Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Supplementary Information about the Tortured-to-Death Li Guang, Presenter of Laizhou City TV Station in Shandong Province
2007-04-06The former Shandong Province Laizhou City TV Station programme presenter, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Guang, was steadfast in his belief in Falun Dafa. On December 3rd, 2004, he was tortured to death by guards in the Weibei Prison. They brutally beat Mr. Li Guang by whipping him a hundred times with sticks. In winter, he was stripped of all his clothes, and they poured numerous kettles of boiling water from the utility room and numerous buckets of icy water from the freezing pond over his head. Mr. Li Guang died after five days of torture.
Mr. Guan Zhenyou Persecuted for Seven Years and Remains Unlawfully Detained in the Fifth Prison of Chengde City, Hebei Province
2007-04-06Mr. Guan Zhenyou, 40, was arrested at the Chengde Train Station by police. He was sent to the Chengde Detention Centre and interrogated. He was mistreated with all kind of tortures. Later, he was sentenced to 14 years in prison. The guards burned Mr. Guan Zhenyou's nostril with a cigarette butt, thrust a toothbrush with ethanol into his mouth, and cuffed him to a sofa and dragged him back and forth. Kicking and beating are the most common torture methods. He was deprived of sleep for six days. He was hung up and beaten. He was tortured so badly that his legs were swollen and he lost consciousness. Even so, the head of the 610 Office still roared, "In their case, we must torture them even harder!"
Yang Xiuwen, Li Bo, and Chen Liguo from Baishan City, Jilin Province Sentenced to Prison After Being Tortured in Detention Centre
2007-04-06On April 17th, 2006, Falun Dafa practitioners Yang Xiuwen, Li Bo and Chen Liguo were arrested by police officers. Witnesses saw the police officers ransacking Mr. Yang's home. They also saw blood on the back of Mr. Yang's head and on his back, and noted that his hair was very messy. When he was first taken to the detention centre, his face was bruised from being beaten. While he was detained at Baishan City Detention Centre, Mr. Yang went on a hunger strike for over 20 days. Police officers incited criminal inmates to force-feed him, and tied him to a death bed. His right arm was dislocated as a result of the torture, which caused his muscles to atrophy.
Heilongjiang Women's Prison Manipulates Inmates to Persecute Falun Gong Practitioners
2007-04-06Authorities of the Heilongjiang Women's Prison have set up a so-called transformation base. The guards manipulate inmates to forcibly “transform” Falun Gong practitioners. Eight or nine inmates besiege one practitioner and coerce her to “transform” by using all kinds of techniques such as deprivation of rest and sleep, shouting insults, corporal punishment, mental mistreatment, and various other abuses. Inmates take turns sleeping, while practitioners are not allowed to close their eyes for days at a time. Inmates even put unknown medicine in practitioners' food.
Practitioner Mr. Wang Qibo Persecuted to Death in Jilin Prison - His Body Cremated Without Consent
2007-04-05Falun Dafa practitioner, Mr. Wang Qibo was sentenced to seven years of imprisonment in 2002, and was then detained in Jilin Prison. There, he was cruelly tortured by all means and was even detained and tortured in an isolated cell for a long period of time. His mind and body were devastated. At around midnight on March 28th, 2007, the prison authorities sent Mr. Wang to the Second Central Hospital of Jilin City. At around 9:50 a.m. on March 29th, 2007, Mr. Wang passed away at the age of 47. In order to cover up their crimes, the prison authorities cremated his body that morning without his family's consent.
Mr. Jin Chengshan with Paraplegia and His Wife Severely Persecuted in Harbin City, Heilongjiang Province, Nearly Fifty Relatives File Appeal
2007-04-05Practitioners Mr. Jin Chengshan and Ms. Jiao Xiaohua are a married couple. They and two other practitioners were arrested by the Hulan District police on December 22nd, 2006. Later, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Hulan District Procuratorate Department and Court sentenced them. Mr. Jin Chengshan has severe paraplegia, and his health further deteriorated after the arrest because of the persecution he was subjected to. Nearly 50 relatives of Mr. Jin and Ms. Jiao have recently filed a lawsuit seeking justice against those who persecuted this couple.
Practitioner Ms. Sun Shuqin Recounts the Persecution She Experienced at Her Workplace, in a Mental Hospital and a Brainwashing Centre - Part 1
2007-04-05I went to the Beijing Appeal Office in October 1999 to inform people about the true nature of Falun Gong. I was stopped and asked if I was a Falun Gong practitioner and where I was from. I answered honestly so I was arrested. My mother received a phone call from my bank, asking me to write a statement promising to no longer practise Falun Gong. I refused to do so. At that time, there were many cases of arrests and layoffs of Falun Gong practitioners. Someone suggested getting a mental illness statement for me to save my job. The doctor at the hospital declared that I had “paranoid schizophrenia,” basing his findings on the fact that I would rather give up my job than promise not to practise Falun Gong. I went on a hunger strike to protest. The doctors inserted a feeding tube into my stomach to force-feed me with food and medicine.
A Former Criminal Changes His Ways After Practising Dafa, But Is Imprisoned Again for Being a Good Person
2007-04-0537-year-old Chen Guangwu gave up pickpocketing after he began practising Falun Gong. In November 2001, Mr. Chen was arrested by police and inhumanely tortured. Policemen forcibly smashed his head against a wall. They also stomped on is face with their shoes, forced his legs apart, cuffed his hands behind his back and over his shoulder, and slapped his face. He was then sentenced to one year of forced labour because he persisted in being a good person. In 2004 Mr. Chen was arrested again while posting leaflets exposing the persecution and sentenced to three years in prison.
Laishui County in Hebei Province Police Arrest Falun Gong Practitioners Cao Jiwei and Li Zhenfang
2007-04-05On January 4th, 2007, families were gathered together in celebration of the New Year, but Falun Dafa practitioners Cao Jiwei and Li Zhenfang, who were homeless due to persecution by the Laishui County 610 Office, were stopped and searched on the road. The officers beat them to the ground, took their Dafa materials and personal property worth about 3,000 yuan, along with 5,800 yuan in cash. At the police station police shocked Cao Jiwei with electric batons. Blue flames flashed as the strong electrical current burned his body again and again. Cao Jiwei had burns, bruises and other wounds all over his body. His eyes were black and blue, and so swollen he could barely open them. Li Zhenfang was persecuted to the brink of death and was rendered unconscious.
Practitioner Ma Jian Arrested and Tortured in Brainwashing Centre
2007-04-04On February 28th, Police arrested Beijing Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Ma Jian against his will. His whereabouts remained unknown until recently. The police sent him to a brainwashing centre and tortured him for 20 days. Mr. Ma Jian was the general manager in charge of Chinese and North Asian business for the PCM Company in France. The PCM Company in France wrote a letter to the Beijing Police Department through the French Embassy in Beijing and enquired why Ma Jian was arrested, but they did not receive any response.
Ms. Meng Hulun and Ms. Jia Haiying Brutalised in an Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region Forced Labour Camp
2007-04-04Falun Dafa practitioners Ms. Meng Hulun and Ms. Jia Haiying have been brutally tortured during their recent imprisonment because of informing people about the true nature of Falun Dafa. Currently, Ms. Meng Hulun and Ms. Jia Haiying are being held separately in the camp. Their health has seriously deteriorated over the last few weeks. Ms. Meng Hulun has been tortured so much that she frequently shakes with fear, has convulsions, and faints. Ms. Jia Haiying was bedridden from February 9th to 24th, 2007, with heavy bleeding. She can no longer walk on her own.
My Experience of Being Persecuted at a Rehabilitation Centre and Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province
2007-04-04In November 2002, the authorities carried out an attempt to "reform" practitioners. It was extremely cold in winter in Northeast China. The guards ordered us to strip down to our pyjamas. All the windows were opened, and the piercing wind blew in. The guards couldn't help shivering in their overcoats. We were then forced to squat barefoot in the freezing cold, trembling all over. Some of us were chained to the ground with fixed cuffs. The guards put basins of cold water under our buttocks. Each guard also carried an electric baton and continuously applied shocks to practitioners. The crackling sound from the electric batons never stopped, and the strong smell of burning skin permeated the air. Some guards let out wild, evil bursts of laughter while swearing at Dafa nonstop.
An Appeal to International Human Rights Organisations: Please Help Rescue My Husband, Yang Jianpo
2007-04-04I'm calling on the world's people to help my husband, Yang Jianpo, who has been tortured and who has been on a hunger strike for more than 400 days at Hebei Jidong Prison. He is now in critical condition and on life support. In Wanzhuang Forced Labour Camp, he was forced into heavy labour and worked 20 hours daily. He was beaten with wooden sticks. In Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp, he was handcuffed to an iron ring on the ground outdoors. He suffered blazing sunlight during the day and mosquito bites at night. The guards inserted an electric baton into his mouth to shock him. They did not release him after he had served his sentence. He went on a hunger strike for 60 days. Eventually, he was released, but not before he was at death's door.
"Daddy Went Away and Will Never Come Back, Mummy Went Away and Will Also Never Come Back"
2007-04-04Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Lu Mengxin died from the persecution on February 27th, 2006, in Wanjia Forced Labour Camp. His wife, Ms. Xu Wenying, is now imprisoned at the Women's Prison in Harbin City. Their young daughter, Huihui (alias), is presently being taken care of by a fellow practitioner. Huihui frequently speaks about her father. When she was very young, after her mother was arrested, she was cared for by her father. Her love for her father was very deep. After her father was arrested, she was left home alone and forsaken by the authorities.
After Mr. Chen Guanghui from Jiangsu Province Died as a Result of a Police Beating, the Authorities Infiltrated His Funeral to Prevent the Exposure of Their Crime
2007-04-03The Baixia District Court sentenced practitioner Mr. Chen Guanghui to eight years imprisonment in 2002. He was sent to Suzhou Prison in Jiangsu Province. On July 29th, 2004, brutal police beatings fractured his skull. He was beaten simply because he refused to renounce his belief in Falun Dafa. After the beating, he went into a vegetative state. He was under the supervision of the prison in the No. 100 Hospital until December 12th, 2006, when he died. At the funeral there were more than a hundred police present, several times more than the number of Mr. Chen's family members. They set up surveillance cameras everywhere and spied on every one of his family members from all directions.