Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Persecution in Heizhuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp, Changchun City, Jilin Province
2008-07-19Most practitioners who are imprisoned in the Heizhuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp, Changchun City, Jilin Province are over 50. Besides using torture to coerce the practitioners to "transform", guards in the Fifth Section force the practitioners to work long hours, carrying 55 lb. boxes up and down the stairs. The guards often threaten to extend the prison sentence of the practitioners. Scorning, electric baton shocks, and beatings happen frequently in the Fifth Section. Guard Zhang Lihong, (female) actively follows director Wang Limei (female) to torture the practitioners and has no remorse.
Falun Gong Practitioners Arrested by Police from Jiamusi Railway Police Station
2008-07-19Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Meng Xianjie is being detained at the Jiamushi Railway Police Station. His sister, Meng Xianying went with a friend to thew police station to ask about him, but the police tried to arrest her too. While resisting the arrest her back was sprained and she lost consciousness. The police took her to the Railway Hospital and left quickly to avoid responsibility. With help from some kind hearted people, Meng Xianying was able to return home after the injury.
Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners Intensifies in Haicheng Area, Liaoning Province
2008-07-19As the opening of the Olympics approaches, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) becomes more and more frantic. The 610 Office of Haicheng City and the police stations have held several meetings to accelerate the persecution of Falun Gong. Large-scale arrests of people with spiritual beliefs, cultural dissidents, and people who visit appeals offices is taking place, and the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners has severely intensified. Holding the Olympics in China is supposed to be a good thing, however the CCP is persecuting and killing Chinese people in the name of the Olympics, turning a supposedly peaceful Olympics into another excuse to commit violence.
Teacher Ms. Xu Jiayu of Qiqihar High School Tortured Many Times
2008-07-18Ms. Xu Jiayu is a Chinese language teacher. She was tortured many times for practising Falun Gong. Currently Xu Jiayu is being detained in the Women's Prison in Heilongjiang Province. On the night of April 19th, 2002, Xu Jiayu was arrested by police. She was beaten with a rolling pin, and then her feet were pinned under the rolling pin, with two people standing on it. She was also handcuffed and not allowed to sleep. On April 21st, Xu Jiayu was taken to a secret room and put on a metal chair. They put a motorcycle helmet on her head, handcuffed her hands behind her back, and struck her repeatedly in the face with rolled up magazines. In the afternoon, she was detained in the toilet and tied to the urinal. She was drenched with pressurized water and hung up by the handcuffs behind her back.
Practitioner's Daughter Abducted and Held Hostage Over a Month by Wuhan City Police
2008-07-18On the evening of May 26th, 2008, a group of policemen from the Domestic Security Division in Wuhan City barged into the residence of Ms. Gu Yuelian. They were using the excuse of "cleaning up" for the Olympics Torch Relay as the reason to arrest her, but Ms. Gu managed to find a chance to escape and got away. Because they could not catch Ms. Gu, the police waited in ambush on the stairway of the dormitory of the No. 3 Postal Company on May 28th. That night around 10:20 p.m., they arrested her daughter, Ms. Qiu Xueming, in order to hold her as a hostage.
Seven Female Practitioners Arrested by Police in Wei County, Hebei Province in June 2008
2008-07-18Three Falun Gong practitioners were arrested on June 22nd and 27th, 2008 by officers from the Yali Town Police Station in Wei County, Hebei Province. The police broke into the homes of two women from Pu Village, Ms. Zhao Qingshe, aged 52 and Ms. Li Xiujun, aged 60. They also invaded the home of Ms. Rong Yunqing, a 44 year-old farmer from Yabei Village in Yali Town. The police beat these three practitioners prior to the arrests, and they are currently detained at the Wei County Detention Centre.
Mr. Xin Baodong and Ms. Gao Shuying, His Wife, Persecuted Again
2008-07-18Mr. Xin Baodong and Ms. Gao Shuying are husband and wife. Around 10 a.m. on June 27th, 2008, officers from Sanhe City Domestic Security Division and Juyang Town Police Station in Hebei Province broke into the couple's house. The police took them away and ransacked their house that afternoon. The police took some of the couple's private property, including a computer, printer, satellite receiver, television, and bank deposit book. Mr. Xin is being held in the Sanhe City Detention Centre, while Ms. Gao Shuying is in Langfang Brainwashing Centre. Their two children, who are both in school, now have to fend for themselves.
Ms. Lin Hong Recounts Her Experiences of Unjust Arrest, Torture, and Harassment
2008-07-17My name is Lin Hong, and I am 50 years old. I am from Lianjiang City, Guangdong Province. I previously worked at the Lianjiang Water Supply Company. I started practising Falun Gong in Haikou City on Hainan Island in May 1997. I have been practising for eleven years now. During the past nine years, I have been constantly harassed by the police. My home was searched, and I was arrested and sent to a forced labour camp. On September 29th, 2007, I was forced to leave home and live in destitution in order to avoid persecution. It's been nine months now. In June 2008, the officials of Lianjiang City went to my home looking for me, and they harassed my husband.
More about the Recent Arrests and Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in Laiyang, Shandong Province
2008-07-17Officers from the police station in Muyudian Township, Laiyang City have a reputation for unreservedly extorting money from people. In the last few years they have made a fortune confiscating personal belongings from the families of Falun Gong practitioners. It is thought that the police have resorted to doing this because most people now know the truth about the goodness of Falun Gong, and are no longer willing to report practitioners to the authorities. The police have resorted to monitoring, following, harassing, and confiscating the property of practitioners. After arresting the practitioners, the family members are coerced into submitting at least 4000 yuan in fines, for which no receipts are provided. Otherwise the practitioners will be sent to forced labour camps.
Lianshan District Court Sentences Mr. Huang Lizhong and Mr. Zhao Liang to Long Prison Terms for Practising Falun Gong
2008-07-17Around May 10th, 2008, the Lianshan District Court sentenced two practitioners from Huludao City, Liaoning Province. Mr. Huang Lizhong was handed a nine-year prison term, and Mr. Zhao Liang was given a ten-year term. On May 10th both practitioners lodged an appeal with the Huludao Intermediate Court in an effort to overturn the court's decision. On June 12th, however, the court upheld the original verdict. On the afternoon of June 12th, Mr. Huang and Mr. Zhao's families visited the detention centre where the two were being held. What they saw really shocked them. Not only had Mr. Huang been badly tortured and the hair on his head shaved off, but he also looked very emaciated and spoke in a very weak voice. He was in such an awful state that his family hardly recognized him.
Ms. Li Xiumin from Fuyu County, Jilin Province, Arrested in Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province
2008-07-17On June 25th, 2008, when Ms. Li Xiumin was visiting her in-laws, police arrested her and took her to the Sanchahe Detention Centre. In 2003, Ms. Li was sentenced to forced labour and taken to Heizuizi Women's Forced Labour Camp where she was tortured. Every day, Ms. Li was forced to write materials defaming Falun Gong. When she refused, she was punched and kicked. The camp guards beat her and shocked her with electric batons. When Ms. Li started a hunger strike to protest the severe persecution, the camp guards inserted a tube through her nose to force feed her, which caused her nose to bleed profusely. She was not able to work for two years after her release because she had been so badly injured both physically and mentally.
With Husband Killed and Daughter in Prison, Ms. Yao Caiwei Is in Dire Straits
2008-07-16Practitioner Mr. Zhang Tao from Shuangcheng City, Heilongjiang Province was tortured to death by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) His daughter, Ms. Zhang Jianhui, was sentenced to prison for ten years and is currently being held in the Harbin City Women's Prison. His wife, Ms. Yao Caiwei, has been arrested many times, sentenced to forced labour camps twice, and longs for her husband and the return of her daughter. These experiences have caused her to show the symptoms of cerebral thrombosis.
Police Arrest Dozens of Practitioners in Advance of the Olympic Torch Relay in Huaihua City, Hunan Province
2008-07-16The Huaihua City government, 610 Office, and other departments use the excuse of ensuring "safety" during the Olympics and the Olympic torch coming to Hunan Province in order to implement increased persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Acts of persecution have included arrests, ransacking of homes and harassment in cities, counties, and villages. Around May 27th, 2008, dozens of practitioners were arrested and detained. Some are in the No. 2 Detention Centre in Huaihua City. Some are detained in brainwashing centres, and their families are not allowed to visit them.
Administering Essence of Mustard Oil - One of the Tortures Used by Daqing City Police
2008-07-16The guards normally interrogate a practitioner during the day. After all the threats and manipulations fail, they tell the practitioner, "Let's see how we are going to fix you." They leave one or two people to watch the practitioner, depriving him of sleeping and not allowing him to close his eyes. At midnight, they return and restrain the practitioner in a special metal chair. The practitioner is handcuffed behind his back. His feet are tied by the ankles. He cannot move any part of his body. Three or four guards act simultaneously, grabbing the practitioner's hair, pushing his head backward, and quickly covering his mouth and nose with a mask saturated with mustard oil. Immediately, the victim's nose runs and his eyes water, his breathing becomes difficult, and he feels that he is going to suffocate. T
Hebei Province: Power to Langfang Falun Gong Practitioner's Home Shut Off Since 2006
2008-07-16Ms. Zhang Xiucun is a Falun Gong practitioner living in Beishijiawu Township, Langfang City, Hebei Province. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecuted her repeatedly for her strong belief in Falun Gong. In 2002, Ms. Zhang found some lost items and turned them into the police. Instead of praising her unselfish behaviour, the police detained her. She was arrested again in 2004 and sent to the Kaiping Forced Labour Camp in Tangshan City, where she spent one and a half years. In February 2006, Zhang Xiucun was arrested again for her efforts to expose the persecution. When she eventually returned home, she found that CCP Secretary Wang Hongfei from Beishijiawu Village had shut off the electricity to her home. The power outage has lasted more than two years so far.