Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Older Falun Gong Practitioner Ms. Wang Yuhuan Tortured to Death Following Massive May 9 Arrest in Changchun
2007-10-16Ms. Wang Yuhuan, a Falun Gong practitioner from Changchun City, Jilin Province was arrested along with many other fellow practitioners on May 9th, 2007. The police informed her family of her death on October 9th. Wang Yuhuan was a kind woman in her 60s who did not have much education. She was arrested a dozen times by the Changchun police over the past eight years. She was once tortured on the "Tiger Bench" for three days and two nights, until her anklebones were exposed from the constant grinding of the shackles and the tendons in her arms were torn through repeated beatings. The police shocked her face with electric batons, burned her eyes with cigarettes, and stabbed her ears with bamboo sticks, causing injuries all over her body.
Ms. Wang Yangfang Persecuted by the Chinese Communist Party for Eight Years
2007-10-16Because 65-year-old Ms. Wang Yangfang has refused to renounce Falun Gong she has been mercilessly persecuted for eight years. In 2002 she was arrested, her house was ransacked and she was sent to the police station. When Ms. Wang did not go willingly, her hands were handcuffed behind her back and a large policeman pulled on the cuffs to lift her up, almost breaking Ms. Wang's wrists and causing excruciating pain. In the evening she was handcuffed to a chair that was next to a sewage ditch. Her feet could not touch the ground and she was not allowed to sleep.
Ms. Yin Peikun Sentenced a Second Time to Forced Labour Camp--Leaving Mentally Disabled Family Members Without Care
2007-10-16Ms. Yin Peikun is a sixty year-old Falun Dafa practitioner. In late 2004, she was sentenced to two years of forced labour for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution and telling people the truth about Falun Dafa, and she was released in early 2007. On September 1st, 2007, she was arrested again. Recently, she was sentenced to another two years of forced labour. She is imprisoned at the Jinan City Women's Forced Labour Camp in Shandong Province.
Guard from Jiamusi City Prison, Heilongjiang Province Claims It Is Quite Normal for Two People to be Beaten to Death
2007-10-16On September 26th, 2007, Li Xiangguo (male) and Chen Xiqiang (male), who are both guards at the Jiamusi City Prison, tied the arms of Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Shan Zhiping into an excruciatingly painful position because he refused to report for forced labour. Mr. Shan was suspended by the arms until his feet no longer touched the floor. Two other Falun Dafa practitioners tried to persuade the guards not to do so. However, Li Xiangguo would not listen, and instead asked one of the deputy supervisors of a group of guards, Quan Wei (male), to punch and kick Mr. Gong and Mr. Wang until they were writhing on the ground in pain.
62-year-old Ms. Li Fangling from Longquanyi District in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, Arrested by the 610 Office
2007-10-15In May 2004, several policemen dragged 62-year-old Ms. Li Fangling, downstairs and pushed her into a car. She was then taken to the infamous Chengdu City, Xinjin Brainwashing Centre and imprisoned there for about two months. Personnel of the Xinjin Brainwashing Centre have tortured many practitioners. They drove a beautiful lady, Zhuxia insane and caused a 45 year old female practitioner to die. At the brainwashing centre, several assistants stayed with Ms. Li Fangling and monitored her around the clock. They beat and abused her constantly. She was forced to write the "three statements" to renounce Falun Gong. Otherwise, she would have been imprisoned there indefinitely.
The Ongoing Persecution of Dafa Practitioners in Chengdu City
2007-10-15The so-called "Legal Education Programme" is, in fact, a living hell. Several practitioners became disabled from abuse there, have mentally collapsed, or died. Some were beaten to death. Some who went on a hunger strike were force-fed and died as a result of brutal force-feeding. Practitioner Ms. Zhu Xia was raped in the brainwashing centre and suffered a mental collapse. Liu Ying was injected with unknown substances. Presently, these two practitioners are mentally traumatised and they are unable to take care of themselves.
My Experience Being Tortured at Longmen Police Station, Longjing City, Jilin Province
2007-10-15In early January 2007, two Falun Dafa practitioners and I went to the villages of Longjing City to distribute leaflets exposing the persecution and were stalked and reported on by an old man, the village guard. We were arrested and taken to the Longmen Police Station in Longjing City where I was beaten severely and tortured with "hanging up in the air," "iron chair", "pouring freezing cold water over people," for 10 hours by Vice Director Zheng and other policemen. The police also stomped on my stomach which caused me to empty my bladder immediately.
High School Student Has No Place to Return to After School After Police Ransack and Occupy Her Family Home
2007-10-15Dafa practitioner Li Jun has been persecuted and imprisoned for four years. His house was completely searched, and valuables were taken away, leaving his parents-in-law with no home to return to. In 2003, Mr. Li and his wife were persecuted, and they became homeless to avoid arrest. Mr. Li was sentenced to 11 years in prison. His parents, in their seventies, were left home to take care of his young daughter and they went back to their own home. On the night of July 23rd, 2007, officials ransacked Mr. Li's home when no one was there, and took away all their valuable belongings. When Mr. Li's daughter's came home from her grandparents to get some money and clothes, she found that her home had been ransacked. 30,000 yuan that her grandparents had saved for her living expenses and tuition, was stolen.
The Many Instances of Torture Inflicted Upon High School Teacher Guo Quantai of Wangdu County, Baoding City, Hebei Province
2007-10-14High school teacher and Falun Dafa practitioner Guo Quantai has suffered countless instances of mental, physical and economic torture at the hands of the local Communist Party staff and police. He was almost close to death, and he was deprived of his salary for seven and a half years. The facts about the persecution of Guo Quantai are iron-clad proof of the Chinese Communist Party's genocidal policy of "ruin their reputations, bankrupt them financially, and destroy them physically " in its persecution of Falun Gong practitioners.
Beijing Chaoyang Police Department Detains Mr. Wang Hongwei Again
2007-10-14Wang Hongwei was persecuted many times for persisting in his cultivation. In 2001, while he was sending emails informing people about the true nature of Falun Gong in an Internet café, he was reported by the person in charge of the café and was sentenced to four and half years in jail. The jail officials forced prisoners to work making products that earned the jail huge profits. Once when he was manufacturing footballs, a needle stabbed Mr. Wang in his left eye. The sight in his left eye was severely compromised. Mr. Wang was arrested again on August 18th, 2007.
Police Unlawfully Arrest Mr. Tang Yiqing and His Wife Ms. Zhao Honge in Dandong City, Liaoning Province
2007-10-14Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Tang Yiqing was on his way to work on the morning of September 25th, 2007 when officers and others from the Dandong Police Department stopped him and forcibly seized him. Finding his house key they broke into his home. They took away his wife, Falun Gong practitioner Zhao Honge. They ransacked his home afterwards and confiscated several items. The couple is now held at the Baifang Detention Centre in Dandong City. Ms. Zhao Honge's family members demanded her release by making personal visits to the police station, but their requests were rejected.
Xishanping Forced Labour Camp Officials in Chongqing City Are Still Severely Persecuting Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-10-14The persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp, Chongqing City, is still very severe. According to a news source, for more than a month officials at the camp have been ruthlessly abusing the practitioners who persevere in Falun Gong practice. Besides making them do extremely intense manual labour, consisting of folding 1,500 small packages for headache powder, the physical tortures are extremely brutal. For instance, the abusers use hard objects to bang the practitioners' wrists and ankles; some practitioners were battered to a pulp. Not even older practitioners are spared from such gross abuse.
Who Murdered Yu Chunhai?
2007-10-13On March 10th, 2007, Mr. Yu Chunhai, who was only 32 years old, left this world. The people of the Changde Village in Jilin Province have many different opinions about his death. Who tortured Yu Chunhai to death? Actually, the real criminal who murdered Yu Chunhai is still at large. He was incarcerated in Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp where he was subjected to various tortures, including starvation, forced labour and brutal beatings.
Older Practitioner Ms. Mu Yanrui Arrested--Her Husband Traumatised and Hospitalised
2007-10-13On August 14th, 2007, older Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Mu Yanrui and more than 20 other practitioners were at the home of one of the practitioners when they were arrested by the State Security Division of the municipal police department. During the arrest, Ms. Mu Yanrui was separated from the other practitioners. On August 15th, police went to Ms. Mu's home to confiscate her property. Ms. Mu Yanrui's 70-year-old husband suffers from heart disease and had recently been released from the hospital. As the neighbours watched, the police smashed a window and forcibly entered to search their home. Ms. Mu Yanrui's husband was so frightened that he required hospitalisation.
Ms. Wei Jianxin's Whereabouts Unknown After Being Taken Into Custody
2007-10-13On September 2nd, 2007, Ms. Wei Jianxin had just returned home from shopping when director of the State Security Division took her into custody. The police officers then broke into her home and searched it. They confiscated an MP3 player and 600 yuan in cash, and demanded that Ms. Liu pay them 2,000 yuan. Ms. Liu made a living as a street vendor and her financial situation was very challenging. Ms. Wei was sent to a forced labour camp, where she resisted the persecution. Fearing her influence, the guards threatened to transfer her to another location. Currently, Ms. Wei's whereabouts are unknown.