Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Six-year-old Pengpeng Longs to Be with Both His Parents and for the Persecution to Stop
2007-12-15Little Pengpeng is six years old. He used to live with his dad, Sun Jinghuan and his mother, Yi Luju. However, his parents were arrested by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) police many times because they refused to give up practising Falun Gong. Again, this year Pengpeng will not see his mother for a long time. His father told him that his mother was arrested and taken to a brainwashing centre because she wrote a letter to the police saying that Falun Gong is good. Pengpeng's greatest wish is to be with his parents forever and for his parents to not be taken away again by the police.
Falun Gong Practitioners Subjected to Torture at the Suihua Forced Labour Camp, Heilongjiang Province
2007-12-14In August 2007, in the No. 2 Division, practitioner Mr. Xu Yushan was on a hunger strike for over 10 days to protest the brutal treatment. In the beginning, the guards threatened, cursed, beat, and force-fed him. Afterwards, other guards to tortured Mr. Xu with the so-called "big hang up" method. They used tape to fasten a radio on top of his head, turned the radio to the highest volume, inserted earphones into his ears, and wrapped them tightly with the tape. They used cigarettes to burn his fingernails and electric batons to shock and beat him. Even after a whole day's torture, Xu Yushan did not give up. They then applied white sugar to the tip of his private part and put ants on it.
Xiao Guiying in Her 60s Suffered from Brutal Force-Feeding at Nanmushi Forced Labour Camp, Sichuan Province
2007-12-14Ms. Xiao Guiying is 60 years old and has been detained for a long time in the Nanmushi Forced Labour Camp. For the past two months Ms. Xiao has been on a hunger strike, and now her hands and feet are extremely swollen and she is very weak and emaciated. According to insiders, if Ms. Xiao doesn't eat two consecutive meals, guards order three or four prisoners to pick her up and force-feed her. The equipment they use is never washed, so it is filthy and full of ants. Sometimes toilet waste water is used to dilute the food.
Police in Weifang City, Shandong Province Try to Frame Ms. Li Yanhua
2007-12-14As practitioner Ms. Li Yanhua was leaving home on November 21st, 2007, she noticed a black car parked near her home and some passengers trying to cover their faces. She went to the street market to sell clothes. At around 11:00 a.m., two men came to Ms. Li's booth. They were policemen who said that they had some questions to ask her. The men forced Ms. Li into the black car and drove to her home, which they then ransacked and found Falun Gong leaflets. There were not enough leaflets to arrest Ms. Li. So, one officer went outside and returned with another bag full of materials. They then took Ms. Li to the Fushan Town Police Station.
Ms. Chen Jingjiang Taken into Custody for the Sixth Time, Current Whereabouts Unknown
2007-12-14On November 29th, 2007, Ms. Chen Jingjiang went to the Social Security Building in Jingzhou City with her husband to draw her pension. She was told that her pension payments had been deferred for six months. When she asked why, one of the employees told her that the decision had been made by the Jingzhou City 610 Office. Ms. Chen explained the truth about Falun Dafa to them. She told them there was nothing wrong with cultivating, and following the principles of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" to become a better person, and that it was unreasonable to defer her pension payments. Eventually, five officers from the 610 Office arrived and took Ms. Chen into custody. At present, her whereabouts are unknown.
Mr. Zhang Youjin Died While in Prison
2007-12-13On December 16th, 2004, Mr. Zhang Youjin went to Xifeng County to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong with fellow practitioners. He was arrested, sentenced to three and half years in prison, and detained in the Dongling Prison in Shenyang City. In October 2007, a guard notified Mr. Zhang Youjin's family that he was sick. Mr. Zhang's family was shocked to see him. He used to be very strong when he was first detained in the prison, his hair was very black and shiny, and there were not any wrinkles on his face. However, when his family saw him, he had to breathe oxygen through a tube in his nose, he was as thin as a skeleton, his hair was all white, he could not stand still, his hands were shaky, and he could not talk coherently. Guards said he was sick with tuberculosis, and they needed to pay 3000 yuan for treatment. Mr. Zhang Youjin died on October 22nd, 2007.
Two Practitioners Died under Persecution in Jilin Province
2007-12-13Ms. Song Yuhong, 53, started practising Falun Dafa in 1996 and benefited mentally and physically. She went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa after July 1999, when the persecution began. In 2001, she was arrested by 610 Office agents while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the facts about Falun Gong. She was sentenced to two years of forced labour and suffered cruel torture in the Heizhuizi Forced Labour Camp. Guards shocked her with electric batons multiple times. She lost two teeth due to being severely beaten. Her internal organs were injured by all sorts of torture. Ms. Song died in August 2001 after returning home.
63 year-old Feng Renyu from Dazhu County, Sichuan Province Facing Unjust Sentence
2007-12-13Falun Dafa practitioner Feng Renyu was secretly arrested by police in the middle of November, 2006. Since then she has been detained. She was forbidden to communicate with her family and neither was her family allowed to visit her. Her husband requested to see her many times and was refused every time. In June 2007, Chinese Communist Party (CCP) agents from the Procurator's office brought so-called "charges" against her. She has been sent to the court. They plan to escalate the persecution and sentence her to prison. CCP officials have never stopped the persecution towards her. She has been detained 9 times since November 1999. Her home has been ransacked 3 times and for one and a half years she has been detained in a forced labour camp.
Practitioners Tortured and Forced to Do Slave Labour at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2007-12-13There are a few Falun Gong practitioners assigned to the general ward at the Masanjia Women's Second Forced Labour Camp who are made to do sewing work. They are forced to get up at 5:00 a.m. and are not allowed to finish working until after 11:00 p.m., without being allowed a rest at noon. They only get to eat carrot and cabbage soup. Guards use extremely cruel means to force the newly arrived Falun Gong practitioners to write the "three statements" to renounce Falun Gong. Wardens can be found sitting in the corridor and the only thing they can hear are the screams of Falun Gong practitioners being tortured.
Mr. Zhao Wenshan Tortured in Tailai Prison, Heilongjiang Province
2007-12-12On April 5th, 2006, Mr. Zhao Wenshan was taken into custody at his job by police because he continued to speak out for justice for Falun Gong. The police subjected him to all kinds of cruel torture. Consequently, his left arm and his legs were fractured and he developed widespread oedema. His legs were torn up, and the the wounds in his flesh gaped open. He could not walk on his own. On January 28th, 2007, he was transferred to Tailai Prison for further persecution.
Ms. Liu Xiaomei of Shandong Province is Cruelly Persecuted
2007-12-12Ms. Liu Xiaomei, 49, a peasant from Shandong Province, has been arrested, tortured and her home ransacked by Chinese Communist Party (CCP) officers many times since July 20th, 1999, for her belief in Falun Dafa and the principles of "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." Her husband was also sentenced to nine years in prison because he exposed the facts about the persecution of Falun Dafa. During the past eight years of persecution, the CCP officials have extorted 14,000 yuan from her, calling it "fines."
Police Officers in Heilongjiang Province Again Arrest Mr. Yang Libing and His Wife, Ms. Chen Guiqiu
2007-12-12On the afternoon of November 8th, 2007, Mr. Yang Libing, a practitioner from Yicun City, was arrested by Jinshan Police Station officials and detained. Mr. Yang escaped and become destitute and homeless. His wife, Ms. Chen Guiqiu, was arrested on the street and is now held in Jinshantun Detention Centre. The couple's son, who needs to go to college, and the boy's grandmother now have no means of support. Since the persecution began in July 1999, Ms. Chen has been taken into custody six times and detained for over 300 days. In July 2000, Mr. Yang was jailed in Yichun Forced Labour Camp for one and a half years. Over ten thousand yuan was extorted from the family by the local police before the two were released.
Mother and Son Sentenced to Forced Labour
2007-12-12Ms. Xu Hui and her son, Mr. Cai Chao, both Falun Gong practitioners, were arrested in Beijing after they attempted to call attention to the persecution of Falun Gong by displaying a banner on July 20th, 2007, the eighth anniversary of the start of the persecution. They are now being brutally maltreated at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. Since her arrival at the camp, Ms. Xu, 57, has been staging a hunger strike and has refused to do any forced labour. Therefore, the guards force-feed her every day. Since she has high blood pressure, the guards are including blood pressure drugs in the force-feedings. Mr. Cai is forced to work in the Xinshou Branch, where he is able to sleep only three or four hours a night. One finger on his right hand is now covered with dead skin, and another finger on his left hand has abscessed.
Incidents of Torture in Qidong County Detention Centre and Changsha City Women's Prison
2007-12-11On March 27th, 2004, Qidong County Police officials arrested me as I distributed informational materials that explained the truth about Falun Gong and exposed the persecution. They incarcerated me in Shaoyang County Detention Centre. After I started a hunger strike to protest the detention, the police force-fed me and injured my throat in the process. Six days later they transferred me to Qidong County Detention Centre. While there, they hung me by one arm on a window frame for half a day, with my feet not even touching the floor. In addition, they tortured me with the "tiger bench" for six consecutive days. I was later sentenced to three-and-a-half years in prison for my belief in Falun Gong and served my term at Changsha City Women's Prison.
Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Yi Xianmei Still Suffering Hardship Following Release from Three Years of Forced Labour
2007-12-11Ms. Yi Xianmei returned home on April 20th, 2007 after serving three years of forced labour. She has suffered severe physical abuse and mental pressure due to persecution. Even now, her limbs are often in pain, itch and feel numb. When she has heartburn she vomits frequently and cannot seem to stop. Her entire family continues to struggle to make a living. Ms. Yi Xianmei was persecuted for eight years. The local police and 610 Office agents demanded a large amount of extortion money from her. She had no income for two years and four months because her employers refused to pay her. In 1999, Ms. Yi was also detained because she practises Falun Gong and forced to have an abortion.