Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
The Brutal Torture of Falun Gong Practitioners at Shanghai No. 3 Forced Labour Camp
2007-10-24Xiang Jianzhong, famous for his cruelty, was the head of a team at the Shanghai No.3 Forced Labour Camp. He, along with guards Gao Jinlin and Chen Jiangong, continuously enforced the mental and physical torture of imprisoned practitioners. If a practitioner did not "transform" according to a guard's expectations, the guard would harass and torture the person for long periods of time. The practitioners would be forced to face the wall and stand still. They were not allowed to sleep, were beaten with electric batons, and locked in small cells. Practitioner Wang Wei, associate professor of the Fudan University Business School in Shanghai, was forced to stand still for long periods of time and locked in a small cell. When he was released after being held for 20 days, he was "skin and bones" due to the brutal torture.
Asking the World to Help Discover the Cause for Ms. Wang Yuhuan's Death
2007-10-23On September 24th, 2007, Ms. Wang Yuhuan passed away in the Changchun City Forced Labour Camp Central Hospital. She was detained more than ten times by police. She suffered the torture method of "Tiger Bench" for three days and two nights. Her face was shocked and charred from being beaten with electric batons. Her eyeballs were burnt with cigarettes, and ears punctured with bamboo toothpicks.
Eight Practitioners in Qian'an City, Hebei Province, Recently Taken into Custody
2007-10-23On October 11th, 2007, practitioner Ms. Liu Xiaoyuan, was taken away by the police and her home ransacked. Ms. Liu's whereabouts is currently unknown. On October 12th, Mr. Yuan Chunlin, was taken away by the police and had his home ransacked. The police seized his computer, printer, and TV antenna. Other practitioners were also arrested, had money extorted from them and tortured in a detention centre. They had all committed no crime. They only follow the principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance.
Police in Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province Break Into Practitioners' Homes and Take Them Into Custody
2007-10-23At about 4:30 a.m. on September 28th, 2007, the 610 Office and police departments in all counties and districts of Shuangyashan City, Heilongjiang Province acted in unison to harass and arrest more than ten practitioners all over the city. The officers even dispatched cranes to break into the homes of practitioners through their windows. They made videotapes of practitioners against the practitioners' will. Ms. Wu Yuexia was sentenced to labour camp and others are still detained in the Shuangyashan City Detention Centre. It is reported that these arrests were planned by the 610 offices and police departments in all counties and districts of Shuangyashan City in a covert meeting which was held in Youyi County on September 27th.
Persecution Causes Wang Zhongli from Xinmin City, Liaoning Province to Suffer a Mental Collapse
2007-10-23Mr. Wang Zhongli went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong and inform people about the true nature of Falun Gong. He was arrested and sent to Beijing's Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp, where he was detained and tortured for two years. During his detention, the police did not allow him to sleep, did not give him enough food, and tortured him for two months in order to try to force him to give up his belief. His employer also threatened to fire him if he did not give up his belief. Under this tremendous suffering, he went against his conscience and said he would give up believing in Falun Gong. After Mr. Wang was released, his employer fired him. And his wife divorced him due to not being able to handle the pressure. He was anguished about giving up the belief that had once given him a new life. Finally, Mr. Wang suffered a mental collapse.
Dafa Practitioner Mr. Cao Hongyan Tortured to Death in Jilin Prison
2007-10-22Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Cao Hongyan was sentenced to eight years imprisonment. On October 9th, 2007, he was tortured to death in Jilin Prison. Mr. Cao was sent to hospital on October 8th, 2007 after he lost consciousness from being tortured in Jilin Prison. When his family rushed to the hospital, they saw that Mr. Cao was intubated and being given oxygen. Mr. Cao was not moving. His left eye was closed, his right eye was half closed, and his mouth was open. After he passed away Mr. Cao's family members changed his clothes, and the corners of his mouth bled. There was a large patch of black bruises at the top of one of his thighs and a round mark on the right side of his chest. When Mr. Cao's family asked about the cause of his death, the police said it was a brain haemorrhage. However, the doctor said they did not confirm the diagnosis and did not even perform cerebral tests.
Mr. Lin Shanchun Dies as Result of Persecution in Chongqing City
2007-10-2265-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Lin Shanchun was repeatedly abused by police officer Wu Hongquan (male) from the Jingkou Station. Wu arrested Mr. Lin in 2005, causing him to be sent to a forced labour camp, where he was severely injured in both mind and body. His old illnesses recurred, and he could not take care of himself. The Camp Administration refused to spend the money to have him visit doctors, and then, fearing being held responsible, notified Wu Hongquan to pick him up. Lin Shanchun died on September 27th, 2007.
Cancer Survivor Ms. Luo Junlan Persecuted for Eight Years in Suining City, Sichuan Province
2007-10-22I am Luo Junlan and I'm 54 years old. My family and I have been mercilessly persecuted for the last eight years because I practise Falun Gong. One day in April 2001, school director Huang Liyun ordered my 12-year-old son Luo Wen to his office. Once there, he slapped him on the face and said, "Your mother is a Falun Gong practitioner." Another teacher concurred saying, "The fact that his mother is practising Falun Gong implicates him." From then on my son was forced to leave school and he lost his chance for an education. Later, my son, not yet thirteen years old, left home and went to Yunnan Province to learn how to repair vehicles.
Crimes Committed by Agents of the Wuwei City 610 Office in Gansu Province and Others
2007-10-22Under orders from the city administration and from the 610 Office, beginning on July 20th, 1999, the police began to harass the Falun Gong practitioners in their district by reporting on, registering, threatening, and monitoring them. All of the practitioners had to hand in their Falun Gong books, and any Falun Gong exercise tapes, and they had to submit guarantee statements [to abandon the Falun Gong practice and not travel to Beijing for appeals]. If they refused, they would be searched and fined and have their belongings confiscated. Practitioners were also required to report to officials every morning and evening. Within several days they would be told to show up for written reports.
Press Release by Falun Gong Practitioners in Bielefeld: German Doctors Aid Torture Victim from China
2007-10-21"Wang experienced that peaceful people, who are seen by the Communist regime as a threat to their power, are dealt with worse than murderers and rapists in slave labour camps. At the slave labour camp, the guards ordered drug addicted inmates to monitor, humiliate and beat up Wang. On April 15th 2003, five inmates in his cell tortured him and broke both of his hip joints. The slave labour camp doctor gave Wang only a few pain-killers although he suffered from multiple broken bones and his body was covered with wounds from burning cigarettes."
Eight Years of Persecution for Falun Gong Practitioner Yang Hong and her Family from Huludao City, Liaoning Province
2007-10-21Ms. Yang Hong used to be an employee of the construction company affiliated with the refinery in Huludao City. Officials at her workplace fired her eight years ago for her refusal to renounce her belief in Falun Gong. Over the past eight years, Ms. Yang was subjected to several arrests and incarceration. In Masanjia Forced Labour Camp she had to do 14 hours of heavy labour every day. Since Yang Hong refused to renounce Falun Gong and refused to memorise the labour camp rules, the criminals beat her ruthlessly. Her legs were often black and blue from being kicked. Criminals also punched her on her back, injuring it so severely that she could not bend over. Guards locked her to an iron column so that she could not fall asleep.
Mr. Wang Hongfa, a Faculty Member of Tianhe Institute of Guandong Polytechnic Normal University, Again Sentenced to Forced Labour Camp
2007-10-21Mr. Wang Hongfa, a faculty member of the Machinery Department at the Tianhe Institute of Guandong Polytechnic Normal University, was reported to the police when he explained the facts about Falun Dafa to someone in the Computer Science Department. Afterwards, the authorities of the University said that they would no longer employ him. Also, they cooperated with the officers of the Haizhu District 610 Office and the Tainhe Street Police Station and arrested him on July 16th, 2007. On August 10th, he was sentenced to one-and-a-half years in the No. 3 Forced Labour Camp in Huadu District, Guangzhou City .
Torture Methods Used in Yinchuan Women's Prison, Ningxia Province
2007-10-21Prior to 2003, the prison authorities sent all practitioners to brainwashing sessions supervised by agents from the provincial 610 Office. After the brainwashing sessions were over, the prison officials decided to have scheduled sessions at the prison to try to force practitioners to "reform." The officials set up award programmes to encourage prison guards and criminal inmates--including convicted murderers, thieves and drug addicts--to "reform" practitioners using various methods of torture. In order to encourage guards and other inmates to force practitioners to give up their belief, the prison officials grant a third class award for a guard or reduce a criminal's sentence for each practitioner who renounces Falun Dafa.
Many Beijing Practitioners in Universities Arrested Recently and Their Houses Ransacked
2007-10-21Agents from the Beijing 610 Office ordered agents of all 610 Offices and all government-supervised neighbourhood committees in Beijing, as well as other community officials, to go to practitioners' houses and/or call practitioners to harass them. There were rumours of another "re-education" (brainwashing) class and of renewed requirements for Falun Dafa practitioners to write "thought reports." Busybodies went to practitioner's homes wanting to "check on them." All these activities are related to a renewed intensification of the persecution of of Falun Gong surrounding the Seventeenth Party Congress and the Beijing Olympics.
Eight Years of the Persecution--The Plight of Practitioner Ms. Wang Yanchun and Her Family in Dalian City, Liaoning Province
2007-10-20On August 14th, 2007, the Dalian police arrested more than 30 Falun Gong practitioners, including Ms. Wang Yanchun, at their homes. Their only crime: believing in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance." Even now, 47 days later, family members of these practitioners--fathers and mothers, sons and daughters--are still hoping that their loved ones will return home safely. Not too many know about how they have suffered because the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) has covered up crimes committed by the police. Ms. Wang Yanchun had previously been arrested and imprisoned in Dabei Prison because she persisted in her Falun Gong practice. When her daughter visited her a total stranger seemed to face her, wearing a dirty uniform, her hair short and messy, with a skinny face and a body covered in bruises. She could not connect this woman with her once beautiful, elegant and well-dressed mother.