Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
I Have Been Sent to Labour Camps and Brainwashing Classes Four Times in the Past Eight Years
2007-03-27In August 2003, I was forcibly taken to a labour camp. I was often deprived of sleep and was put in solitary confinement. I was asked to recite the six articles of public security. After making me suffer for years, they made me sign the “Four Statements.” I felt very bad about myself. In April 2006, when I was back in my hometown to distribute materials, I was reported by someone who did not understand the truth of the persecution. I was arrested and sent to Lianzhou Detention Centre and then to a labour camp. As I had a high blood pressure, I was refused to be taken in. The “610 Office” sent me to Sanshui Brainwashing Class for the fourth time. In the following months, I did not cooperate with the persecution and they started using violence to torture me.
Practitioner Ms. Wang Jinfan from Qiqihar City, Heilongjiang Province, Persecuted Since 1999
2007-03-26On April 19th, 2002, Ms. Wang Jinfan was arrested again. Two policemen beat her so badly that she was covered all over with cuts and bruises and was close to being paralysed. Both her sides and breasts had so many bruises that it was very hard for her to breathe. Her feet turned black due to the beating. She also had internal bleeding in her neck (x-ray results showed this). The beating also caused her vision to become blurry. The police continued torturing her with even more brutal means. They shocked her with electric batons until she was close to death. When she was taken to the emergency of the police hospital, Director Yan of the police department called the hospital and said, "A Falun Gong practitioner dying is not a big deal. You don't have to worry, I will take responsibility."
Ms. Li Yuping from Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province Missing for Four Years
2007-03-26Ms. Li Yuping, 53 years old and around 1.65m (5ft 5in) in height, lived in Taihe Village, Mashan District, Jixi City, Heilongjiang Province. About four years ago, when the police mass-arrested Falun Gong practitioners, Li Yuping was forced to leave her home and become homeless. She has not been heard from since. Li Yuping's husband misses his wife and suffers very much. He has been seriously ill for years and had to have two surgeries. His health is in poor condition and he suffers psychologically. Li Yuping's aunt, Jiang Shulan, who is in her seventies, misses her niece so much that she asks everyone she meets about Li Yuping 's whereabouts.
Chinese Communist Party (CCP) Officials of the Guangdong Province Railroad System Engage in Deceitful Propaganda and Persecution of Falun Gong
2007-03-26On February 1st, 2001, the Ministry of Education instructed every education institution and school to organise and to launch the Anti-Falun Gong Petition Signature collection activity, with the goal of getting a "Million Signatures" among the nationwide education system, and to use this to poison the minds of hundreds of millions of young students. When some students did not want to sign, the teacher in charge would use every means including threats and inducements, to force the students to sign, and failing to comply would result in expulsion from school. At the same time, they organised large-scale Cultural Revolution-style attacks on Falun Gong and the founder of Falun Gong with big banners, posters, and propaganda pamphlets. Chen Zhili even put anti-Falun Gong material into the elementary and high school teaching material and test questions for all grades, even college entrance and graduate students' examinations.
Exposing the Crimes Committed in Nanjing Women's Prison, Jiangsu Province
2007-03-26To punish Falun Gong practitioners with all possible means, wardens in Nanjing Women's Prison did not allow Falun Gong practitioners to purchase goods for daily needs, increased their work times and workloads, forced them to stand outside drenched in water in the winter to shiver in the icy wind, or forced them to bake under the sun in the extremely hot weather until someone passes out. Sometimes, the wardens would deny the practitioners' relatives' visiting rights, and practitioners were forbidden from calling their relatives. To punish Falun Gong practitioners using more severe means, wardens would hang up practitioners by their handcuffs and put them in solitary confinement.
Inner Mongolia Practitioners Mr. Jin Haitao and Ms. Guo Meijie Persecuted
2007-03-25In 2001, Mr. Jin Haitao was distributing Falun Gong flyers when he was arrested by police and sent to Wu-yuan Forced Labour Camp for one year. In June 2001, the labour camp tried to complete the "transformation" of Falun Gong practitioners to win a prize from the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), so they started to torture practitioners. The " transformation" methods included threats and severe physical and mental abuse. Mr. Jin did not listen to their orders, so they persecuted him by locking both his hands to a heater and shocking him with electric batons administered by Wei Yuzhi and his teammates. This persecution caused the skin on both sides of Mr. Jin's head to peel off.
Persecution of Falun Dafa Practitioners in Liaoyang County, Liaoning Province
2007-03-25Over the last seven years Liaoyang County Police Department has committed numerous crimes: mercilessly beating Dafa practitioners, searching and robbing practitioners of their property, extorting money from 1,000 yuan to 40,000 yuan. In violation of the Chinese constitution, they put practitioners into brainwashing classes, issued sentences and placed practitioners in forced labour camps. Agents from the local Liuerbao Township police station took part in the persecution and acted as evil vanguards. The CCP named this station on August 23rd, 2005 the "outstanding national public security unit."
An Older Lady Tells of the Persecution She Suffered in Sichuan Province
2007-03-25After the Chinese Communist Party started to persecute Dafa, we were not allowed to practise together. My husband did not allow me to practise at home either. I could not understand. Why would such a wonderful practice be forbidden? I decided to speak out for justice for Dafa in Beijing. I was arrested in Beijing. In the regional office, the police asked where we came from. We did not say anything. Then they started to beat us. I still refused to tell, and then they took off my clothes. At last I only had on an undershirt. It was a cold winter day. They asked me to hold a stone lion up. One policeman said, "If you can hold it up, you will be released." Another officer, tall and mean said, "What do you say?" Then he slapped me. It felt like my eyeball had fallen out from the beating. I slowly pushed it back into place. My whole face was swollen, but I did not feel any pain.
Practitioner Ms. Wang Chunrong from Kunshan City, Jiangsu Province Is Arrested by the National Security Brigade
2007-03-25On January 19th, 2007, about twenty policemen arrested Dafa practitioner Ms Wang Chunrong. The police surrounded Wang's home and also her husband's shop, where she was arrested. The police stole three computers from the shop, and also took two personal computers from the Wang home. While raiding the home and business, the police also seized Wang's nephew, although he had broken no laws and the police did not have a warrant for his arrest. This latest incident marks the fourth time Wang Chunrong, 53, has been arrested in the past seven years.
Cases of Torture of Falun Dafa Practitioners from Huaiyang County, Henan Province - Part 2
2007-03-24Ms. Liu Jinfang spoke out for justice and explained the facts about Falun Dafa to people and she was arrested by the police in October 2001. On April 17th, 2003, she was sentenced to 15 years in prison and deprived of her rights for five years. After being arrested, she went through many tortures: Having her feet burned by a cigarette, having bamboo sticks pressed under the tips of her fingernails, being hung up with her hands cuffed behind her back, being fed unknown medicine, being carried in the air and then slammed to the ground, and being beaten with a bamboo board or leather belt. In November the guards wrapped heavy gauge wire alongside the belt and whipped every practitioner 100 times. Practitioners' hair, pieces of their clothes, and blood were flying in the air, and several inmates watching the beatings cried.
Police Ransack Ms. He Caiyun's Home and Force Her to Jump from the Third Story Balcony
2007-03-24On January 19th, 2007, over a dozen police broke into Ms. He's home. They pushed Ms. He onto the third floor balcony and threatened to send her to Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp again if she did not jump off the balcony. In desperation, Ms. He jumped. She sustained four broken ribs, two broken femurs, and a shattered pelvis. She had a tracheotomy and couldn't speak. The police stole over 3,000 yuan in cash and claimed that Ms. He tried to commit suicide.
The Persecution of Dafa Practitioners at Hongzehu Prison in Jiangsu Province
2007-03-24In 2004, the prison issued a false report claiming that 100% the Falun Gong practitioners held there had been "transformed", and that none of them had gone back to practising. To prevent the report from being discovered as a lie by the public, the prison transferred over a dozen practitioners to other prison wards. In 2002, Dafa practitioner Tang Xuebin refused to be "transformed," refused to wear a prison uniform and to call out "report" before entering the prison offices. The prison guards forced him to run on the field. When Tang Xuebin would not comply, the prison guards made some inmates drag him and run. Very soon after that, Mr. Tang's trousers were ripped and his legs started to bleed.
Elderly Practitioner Ms. Zhang Wenrong Is Once Again Detained in Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp in Tianjin
2007-03-24On June 10th, 2006, 62-year-old Ms. Zhang Wenrong was arrested while distributing leaflets exposing the persecution. She was sentenced to one year and three months of forced labour and detained in the Banqiao Women's Forced Labour Camp where she was compelled to perform over ten hours of hard labour every day, picking beans, pasting boxes, and making clothes, etc. She was frequently made to work for the entire night without sleep. When she was not working, she was forced to sit on a tiny stool for the whole day and was forced to read articles that slandered Falun Dafa.
Mr. Lu Tongli, a Level-one Judge, and His Wife Died Due to Persecution in Heilongjiang Province
2007-03-23Falun Dafa practitioners Mr. Lu Tongli, a level-one executive judge and his wife persisted in Dafa practice. The Chinese Communist regime had persecuted them for a long time. In January 2001, the head of the Fangzheng Forest Bureau attempted to coerce Mr. Lu to attack Falun Gong and its founder on Fanglin Public Television. Mr. Lu refused, and the Communist Party removed him from his position as head of the executive court. Lu Tongli died in September 2006 and his wife in November 2006. Lu Tongli died in September 2006 and his wife in November 2006.
Mr. Ma Xiao from Lingyuan City, Liaoning Province Died As a Result of Persecution
2007-03-23Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Ma Xiao, 59 years old, was a peasant. After the Chinese Communist Party started persecuting Falun Gong on July 20th, 1999, police arrested him several times. Mr. Ma was arrested again on June 30th, 2005. They arrested him and sentenced him to three years of forced labour in Dayingzi Labour Camp, where he was tortured until he vomited blood and was in critical condition. The labour camp authorities were afraid of being held responsible, so they sent him home in February 2006. Ma Xiao never recovered and died on February 18th, 2007.