Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Persecution Suffered by Mr. Zheng Fangjun Prior to His Death
2010-03-14During the past ten years, Mr. Zheng Fangjun was twice sent to a forced labour camp, detained four times, and brutally tortured. Mr. Zheng decided to leave home following his release in 2005, in order to avoid further persecution. He was homeless for years and constantly on the run, lacking a secure place to stay. He often skipped meals and spent long hours outdoors, rain or shine. The rough living took a toll on his health. He had trouble swallowing, constantly coughed, and vomited blood. He became so weak that he was always exhausted and had trouble breathing. Zheng Fengjun died on July 21st, 2009.
Recounting the Persecution that Liu Zhimei Suffered During Her Time at the Beijing Detention Centre
2010-03-14Falun Gong practitioner Liu Zhimei, 20, was detained at Beijing Detention Centre. Once, Ms. Liu went with the guards to be interrogated. However, she didn't return until two months later. The cell she was locked in was extremely small, with enough space for only a bed and a toilet. She wasn't allowed to change her clothes or take a shower during those two months. There was a big camera on the ceiling to monitor her around the clock. The area she was confined in was full of similar small cells and she heard painful screams from fellow inmates being tortured. I recently heard that Liu Zhimei suffered a mental breakdown, and I felt very sad.
Husband of Shen Yun Performer Arrested at Airport and Taken to Brainwashing Centre
2010-03-13On February 18th, 2010, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Jiang was scheduled to take a Continental flight to reunite with his wife in the US. He had checked in his luggage, obtained a boarding pass, and gone through the security check. He should have arrived in the Newark Airport on the afternoon of February 18th, but his wife found that he had never boarded the plane. He went missing after the security check and before boarding the aircraft in Pudong Airport. He is now detained in a brainwashing centre.
High School Student Ms. Wang Pingrui Abused at Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp in Jilin Province
2010-03-13Because of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong practitioners, Ms. Wang Pingrui was forced to leave school six months before the college entrance examinations. Ms. Wang was sentenced to two years of forced labour in Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp. Upon her arrival at the labour camp, Ms. Wang called out to other detained practitioners, "Do not work for them!" In retaliation, the prison guards cuffed her hands and fastened her feet with leather belts to a bed for six months and left her without any food or water for a long period of time. A guard shocked the bottoms of her feet with an electric baton and her feet were seriously injured. Prisoners beat her with filled water bottles, whipped her with leather belts, stomped on her chest forcefully and rode on her back.
Ms. Huang Yixiu, a Peasant Farmer, Detained Many Times
2010-03-13Ms. Huang Yixiu has been detained four times, totalling 761 days, simply because she practises Falun Gong. She recounts: "More than a dozen practitioners, including myself, were arrested and detained on July 18th, 2000. 610 Office agents violently beat practitioners. We were forced to work slavishly during the day. If any of the practitioners did the Falun Gong exercises, they were beaten black and blue with electric batons. After we were maltreated for 19 days, we were taken back to our villages by local police and tortured. They exposed us to the burning sun, forced us to squat for long periods of time, and bound us together for display to the public. We were also forced to wash cars, do cleaning, and do 1-metre-deep weeding with our hands. Despite the forced labour, we were often deprived of food."
Practitioner Gong Ruiping Injected with Harmful Drugs in Beijing Women's Prison
2010-03-13Since Gong Ruiping was detained at the Third Division of Beijing Women's Prison, she has suffered long-term torture from perpetrators led by the division head, Tian Fengqing. During the SARS epidemic, she was put into long-term solitary confinement, where she was beaten, deprived of sleep, not given enough food, and given only steamed buns. She was also brainwashed in attempts to force her to give up her Falun Gong practice. The director has secretly given her a harmful drug for nearly six months. A director once said, "She is forced to take the drug every day. It has been six months. Even a healthy person would be harmed." She later became mentally confused and physically unhealthy.
The Persecution Suffered by Mr. Chen Yuanlong from Fushun City Before His Death
2010-03-12In November 2002, without any evidence or an open trial, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials sentenced Mr. Chen to six years in prison. The sentence was due to be completed in November 2007. He was incarcerated in Xihu Prison in Benxi City, Liaoning Province. After several years of imprisonment and persecution, Mr. Chen was emaciated, but the persecution continued to escalate. Eventually, he was so weak that he could not even stand on his own. When the family asked to have him released for medical treatment, the prison officials refused the request. On August 20th, 2007, without anyone notifying his family, the prison took Mr. Chen home, because he was near death. During the next six months, he wasn't able to eat due the severe abuse he had suffered in prison. In the end, Mr. Chen Yuanlong passed away.
Ms. Xu Peiyan from Heilongjiang Province Jailed for Five Years for Talking to People about Falun Gong
2010-03-12Ms. Xu Peiyan once had serious Hepatitis B, which was very painful. In March 2003, Ms. Xu began to practise Falun Gong. Soon, this stubborn illness was completely cured without any treatment. Since then, she has been telling her friends and family about the beauty of Falun Gong. On March 22nd, 2004, Ms. Xu was reported for telling others about her experience of practising Falun Gong. She was arrested, interrogated for two days and then taken to Mishan Detention Centre. On September 22nd, 2004, the police took her to Harbin Women's Jail. In the jail, Ms. Xu was tortured in different ways. Often they did not let her sleep, and beatings occurred almost every day. They wanted to force her to give up her faith.
Crimes Committed by Chengdu City Women's Prison and Police Hospital
2010-03-12In the No. 6 Ward of the women's prison, guard Zhao Hongmei uses various means to torture Falun Gong practitioners, leading to a number of practitioners giving up their practice. The guards also persecute the practitioners financially. Even if the practitioners have money in their accounts, the guards don't allow them to buy anything including toilet paper, and other daily necessities. Practitioner Zhong Qunfang was not allowed to buy feminine products. Her face was swollen due to physical torture from inmates. This is combined with not being given enough food for long periods of time. She is given only a small portion of pickled vegetables to eat every day, and is not allowed to buy food.
Ms. Zhao Xiaozhen Dies as a Result of Constant Harassment by the Police
2010-03-12Before the 2008 Beijing Olympics, police from Xin'an Town and members of the Xiciting Village Security Committee threatened practitioners to not leave their homes and seized their Falun Gong books and their identification cards. Elderly Falun Gong practitioner Zhao Xiaozhen’s recorder was taken, too. Ms. Zhao was old and weak. She fell sick and was admitted to the hospital after she was threatened. On August 7th, just one day before the Olympics, policeman Liu Chengjun ordered people to watch Ms. Zhao while she was in the hospital, and ordered them to report to her if Ms. Zhao was released. Ms. Zhao died in the hospital on December 2nd, 2009.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Zhang Xiao Tortured in a Labour Camp
2010-03-11One of Ms. Zhang Xiao's relatives introduced her to Falun Gong in 2006. Agents of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) misled her father into believing that Falun Gong was bad and he reported her to the police. She was arrested and sent to Huhehaote Women's Forced Labour Camp in Inner Mongolia, where she was severely persecuted and nearly suffered mental collapse. She recalled: “On August 1st, 2008, commander Yuan and his wife Ma, force-fed me. When I vomited, they gathered the vomit and used it to continue the force-feeding. They did this twice a day, one or two days apart, with help from a few others, one of whom was doctor Yu. On August 2nd, I was forced to lie on a filthy, urine-soaked mattress, and was not even given a drink of water.”
Mr. Zhang Haiming, Ms. Zhang Guizhi and Other Practitioners Sent to Forced Labour Camps
2010-03-11Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Zhang Haiming, Ms. Zhang Guizhi, Ms. Song Yuhong, and Ms. Gao Liping were arrested in their offices in Harbin City in December 2009 by police from Hulunbeier City, Inner Mongolia. Recently they were sentenced to forced labour camps. Mr. Yan Jiguo was arrested at the same time, and will face trial. During their detention of over two months, their family members requested many times to visit them, but were all denied by the National Security Team. It was reported that Mr. Yan Jiguo was tortured, and is now disoriented.
Mr. Chen Yong Tortured in Yingcheng City, Hubei Province
2010-03-11After Chen Yong began to practise Falun Gong his illnesses, such as schistosomiasis and hepatitis vanished. Additionally, he improved mentally. After 1999, he was tortured because he told people the truth about Falun Gong and the persecution. He was sentenced twice to forced labour and taken to the Hubei Forced Labour Camp in Shayang. He recalls: “When I was in Shayang Forced Labour Camp, three people tortured me…day and night, both physically and mentally. I could not go to sleep until around 4:00 a.m. but had to get up around 5:30 a.m. They also shocked me with electric batons. A month later, I was forced to perform hard labour.”
Ms. Yu Xiaohua from Anda City, Heilongjiang Province Subjected to Forced Labour
2010-03-11Ms. Yu Xiaohua was sentenced to two years of forced labour and is currently imprisoned at the Harbin City Drug Rehab Centre. Ms. Yu has been repeatedly harassed for practising Falun Gong since the persecution began in 1999. Ms. Yu's family learned of her whereabouts two days later. Ms. Yu had been taking care of her parents-in-law since 1998. While she was detained, her mother-in-law passed away without the opportunity to say a final farewell.
Guard from Beijing Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp Admits to Putting Drugs into Falun Gong Practitioners' Meals
2010-03-10I know many guards who work at the forced labour camps and prisons, including Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp in Beijing, Beijing Women's Forced Labour Camp, Tuanhe Forced Labour Deployment Department, and Beijing Women's Prison. Two years ago, a guard from the Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp personally told me, "Guards at the forced labour camp put drugs into Falun Gong practitioners' meals," and that he himself also did so. I asked him, "What sort of drugs?" He told me they used something like an antihypertensive.