Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Student Ms. Cao Rui Arbitrarily Expelled From Mudanjiang Agricultural Senior Middle School in Mishan City
2008-01-14In late November 2007, political science teacher Huang Yuebin (male) at Mudanjiang Agriculture High School in Mishan City, Heilongjiang Province, publicly slandered Falun Gong in class. Freshman student Ms. Cao Rui stood up during the class and pointed out that Huang Yuebin was not correct, in that Falun Gong was not really as he had depicted it. In response, school officials reprimanded Ms. Cao for "disturbing the class." On December 17th, 2007, the school required its student body of more than 5,000 to sign a pledge distancing themselves from Falun Gong, in order to "advocate science and oppose evil cults." Cao Rui refused to sign the pledge and was expelled by the school on December 19th, 2007.
Latest Update on the Arrests of Falun Gong Practitioners in Dingzhou City, Hebei Province
2008-01-13Just before October 1st (China's National Day holiday), Liqingu Town police barged into Ms. Xu Tongyan's home, confiscated her family property, arrested her, and took her to the police station. That night she was hung up and beaten by police officers while she was handcuffed. Later, she escaped. Liqingu Town head deceived her family and said, "Have her come home. We guarantee it will be all right." Her family members believed him, so Ms. Xu was found, and she returned home. The Liqingu Town police promptly arrested her and still have her in detention.
Ms. Song Xiaotang Tortured to Unconsciousness at Wangcun Forced Labour Camp
2008-01-13On June 27th, 2007, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Song Xiaotang from Tianheng Town in Jimo City, Shandong Province, was arrested and taken to the Wangcun Forced Labour Camp in Zibo City, Shandong Province. Several days later, she was tortured to the point of unconsciousness. Guards took her to the hospital and restrained her with handcuffs and leg shackles. Ms. Song held a hunger strike to protest the persecution. Guards force-fed her and tortured her by leaving the feeding tube in her stomach for an extended period of time. The torture left Ms. Song's entire body swollen and in great pain, and her hands trembled violently.
Shuozhou City, Shanxi Province Residents Ms. Ma Ruizhen and Ms. Zhu Cuiying Arrested
2008-01-13On November 29th, 2007, two groups of police from the Shuozhou City Police Department, Shanxi Province, were sent to arrest Falun Dafa practitioners. One group arrested Ms. Ma Ruizhen, who lives in the family compound of the city's party commission. The other group arrested Ms. Zhu Cuiying, who lives in the family compound of the Shuocheng District Bureau of Industry and Commerce. The police ransacked their homes, took away their computers, printers, and other personal items. Ms. Ma Ruizhen and Ms. Zhu Cuiying are now imprisoned at the Shuocheng District Detention Centre in Shuozhou City.
Persecution at Xishanping Forced Labour Camp In Chongqing City
2008-01-13Chief Lei Kejin of Second Team, Seventh Ward of Xishanping Labour Camp in Chongqing City, blatantly instigated drug addicts to force three Falun Gong practitioners to write so-called three statements denying their beliefs. Food deprivation, violence, threats, and sleep deprivation are among the methods used to coerce the practitioners to recant their beliefs. Wen Huaguo struck Deng Liping's with an iron bar. The drug addict, Chen Kang stepped on the chests of Falun Gong practitioners Mr. Pan Yuanjun and Mr. Deng Baishou. He struck their backs with his elbow, forced them to squat for two hours, forced them to clean the toilet and wash clothes, and extorted money from them.
Insidious Nature of Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Exposed--Practitioner Wu Jiuping Beaten and Thrown from the Fourth Floor by Police Officers in Tianchang City
2008-01-12Falun Gong practitioner Wu Jiuping previously worked for the People's Hospital in Tianchang City, Anhui Province. On November 22nd, four policemen and Chinese Communist Party (CCP) personnel went to Wu Jiuping's apartment and beat him until he was seriously injured and lost consciousness. In order to cover up their crime, the police officers threw him from the fourth floor of his building and then left. Mr. Wu passed away about 8:00 p.m. that night after he was taken to People's Hospital.
Ms. Li Rong Died As a Result of Mental and Physical Torture in Prison
2008-01-12Ms. Li Rong went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and police ransacked her home and arrested her. They made a mess and took her two sons' military retirement IDs. They forced both of her sons' employers to fire them, cancelling all their housing funds, retirement pensions, and medical insurance. Ms. Li Rong was sentenced to four years in prison in 2002. Guard Li Xiaohong (female) once dragged Ms. Li so far that her shoes fell off and her clothes were torn from her body. Li Xiaohong stuffed her mouth with rags and had about five prisoners lock her in a small cell for one year. There was water and faeces on the floor. Guard Li Xiaohong collaborated with doctors to put unknown drugs in her meals, causing her to suffer a mental collapse. Later, her whole body became swollen, and she had difficulty breathing and was in great pain. She died in November 2007.
Mr. Che Hongfei in Critical Condition in Dalian Prison
2008-01-12Mr. Che Hongfei is a 37-year-old English teacher and has been arrested many times for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling his students the facts about Falun Gong. He was sentenced to seven years imprisonment. Guards instigated inmates to beat him numerous times. His trousers were torn to pieces during the beatings. He has been on a hunger strike for over seven months, and the prison guards have force-fed him from the beginning. On December 27th, 2007, Mr. Che Hongfei was in critical condition. Mr. Che Hongfei's family has requested his release due to his medical condition. The warden has refused, stating that it is up to higher-level authorities to make the decision.
Police in Anqiu, Shandong Province Mass-Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners
2008-01-12On the evening of November 2nd, 2007, mass arrests of Falun Gong practitioners took place in Anqui City. The police forced open the doors or windows of practitioners' homes, arrested people and seized private belongings. Arrested female practitioners are currently being held at the Anqiu City Detention Centre. A 15-square-metre cell holds 31 people, 21 of whom are practitioners. In the morning they are made to drink dirty dish water, at lunchtime they are given old vegetable leaves boiled in salt water and rancid pickles, and in the evening they have to crowd themselves together on the damp, cold floor. The space is so tight that they can barely turn over.
Facts about the Persecution of Mr. Wu Yueqing from Shuanyashan City, Heilongjiang Province
2008-01-11Mr. Wu Yueqing, a Falun Gong practitioner from Heilongjiang Province, has been holding himself to the standards of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance" but has been persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) many times. He has been arrested, sentenced, cruelly tortured many times, and seriously injured. Currently, Mr. Wu's muscles have atrophied, he has multiple diseases, he can't take care of himself, and he is dying.
Practitioners Wrongly Held in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp Demand Unconditional Release
2008-01-11My name is Zhang Shengjie. I'm 59 years old and from Harbin City. I was arrested on November 1st, 2005, and sentenced to three years of forced labour. I have been detained in the Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp for over two years. I have talked to the division head and explained that Falun Gong practitioners are all good people. The response I got was that all practitioners in detention are required to be "transformed." I cannot understand into what kind of people the CCP wants the practitioners to be "transformed." In such a society with low moral standards, and where money is above all, practitioners follow the principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance" to purify their minds and gain good health, and to further improve the moral standards in the society.
Li Chunyan in Critical Condition from Brutal Treatment in Jiamusi City Forced Labour Camp, Heilongjiang Provence
2008-01-11Ms. Li Chunyan was imprisoned in Jiamusi City Forced Labour Camp because she distributed leaflets exposing the persecution. In the labour camp, Ms. Li Chunyan suffered severe torture because she protested the persecution and refused to wear a prison uniform. Guards handcuffed Ms. Li Chunyan's hands separately to the corners of a bed and forced her to sit on a small bench for over twenty days. Two big holes began to fester on her buttocks as a result. Her vision has become blurry and she cannot control her bowels or bladder. She is in critical condition and cannot take care of herself.
Persecution Suffered by Yang Guozheng in Qijiang County, Chongqing
2008-01-11Ms. Yang Guozheng, 58 years old, is a resident of Songnan Road in Qijiang County. Yang Guozheng suffered all kinds of persecution, including detention, extortion of money and having her house ransacked and property confiscated. Her younger daughter, Wang Jirong, was persecuted until she died. In March 2004, police ransacked her home, arrested her and detained her in the Country Detention Centre for 30 days.
Mr. Tang Jiuli Died Soon After He Was Taken Into Police Custody
2008-01-10Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Tang Jiuli, who is in his seventies, was a doctor living in Sichuan Province. On December 26th, 2007, police arrested Mr. Tang Jiuli and two other practitioners: Mr. Chen Zhixue (in his fifties) and Mr. Yang Jinzhong (in his fifties). They ransacked the three practitioners' homes and took them into custody at the Xinglong Town Police Station for several hours. Mr. Tang Jiuli died the next day at home.
Over 40 Practitioners Being Persecuted in Xindian Women's Forced Labour Camp in Taiyuan City
2008-01-10There are currently more then 40 Falun Gong practitioners still being detained in Xindian Women's Forced Labour Camp in Taiyuan City, Shanxi Province. Most of them are in their 50s. For those practitioners who were steadfast and refused to be "reformed," the No. 3 Division separated them from the rest of the practitioners and ordered criminal inmates to monitor them. They set times for practitioners to go the toilet and bathe. If there was anything that they were unhappy with, they verbally abused the practitioners. The practitioners were not allowed to speak to one another. The second one practitioner spoke to another, she was beaten and berated. At night, practitioners were forbidden to sleep.