Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Fourteen Falun Gong Practitioners Recently Arrested in Qian'an City, Hebei Province
2007-10-31In the name of so-called "social stabilisation" during the Chinese Communist Party's 17th National Congress, police in Qian'an City, Hebei Province have recently arrested 14 Falun Gong practitioners. Police arrived in three vehicles on the morning of October 16th, 2007, at practitioner Ms. Fan Huiying's home and arrested her. It is unknown where she is detained. Fan Huiying is in her sixties, and was previously the vice-chairwoman of the Qian'an City Political Consultative Conference. Eight policemen ransacked the home of practitioner Cui Qingru on the evening of October 10th. They seized Ms. Cui and took her PC, printer, TV and other personal belongings. Cui Qingru is currently being held in a detention centre located at Maojiawa Village, Qian'an Town.
The Bitter Moon Festival of an Old Couple in Beijing
2007-10-31Moon Festival is the time for family reunions in China, but an old couple in their 70s in the Chaoyang District of Beijing could only look at each other with tears in their eyes. They were longing for their three children who have been detained or had to leave home and become homeless due to the persecution of Falun Gong. Their eldest daughter, practitioner Xu Tianrong, had been arrested just before the Moon Festival and sentenced to forced labour.
Ms. Liu Jinfeng from Hunan Province Severely Beaten Recently
2007-10-31On July 6th, 2007, Ms. Liu Jinfeng and Ms. Liu Liumei distributed leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong to people on their way to the market. They explained to others how the Jiang Zemin regime, [former leader of China and instigator of the persecution] told lies about Falun Gong and how practitioners were being persecuted. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) secretary of Wanshan Village reported them to the authorities. Police chased the two practitioners into the mountains on motorcycles. The policeman smashed Ms. Liu Jinfeng's head against the ground while Liu Chaoyang punched and kicked her. The two were manhandled into a police car and taken to the Wugang City Detention Centre. While in the detention centre, Ms. Liu Jinfeng was often beaten very badly by Deng Yong'an, director of the detention centre, because she refused to renounce Falun Gong. She was put in handcuffs and shackles. After one beating, Ms. Liu lost consciousness and was unable to move.
Guangdong Province Police Transfers Practitioner Ms. Zhang Lihong, Wife of a Hong Kong Citizen, from a Forced Labour Camp to a Brainwashing Centre
2007-10-30Three years ago my wife, Ms. Zhang Lihong, was in Lufeng City, Guangdong Province, taking care of our two young children, her blind mother, and her 80-year-old father. Owing to her belief in Falun Gong and for exposing the evil deeds of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), Shanwei National Security Team agents arrested her twice, on May 19th, 2004, and October 26th, 2004. Following the first arrest, my wife started a hunger strike to protest the unlawful detention. Due to local and overseas rescue efforts, the police released her after three days. Shanwei National Security Team agents did not follow any legal procedures during the second arrest and sent my wife immediately to the Sanshui Women's Forced Labour Camp for a three-year sentence, in complete violation of the Chinese constitution.
Mr. Cai Zidong Secretly Transferred to a Brainwashing Centre One Day Before the End of His Seven-Year Prison Term
2007-10-30On October 11th, 2007, one day before the end of his seven-year imprisonment, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Cai Zidong from Shiyan City, Hubei Province, was unlawfully and secretly transferred to a brainwashing centre in Wuhan City and persecuted for an extended period of time. These horrible seven years damaged Cai Zidong's body and mind, and also caused huge suffering for his family. His mother passed away in misery and bitterness during his imprisonment. When the family went to the prison on the release date to pick up Cai Zidong, the prison went back on their word and said that according to a secret order from the 610 Office, none of the Falun Gong practitioners who had completed their terms were allowed to go home.
Jiangxi Province: Ms. Peng Ying and Mr. Huang Hongqiang Arrested, Police Confiscate Three Satellite Receivers
2007-10-30Around 5 a.m. on October 8th, Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Peng Ying and Mr. Huang Hongqiang were arrested. Mr. Huang's wife, Ms. Zheng Li'e, was also arrested. The police took a computer and two mobile phones from Mr. Huang's home. Around 5 a.m. on October 8th, seven or eight police officers from Yingtan State Security knocked on the door of Ms. Peng's home. She refused to open it. An hour later, the police returned with hammers and metal bars to pry open the door and broke the top of it. Ms. Peng had to open it and the police rushed in and handcuffed her. The confrontation lasted for almost two hours and Ms. Peng's young daughter cried the entire time. On October 8th, six or seven police officers went to a person's home in Binjiang Township, Guixi City, and stole the satellite receiver that Mr. Huang had previously installed. There were about 100 pieces that were worth a total of 10,000 yuan.
Crimes Committed at Moganshan Forced Labour Camp in Zhejiang Province
2007-10-30Practitioner Guo Caiqin is 60 years old. Because of her determined belief in Dafa, on July 6th, 2006, she was sent to Moganshan Forced Labour Camp. Several drug addict inmates are assigned to monitor each practitioner. At the beginning, there were "conversations" where practitioners were pressured into giving up Falun Gong. If that did not work, practitioners were forced to watch video tapes or listen to tapes with the volume turned to the maximum. They were also forced to sit on a bench all day. Every day, practitioners were forced to get up very early in the morning and go to bed very late at night. If practitioners did not cooperate, they were forced to take an unknown drug. If they refused to take the drug, it was secretly put in their food. When Guo Caiqin found out that the inmates were putting drugs in her food, she went on a hunger strike to protest. Five drug addicts force-fed her with frozen bread. Her nose was bleeding and her teeth were loosened.
Experiences of Persecution at the Fanjiatai Prison in Hubei Province
2007-10-29Hundreds of Falun Gong practitioners have been brutally persecuted at the Fanjiatai Prison, Hubei Province. Practitioners were tortured separately at the prison, especially prior to April of 2002. If practitioners themselves do not tell about their persecution experiences, others will not know about it. For example, practitioner Mr. Fang Longchao was detained alone. No practitioner detained after 2002 ever saw him. I asked an inmate who once monitored Mr. Fang, "What did Fang Longchao do every day?" He said, "He did not do anything. Every day he was made to stand by the window, from after he got up until when he went to bed. His legs were swollen like an elephant's legs." I then asked, "He did not have any activities?" He said, "What kind of activities? He had to urinate in a cup and then drink it."
Practitioner Ms. Zhang Jingxiu from Yi County, Baoding City, Hebei Province Passed Away as a Result of Continuous Police Mistreatment
2007-10-29Ms. Zhang Jingxiu, 38, benefited physically and spiritually from practising Falun Dafa. In January 2001, she went to Tiananmen Square in Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa and was arrested and taken to the Yi County Detention Centre. During Ms. Zhang's detention, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) secretary of the Peishan Town government, brought with him about 30 police officers and other officials, and broke into Ms. Zhang's home, smashing several doors and windows with hoes and wooden sticks. All the furniture, cooking utensils, dishes and bowls were smashed. Many items were confiscated. Ms. Zhang was detained for two months and was released after being extorted out of 2,000 yuan. Ms. Zhang was arrested again later several times and sent to a brainwashing centre. She became very ill due to this ongoing abuse, and died in January 2006.
"610 Office" Agents in Jinan City, Shandong Province Continue to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioner Zheng Ying
2007-10-29On October 13th, 2007, 610 Officers barged into Ms. Zheng Ying's residence. They told her that she had not completed her term in the Shandong Women's Forced Labour Camp. They ordered her to sign a labour camp notification document and tried to take her away. Ms. Zheng Ying did not cooperate with them. They said that they would give her two days to do so and threatened to take her away at any time. She is currently under house arrest.
Lawless Police in Baoding City, Hebei Province Arrest Falun Gong Practitioner Liu Zhihui and Send Him to a Forced Labour Camp
2007-10-29On August 28th, 2007, officers from the Baoding City National Security Team in Hebei Province followed Falun Gong practitioner Liu Zhihui in six vehicles. To find out where they were from, Liu Zhihui's brother-in-law invited them to a restaurant. When Liu Zhihui was paying the bill, the head of these policemen saw that Mr. Liu took out almost ten thousand yuan from his pocket. He attempted to extort the money and said, "Liu Zhihui is rich and we are poor. Liu will not be stingy." Liu Zhihui did not speak to him and put the rest of the money into his pocket. The plainclothes criminals got annoyed and began to search Liu Zhihui and his car, without showing any ID. They confiscated his car, the remaining cash of 8,960 yuan that Liu Zhihui was going to use to pay his client for business transactions. They then sent him to a forced labour camp, in complete violation of the Chinese Constitution.
Persecution Facts at Jiepai Town, Mengyin County, Shandong Province
2007-10-28Falun Dafa practitioners at Jiepai Town have been subjected to brainwashing; have had money and personal belongings extorted from them; and have been physically abused, beaten, and maligned numerous times. 610 Officers extorted 700 yuan from Ms. Liu Xiaolian and her husband. Because they didn't have the money at the time and were two days late in producing it, they were forced to pay another 3,000 yuan. At another time police used a stick to brutally beat Ms. Liu Xiaolian's head, hips and legs. She was black and blue all over. She almost fainted from the excruciating pain.
Practitioner Tortured - Police Chief Responsible for the Arrest Meets Untimely Death
2007-10-28"Paoliao", in Qianxi dialect, is to put handcuffs and shackles on a person, and then use a chain of less then 50 cm. to tie both together. When a person is being "paoliaoed", he would have to keep his body bent at more than 90 degrees if he were to stand. To move from one place to another he has to bend over and slowly inch his way along. Practitioner Chuan Zhiwu was savagely tortured this way for a whole month. Finally he was let up when the district attorney's office did not find sufficient evidence and refused to issue the arrest warrant. During this period, they hit him that his face was bruised and swollen. His neck also swelled badly, so that he was unable to eat. Fu said grimly: " We'll force-feed you if you dare go on a hunger strike." Under such brutal and degrading torture, Chuan very soon turned into a living skeleton.
Ms. Deng Shufen, a Seventy-Year-Old Practitioner from Shuangliu County, Sichuan Province, Recently Arrested
2007-10-28On October 1st, 2007, Ms. Deng Shufen, a Falun Gong practitioner from Sichuan Province went to the Jitian Town Government to speak out for justice for Falun Gong. She told them that because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had committed heinous crimes it would be destroyed and anyone associated with it would be implicated, so that only if they quit the CCP would they have a good future. The town government authorities, instead of listening to what she said, ordered the police of the Jitian Police Substation to arrest Ms. Deng Shufen.
From Being a Millionaire to Becoming Homeless and Destitute, But Remaining Steadfast in Dafa
2007-10-28On September 23rd, 2007, the police arrested a Falun Gong practitioner couple, Mr. Long Guande and Ms. Zhan Xuemei. The police searched and ransacked the couple's home. Presently, the practitioners' whereabouts are unknown. Mr. Long Guande is well-known in Zhuhai City and owns a residential renovation business. In the past, he had accumulated quite a bit of wealth as a result of his hard work. Due to poor health he started practising Falun Gong. From then on, all his illnesses disappeared, and he also had changed into a person with high moral standards. Since the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999 Mr. Long was repeatedly arrested and taken to the local brainwashing centre. For seven years, he could not go home and was homeless and destitute. During this time, he successfully avoided arrest many times.