Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Mr. Dong Liantai's Family Persecuted After His Death as a Result of Torture
2008-10-24On June 24th, 2008, He Wei, the head of Zhaopaotun Village in Dancheng Town, reported to the police that Dong Liantai, 45, was a Falun Gong practitioner. Mr. Dong was then arrested and brutally tortured in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp. He died on September 19th, eight days after he was sent home. The day after Mr. Dong's death, some of his relatives went to look for He Wei to tell him not to harm good people. He Wei punched and kicked the nephew of Mr. Dong's wife and broke his mobile phone, then punched a niece. He also pointed at Mr. Dong's daughter and said, "Too few people have died in your family. More should die."
The Gansu Province First Forced Labour Camp Still Ruthlessly Tortures Falun Gong Practitioners
2008-10-24In January 2008, practitioner Mr. Gu Zeyuan was grossly abused. Guard Li Wenhui beat him ruthlessly, then placed him in confinement for seven days with his limbs stretched in the shape of an "X" and tied between two beds. He developed severe illness symptoms and was first hospitalized and then transferred to the Dashaping Labour Camp Hospital. In June 2008, practitioner Mr. Kang Shangwen refused to be "reformed" [brainwashed]. Division head Han Ximing used the electrical baton to shock Mr. Kang's face, lips, cheeks, and neck while reviling him for nearly 20 minutes.
The Persecution of Ms. Wan Yonghong and Other Practitioners Employed at Qian'an City Industrial and Commercial Bank of China
2008-10-24Li Zhengzeng was the director of the Qian'an Industrial and Commercial Bank of China. Since three practitioners worked at the bank, at his first all staff meeting, he threatened that he would not tolerate any of his employees practising Falun Gong. In October of 2007 over forty practitioners were persecuted in Qian'an City, the three practitioners working at the bank were among them. On October 9th, 2008, police officers went to Ms. Wan Yonghong's workplace, one of its bank deposit branches. They arrested her, then ransacked her home and confiscated some of her personal belongings. At the police station, police brutally tortured Ms. Wan. They shocked her with electric batons for more than two hours.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Li Songfang Sentenced to Four Years in Prison in Guangdong Province
2008-10-24On February 21st, 2008, Ms. Li Songfang was arrested by the local police. After searching her home and harassing her family members, the police confiscated some Falun Gong materials and over 200 yuan in cash. In June 2008, the police secretly interrogated Ms. Li, and without going to trial, sentenced her to four years in the Guangzhou Women's Prison. When her family received news of her imprisonment, they were devastated. Her husband was grief-stricken and found it very difficult to concentrate on his day-to-day life. Once he absent mindedly walked outside his home and stumbled to the ground, unable to get up.
The Persecution of a Married Couple, Mr. Gong Maofu and Ms. Guo Jinrong, in Mengyin County, Shandong Province
2008-10-23Gong Maofu and Guo Jinrong are a couple from Shandong Province who began practising Falun Gong in the Spring of 1999. But on July 20th, 1999, Jiang Zemin's, [former leader of China and instigator of the persecution] political regime started to attack Falun Gong and cruelly persecute Gong Maofu and Gu Jinrong physically, mentally, and financially. In 2003 they were arrested. Because they refused to acknowledge that they had done anything wrong, Ms. Guo Jinrong was punched and and kicked by Wang Wei, from the 610 Office. Then with the excuse that she did not straighten her legs, Wang Wei again slapped her hard on her head and he did not stop until she passed out. Afterwards, they forced the couple to watch videos slandering Falun Gong and write so-called "exposing and criticizing articles."
Mr. Yang Jianzhong, 70 Years Old, Persecuted in Wenjiang, Chengdu City, Sichuan Province
2008-10-23Seventy-year-old Falun Gong practitioner Yang Jianzhong was formerly a senior cost engineer at Factory 7111 of the Aeronautics Department in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province. Nevertheless, being controlled by the Chinese Communist Party, Factory 7111 issued an order in March 2008 to forcibly take Yang Jianzhong to the Xinjin Brainwashing Centre and make him renounce his faith in Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance. Under tremendous pressure Yang Jianzhong left his home at the beginning of April and lived a homeless life. Yang Jianzhong secretly returned home on July 6th. On July 7th, Factory 7111 personnel forcibly took Yang Jianzhong away.
Ms. Gu Li and Ms. Qiu Shuping Secretly Sentenced in Dalian City
2008-10-23On March 20th, 2008, the police arrested Ms. Gu Li and Ms. Qiu Shuping when they were telling people about the persecution of Falun Gong at a local village. Police officers ransacked the two practitioners' homes and confiscated their personal belongings. The police tried to deceive them during the interrogation. After being detained for over six months, Ms. Gu was secretly sentenced to three years and Ms. Qiu to four years in prison. Both have appealed their cases.
Falun Gong Practitioners Brutally Persecuted in Guangdong Provincial Women's Prison
2008-10-23The 610 Office of Guangdong Province Prison Administration Bureau create a pattern of "dragon" persecution. They curse and physically abuse practitioners with deprivation of sleep, electric shocks, and slave labour. They also inject them with toxic drugs. The prison also instigates other inmates' hatred toward practitioners by depriving these inmates of their privileges in order to destroy the will of practitioners. As soon as a practitioner gives in, the prison continues the persecution by making them write guarantee statements of "repentance," "exposure and criticism," and "self confession."
Mr. Ma Zhixin, Tortured to Disability, Died During the Olympic Games
2008-10-22On July 9th, 2008, the officials in Anqiu City arrested more than twenty Falun Gong practitioners, including Zhang Zhenfang, using the excuse of "maintaining security for the Olympic Games." Mr. Ma Zhixin, Ms. Zhang's husband, who was totally dependent on his wife's nursing care after suffering torture at the hands of the police, suffered an extreme shock and was mentally tormented. His condition quickly deteriorated and he passed away on August 21st, 2008. He was only 49 years old.
Methods of Torture Used on Practitioners in Wulumuqi Women's Prison
2008-10-22Incarcerated drug abusers are instigated to to beat steadfast practitioners. Each practitioner is monitored by a particular inmate assigned by the prison authorities, Practitioners are forced to stand for long periods of time. They are deprived of sleep and are not allowed to go to the toilet--sometimes they end up soiling themselves. They are not allowed any family visits nor to make any phone calls. Ms. Pu Chun has been detained four times and imprisoned a total of three years. Currently, she is in a confined cell. She was tied to a bare bed and not allowed to take a shower. Both her hands and legs were restrained, her mouth was covered, and she was repeatedly shocked with electric batons.
Persecution of Ms. Zhang Yujuan from Heilongjiang Province
2008-10-22Ms. Zhang Yujuan, 45, is from Wuchang City. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has persecuted her for practising Falun Gong, bringing countless hardships to her and her family members. On April 14th, 2005, police took Ms. Zhang to the Wanjia Forced Labour Camp without following any legal proceedings. Zhang Bo, chief of the Seventh Team, humiliated Ms. Zhang in every way imaginable. Because she did not cooperate with them and refused to join the CCCP, Zhang Bo tortured her by having her stand and squat for long periods of time. He also forced her to perform up to 16 hours of hard labour per day.
Falun Gong Practitioners Xu Dongyu and Huang Xungui Arrested by Police
2008-10-22On the evening of September 28th, 2008, practitioners Xu Dongyu and Huang Xungui were reported to the police as they handed out leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong in Yikou, Xingzi County. They were arrested, and currently are still detained at the Xingzi County Detention Centre. On October 6th, family members went to the Xingzi County Police Department to ask for the release of the practitioners. The police department's door was locked from the inside and no one was allowed to enter, so the family then went to the Xingzi County Detention Centre. The police from the detention centre first yelled at them. But they continued to ask, so they were finally allowed to visit the two practitioners, however neither was released.
Ms. Feng Rongxia Seriously Ill After Being Persecuted in Shanghai Women's Prison
2008-10-21Since being sent to Shanghai Women's Prison on September 17th, 2007, 43 year old Feng Rongxia has been to the prison hospital over ten times, almost once a month. Although seriously ill, guards in the prison designated criminals to beat her in the cold weather, in order to force her to give up Falun Gong. She was beaten until she lost consciousness, but they poured cold water on her face, and she was kicked and beaten again.
Primary School Teacher Ms. Chang Ping Tortured at Mental Hospital Four Times
2008-10-21After Ms. Chang Ping began to practise Falun Gong she was cured of her illnesses within a week. Then, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officials sent her to a mental hospital four times because she refused to renounce Falun Gong. She is now at the Jiamusi Mental Hospital. At the first mental hospital she recalled, "Several people held me down and injected me with a drug. I lost consciousness almost immediately. When I regained consciousness, they forced me to take some drugs and kept me on an IV that also held some kind of medication. I was kept drowsy and muddle-headed for a long time. One day, I looked into a mirror. My eyes stared blankly out of my face, my hair was messy and the corners of my mouth had bloodstains from the force-feedings. I burst into tears. They had tortured me beyond recognition."
Ms. Zhao Lanfang Endures Harsh Interrogation Methods by Police from the Nanhui Police Department in Shanghai
2008-10-21On August 23rd, 2008, six to eight police officers broke into practitioner Ms. Zhao Lanfang's home. Several officers forced her out of her home and pushed her into a car while the remaining police ransacked her home. During the one month that Ms. Zhao Lanfang was detained at the Nanhui Detention Centre, there were eight officers assigned to her case, divided into four pairs. Each pair took turns interrogating her. The interrogation was brutal and they were very rude. They would sometimes pretend to be nice and sometimes were harsh. The police told her, "Abusive action is allowed during interrogation, it is quite normal."