Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Zhu Guoying from Heilongjiang Province, in Her Fifties, Arrested, Her Elderly Mother Has No Place to Appeal
2008-01-1051-year-old Ms. Zhu Guoying, a Falun Gong practitioner, was taken from her home by local police on December 2nd, 2007. Without showing any ID, they only claimed that someone had reported Ms. Zhu for speaking about the facts of the persecution of Falun Gong, and they said they had received orders from upper management to arrest her. In fact, this was just an excuse. The truth is that, with the year end approaching, they wanted to extort some money. Accompanied by relatives, her mother went to appeal but was threatened by official personnel.
Guards and Inmates at Hebei Province Women's Prison Beat Ms. Liu Shuying Brutally
2008-01-10Ms. Liu Shuying, a Falun Dafa practitioner detained in Hebei Province Women's Prison, was tortured in the brainwashing centre in the prison by guards of the Eighth Ward on August 12th, 2007. Inmate, Li Fengqin kicked and beat Ms. Liu over a hundred times. Ms. Liu was kicked so severely that there were wounds over her entire body. Some of the wounds took days to heal. This prisoner kicked and beat Ms. Liu and slandered Falun Gong and cursed its founder to try and intimidate her. Ms. Liu talked to Han, the deputy head of the prison, about what was going on, but he did not pay any attention to her. After being tortured for over 70 days, Ms. Liu became so mentally disoriented that she gave in to the brainwashing.
Mr. Wu Jinkui Dies after Becoming Paralysed Due to Brutal Beatings
2008-01-09Mr. Wu Jinkui, 57, was arrested and detained several times for practising Falun Gong. Mr. Wu was held in a forced labour camp from March 2001, to February 2002. As a result he lost sight in both eyes, his legs were deformed and he became unable to walk. In May 2004, Mr. Wu Jinkui was arrested once again and detained for two months. He was beaten until he was severely injured and paralysed. An x-ray taken in 2007 in a hospital in Changsha City showed that his entire spine was deformed due to the injuries. He died on May 16th, 2007.
I Have Been Persecuted for Eight Years and Am Now Disabled
2008-01-09My name is Wang Xiuqing. I live in the Chaoyang District of Beijing. Because I practise Falun Gong, I have been persecuted for eight years and have become disabled. The persecution of Falun Gong by the the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and its former secretary Jiang Zemin has not only disrupted my normal life but also brought tremendous pressure and harm to my family. The 610 Office agents have continually harassed my family and me. We have lived under constant fear, which has traumatised us physically and psychologically. During these eight years, I have been detained three times and held in a forced labour camp for a year and a half.
An Account of the Persecution of Ms. Chen Liping in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province
2008-01-09Ms. Chen Liping, a Falun Gong practitioner, suffered persecution by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) after it launched the brutal persecution of the spiritual practice on July 20th, 1999. The persecution of Ms. Chen included having her behaviour monitored by co-workers, detention, home searches, sentencing to forced labour, torture, and financial punishment. In the forced labour camp, she was brainwashed by being made to watch defamatory videos and read slanderous materials about Falun Gong 17 hours per day, and put under 24-hour surveillance. Afterwards, she was forced to perform hard labour, sometimes having to work all night.
Eight Practitioners from the Hecheng District in Huaihua City, Hunan Province, Were Sentenced
2008-01-09On September 15th, 2007, eleven Falun Dafa practitioners were arrested when they were distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and exposing the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) persecution of Falun Gong. The practitioners were all held in the Huitong County Detention Centre. Three older practitioners, 82-year-old Nie Yuanxin, 70-year-old Zuo Shuying, and 60-year-old Nie Guixiang, returned home after they had five to ten thousand yuan extorted from them. The other eight practitioners were sentenced to between three and seven years in prison by Huitong County Court.
Ms. Li Yumei and Ms. Zhang Yufeng Held in Luquan Prison, Hebei Province
2008-01-08Ms. Li Yumei has been arrested twice and detained three times because she believes in Falun Dafa. On June 28th, 2007, Ms. Li was arrested and brutally beaten by National Security Division officers. When her daughter, Ms. Zhao Yunfei, tried to stop the men from beating her mother, she was also arrested and detained for 15 days. Agents from the Wanquan County Political and Judiciary Committees, the police, and the procuratorate and court officials all colluded to sentence Ms. Li Yumei to six years in prison. On December 27th, she was taken to the Luquan Women's Prison in Shijiazhuang City.
Ms. Hu Fangju Incarcerated in Jiangxi Women's Prison
2008-01-08A practitioner returning from Jiangxi Women's Prison said: "The persecution in Jiangxi Prison is brutal. If you refuse to be "transformed," the guards force you to stand facing the wall from 6:30 a.m. to midnight. Then they transfer you to the activity room from midnight to 2:00 a.m. If you are still not "transformed," you have to stand all day until midnight and then sit from midnight to 3:00 a.m. If you still are not "transformed," you will have to stand all day until midnight and then sit from midnight until 4:00 a.m. If you are still not "transformed," they will not let you sleep. They do not allow practitioners to use water during the winter and only allow practitioners to shower once a week in the summer."
Physician from Tangxia Town, Rui'an City, Arrested by 610 Office Police Again and His Home Ransacked
2008-01-08Mr. Zhou Xiaobo, 31 years old, was a physician at Tangxiao Town Hospital in Rui'an City, Zhejiang Province. On November 7th, 2007, he was arrested by police from the local 610 Office and his home was ransacked. Two officers kept Dr. Zhou on the first floor in order to prevent him from intervening. They confiscated Falun Dafa books and a flash drive. The policemen took pictures of his home. After searching, they told Dr. Zhou to sign an arrest warrant attached to a search warrant. They recorded everything that they confiscated. There was no signature on the warrants, which could very well have been forged.
Prison Guards and Inmates Torture Dafa Practitioners Held in Siping Prison in Jilin Province
2008-01-08The "Education Ward" (the 9th ward) of Siping Prison of Jilin Province specifically jails and persecutes Dafa practitioners. The ward leader Yin Xiangdong and deputy head Geng Mingcai have forced detained practitioners to go through various brainwashing sessions. They assigned criminals to serve as monitors to watch practitioners all the time. They would follow practitioners wherever they went, be it working, eating, using the toilet, or meeting with their visiting families. They were by the practitioners' side even during sleep. In order to curry favour with prison guards, some monitors used all kinds of torture on the practitioners. Huang Weilin, a practitioner in his 50's, was beaten so badly that he spat up blood
Police Continue to Torture Practitioners in Qidong County, Hunan Province
2008-01-07Police officers continue to torture practitioners without any remorse in Qidong County, Hunan Province. They arrest whoever catches their fancy and ransack practitioners' homes. Since the end of May 2007, two practitioners who were forced to leave their homes have gone missing, six practitioners' possessions were confiscated and 15 practitioners were arrested and brutally tortured. Practitioner Ms. Lei Fangmei was arrested on June 26th. She was tortured around the clock for an entire week in attempts to force her to renounce Falun Gong. She was also hung on the window sill and suffered beatings. Her feet were covered with bloody wounds. Her family got her released after trying many different methods and after they paid large bribes for her release.
Mr. Xu Zhiming Disabled after Being Held at the Benxi City Detention Centre in Liaoning Province
2008-01-07Six or seven officers from the local police station broke into Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Xu Zhiming's home. Xu Zhiming and his family were sleeping. Without showing any documentation, the policemen ransacked the home and then took Xu to the Niuxintai Police Station. They then took him to the Benxi City Detention Centre on the afternoon of April 13th. Returning home 15 days later, Xu Zhiming's family found Xu to be delirious. When he walked, he would stumble and he was even unsteady while seated. Xu was tortured at the detention centre until he was unable to take care of his daily needs. He has become a different person. At hospital he was diagnosed with drug poisoning, indicating that the guards at the detention centre used drugs to persecute Xu Zhiming.
Older Practitioner Ms. Lu Xiuli Imprisoned and Persecuted at a Mental Hospital
2008-01-07After July 20th, 1999, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began forcing Falun Gong practitioners to give up their belief. The CCP imprisoned perfectly healthy and mentally stable practitioners in mental hospitals and drug rehabilitation centres. Most of the practitioners were injected and force-fed drugs and chemicals that damaged their nervous systems. Some of damage has resulted in blindness, deafness, palsy, amnesia, mental disorders, injury to the digestive system and death. Ms. Lu Xiuli, a 59-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner, was arrested when she was distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong in November 2007. She was sent to a mental hospital in Shanghai to undergo persecution and brainwashing.
Five Practitioners from Yakeshi City, Inner Mongolia Unlawfully Sentenced to Forced Labour
2008-01-07From August 30th to September 6th, 2007, police officers arrested nine Falun Gong practitioners from Yakeshi City. Practitioner Min Daqing, a 26-year-old employee of the Yitie Electricity Department, was arrested at his workplace. The police confiscated the computer he was using at his workplace. The leaders at his workplace tried to stop the police from taking the computer, but the police forcibly took it away. After this incident, people at his workplace all said that this group of policemen were criminals. Later on, the police broke into Min Daqing's home to confiscate his private computer and Dafa books. Before leaving, they also took 1,300 yuan of his family's money. He has been sentenced to forced labour.
More Practitioners Die from Persecution in Hebei and Heilongjiang Provinces and Tianjin City
2008-01-06Practitioner Ms. Kang Shurong lived in Tianjin City. She went to Beijing to appeal in 2000, and was taken back by police and sentenced to 18 months of forced labour on December 25th, 2000. In the Tianjin City Women's Forced Labour Camp a drug-addict inmate was ordered to force Ms. Kang to stand for a prolonged period of time when her blood pressure was very high. She was tortured until she was close to death, then bailed out for medical treatment. Police constantly harassed her after she returned home. She died around August 2002, at about 47 years of age.