Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Gao Zhenxiu Died as a Result of Persecution in Tianjin City
2008-01-17Ms. Gao Zhenxiu went to Beijing twice to appeal for Falun Dafa. She was arrested, detained twice, and sentenced to forced labour for 18 months. She was tortured in Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp for eight months. Her health declined while she was in the labour camp, and her family bailed her out for medical treatment. Sadly, she died on January 2nd, 2008, as a result of the huge mental and physical pressure.
Mr. Ma Guifeng Tortured to the Brink of Death
2008-01-17Mr. Ma Guifeng is a 47-year old Falun Dafa practitioner. He is currently detained in Hebei Province Fourth Prison. His life is now in grave danger. His blood pressure is 240/170. His cardio valve broke and his had fundus arteriolosclerosis. He cannot see or hear. His family requested to have him bailed out on medical treatment, but was denied. The Hebei Province Fourth Prison is also called North Suburban Shijiazhuang City Prison. It is an evil den used to torture Falun Dafa practitioners. They are deprived the right to sleep, some detained practitioners are mentally and physically traumatised. Many practitioners have been on hunger strikes to protest the ill-treatment.
Mr. Lu Renqing on the Verge of Death in Tieling Prison of Fushun City, Liaoning Province
2008-01-17Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Lu Renqing is currently detained in the Tieling City Prison Hospital in Liaoning Province. The doctor said that he is on his deathbed with no hope of recovery. However, the prison authorities still refuse to release him. In 2002, was arrested by officers from the Fushun City First Police Department when he was explaining the facts of persecution to people. He was sentenced to 6 and a half years in prison. Mr. Lu Renqing went on hunger strikes to protest the unjust imprisonment. Due to long term brutal maltreatment in the prisons, he is extremely weak and has been vomiting blood.
Police Kidnap and Rob Several Practitioners from Dafangshen Town, Dehui City, Jilin Province
2008-01-17On December 17th, 2007, Mr. Liu Guiqing's home was surrounded by three police cars. Police forcefully dragged Mr. Liu Guiqing on to the street and put him into a police car. The police also attempted to kidnap Mr. Liu Guiqing's wife. Mr. Liu's wife argued strongly and interrogated them, "I have not violated any laws. Why do you try to arrest people illegally?" She held the door-frame and would not let them bring her away. After they confiscated their Falun Gong leaflets they detained Mr. Liu. Currently, Mr. Liu is still imprisoned in the Dehui Municipal Detention Centre.
Mr. Xiong Xiuyou Dies While in Prison
2008-01-16Mr. Xiong Xiuyou was twice sentenced to prison terms for practising Falun Dafa. Both terms were served in the Deyang City Prison. On December 14th, Mr. Xiong's wife rushed to the Police General Hospital after receiving notice that her husband was dying. Prison Office Chairman Wu said to her, "Since Xiong Xiuyou has not cooperated with our treatments, if he dies, all costs and responsibilities are yours!" He died on December 16th, 2007, while serving his second term in prison. His family has been threatened by the Prison Administration not to reveal any details of his death to the outside world.
Mr. Zhang Qiwang Is Detained in Handan Forced Labour Camp in Hebei Province
2008-01-16At around 8 p.m. on October 9th, 2007, approximately 10 police officers broke into the home of Mr. Zhang Qiwang, a Falun Dafa practitioner. While three policemen were watching Mr. Zhang's wife outside the house, the rest went inside to search and videotape their home over Mr. Zhang's objections. The police beat him and handcuffed him. They broke his VCR in all the violence. Then they damaged the door to one room and confiscated 24,800 yuan and his child's computer. Mr. Zhang was taken to Qing County Police Station and later to Handan Forced Labour Camp. He was locked in a tiny, separate cell; deprived of sleep; and not allowed to eat a full meal. In addition to brainwashing him with distorted ideas, labour camp personnel tried to "transform" him with threats related to extending his imprisonment.
Ms. Yang Huirong and Ms. Wang Lanhua from Sanhe City, Hebei Province, Arrested
2008-01-16On the evening of January 2nd, 2008, Ms. Yang Huirong, in her 60s, and Ms. Wang Lanhua, in her 40s, from Sanhe City, Hebei Province, were arrested by local authorities. On the morning of January 3rd, Ms. Yang's home was ransacked, and her MP3 player, her tape recorder, and Falun Gong books were confiscated. The two women were taken to Sanhe City Detention Centre. Previously, Ms. Yang's daughter, Liu Ying, also a Falun Gong practitioner, became mentally ill and jumped off a building after being brainwashed.
The Persecution of a Graduate Student from Fudan University, Shanghai
2008-01-16I was arrested by police from Fushun Police Station and was detained for five days and nights, during which time I was not allowed to sleep. They severely beat me and tied my hands behind my back with thin ropes for long periods (the scars have remained). A policewoman made up an interrogation record, and tried to force me to answer questions about whether I practised Falun Gong and/or browsed Falun Gong-related websites. A doctor refused to treat me when he saw the bruises and injuries all over my body. Later I learned that the hospital's director was told by the police that it didn't matter if I died. The police handcuffed and shackled me and ordered inmates to beat me and to stop me from doing the sitting meditation. They force- fed me for thirteen days at the custodial station and then I was transferred to another cell and tortured there.
Ms. Han Guanrong, 63, Arrested Again After Suffering in a Forced Labour Camp for Six Years
2008-01-15Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Han Guangrong is 63 years old. She suffered from several chronic illnesses that disappeared within several months of practising Falun Gong. Ever since, she was determined to be a good person and live by Falun Dafa's principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." However, over the past 8 years, government officials have ransacked her home, arrested her, sentenced her to forced labour camps and prison, and withheld her pension. These perpetrators often harassed and monitored her. Now, Ms. Han has been arrested again. Her continuous suffering has brought great pressure to her entire family.
Ms. Huang Lijun Brutally Tortured in Nanjing Women's Prison
2008-01-15Ms. Huang Lijun was sentenced to three years' imprisonment in 2002 and detained at Nanjing Women's Prison. The guards continuously shocked Huang Lijun for a long time with an electric baton in the policing rooms of the workshop. When she didn't say anything, the official would yell, "Why don't you cry? If you cry out, I'll let you go!" Huang Lijun did not say a word. Prisoners in the workshop could smell burnt flesh. Those people who still had a conscience were in tears. The guards also tied Huang Lijun to an iron bed for a long time. They secured a heart monitor to her, because this torture can result in shock or death.
50-Year-Old Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liang Yaomin Brutally Beaten in Yantai City Detention Centre, Shandong Province
2008-01-15Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Liang Yaomin, about 50 years old from Haiyang City, Shandong Province was secretly arrested in August 2007. She has been imprisoned in Yantai City Detention Centre for about six months. Ms. Liang has suffered torture, including brutal beatings, being hung up in the air, and more. One day, they wrapped her head in a prisoner's clothing and brutally beat her until she lost consciousness. After she fainted, she was sent to the hospital for first aid. She was very weak upon awakening. According to inside sources, Ms. Liang was secretly and put on trial twice. The result of the latest trial are unknown.
Falun Gong Practitioners from Shandong and Hunan Provinces Still Missing Since Appealing in Beijing Years Ago
2008-01-15Mr. Sun Houqin, a Falun Gong practitioner from Danhou Village in Xicheng Town of Weishan County, Shandong Province, and seventeen other local Falun Gong practitioners went to Beijing in the autumn of 1999 to appeal for justice for Falun Gong. Mr. Sun has been missing since then, and there has been no information about him during the past eight years. Mr. Xu LiXin, 39, is a Falun Gong practitioner from Changsha City, Hunan Province. Mr. Xu left home to appeal in Beijing several years ago. He has been missing since then.
Saertu District Public Security Bureau Officers of Daqing City Refuse to Release Ms. Li Hui and Attempt to Sentence Her
2008-01-1438-year-old Ms. Li Hui, a Falun Dafa practitioner, was arrested but then escaped on April 25th, 2007. Afterwards, she was arrested once again and taken to Daqing Detention Centre on September 20th. It has been over three months since her arrest. Police took turns torturing her cruelly for several days and as a result she suffered third degree burns. They forced her to sit in an Iron Chair and did not allow her to sleep for several days. According to inside sources, the Saertu Public Security Bureau authorities refuse to release her and they have attempted to bring accusations to sentence her. Her husband divorced her due to the long term economic and mental pressure from the CCP.
Persecution of Ms. Guo Fengyu in Guangdong Province for the Last Eight Years
2008-01-14Since 2000, Ms. Guo Fengyu has been subjected to arrest, detainment, forced labour camps and brainwashing sessions. The 61-year-old woman has been given injections with unknown drugs by officers led by Pan Zhipeng, Police Chief at the Chendong Police Station. Each year, the police have gone to her home 3-5 times to ransack it and intimidate her and her family.
Practitioner Mr. Li Shangshi Sends Article from Prison Describing His Persecution Experience
2008-01-14I have been subjected to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) persecution, and I had to leave home to avoid further persecution. On April 20th, 2004, I left the home of my relative and rode a bicycle to the home of another relative in Weijia Village. All of sudden, four young men jumped out from the levee and pushed me down. At first, I thought this was a robbery, but when I tried to escape, I saw an older man standing there giving directions to them. I realised that they were policemen, so I shouted, "Falun Gong is good!" Some of the policemen tried to cover my mouth, and some pulled my arms behind my back and forcibly handcuffed me. After that, they pushed me into a jeep with ease since there were almost no passersby around at that time. They took me to the police station dragged me up to the second floor, and slammed me down on the floor.