Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Intense Persecution Paralysed Ms. Dai Lijuan in Wuxi City, Jiangsu Province
2010-03-0647-year-old Ms. Dai Lijuan was arrested and taken to Wuxi City Mental Hospital, where she was forcibly injected with poisonous drugs in November 2001 and March 2002. In 2003, the police brutally persecuted her to the brink of death, leaving her incapacitated. She has since had to rely on her mother, a woman in her seventies, to take care of her since she is completely paralysed, and has barely uttered more than a few words in many years.
Mr. Liu Deyu from Jingmen City, Hubei Province Sentenced to Four Years of Imprisonment
2010-03-06On February 3rd, 53-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Liu Deyu was sentenced to four years of imprisonment at Dongbao District Court, Jingmen City, Hubei Province. Not until the next day was his wife notified by the court. In addition, she was only given until February 8th to appeal. Such a brazen violation of the law could only be for the purpose of stopping her from appealing to a higher court. When the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began the persecution of Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, Mr. Liu was sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp. He was forced to undergo brainwashing and subjected to all kinds of humiliation and torture
Persecution Suffered by 59-Year-Old Ms. Wang Li
2010-03-06Because I have persisted in practising Falun Gong I have been detained three times for a total of six months, sent to forced labour for two years, and forced to pay 3,800 Yuan since 1999. During my detention my husband divorced me. In June 20th, 2000 I was arrested by police and held in a detention centre. I held a hunger to protest. They began force-feeding me. Five criminals and the centre's deputy head handcuffed me onto a chair. One pulled my hair up against the chair, two held my arms, and one held my nose so that I could barely breathe and had to open my mouth. Another criminal inserted an empty water bottle into my mouth with the bottom cut off, and then poured water containing much salt into my mouth. I almost suffocated.
Thoughts on New Year's Day about Fellow Practitioners Detained in Prison
2010-03-06Ms. Ren appealed on three different occasions in Beijing. However, she was detained. She was in a forced labour camp for a year in 2001, and was beaten as well as abused arbitrarily by the police. Once, for refusing to write articles slandering Falun Gong, she was beaten severely for more than 20 days. As a result of this torture, she could not turn over in bed. She developed a constant ringing in her ears and also became incontinent of urine and faeces. The prison guards also hung her up suspended in mid air by handcuffs many times for between 20 minutes and one hour. They only put her down when she was on the verge of death. They kept torturing her to make her try to give up her practice. On August 10th, 2007, Ms. Ren was once again arrested and is still being held in prison against her will.
Factory Manager Ms. Luo Junling Died as a Result of Torture
2010-03-05After Ms. Luo Junling was arrested for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong, she was subjected to all kinds of torture, including being hung up by her handcuffed wrists, as well as beatings, and sleep deprivation. When Luo Junling was released on November 4th, 2003, she was unable to speak and extremely emaciated and weak. She was also mentally traumatised, and her whole body was bloody and covered with wounds. She died on January 2nd, 2004.
Family Members Speak Out in Support of Mr. Liu Yuhe, Who Is Being Tortured in Jilin Prison
2010-03-05Mr. Liu Yuhe is a Falun Gong practitioner who is currently detained at the Jilin Prison. His family has repeatedly requested punishment for the people at the prison who beat him, but have never received a reply from prison officials. The captors force-fed Mr. Liu Yuhe ruthlessly when he went on a persecution protest hunger strike. Liu Yuhe couldn't even take care of himself at one point due to the torture. He was incontinent and on the brink of death. The guards had to take him to the prison hospital for emergency rescue. When his family hired a lawyer to sue the prison, the guards threatened and intimidated the lawyer into dropping the case.
Jinchang City Court Holds Closed Trial for Ms. Wang Yumei and Ms. Li Xia
2010-03-05On January 20th, 2010, the Jinchuan District Court in Jinchang City, Gansu Province held a closed-door trial for Ms. Wang Yumei, Ms. Li Xia, and Mr. Shi Ruzhen. No family members or practitioners were allowed in the court. No verdict was announced after the day-long trial. A rumour circulated that the court would sentence the practitioners for distributing Falun Gong DVDs and the Jinchang City 610 Office (an organisation of special agents just for persecuting Falun Gong) was behind the scenes manipulating the trial.
Persecution of Ms. Zhong Dongmei in Hebei Province
2010-03-05I went to Tiananmen Square in Beijing on July 20th, 1999, the day the persecution began. The police arrested me and took me to the Tiananmen Police Station, where many other practitioners were also held. I saw police officers violently beating practitioners. They attacked primarily the practitioners' chests, backs and abdomens. Soon officers took me back to my hometown. A deputy police chief interrogated me. Before I entered his office, a group of people approached me, and hit and kicked me. They whacked my head, eyes, ears and face until I lost consciousness. They sent me to the Dingxing County Custody Centre. This was my first detention. I was forced to pay them more than 380 yuan.
Brutal Persecution at the Jiangxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp
2010-03-04There is an intensive management district inside the Jiangxi Province Women's Forced Labour Camp. Most of the Falun Gong practitioners are held there. The prison authorities divided a large room into 8 square meter rooms with one door and one small window. It usually held three people, one practitioner and two other inmates who were monitoring the practitioner at all times. The practitioner is not allowed to go to the toilet outside. Everything was forced to be done in the room and the room's air was terrible, particularly in the summer time. One could hardly breathe due to lack of fresh air and the clothes would stick to the body because of the sweat. Practitioners were also subjected to slave labour.
Brutal "Reform" Efforts at the Tumuji Forced Labour Camp
2010-03-04In order to force detained Falun Gong practitioners to renounce their beliefs, officials of the Tumuji Forced Labour Camp in Inner Mongolia set up an "Education and Reform Centre" and began their efforts at "reform" [forcibly renounce Falun Gong] on October 26th, 2009. They subjected practitioners Ms. Chen Wenbei and Ms. Xu Xiufen to sleep deprivation and forced them to stand for about ten days, until they fainted and fell down. The guards employ all torture methods possible in attempts to coerce practitioners to give up their beliefs. These two practitioners suffered from abdominal pain and were unable to walk.
Jiang Zengchao Imprisoned and Tortured for Nearly Nine Years
2010-03-04On November 8th, 1999, 38-year-old Jiang Zengchao was arrested by several policemen. He was sent to the Anda Detention Centre for five months. In April of 2000, Mr. Jiang was sentenced to one-and-a-half years of forced labour and was sent to the Suihua Forced Labour Camp. After he was released, Jiang Zengchao left his home to avoid further persecution. He worked in Panjin City, Liaoning Province. However, someone who did not know the truth of Falun Gong reported his whereabouts to the authorities. Consequently Mr. Jiang was arrested by the Panjin Public Security Bureau. After nine months of detention, he was sentenced to 10 years of forced labour without any legal procedures or documents and was imprisoned in the Shenyang City Dabei District Second Prison.
Two Practitioners Sentenced in Puyang City, Henan Province
2010-03-04Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Jiang Zhaofang and Ms. Ju Lili were arrested on May 17th, 2009, while posting flyers exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. Police officers took them to the Puyang Detention Centre. Hualong Court in Puyang City officials sentenced Ms. Ju to four years in prison and Ms. Jiang to three years in a covert trial on July 16th, 2009. The pair was sent to the Xinxiang Women's Prison on January 16th, 2010. Both have suffered abuse and mistreatment in mental hospitals and forced labour camps ever since the onset of the persecution in 1999.
Epoch Times: Shen Yun Artist Exposes Decade-Long Persecution against Her Family
2010-03-03On the night of Feb. 13th, the elegant Chinese lady playing the two-stringed Chinese instrument on the stage of the Bezemes Family Theatre in St. Louis was Mei Xuan, erhu soloist of the New York-based Shen Yun Performing Arts. How could anyone guess that she endured 4 years of hard labour in a dark Chinese prison and even suffered unimaginable tortures. When asked about her life in the prison, Mei Xuan replied: "Prisoners made clothing for export. They had to get up at 4 a.m. every morning and work 13 to 14, often even 17, hours a day...There were about 200 prisoners, she said, and every day some of them died--some from exhaustion, some from illnesses that were not treated, some from work-related accidents, some from beatings by police, some simply went crazy, and some committed suicide."
Professor Yue Zhongsheng from the Civil Aviation University of China Subjected to Forced Labour Again
2010-03-03Due to practising Falun Gong, Mr. Yue Zhongsheng, an associate professor at the Civil Aviation University of China, was arrested by officials from Haidian District, Beijing, in February 2009 and was subjected to forced labour again. Right now, he is being detained at the No. 1 Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province. Mr. Yue Zhongsheng has been tortured repeatedly while in police custody. In early 2006, Mr. Yue was arrested and sent to the Shuangkou Forced Labour Camp in Tianjin for being suspected of having copies of materials exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. Eight of his ribs were broken during a brutal beating there, and he was fired from his job.
Free Mr. Li Tianjing, an Innocent Man
2010-03-03Two lawyers defended Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Li Tianjing during a court trial on the morning of January 15th, 2010. The hearing was held in the auditorium of Shouxihu Farm in Shou County. The lawyers from Beijing and Henan demanded the immediate release of Li because belief in Falun Gong is not a crime. During the court debate, the lawyers refuted the prosecutor's points as "non-factual, unsubstantiated, inappropriate use of the law," and they suggested that the charges be dismissed.