Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Practitioner Xie Wutang is Persecuted and in Critical Condition - Prison Refuses to Release Him
2008-01-06The December 16th, 2007, release of Dafa practitioner Tan Xiangyu came thanks to the efforts of individuals around the world who possess a vision of justice. Tan Xiangyu endured nearly six months of intense persecution in Hunan Province Women's Prison. She suffers from tuberculosis. Her husband Xie Wutang, who is sixty-seven-years old, is still being held in prison and has developed tuberculosis symptoms.
How the National Security Division of the Daqing Police Department Persecutes Falun Gong Practitioners
2008-01-06Usually, the National Security Team will not make an immediate arrest after they have identified a practitioner. They will follow the person for a while and then arrest him. They do not need any evidence to made an arrest. When arresting practitioners, they usually do not drive police cars. Rather, they drive private cars or cars with a private company licence plate. They dress in plainclothes and work in groups of four to five. They do not announce their names and will not give their names even if you ask. Even when they arrest elderly practitioners, they go in a group. They normally leave in the morning between 5:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m., since practitioners are usually home at this time. If the practitioner has a job, they go to his workplace. They search the practitioner for the key to his home and then take him to his home to ransack it.
Court in Jinzhou City Holds Trial of Practitioner Mr. Wang Xiaomin
2008-01-06"My name is Wang Xiaoping, Mr. Wang Xiaomin's wife. I am here today to defend my husband. At around 12 midnight on August 20th, policemen Liu Xu, Ma Hongtao, and Ge Bo from Xiaolingzi Police Station and Taihe Police Sub-department climbed over from my neighbour' fence and burst into our house by forcing open a window. My son woke up from the noise. The three policemen seized my husband without giving an explanation. My son shouted, "Don't take my father away!" However, the policemen even threatened my son with guns. That night many villagers came. They asked, "Do you have an arrest warrant?" Liu Xu replied, "No, we are going to release him after taking down some notes." Both parties refused to budge until early in the morning when forty more policemen came and took my husband away by force."
Ms. Yu Fengchun Dies as a Result of Persecution in Heilongjiang Province
2008-01-05During the past eight years of persecution, Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Yu Fengchun was arrested five times and detained and harassed multiple times. On August 31st, 2007, officers from the Chang'an Station stormed into Ms. Yu's home, ransacked her place, took her personal belongings, and threatened her. During her detention, her old sickness recurred, and she died on December 27th, 2007, at the age of 43.
70-Year-Old Mr. Guo Changyou Dies as a Result of Persecution in Heilongjiang Province
2008-01-05Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Guo Changyou, 70, lived in Harbin City. He was known as a very kind person that loved to help others, and was loved by all of his friends and family. In 2001, Mr. Guo was sent to a forced labour camp for a two year-term, where he contracted severe tuberculosis. His wife was sentenced to eight years in prison in 2002, and she is detained in the Heilongjiang Province Women's Prison. Mr. Guo was extremely worried when he heard about his wife being tortured in the prison. His illness worsened and he died on December 2nd, 2007.
The Deaths of Four Practitioners in Wuxue City, Hubei Province, Due to Persecution
2008-01-05People who knew Falun Gong practitioners Ms. Feng Yingxiu, Mr. Zhao Zhidan, Mr. Guo Maoquan, and Rev. Mei Zhongquan in Wuxue City, Hubei Province, thought they died due to illnesses. But our investigations indicate that they died as a result of the persecution launched by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) in July 1999. Mr. Guo Maoquan was in his 50s. He had been healthy before and after he began practising Falun Gong in 1997. However, in late 2000, he was taken away by police and put into sack and beaten. Later he was taken to Wuhan City's Shizishan Forced Labour Camp, where he was beaten and kicked in the chest by criminal inmates, which injured his lungs. After being released, his wounds ulcerated and led to his death.
Falun Gong Practitioners in Zhangjiakou Municipal Detention Centre Hold Hunger Strikes to Protest the Persecution
2008-01-05On November 28th, 2007, the Chicheng County Court in Hebei Province held a so-called "public trial" at Qiaodong Court in Zhangjiakou City. Seven Falun Gong practitioners were brought in for a court hearing. Afterwards, Ms. Wang Yuzhen, Ms. Chen Haiyan, Ms. Lin Cuilian and ten practitioners from another area imprisoned at the Shisanli Detention Centre in Zhangjiakou City started a hunger strike to resist the Chinese Communist Party's imprisonment and persecution. Three practitioners became so ill that they were taken to hospital. The current status of the practitioners is not clear.
Recently Released Practitioner Recounts Mental and Physical Torture in Yunnan Province No. 2 Women's Prison
2008-01-04I am a Falun Gong practitioner. In 2005, 610 Office agents forcefully took me to prison and I was released three months ago. In prison, collaborators or former practitioners who have turned against Falun Gong under brainwashing and torture, detained practitioners in their cells and made them sit on a very low, hard stool. We were not allowed to move and were restricted to three toilet visits per day. So from the time we got up at 6:40 a.m., until 11:00 p.m., we sat for nearly 16 hours every day. After a while I developed bedsores on my buttocks. They hurt me so much it was as if I was being stabbed with needles. Once a collaborator slapped me and cursed me because I leaned over a little bit. I was not allowed to move my eyes around at all; I could only stare at what was in front of me.
Falun Gong Practitioners Tortured in Wangcun Forced Labour Camp
2008-01-04Mr. Cao Yuguo was sentenced to four and a half years in jail for practising Falun Gong. After being released, he worked as a taxi driver. Eventually he was reported for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong. In 2006 he was sentenced to two years in a forced labour camp. Mr. Cao upheld his belief and refused to be "transformed." He was not swayed by sleep deprivation inflicted by the deputy group leader, Wang Xinjiang. In fact, he tried to explain the truth about Falun Gong to Wang. Wang was infuriated and punched Mr. Cao in the face about five or six times.
Practitioners Recently Persecuted in Shaouguang City, Shandong Province
2008-01-04Ms. Guo Xiuqing from Jitai Township, Shouguang City, was robbed by police officers on November 9th, 2007. They stole a computer, a printer, and mobile phones. Her residence was ransacked. Mrs. Guo was not at home at the time. Afterwards, she left home to avoid persecution and has been moving from place to place. Her husband was caught on November 18th and is being held in Shouguang City Detention Centre. He was imprisoned in an iron cage for two days. Later he was fined three thousand yuan and released.
Falun Gong Practitioners Liu Hongwei and Mu Ping from Jilin City Secretly Put into Prisons
2008-01-04Jilin City police arrested practitioners Liu Hongwei and Mu Ping on October 24th, 2006. They arrested the practitioners without showing any warrants or identification and took the practitioners to the Jilin City Detention Centre on the following day, where the practitioners were interrogated and tortured. Liu Hongwei sustained a serious injury to his lower back and was rendered unable to walk. The practitioners were brought for trial to the Chuanying District People's Court in January or February 2007 after being subjected to inhuman mental torment and physical torture for several months. According to a witness, Liu Hongwei was brought to the court in a wheelchair. He was sentenced to 13 years of imprisonment, and Mu Ping was sentenced to seven years.
Li Zhengling Blinded and in Precarious Health in Deyang Prison
2008-01-03Mr. Li Zhengling, 43, was arrested in December 2004 and sent to a local detention centre. In July 2005, detention centre officials notified Mr. Li Zhengling's family that he was in critical condition. When his family members came to the detention centre, they saw that Mr. Li Zhengling's entire body was swollen. He had injuries on his face and mouth. He was unable to urinate on his own and was using a catheter. He could not recognise people, yet the prison told his family members that since he was getting better, they could not release him. In August 2005, Communist Party officials sentenced Mr. Li Zhengling to five years in prison. In October 2007, when Mr. Li Zhengling's family went to Deyang Prison to visit him, they saw that he was disfigured and emaciated, and he was blind. He could not take care of himself, yet the prison refused to release him.
610 Office Agents Arrest Highly Regarded Computer Teacher in his Classroom in Wanyuan City, Sichuan Province
2008-01-03On March 15th, 2007, 610 Office officials went to the Career Training College of Wanyuan City. They asked the school to cooperate with them to arrest one of their computer teachers, Mr. Xiong Zhengming, a Falun Gong practitioner. Esteemed by both his colleagues and the parents of his students, Mr. Xiong even used his own money to help the less fortunate students in his class. He was arrested while he was teaching a class. Both students and teachers adamantly protested Mr. Xiong's arrest but to no avail. The police then broke into his room and took away some of his belongings, including his computer. He was sentenced to a year and a half of forced labour and taken to the No. 2 Detention Centre of Wanyuan City. On December 3rd, he was transferred. Mr. Xiong's whereabouts are now unknown.
Members of Zhaoyuan City, Shandong Province's "610 Office" Arbitrarily and Repeatedly Extend Practitioners' Terms
2008-01-03Ms. Yang Wenjie had been unlawfully sentenced to three years of forced labour for refusing to give up her beliefs. Her term in the forced labour camp ended in February 2005, but officials at the 610 Office took her directly to the brainwashing centre, where she was held for nine months. She was then sentenced to three more years of forced labour. One year later, officials from the labour camp notified her family that they could take her home, but members of the 610 Office took her to the brainwashing centre once again. At the centre, she was abused so brutally for six months that she almost died. Fearful that they would be held responsible for her death, officials from the brainwashing centre allowed her to be taken home in February 2007.
The Plight of Ms. Zhang Yan and Her Family
2008-01-03In 2000, Ms. Zhang Yan was arrested when she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and sent to Sichuan Women's Forced Labour Camp, where she and other practitioners were persecuted by being forced to stand facing a wall for 18 hours a day every day. They were not allowed to shower, change clothes, or even brush their teeth. They were locked in their rooms all the time and each of them was allowed to use the toilet in their rooms only twice a day. The toilets in their rooms were dirty and uncovered. Eventually, Ms. Zhang became covered in scabies. In summer, the rooms were steaming hot, and still the guards forced them to sit on plastic stools facing the wall for 16 hours a day. The guards didn't allow the practitioners to have family visits, make phone calls, or send letters. The practitioners had to do hard labour and were made to attend brainwashing sessions.