Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • Approximately Ten Practitioners from Tongliao City Remain in Custody

    On May 30th, 2008, the Security Office in Knorchin District, Tongliao City, Inner Mongolia directed the State Security Division and police departments to arrest, fine, interrogate, detain, and search the homes of Falun Gong practitioners. Approximately ten practitioners from Tongliao City remain in custody at the Hexi Detention Centre. On numerous occasions, many practitioners have been arrested and sentenced to forced labour or prison simply for their belief in Falun Gong. Ms. Fan Xiaoli was twice sentenced to forced labour. While in the Hexi Detention Centre and the Tumuji Forced Labour Camp, she was beaten, shocked with electric batons, suspended in mid-air, and placed in shackles.
  • Documenting the Persecution of Ms. Jiang Lanying from Nanchang, Jiangxi Province

    Ms. Jiang Lanying appealed for justice for Falun Gong in November 1999. Police took her to the Nanchang Third Detention Centre. The police incited criminals to beat her mercilessly and kick her head against a wall. Her entire body was blue and purple after this abuse. The perpetrators poured urine on her in the chilly winter. Guard Liu Xiuying even boasted, "Pouring excrement on her is fine!" Guard Meng handcuffed and shackled Ms. Jiang Lanying together with eight other practitioners. Then he shackled one hand of each practitioner, compelling all eight to remain bent over the whole time. In this position they could not walk or sleep or take care of themselves. The pain they experienced is beyond imagination.
  • Ms. He Xianggu in Critical Condition in a Mental Hospital

    On May 10th, 2008, Ms. He Xianggu was arrested and tortured by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) thugs for the fourth time. She is now in critical condition. At present, she is being detained in the Hunan Province Brain Hospital and her family is strictly prohibited from seeing her. Since the CCP launched the persecution of Falun Gong in 1999, Ms. He has been detained in the same hospital twice. While there she was injected with an unknown drug that made her feel nauseous and uneasy and her entire body stiff and weak.
  • As the Olympic Torch Relay Reaches Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, Many Falun Gong Practitioners Are Subjected to Persecution

    Using the 2008 Beijing Olympics as an excuse to escalate the persecution, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has arrested more than one thousand and eight hundred practitioners. In some cases, after they made the arrest, they sentenced the practitioners to prison without a trial. The practitioners are required to serve their prison sentence until the Olympics are over. The Olympic Torch arrived in Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region on June 28th, 2008. Meanwhile, local CCP officials kept surveillance on, harassed, followed and arrested practitioners. During this period of time, police either went directly to practitioners' homes or their workplaces, and some used the local Neighbourhood Administration as informants. A few police officers forced their way into practitioners' homes to seize their belongings.
  • Mr. Bai Shaohua Very Weak from Torture at Baimiao Forced Labour Camp in Henan Province

    On February 20th, 2008, the police arrested Mr. Bai Shaohua on the pretext of an Olympic Game "security check". The Beijing authorities transferred him to Baimiao Forced Labour Camp in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province, where he was confined for 14 months. Someone in the know claimed that two months was added due to his missing time from the last detention when they had to release him for hospital treatment. Mr. Bai is very weak from torture, and two people need to hold his arms in order for him to walk.
  • Domestic Security Division Agents Harass Pregnant Woman in Hebei Province

    At around 9:00 p.m. on July 3rd, 2008, a woman shouted from the window of her home in the Jinma Neighbourhood of Yuhua District in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei Province: "My name is Mi Xiaozheng, and I am seven months pregnant! A group of police officers want to ransack my home, saying it's for the 'safety of the Olympics.' They detained me more than one year in 2006, deprived me of sleep for nearly ten days, beat and cursed me, and forced me to write a guarantee statement to give up my belief in Falun Gong. They harassed me in 2007, threatened my family, and caused me extreme mental pressure, which resulted in a miscarriage. They are now here again. Folks, please come take a look!"
  • Two Middle School Teachers Arrested and Beaten in Dongfeng County, Jilin Province

    On June 28th, 2008, when two Falun Gong practitioners, Ms. Ha Jingbo and Ms. Jiang Ruoling were distributing leaflets exposing the persecution in Dayang Town, they were arrested by police officers. After the practitioners were brought to the police department, the officers took "confessions" by force. The two practitioners remained silent while the director of the Dayang Town Police Department, Du Yongri (male), cursed them and hit them in the face out of frustration. When Du Yongri noticed that the door was not closed, he became worried that someone might see what he was doing. He simply shut the door, and continued to punch and kick Ms. Ha and Ms. Jiang. Later, he also opened the window trying to get the practitioners to jump from the second floor and commit suicide.
  • Many Practitioners Recently Arrested in Yingcheng City, Hubei Province

    On July 2nd, 2008 several practitioners from Dongmafang Township, Yingcheng City, Hubei Province were arrested. A dozen or so practitioners' homes were ransacked and there was no news whatsoever about one specific practitioner. Mr. Xiong Jiwei was "summoned" out of the hospital where he was working. When his family went to the hospital to look for him the following day, he was not there, though his mobile phone and other personal items were still at the hospital. Later it was confirmed that he was taken away by the police.
  • Crippled by Police Torture: Mr. Sun Pinghua of Yueyang City, Hunan Province

    On March 18th, 2008, Mr. Sun Pinghua was arrested by officers from the Domestic Security Division of Yueyanglou District Police Department and the Jineshan Police Station. The officers tortured and interrogated Mr. Sun. As a result, he is now crippled. Mr. Sun lost all feeling of one of his arms. He does not feel any pain even when his arm is stabbed with needles. His arm just hangs limp. On June 24th, doctors in the Yueyang City No. 1 Hospital diagnosed Mr. Sun's injury as a forced-pulling injury. They said that they would have to amputate Mr. Sun's arm if it would not recover within six months. So far, the police has not allowed Mr. Sun to have any visits from his family.
  • China Denies Having Organ Transplantation Statistics Between 2000 and 2005

    In a 2008 United Nations report, Asma Jahangir Jahangir, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Religion or Belief, and Manfred Nowak, the United Nations Special Rapporteur on Torture, demanded that China explain the dramatic increase in organs used for transplantation from 2000 to 2005, and the mismatch between the high number of transplants and the relatively few known donor sources. The Chinese government responded that they have no statistics on the number of transplants between 2000 and 2005.
  • Bleak Conditions Continue for Practitioners in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province

    To gain higher profits, the authorities of Masanjia Forced Labour Camp abuse Falun Gong practitioners by overloading them with work. Practitioners are forced to make handmade products for profit. These products often require high-intensity labour, and the raw materials are harmful. As a result, few people would willingly work under such conditions. Practitioners were recently forced to process glue containing toxic substances. Long-term contact with the glue harms the respiratory tract, so the processing site was moved outside. Since nobody would willingly do this kind of work, the labour camp sold the finished products at high profits. The guards forced practitioners to do this work, harming both their physical and mental health.
  • Laizhou City 610 Office and Dianzi Brainwashing Centre Personnel Brutally Abuse Mr. Pan Yujun

    In May 2006, Mr. Pan Yujun, a Falun Gong practitioner was working on a construction site when four police officers arrested him. After his arrest, they went straight to his home and searched it from top to bottom. His wife and child, who were home at the time, were forced to go to Mr. Pan's mother-in-law's home. Under threats and immense pressure from the police, his wife asked for a divorce. As a result, a family that was once harmonious, has been destroyed due to the persecution. After Mr. Pan was arrested, he was taken to Dianzi Brainwashing Centre, then transferred to a detention centre three days later. While there, the guards subjected him to severe mental and physical torture, but Mr. Pan refused to cooperate with them. As a result, they repeatedly hit him with an electric baton.
  • Police from the Beijing Domestic Security Division Persecute Ms. Wang Ao

    Around May 13th, 2008, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Wang Ao was arrested by officers from the Domestic Security Division in the Chaoyang District, Beijing. She was sentenced to two years of forced labour. Previously in 2001, Ms. Wang was sent to Xin'an Women's Forced Labour Camp in Beijing and forced to undergo brainwashing sessions. She suffered brutal beatings that left her with a protruded cervical vertebrae resulting in pain in her neck, limbs and legs. Ms. Wang was severely injured and her life was in danger. Ms. Wang was also mentally traumatized. Ms. Wang was disabled from the torture while she was in detention. During the past seven years, she has kept appealing to the court, but has heard nothing
  • Arrested in Connection With the Olympic Torch Relay: Practitioner Ms. Liu Xiuqing from Datong City

    Ms. Liu Xiuqing has been repeatedly persecuted as a Falun Gong practitioner. On June 24th, 2008, Ms. Liu Xiuqing was arrested in connection with the Olympic Torch Relay. She is currently being detained at the Mining Area Detention Centre. Ms. Liu is just one of many practitioners arrested in the run up to the Olympics. Several workplaces are complicit in her arrest including the Chemical Industry Factory of Datong Mining Bureau and the Datong Mining Bureau. The Heping Street Police Substation, and the 610 Office also took part.
  • Police Madly Arrest Practitioners to "Protect the Olympics" in Yongnian County, Hebei Province

    The police station is executing a secret order from "higher" branches. Using "protecting the Olympics" as an excuse, they recently began to madly arrest Falun Gong practitioners. Up to July 2nd, 2008, at least 16 practitioners have been arrested. On May 30th, 2008, police went to practitioner Ms. Zhang Chunping's home and searched her home. Later they went to the pharmacy Ms. Zhang works at and arrested her. They also seized a computer, a printer and 2,200 from the pharmacy. Ms. Zhang's husband does not practise Falun Gong, but was also harassed by State Security.