Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • The Severe Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Nanhu Forced Labour Camp in Xuancheng City, Anhui Province

    Zhang Youquan is the head and Zhu Qinghua is the associate head of Team 1 of the Yangshan Group, Nanhu Forced Labour Camp in Xuancheng City, Anhui Province. They work hard to persecute Falun Gong practitioners by enforcing a 40-day "Strict Discipline"regime on all practitioners in the camp. Practitioners are forced to get up in the middle of the night or stay up late. Some are forced to stand still until 2 a.m. They are isolated from other inmates, brainwashed and tortured. The purpose of the torture is to destroy practitioners' states of mind and force them to give up their beliefs.
  • Agents from Yi County National Security Division Harass and Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners in Hebei Province

    Agents from the Yi County National Security Division have closely followed the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) orders and frequently harassed and arrested local Falun Gong practitioners leading up to the Beijing Olympics. On June 3rd, 2008, agents from the National Security Division ordered officers from the local police station to arrest three Falun Gong practitioners. As a result, two practitioners were sentenced to forced labour, and one was tortured until he became disfigured.
  • Chaoyang City Practitioners Mr. Li Wensheng, Ms. Wu Jinping, and Others Persecuted

    For a long time, the head of 610 Office, Qu Lianchun, and his subordinates have been the primary perpetrators in the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in Zhaoyang City. According to reports within China, Qu Lianchun collaborated with Zhang Minghua to make the decision that practitioners recently arrested would be sentenced to prison term no less than six years. A judge who is well informed about the situation said, "Whatever the court decides doesn't count. The sentence comes from the 610 Office."
  • The Persecution of Ms. Fang Cui'e and Ms. Tang Juzhang in the Anhui Provincial Women's Forced Labour Camp

    The guards in Anhui Provincial Women's Forced Labour Camp located in Hefei City injected practitioner Ms. Fang Cui'e, 58, with unknown drugs. They also incited criminals to torture 42-year-old practitioner Ms. Tang Juzhang. One day in the labour camp cafeteria, Ms. Fang shouted, "Falun Gong is good!" A Guard immediately handcuffed her. However, she again shouted, "Falun Gong is good!" This time, the guards put her in solitary confinement, where she was handcuffed for a long time. The guards gave Ms. Fang numerous injections of unknown drugs, causing her to lose consciousness and become extremely emaciated. Ms. Tang was tortured by being tied to a metal bed with a rope, then her mouth was sealed shut with duct tape and she was only allowed her to sleep for two-and-a-half hours a day.
  • Deng Yuqun and Deng Yulian, Two Sisters from Hunan Province, Passed Away Due to the Persecution

    Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Deng Yuqun, 47 years old, died on March 3rd, 2008, from hardships related to being forced to live homeless for three years. When Deng Yuqun went home for the 2008 Lantern Festival, she was emaciated and barely recognizable. Her family members were afraid to send her to the hospital and tried to persuade her to tell the authorities that she had given up Falun Gong. Her sister Deng Yulian was sentenced to forced labour camp and suffered brutal persecution in Baimalong Forced Labour Camp in Zhuzhou. She died on March 12th, 2007, only 42 years old.
  • A Child's Grief in China

    I remember that adroit Zhenyu was lively and happy, but showed a large blister-scarred area around her mouth. Her father, Bai Shaohua, said, within six months, "This child has witnessed several police home invasions and home ransacking and arrests. She watched the police seize her father, mother, and grandma as well as her uncle and aunt, with whom she was very close. This happened because they practise Falun Gong. The barbarism and violence the police displayed has brought great harm to her mind and body."
  • Mr. Li Jinpeng Detained for Six Months in Beijing

    On December 16th, 2007, police arrested Mr. Li Jinpeng and took him to the district detention centre, where he has now been held for nearly six months. Mr. Li began practising Falun Gong in 1998. From October 2000 to October 2006, he was incarcerated in Qianjin Prison, where his mental and physical health was severely damaged. After his release the local police and 610 Office personnel have harassed him daily.
  • Police from Jingzhou City, Hubei Province Arrest Five Falun Gong Practitioners Including Ms. Deng Tianyu and Ms. Wu Cuilan

    Police from the Shashi District 610 Office in Jingzhou City, Hubei Province along with personnel from the Domestic Security Division of the Shashi District Police Department arrested five Falun Gong practitioners on July 5th-6th, 2008. On July 5th, practitioner Ms. Deng Tianyu, 57, went to visit practitioner Mr. Feng Feng, 40, and the police followed her. The moment Deng Tianyu entered Mr. Feng Feng's home, a man and a woman followed. The home owner asked, "Why have you come into my house?" The two individuals replied that they were from the police department, and a few more police officers entered immediately afterwards. They handcuffed and arrested Deng Tianyu.
  • What Happened to Ms. Liu Aiying Before Her Death?

    Ms. Liu Aiying, 51, gave her neighbour's child a Falun Gong leaflet exposing the persecution, and was reported to the police by her neighbour. On June 25th, 2008, police officers arrested and interrogated her at the police station, and then took her home and ransacked it. At around 3:00 p.m., while her home was being ransacked, and under the custody of many officers, she fell from the fourth floor of her apartment at the Car Parts Factory family housing, and died at around 7:00 p.m. the same day. The police said she committed suicide by jumping from the building. They concealed all information, and notified her long separated husband Li, and coerced him with threats into accepting the story that she committed suicide.
  • Hebei Province: Hengshui City 610 Office and National Security Division Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners Before the Olympic Games

    Recently, the Hengshui City 610 Office of Hebei Province has sent secret documents to every county, city, district and department under its direct control, after which it was passed down to every township, town and department under their direct control, orders for personnel to investigate, monitor and arrest Falun Gong practitioners. In recent days, Jing Chunhua, Hengshui Municipal Party Committee Secretary in Hebei Province, called a meeting with chief leaders from every unit, and ordered them to strengthen surveillance of Falun Gong practitioners. They were threatened that if any unit has practitioners going to Beijing and Qinhuangdao [to appeal for justice for Falun Gong] during the Olympics, the chief leader will be removed from office.
  • Ms. Zhang Xiulan of Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province in Critical Condition

    Ms. Zhang Xiulan was arrested by police on February 25th, 2008. Her whereabouts were unknown to her family until her husband got an unexpected call in late June from the Domestic Security Section of the Taihe District Police Department saying, "Zhang Xiulan is in critical condition." The family was shocked. On or around June 28th, Ms. Zhang's mother, accompanied by a relative, went to the Domestic Security Section and asked permission to visit Ms. Zhang. Dai replied, "The Zhang Xiulan case has been handed over to the court. It is out of my control. No one, not even the director of the department, may allow any visitors."
  • Linghe District Court Officials in Jinzhou City Sentence Three Falun Gong Practitioners

    On July 7th, 2008, Linghe District Court officials held a trial and sentenced three Falun Gong practitioners. Practitioner Xiang Ying was sentenced to twelve years, and Miao Jianguo and Yin Zhiyou were each given four-year terms. All three practitioners pleaded innocent and will appeal the sentences. The court officials tried to obstruct Mr. Miao Jianguo's lawyer from entering the courtroom when he arrived to defend his client. In the end, he was unable to provide defence. Court officials forbade him from bringing his laptop computer into the courtroom. Prior to this incident, the same officials had brought unlawful suits twice in matters pertaining to Falun Gong. When an lawyer attempted to defend Falun Gong in those trials, judge Zhou Jun repeatedly prevented the lawyer from presenting a legal argument and interrupted the lawyer's defence attempts.
  • Ms. Yu Xiuhua from Shandong Province, Ms. Chen Lianfeng from Beijing, and Others That Have Died as a Result of the Persecution

    After the persecution of Falun Gong started in 1999, the officials at 64-year-old Ms. Chen Lianfeng's workplace forced her to go to brainwashing centres several times. Her family was under great stress. At the beginning of June 2008, Ms. Chen showed severe symptoms of illness and was not able to eat for several days. A week before she passed away, officials from her workplace went to her home to "educate" her and warned her to not cause trouble during the Olympics. This caused her even greater stress and she became weaker. After being persecuted for nine years, Ms. Chen passed away on June 26th, 2008.
  • Chinese Communist Party Agents Harass and Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners in Shijiazhuang City

    On July 4th, the Chinese Communist city government operatives in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province, harassed and arrested many local Falun Gong practitioners. Around 7 a.m. on July 4th, Mr. Huang Wei, a practitioner, went downstairs from his home to do some work. He was arrested by a plain-clothes policeman stationed outside the residential building. Later, seven officers from the Changan District Police Department and Hedong Police Station ransacked Mr. Wei's home, searched his child's school bag, and found a booklet entitled "Announcement by the China Interim Government." Mr. Huang had broken no laws, and they did not find any evidence of a crime, but they nonetheless arrested his wife.
  • Jin Youfeng, a Teacher at Mudanjiang Normal College, Is Tortured in Mudanjiang Prison

    Jin Youfeng was formerly a physical education teacher at the Mudanjiang Normal College in Heilongjiang Province. In September 1999, he was fired because of his belief in Falun Gong. Later he was sentenced to three years of forced labour. In the labour camp, he was badly beaten by Zhang Junrong, a division head of the Admission Section of the camp. On October 22nd, 2003, he was arrested again. In March 2004, he was sent to Mudanjiang Prison, where he was badly tortured. He was sentenced to 11 years in prison. On May 26th, 2006, Jin was locked to iron bars by Luan Yu, a prison guard. In prison, Jin developed lung disease, and his hearing was damaged. He didn't get adequate medical treatment in the prison.