Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Chinese Communist Party Sentenced Cao Baoyu to Prison Just Before He Died of Persecution
2006-06-01Two days before practitioner Mr. Cao Baoyu died, officials went to the hospital where he was staying and read him his "sentence." At that time Mr. Cao was so thin he was mere skin and bone. His neck was infected in many places, his blood pressure was way below normal, and he was near death. On April 27th, Mr. Cao passed away. To avoid being held responsible for the murder they had committed, the authorities released a statement saying that Mr. Cao's death was due to natural causes. They then cremated the body on May 1st. They refused to allow the family members to see the body. The family members were paid 30,000 yuan as a settlement compensation for his death.
Ms. Li Huaiye Tortured with Electric Shocks in Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp
2006-06-01On February 15th, 2004, Dafa practitioner Li Huaiye was taken to Gaoyang labour camp. On the afternoon of June 7th in Gaoyang, the police took Li Huaiye to a torture room on the east side of the building. On the floor was a board with two handcuffs on it. They handcuffed Li Huaiye's hands so that she was totally immobilised. The policemen then used electric batons to shock her mouth. Because Li Huaiye closed her mouth tightly, the baton could not be inserted inside the mouth, and it shocked the teeth instead. Afterwards they took her socks off and stuffed them into her mouth. They put earphones on her to force her to listen to material slandering Dafa. Then they shocked her inner thighs and went on to shock the rest of her body.
The Cruel Force-Feeding I Endured In A Labour Camp
2006-05-31The head of the labour camp once told me, "I have a death quota here; thus it's quite normal for a few people to die here. No one can see what goes on in this forced labour camp! So, after your death, I could make prisoners give false testimony, saying that you committed suicide. It's very easy to do! As long as I reward them with a little bit of a favour, they will jump at it, like dogs. I could even choose a special day like your Teacher, Li Hongzhi's birthday to do it. Afterwards, we could invite TV reporters to come, telling them how a young college student became fanatical and sacrificed his life for his Teacher, with the hope to go to heaven by committing suicide...."
How Can Rao Chaoyuan's Parents Deal With the Mental Blow of One Son's Death and the Other Son's Disability from the Persecution?
2006-05-31Falun Dafa practitioner Rao Chaoyuan, 40 years old, is the older brother of practitioner Rao Zhuoyuan who died as a result of persecution. After being detained by the evildoers for over one year, he was sentenced to an eight-year prison term in January 2003. Now he is incarcerated at Sihui Prison in Guangdong Province, with one of his legs disabled from torture. With one son having died from gross abuse and another disabled, Rao Chaoyuan's parents are going through enormous misery and mental pressure.
Additional Information Regarding Dafa Practitioner Mr. Liu Zhirong's Death from Persecution
2006-05-31Mr. Liu Zhirong was a teacher at the Tuanjie Elementary School. He was persecuted to death on January 10th, 2006 by the guards of the No. 3 Prison in Tianshui City, Gansu Province. The prison guards cremated Mr. Liu Zhirong's body without his family's permission on January 14th, 2006, in Tianshui Cremation Facility, and his ashes were sent back to the Qingyang Cremation Facility. His wife held a simple memorial service for him on May 8th, 2006.
Shandong Province First Prison Deprived Mr. Zhao Weidong of Sleep for 26 Days
2006-05-31Falun Dafa practitioner, Mr. Zhao Weidong was arrested and detained in prison. He was persecuted and deprived of sleep for 26 consecutive days. He has been in a trance and is still suffering from the torture. The authorities attempted to "transform" him by means of a "sudden attack." At first, a group of instructors sat in circle on stools and insulted Dafa. No sleep or little sleep was allowed. Over time, when Mr. Zhao persisted in cultivation, they completely deprived him of sleep. He was forced to squat down, and a few new prisoners watched him. Whenever Mr. Zhao closed his eyes, they poked him, kicked him, and pulled his hair and ears.
Kang Fengtang, an Older Gentleman from Jiamusi, Dies Grief Stricken Due to His Two Daughters' Repeated Arrests
2006-05-31Falun Dafa practitioners Kang Aimin and Kang Aiqin were once again arrested and detained. Their father Kang Fengtang witnessed his daughters being repeatedly persecuted during the seven-year persecution of Falun Dafa by the Chinese Communist Party. He passed away unjustly on April 9th, 2006.
A Good Person is Sent to a Mental Hospital and Persecuted to Death (Photo)
2006-05-30Ms. Huang Xingjin was an elementary school teacher who practised Falun Dafa. Her husband sent her to the Wuwei Mental Hospital for fear of being persecuted along with her. In order to free herself from the torture and restriction on her personal freedom in the mental hospital, Ms. Huang agreed against her will to write the Guarantee Statement to give up practising after being released from the hospital. Once home her husband began locking her up at home and beating her because she refused to write the Guarantee Statement. Due top the pressure, in March 2000, she jumped from her four-story apartment and ended her life. [Editor's note: As a Dafa cultivator, committing suicide is wholly against the teachings and requirements of Dafa.]
How Zhang Xiangfu Suffered in Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in Heilongjiang Province
2006-05-30Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Zhang Xiangfu refused to give up his practice of Falun Gong, so he was arrested and tortured many times. Police and the 610 Office sent him to Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp in 2002. There the guards used over twenty different torture methods on him. They broke several ribs and chest bones, his skull was fractured and the backs of his hands were scorched. The guards invented a new torture to increase his suffering. They shot needles from a homemade gun at the practitioners. The needles go deep into the flesh, where they cause excruciating pain. Mr. Zhang died on October 15th, 2005, from brutal torture, at the age of 33.
Jilin Police Interrogates and Tortures a Falun Gong Practitioner, Burning Her Fingers with a Cigarette Lighter
2006-05-30On March 9th, 2006, I went to Jiuzhan, planning to distribute several copies of "The Nine Commentaries on the Communist Party," but I was arrested before I distributed any copies. A few policemen dragged me to the Jiuzhan Police Station. After torturing me in various horrific ways, the police started a new torture. The three of them each used a cigarette lighter to burn my fingertips and toes. Seven of my fingertips were badly burned. My left big toe was burned badly. My fingernails turned black. To this day my fingertips have not healed. They continue to discharge pus and blood. The pain is unbearable, but at the time of the torture the pain was even worse. I felt I'd be better off dead.
Persecution Put Me at Death's Door More Than Once
2006-05-30I went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa, was arrested and sent to prison. There, several policemen put me in shackles and handcuffs that weighed about 30 to 40 pounds. I was handcuffed behind my back. The vicious policemen took off my shoes. They dragged me to the yard covered with cobblestones and forced me to walk circle after circle wearing only tights without shoes. When I had walked for several hours I really couldn't walk anymore. The handcuffs and shackles had cut deeply into the flesh and my skin had become a mixture of flesh and blood. In spite of this, they did not remove the handcuffs or shackles and kept them in place for six days. My feet were so injured that the bones showed through.
Six Falun Dafa Practitioners from Yunnan Province, Hubei Province, Hebei Province and Other Locations Died Due to the Persecution
2006-05-30Someone threatened 61-year-old Ms. He Weixian her in July 2001 for explaining the true situation of Falun Dafa. She decided later to leave home and go from place to place to avoid further persecution. On October 24th, 2002, Ms. He was sent to the Maojiashan Women's Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing City, where they injected her with toxic substances that harm the central nervous system. She was in constant pain since then. On October 13th, 2004 Ms. He was released to go home, but the persecutors kept harassing her. She died on April 24th, 2006.
Ten Falun Dafa Practitioners From Yichun City and Tieli City, Heilongjiang Province Sentenced and Imprisoned
2006-05-29At the end of September, 2005, the authorities in Tieli City arrested ten practitioners, who later were sentenced to imprisonment by the Tieli City Middle Court. According to a confirmed, reliable source, the authorities of Tieli City want to transfer the ten practitioners to another facility, and the practitioners have had blood drawn for blood typing tests. Due to the many publicly exposed cases of organ harvesting from living Falun Gong practitioners currently held in concentration camps by the Chinese Communist Party, this has caused many conscientious people to worry for the ten practitioners.
Wang Qingfu Persecuted in the Jiutai Forced Labour Camp Until Incapable Of Walking
2006-05-29Wang Qingfu, a Dafa practitioner, was sentenced to three years of forced labour. On April 20th, he was sent to Jiutai City Forced Labour Camp in Jilin, where he was persecuted so severely that he could not walk. His wrists showed deep scars made by handcuffs. The scars resulted from his being shackled to a bed with his arms and legs spread wide. On May 5th, Wang Qingfu started a hunger strike to protest the cruel persecution against him, and he was brutally force-fed. His family members worried about Mr. Wang's life and went to Jiutai Forced Labour Camp to request a visit with him, but the labour camp refused them.
Practitioners Emaciated Due to Persecution at Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2006-05-29During the last ten days of February 2006, all the steadfast Falun Dafa practitioners detained in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp were persecuted insanely for refusing to be "transformed." They were forced to wear the prison uniform, sit in a chair and call out numbers. They were abused with physical punishment, handcuffs, beating and scolding by the chief of the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp and other guards. Every practitioner persecuted was forced by three, four or more policemen to wear a uniform, and was beaten if he or she would not cooperate.