Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Mr. Hou Yanshuang in Critical Condition After Years of Persecution at Shenyang No. 1 Prison
2010-07-22Mr. Hou Yanshuang has been detained and persecuted for nine years. As a result of being severely tortured in Shenyang No. 1 Prison, he suffers from bone spurs on his vertebrae and high blood pressure, and has had a heart attack and a stroke. He cannot take care of himself. Doctors said that Mr. Hou must be cared for at a hospital, but officials from the prison will not allow it. Mr. Hou's family members wanted to take him home for treatment, but officials from the prison also denied that request. He is currently being detained in the Sixth Ward of the prison.
Town Doctor in Huaying City, Sichuan Province Physically Assaulted and Tortured Numerous Times
2010-07-22Mr. Tang Guoping, about 47 years old, was a doctor. Because he would not give up his practice of Falun Gong, on numerous occasions he was persecuted by the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong), police, and town government officials. His family has had more than ten thousand yuan extorted from them. Mr. Tang was sent to forced labour twice for a total of four and a half years. He was tortured in Xinhua Forced Labour Camp in Mianyang City. Guards frequently used electric batons to shock him, beat him with batons, tied him up, made him stand or squat for extended periods, deprived him of sleep, did not allow him to use the toilet, and more such abuse.
Heizuizi Labour Camp in Jilin Province Uses Physical and Psychological Abuse on Those Who Refuse to Renounce Falun Gong
2010-07-22Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Weixiu has been refusing to do forced labour so she has been shocked with electric batons several times by Wang Limei, the police division head. Once Wang Limei poked the electric baton against Ms. Wang Weixiu's breast, and shocked her for an extended time. Another time, Wang Limei told Ms. Wang Weixiu to carry the bed for her, but Ms. Wang Weixiu refused. Thus, Wang Limei poured a basin of water over Ms. Wang Weixiu's head, and started shocking her with an electric baton. After a few electric shocks, she stopped and told Ms. Wang Weixiu to carry the bed again, Ms. Wang Weixiu again refused. She then started a second round of electric shocks on Ms. Wang Weixiu.
University Lecturer Guo Xiaojun from Shanghai Persecuted
2010-07-22Mr. Guo Xiaojun, a former lecturer at the Computer Science Department in Shanghai Jiaotong University, was arrested on January 8th, 2010 by police. The officers also ransacked his home and car and repeatedly threatened Mr. Guo's wife. Mr. Guo's wife initially hired an attorney from Beijing for legal assistance. However, officials from the Beijing Judicial Bureau pressured him to drop the case under orders from the 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in Shanghai. Mr. Guo's wife then hired another attorney from Beijing, but he also left after being threatened by the Beijing Judicial Bureau.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Forces Lawyers Defending Shanghai Jiaotong University Professor to Withdraw from the Case
2010-07-21A lawyer for Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Guo Xiaojun was notified on June 25th, 2010 by Shanghai Baoshan Court that Mr. Guo would be tried on July 6th. Mr. Guo was a professor at Shanghai Jiaotong University in the computer science department before he was arrested and tortured for practising Falun Gong. His family asked three lawyers to appeal for him, but all three lawyers withdrew due to pressure from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Mr. Guo is now on his fourth lawyer.
His Wife Dead and His Daughter Mentally Disordered, Mr. Yang Fujin Dies as a Result of the Persecution of Falun Gong
2010-07-21Mr. Yang Fujin was a Falun Gong practitioner. His wife, Ms. Yin Fengqin, also a practitioner, died as a result of the persecution on January 29th, 2010. Officials from the local 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and police department still continued to pressure and intimidate him and he could find nowhere to seek justice. His practitioner daughter, Ms. Yang Lijuan, was persecuted until she developed a mental disorder and could not take care of her two young sons. Having no other alternative, he handed his grandsons to one of his relatives for adoption. Grief stricken, he died recently at the age of 62.
Mr. Wang Haihui Brutally Tortured in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp for Eight Months
2010-07-21Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Wang Haihui is being held in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, in a special unit established in September 2008 to persecute Falun Gong practitioners. It was confirmed by a reliable insider that the camp guards have been torturing Mr. Wang by hanging him up by his handcuffs, putting him in a straightjacket, tying him to a bed frame, and other torture, for eight months, ever since October 18th, 2009. Many parts of his body have become swollen, infected, or bruised. His life is in danger.
Judges and Police in Wuhan City Retaliate Against Four Elderly Falun Gong Practitioners for Filing an Appeal
2010-07-21Ms. Song Wenxiu and her daughter Li Shihong are both Falun Gong practitioners. Earlier this year, police arrested Ms. Song and confiscated the keys to her home. Without any search or arrest warrants, the police ransacked her home and arrested her daughter. police took 1,200 yuan during the raid. Her family went to the police station numerous times to report the missing cash, but the police refused to record and investigate their case. Jiangan District Court tried Ms. Li Shihong on April 7th, 2010. The case against her was composed of fabricated evidence.
Dentist Ms. Wang Xiaoming Arrested for a Third Time
2010-07-20Eyewitnesses saw Dr. Wang Xiaoming being arrested outside of her dental clinic at around 10 a.m. on July 6th, 2010, by agents from Wuhan City 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong). Dr. Wang is now detained in Hubei Province Legal Education School (a brainwashing centre). Dr. Wang's husband was employed at the Wuhan City TV Station but could not be promoted because his wife practised Falun Gong. He was later demoted to another job. Their marriage ended because of the huge pressure levied against it under the persecution.
Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Ding Fadong Has Endured Severe Abuse in Detention Centres and Labour Camps
2010-07-20On July 20th, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) head, Jiang Zemin, launched the unconstitutional persecution of Falun Gong across the nation. I was arrested by the police on numerous occasions simply for telling fellow villagers about the benefits of Falun Gong and the unreasonable persecution practitioners were being put through. I was held in custody and sentenced to forced labour three times, which left me subject to extended hours of forced servitude, while guards and inmates carried out inhuman torture and conducted brainwashing sessions on me.
Persecuted Three Times Already, Education Bureau Accountant Arrested Again
2010-07-20On June 21st, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Guofang was arrested by police. Ms. Wang was taken to the Changchun City Brainwashing Centre. The officers said, "Falun Gong materials were found in your cabinet. You come with us." Ms. Wang asked, "Why did you search my things? Why should I go with you?" The police officers did not give an explanation and forced her into the vehicle. In October 2004, Ms. Wang was arrested on her way to Beijing, imprisoned for the second time, and subsequently tortured in Changchun Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp.
An Account of the Torture Suffered by Falun Gong Practitioner Mr. Deng Zhilin
2010-07-20In 2000, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Deng Zhilin was arrested. After being tortured for over ten months in the detention centre, Deng Zhilin was sentenced to forced labour. He was sent to Jiangxi Province Forced Labour Camp. When he refused to be "transformed" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong], guards beat him, kicked his head and tied him to a chair or handcuffed him to a bed. They ordered four others to make him sit on a 25 cm tall stool, wear earphones, and listen to tapes that slandered Falun Gong. He had to listen from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. every day. On top of that, he had to do hard labour.
Falun Gong Practitioner Zhang Kemei Relentlessly Tortured at Wanjia Women's Forced Labour Camp in Harbin
2010-07-19Falun Gong practitioner Zhang Kemei was persecuted repeatedly because she persisted in practising Falun Gong and talking to people about the truth behind the persecution of Falun Gong. On August 8th, 2002, she was detained at the Wanjia Women's Forced Labour Camp in Harbin City. Ms. Zhang was frequently hung with her hands cuffed behind her back, shocked with electric batons, or shackled to a torture chair. Zhang Kemei was also forced to sit on a small bench for an extended period. The skin on her thighs festered and her underwear stuck to her body, so she was in extreme pain while using the toilet. She was so weak that the guards didn't dare to torture her again, but they still forced her to do the labour until she was released in mid-December 2003.
Ms. Xiao Yingxue Detained in Brainwashing Centre Six Times
2010-07-19Ms. Xiao Yingxue was arrested by police on June 27th, 2010, while she distributed leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong in Wuhan City. She has been detained at the Etouwan Brainwashing Centre. Ms. Xiao has been arrested eight times and detained in brainwashing centres six times since the start of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong in 1999. In 2001, Ms. Xiao was sentenced to 18 months of forced labour at the Hewan Forced Labour Camp in Wuhan City. While at the labour camp, she was beaten, hung up by handcuffed arms, deprived of sleep, subjected to forced labour, attacked by groups of inmates, forced to watch TV programmes slandering Falun Gong and coerced into writing guarantee statements renouncing her faith in Falun Gong.
Mr. Zhang Qingshu Sentenced to Forced Labour a Third Time
2010-07-19Mr. Zhang Qingshu, 45, was arrested many times for practising Falun Gong. In 2000, Mr. Zhang was arrested and then taken to the Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp of Hebei Province for two years. He was released on April 27th, 2002. In 2003, police detained him in the Tangshan City Hehuakeng Forced Labour camp for three years. On February 3rd, 2009, Mr. Zhang was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong. He was arrested and sent to the Balizhuang Forced Labour Camp. He has been detained there since.