Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Former Court Official Mr. Wang Zhansuo Held for Practising Falun Gong; His Attorney Forbidden to See Him
2010-06-22Mr. Wang Zhansuo is a lawyer. More than ten agents from Huangdao District 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) and police arrested him and his family members for practising Falun Gong on March 4th, 2010. Mr. Wang's defence attorney requested a meeting with him, but 610 Office agents denied his request. In May, Mr. Wang asked to be released on parole so he could attend a family member's funeral, only to have his request categorically denied. When his defence attorney visited the Huangdao District Procuratorate on June 7th, asking to review his case, officials said he could not see them, but agreed to a meeting with Mr. Wang in the detention centre.
Ms. Dong Wencai Persecuted for Her Belief in Falun Gong
2010-06-22On May 13th, 2010, practitioner Ms. Dong Wencai was arrested by police along with other practitioners because they had been seen talking to people about Falun Gong in Yuanjiayuan Village a month earlier. At around 7:00 p.m that evening, they were all detained in Xiong County Detention Centre, and then were taken to Shijiazhuang Women's Forced Labour Camp the same evening. On May 14th, Ms. Dong Wencai was sentenced to one year of forced labour. Ms. Dong Wencai Persecuted for Her Belief in Falun GongOn the afternoon of May 13th, 2010, practitioner Ms. Dong Wencai was arrested by Guo Junxue, Zhang Baozhong and other police officers from the Xiong County Domestic Security Division, while she was out in Xihouliu Village, Xiong County, Hebei Province. Practitioners Ms. Zhang Guizhen and Ms. Zhang Lanfen were also arrested on the same day. The reason for their arrest was because they had been seen talking to people about Falun Gong in Yuanjiayuan Village a month earlier. At around 7:00 p.m that evening, they were all detained in Xiong County Detention Centre, and then were taken to Shijiazhuang Women's Forced Labour Camp the same evening. Ms. Zhang Lanfen, however, was returned home because she was seriously ill and the police feared taking responsibility if she died while in custody. On the afternoon of May 14th, Ms. Dong Wencai and Ms. Zhang Guizhen were sentenced to one year of forced labour. Since the persecution began in 1999, Ms. Dong has been sentenced to forced labour three times.
Farm Wife Taken to Forced Labour Camp, Family Member Dies from Stress and Sorrow
2010-06-22On April 21st, 2010, police arrested Ms. Zhao Lihua while she was distributing Falun Gong materials, then jailed her in the Laixi Detention Centre. Ms. Zhao's husband had health problems and depended completely on Ms. Zhao's care. Police told Ms. Zhao's husband that they needed proof of his condition from the hospital, so that they could release Ms. Zhao to take care of him. Her husband dragged himself to the hospital and gave proof to the police. Officials told him that his evidence was not valid and also accused him of exposing Ms. Zhao's arrest case on the Clearwisdom website (a Falun Gong website). Ms. Zhao was taken to the Wangcun Forced Labour Camp. Three days after the family got the news of Ms. Zhao's whereabouts, her father-in-law died of extreme stress and grief.
Family Members Barred from Trial of Ms. Cao Guoxian in Duchang County, Jiangxi Province
2010-06-22Ms. Cao Guoxian, an over 50-year-old Falun Gong practitioner, was tried by the Court of Duchang County, Jiangxi Province, on May 27th, 2010. Ms. Cao was arrested on March 21st and has been held in the Duchang County Detention Centre. Her family asked several times to visit her but they were never allowed to. In court Ms. Cao's family members, relatives, and fellow villagers came. It was reported that Liu Jianhong, the presiding judge of the court, was very angry because he received many phone calls from the United States, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and other parts of the world. The callers tried to tell him the facts about Falun Gong and asked him to stop persecuting practitioners. He lost his temper at Ms. Cao's family and blamed them for having leaked information about the trial and barred some of them.
Exposing Gross Mistreatment and Abuse of Falun Gong Practitioners at the Shandong First Women's Labour Camp
2010-06-21All practitioners at the labour camp were forced to make toys from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. every day, and were only allowed 30 minutes for meal times. The Shandong First Women's Labour Camp was actually an illegal toy factory. When completed the toys would be exported to other countries. Every detainee had a quota and had to work non-stop to complete it. Cosmetically, the toys looked very nice, but they were filled with contaminated cotton. Many people that had handled the cotton had unbearably itchy skin and developed skin problems and festering of both hands and feet.
Account of Persecution Suffered by Older Practitioner Ms. Liu Yunfang from Luzhou City, Sichuan Province
2010-06-21Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Liu Yunfang, 63, was arrested on March 31st, 2010, while walking along Hexi Street. Police dragged her into a black vehicle, took her to the Anfu Police Station and then sent her to Naxi Court. In court, the police forced Liu Yunfang to sign a prepared document without letting her see its content. Ms. Liu later learned that it was the indictment statement. Ms. Liu was secretly tried in a criminal court on April 13th. The proceedings included no kept record and lasted for 20 minutes. She was not given a chance to contact a lawyer for representation.
Ms. Ding Junhua, 51, Recounts Being Arrested and Persecuted
2010-06-21I was at home on April 13th, 2010, when officials and police broke into my home and arrested me and took me to the police station. I protested the persecution by going on a hunger strike. Police took me to the Peide Hospital. A director told me that I had to stay in the hospital whether I wished to or not. They wanted to give me injections, test my blood and put me on an intravenous drip, but I was determined not to co-operate. They tied me to a bed using long, heavy chains from 8:00 p.m. until dawn every day, even though I was weak. The weight of the chains caused me severe pain.
Mudanjiang City Prison Officials Subject Mr. Zhao Bo to Torture
2010-06-21Mr. Zhao Bo was arrested in the evening of March 20th, 2003 and locked up in Mudanjiang City Prison. Everyone in his ward was forced to make car cushions for more than eight hours a day. Guard Li Hongming beat Mr. Zhao in July 2004 because he refused to do hard labour. He went on a protest hunger strike. Four people handcuffed him on a metal bed and beat him. In 2005, Mr. Zhao refused to do forced labour again. A guard shocked him with an electric baton on his head, face, hands, ears, spine, and other sensitive places.
Mr. Yue Naiming Tortured in Custody, Harassed After Release
2010-06-20On April 27th, 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yue Naiming, 45 was arrested and taken to the Haidian District Detention Centre. Mr. Yue went on a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Guards force-fed him, injuring his mouth in the process. After the force-feeding, the guards poured cold water on him and forced him to stand against a wall. His clothes were covered with blood and vomit at that point. In September 2008, Mr. Yue was transferred to Weiningying Forced Labour Camp. Four people beat him until his face was disfigured and he could no longer chew properly. Mr. Yue was released on April 26th, 2010. Local police continued to harass him.
Ms. Ji Liping from Tongliao Has Been Persecuted for Eleven Years
2010-06-20Ms. Ji Liping, 56, has been constantly monitored, arrested, robbed in her home, and harassed by the police over the past eleven years. This is simply because she is a Falun Gong practitioner and wants to be a good person and conduct herself according to the principles of Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. In the Hexi Detention Centre Ms. Ji was handcuffed to a railing. Because she hadn't eaten anything or slept for two days, she fell into a stupor. Then the police hung her up from the railing and the handcuffs dug into her flesh. She was in such a great pain that she came to.
Mr. Lu Zhen from the Gaolan County Power Authority in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province, Relentlessly Persecuted
2010-06-20In 2005, Mr. Lu Zhen was sentenced by the Gaolan County Police Department to two years of forced labour for speaking out on behalf of Falun Gong. He was detained in the First Detention Station in Lanzhou City. At that time he had not yet recovered from his broken femur, but he was still forced to work for 17-18 hours per day. He had to peel lily roots, collect wool, collect watermelon seeds, and sew linen bags and blankets. After he was released, Lu Zhen was fired from his job. In July 2009, Mr. Lu was again sentenced to one year and three months of forced labour.
Mr. Che Guangming from Jinhua City in Zhejiang Province Arrested
2010-06-20Mr. Che Guangming, 33, has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) because he practises Falun Gong. He was detained in prison in Jiangsu Province for more than three years beginning in 2001. He was harassed by the Hangzhou City 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) in late April. As a result, he left home and lived elsewhere to avoid arrest. However, police tracked Mr. Che down and arrested him again on June 2nd, 2010.
After Falun Gong Practice Restores Her Health, an Outstanding Teacher is Sentenced for Disseminating Falun Gong
2010-06-19After beginning the Falun Gong practice many of Ms. Fan Shuyun's chronic illnesses disappeared without treatment. As soon as the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999, she was detained, her house was searched, and money was extorted from her family many times. She was arrested while visiting her son in Shanghai for posting Falun Gong information on August 20th, 2009, and was sentenced to two years of imprisonment. Ms. Fan has appealed her case. She is now being held in the Pudong District Detention Centre, awaiting a second court hearing.
Elderly Practitioner Sentenced to Five-year Jail Term
2010-06-19Seventy-year-old Ms. Li Yunhai was arrested and sent to a brainwashing centre around April 23rd, 2010, and then tried behind closed doors. She received a five-year prison sentence from the Penglai Court on April 28th. She suffered from high blood pressure and was sent to hospital for treatment that evening. While hospitalised, she was placed under the surveillance of police officers as well as teachers from her former workplace. She was handcuffed and shackled during her hospital stay.
China University of Political Science and Law Graduate Mr. Sun Zhen Imprisoned for Eight Years and Now in Dire Situation
2010-06-19Because he persisted in practising Falun Gong, Mr. Sun Zhen lost his job and was forced into homelessness. While enduring eight years of imprisonment at Gongzhuling Prison, Mr. Sun was tortured and suffered a great deal. Mr. Sun's prison term was supposed to end on May 1st, 2010. However, Gongzhuling Prison officials have refused to release him and added three months to his term. Mr. Sun is suffering from tuberculosis and severe malnutrition, and his mental acuity has deteriorated.