Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Mr. Wang Wenzhang Sentenced to Four Years in Prison
2009-10-23Mr. Wang Wenzhang is about 55 years old and comes from Fuhe Village in Liaoning Province. He owned a small department store in the village. Since the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started persecuting Falun Gong in 1999, the Wang family has been repeatedly persecuted by the authorities. In June 2009, Mr. Wang was taken away by the police. Three months later, according to reliable sources, he was sentenced to four years in prison by the Court of Tieling City.
Practitioners Persecuted in Guandong Village of Laishui County, Hebei Province
2009-10-23In 2000, Xia Hongrui went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was later arrested and detained at Laishui County Detention Centre. Police paraded her through the streets with a sign hanging around her neck. At the detention centre, heat was provided for only ten or more days throughout the entire winter. The cells were always cold with wind blowing through the doors and windows. The inmates were forced to do slave labour, such as embroidering. They worked from early morning until late at night to finish the quotas. It was so cold that they often could not close their hands to form a fist, and some the inmates' hands were cracked and bleeding due to the cold. Dead mice were often seen floating in the vats with the pickles.
Nine Practitioners Arrested in Binxian County, Heilongjiang Province
2009-10-23Prior to China's National Day on October 1st, 2009, police officers from Binxian County, Helongjiang Province arrested nine practitioners within two days, and they were held in the No. 2 Binxian County Detention Centre. broke into Ms.Yao Chunrong's home, where practitioners had gathered to study Falun Gong teachings together. The police arrested Ms.Yao and four other practitioners. They also confiscated Ms. Yao's personal belongings, including Falun Gong books. All practitioners were then taken to the No. 2 Binxian County Detention Centre.
Mr. Guo Huisheng from Jiahe County, Hunan Province Dies as a Result of Persecution
2009-10-22Mr. Guo Huisheng and his wife Ms. Li Jumei wrote a letter to Xi Xiaogang, Director of the Lanshan County Police Department, to request the release of fellow practitioner Ms. Xiao Silan. As a result, they suffered brutal persecution from the local 610 Office. On August 6th, 2009, they were arrested by a group of police officers. Their home was searched when no one was home. Mr. Guo's hands were handcuffed behind his back, and he was held to the ground and beaten by four police officers. When he was brought to the police station, there was blood all over his head and face.
Practitioner Liu Rongming from Chongqing City Tortured
2009-10-22In 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started to persecute Falun Gong. Mr. Liu Rongming was one of the many victims of the persecution. He was sentenced to three and a half years in prison and and subjected to forced labour. Mr. Liu was forced to make several thousand paper boxes a day while he was in prison. He could not continue with this work because of his deteriorating vision. During his imprisonment, Mr. Liu was force-fed, and his stomach was injured in the process. Mr. Liu talked about Falun Gong to policeman Zhou, who directed prisoners to lock his thumbs together. Then they used a foot-long metal wire to connect a 15-kilogram (about 30 pounds) metal chain to his hands.
Jilin University Professor Ms. Zeng Lingwen Unjustly Charged
2009-10-22Ms. Zeng Lingwen, 74, is a retired professor of physics who taught at Jilin University. She was arrested repeatedly for being a Falun Gong practitioner and taken to the detention centre, the drug rehabilitation centre and the forced labour camp in Changchun City. In the middle of July 2009, officials from the Changjiu Road Police Station in Changchun City came to Ms. Zeng's house to make an "in-home investigation." Seeing Falun Gong materials in the house, the police began to search everything and took away her personal belongings including her pension money. The police subsequently took Ms. Zeng to the police station for further questioning.
Mr. Dong Shaotai Arrested Again
2009-10-22After the persecution of Falun Gong started in July 1999, Mr. Dong, along with many other Falun Gong practitioners, went to the Office of Letters and Calls of the Chongqing Municipal government to appeal for Falun Gong. However, they were beaten by the police and thrown onto a truck. The police drove them to a desolate place where there were no bus stops and left them there. He was arrested and detained several times over the years. In September 2009, someone framed Mr. Dong. He was arrested by police and his home was searched. According to the police station, they had found several hundred copies of Falun Gong-related DVDs, Falun Gong books and materials. Mr. Dong is being held at the Shuangliu County Detention Centre without visitation rights. According to sources, his family are also placed under tight surveillance.
The Parents of Deceased Practitioner Ms. Gao Rongrong Are Being Watched
2009-10-21Ms. Gao Rongrong, whose face was disfigured by the guards in a forced labour camp by being shocked with electric batons continuously for about 6 hours, died four years ago as a result of the persecution. Even after her death, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has continued to persecute her parents. After Ms. Gao's death, her parents went to the Liaoning Provincial Procuratorate Office to request a copy of her medical report. Their request was denied.
Mr. Meng Fei in Critical Condition after Being Tortured at a Labour Camp in Shandong Province
2009-10-21Mr. Meng Fei is a chemistry teacher and Falun Gong practitioner. On September 7th, 2009, police went to the school where Mr. Meng worked and handcuffed and arrested him. They drove Mr. Meng to the Wangcun Men's Forced Labour Camp. Six guards and inmates locked Mr. Meng to an iron chair, then tortured and verbally abused him. In addition, they tried unsuccessfully to force-feed him over ten times, leaving Mr. Meng's mouth area severely bruised and bleeding. Mr. Meng was then transferred to the labour camp hospital, where doctors injected him with unknown drugs, for two consecutive days. He was later taken back to the labour camp, where he was force-fed. On September 15th, Mr. Meng's family picked him up and drove him to the County Chinese Medicine Hospital for emergency treatment. He was unconscious at the time.
After Their Father Passes Away, Children Demand the Release of Their Wrongfully Imprisoned Mother
2009-10-21In September 2009, several children who had just lost their father went to see the heads of Xishui County Police Department 610 Office in Hubei Province, to demand the release of their mother, Zhang Guixiang, so that she could go home to attend their father's funeral. However, the police simply ignored their request. Being a Falun Gong practitioner, Ms. Zhang follows the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. She loves her children. Since the persecution began on July 20th, 1999, Ms. Zhang has been arrested many times because she wanted to tell people the truth of Falun Gong. To her children, it seems that they do not have a mother anymore since she was constantly imprisoned by Xishui Police Department.
Ms. Liu Chunyan Arrested in Nantong City, Jiangsu Province
2009-10-21On September 19th, seven people from the Nantong City Police Department broke into a store in Rugao County owned by Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Chunyan. They arrested Ms. Liu, her husband Cai Xunming, and their son Cai Qiang. The family was detained at the Rugao Police Department. While the family was being held, over eighty policemen from Nantong Police Department and Rugao Police Department ransacked their home and confiscated Ms. Liu's computer, Falun Gong books, and two personal letters. Mr. Cai Xunming was held for four days and his son Cai Qiang for one day. Ms. Liu is still in custody at the Rugao County Police Station.
Persecution of Countryside Doctor Zhou Zaitian
2009-10-20Mr. Zhou Zaitian is a countryside doctor, who has 37 years of experience. Because he practises Falun Gong, he was detained in 2006 and then sentenced in 2007. When detained at the detention centre, Mr. Zhou was subjected to many kinds of brutal tortures, including: (1) Beaten with shoes - Thugs beat him with new shoes made of hardened plastic. Mr. Zhou was beaten on both sides of his face dozens of times. The next day, Mr. Zhou's face was swollen more than one centimetre (.4 inch). His face was swollen so severely that his eyes were almost buried. (2) Suffocation - Thugs suddenly covered Mr. Zhou's head with a plastic bag and quickly he started to suffocate. Four evildoers held him down so that he could not move. Mr. Zhou struggled and broke the plastic bag so that he was able to breathe.
Ms. Jin Yongdan, a Practitioner of Korean Ethnicity, Died as Result of the Persecution
2009-10-20In April 2009, police stormed into Ms. Jin Yingdan's work place. They took her Falun Gong books and notes with words exposing the persecution on them. They arrested Ms. Jin and tortured her when she was in custody at the police compound. They deprived her of food and sleep. Later, they took her to the Longjing City Detention Centre. On the fifth day, Ms. Jin's condition was critical. The doctors said she could die at any time and persuaded the police to release her. She suffered from tremendous mental pressure and died on October 5th, 2009.
Bruised and Bleeding: The Shameless Torturing of Ms. Liu Guangming
2009-10-20Ms. Liu wanted to tell everybody about the benefits of Falun Gong cultivation and the wrong perception people had about Falun Gong and the suffering of tens of thousands of good people. On September 29th, 2005, she went to Changsha City to distribute informational materials about Falun Gong. She was arrested and taken to the police station, where she was beaten and kicked severely. She was later sentenced to one year of forced labour in Baimalong Forced Labour Camp, where she was repeatedly tortured in order to try to "transform" her. Guards Long often made her watch videos that slandered Falun Gong. They made her stand the entire night, and made her squat with both arms stretched out. Once, Ms. Liu did not do these things well, and she was beaten brutally.
Police in Ji County, Tianjin City, Arrested a Legless, Mentally Ill Person and Tried to Put Him in a Forced Labour Camp
2009-10-20The national security police in Ji County, Tianjin City, worked with Dongerying Police Station to arrest the legless and mentally ill brother of practitioner Mr. Su Jianmin. They decided to put him in a forced labour camp for a year, but were unsuccessful in getting him admitted. Not able to find Mr. Su, they arrested his brother, who is not a Falun Gong practitioner, but the police arrested and detained him anyway.