mongolia
2010-10-30A guard at Tumuji Forced Labour Camp saw practitioner Ms. Wei Shuqin sitting cross-legged on the bed doing the Falun Gong meditation, then grabbed her by the collar and dragged her away by force. Others saw that Ms. Wei had her head down on the ground motionless and there was blood on the ground. Ms. Wei's face and clothes were covered with blood. The guard said, "Wei Shuqin fell to the ground while she was practising Falun Gong." Guard Xu Qiuhua put a rubbish bag into Ms. Wei's mouth, saying she had bad breath. Guard Wang Guirong dragged her into a monitor room, handcuffed her for five hours, and beat her on the face using a dustpan. Ms. Wei was as thin as a skeleton as a result of the torture.
Yangpu 610 Office Agents in Shanghai Beat Elderly Woman
2010-10-30On June 25th, 2010, police officer Zhou Guangrong deceived 64-year-old Ms. Xu Xuecun into opening the door of her home. The police then went into her bedroom and twelve more people from the local 610 Office [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong] arrived. A large policeman grabbed the small elderly woman, lifted her up and threw her to the ground. When Ms. Xu hit the ground, the policeman used his hands to push and roll her body. Immediately, Ms. Xu's legs and arms started swelling. The right side of her face was swollen and her eyes were black from bruising. One of her teeth also fell out. She sustained severe internal injuries. Currently, Ms. Xu's whereabouts are unknown.
Inhuman Insult and Torture
2010-10-29Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Yongwang was imprisoned and tortured during his detention at Jidong Prison in Hebei Province in 2001. Lawyers went to the prison at the request of Mr. Liu and his family. The lawyers asked to visit their client, in accordance with the law. At first, prison authorities attempted to obstruct the meeting. After their repeated delay tactics failed, they received approval from their superiors to allow the lawyers to meet with Mr. Liu. Before the meeting, Mr. Liu was able to avoid a body search, and in so doing was able to hand his complaint letter, detailing the persecution he has suffered, to the lawyers.
Five Practitioners from Fengcheng in Liaoning Province Persecuted
2010-10-29Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Jiao, 54, was previously arrested by police on September 11th, 2004, when he was seen talking to local residents about Falun Gong. He was taken to Benxi Forced Labour Camp, where he was tortured on a Stretch Bed (photo shows ee-enactment of a practitioner tortured on a Stretch Bed). Mr. Jiao was released on medical grounds after two years of forced labour. He is in very poor health now and struggling to survive.
Mr. Lei Jingxiong and Ms. Wu Shengying Severely Persecuted in Duyun Prison of Guizhou Province
2010-10-29Two Falun Gong practitioners are currently detained in the Duyun Prison of Guizhou Province. Mr. Lei Jingxiong was arrested by the Duyun 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and then subjected to eight years of imprisonment, and Ms. Wu Shengying was given a six-year prison term. While detained in the Duyun Prison, Mr. Lei was beaten so severely that he went into a coma. Ms. Wu was forcibly put under induced labour for her eight-month-old foetus. She went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution and lost consciousness a few times. She is currently very weak.
Falun Gong Practitioners Force-fed With Drugs at Huaihua Brainwashing Centre
2010-10-29Police arrested Mr. Zhang Zhimin and took him to the Huaihua Brainwashing Centre in September. Mr. Zhang Zhimin was forced to watch videos that defame Falun Gong. Because he refused to give up the practice, he was tortured and he subsequently developed high blood pressure. He was also force-fed unknown psychotropic drugs. Zhang Zhimin became weak all over, began sweating, and felt drowsy. One of the guards said that the drug was for treating high blood pressure. Eventually Mr. Zhang was released.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Wenjuan from Jinzhou City Persecuted for Ten Years
2010-10-28Ms. Wang Wenjuan started to practise Falun Gong in 1999. After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong three times and was arrested each time. She was brutally tortured and brainwashed while being detained in the mental hospital. She was also sentenced to forced labour. She recounts: "I was "painfully tortured in the mental hospital. If I refused to eat, Doctor Lin and Li Qiang used the electric needle to shock me. I was tortured in the mental hospital for over two months."
The Torture Endured by Older Practitioner Ms. Wan Xiuying in Tumuji Forced Labour Camp in Inner Mongolia
2010-10-28Ms. Wan Xiuying, 64 years old, is from Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia. In the past eleven years of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong, Ms. Wan has been detained nine times. In 2007, Ms. Wan was sentenced to three years of forced labour. Prison guards threatened Ms. Wan, saying "If you refuse to be 'transformed,' [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] you will never get out of here." They then forced her to watch videos slandering Falun Gong. Later, a guard punched her on the left side of her chest. The torture made Ms. Wan suffer from cramps, choking, and palpitations.