Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp Persecutes Dafa Practitioners Who Are Suffering Severe Illness
2005-09-16Ms. Chen Aihong, fifty-three years old, was taken to Gaoyang Forced Labour Camp for imprisonment on March 15th 2005. The physical examination showed that she suffered from severe heart disease. Her heart rate was 137 times per minute. The electrocardiogram showed that her heart muscle was seriously short of blood and she should not do heavy labour. After hearing this, the head of the group Wei Hongling often verbally abused her. One night in the middle of June, Chen Aihong was meditating. Police Tian Zili pulled the bed sheet out from under her, whipped her face and head violently and beat her down to the bed. Tian Zili started to shout at her, "If you meditate again tomorrow, I'm going to kill you on the spot." As a result of the persecution, Chen suffered from a relapse of heart disease and incontinence.
61 Falun Gong Practitioners Die in August as a Result of Torture
2005-09-15The number of Falun Gong practitioners confirmed dead as a result of the persecution reached 2,781 on August 31st 2005. Among the 61 practitioners, 25 or 41% of the total were women, and 33 or 54% of the total were above 50 years of age. Twenty-eight of the deaths occurred in 2005, including six in August 2005. The youngest victim was 21 years old.
Repost: Horrifying Conditions in Jilin Prison's "Naked District" - Second Urgent Appeal to Rescue Dafa Practitioner Yang Guang
2005-09-15Mr. Yang Guang, 50 is currently being held in Jilin Prison's "naked district," where he is not ever allowed to wear trousers and suffers humiliation and misery in the company of psychotic, disabled inmates. Due to torture, his right leg is disabled, his toes are deformed and festering, and he can no longer take care of himself. He is fifty years old but looks like a frail old man with his white hair and emaciated body. He is surrounded by urine, faeces and filthy smells continuously.
Ms Li Yangfang Was Tortured to the Point that Hospital Officials Were Afraid to Accept Her for Treatment
2005-09-15After starting to practise Falun Gong, Ms. Li Yangfang, a formerly seriously ill person, she then became healthy and kind. After the persecution of Falun Gong began, she was subjected to severe torture several times. In 2003, she was unjustly detained in Sichuan Province Zizhong Women's Labour camp. Due to her severe torture injuries, even the hospital refused to admit her.
Three Practitioners from Hebei and Anhui Provinces Were Persecuted to Death
2005-09-15After Mr. Miao started practising Falun Gong in 1997, his heart disease, lung disease, and oesophageal cancer all went away. After the persecution of Falun Gong started on July 20th 1999, officials often went to Mr. Miao's home to harass and threaten him. This caused him to live under a cloud of constant fear. He developed depression, and his health condition became worse and worse. Mr. Miao died in March 2005.
Falun Gong Practitioners Suffer Persecution in Heilongjiang Province Between January and August of 2005
2005-09-14Li Jun, head of the National Security Division at the Huanan County Police Station in Heilongjiang Province, and his subordinates have been constantly and illegally arresting and sending Falun Gong practitioners to prisons and forced labour camps for several years. Between January and August 2005, eleven Dafa practitioners and their family members were arrested and subjected to extortion.
Four Older Dafa Practitioners Pass Away as a Result of Persecution
2005-09-1472-year-old Ms. Chen Songnan, was a Dafa practitioner from Sichuan Province. She was the widow of Song Shiyun, former Deputy President of the Southwest Finance and Economics University. Before learning Falun Dafa, she had many illnesses, and she weighed only 77 lbs. After cultivating in Falun Dafa, all of her diseases disappeared and her body weight increased to 110 lbs. In December 2003, she was arrested by police and detained in a brainwashing class by the 610 Office. Since she persisted in cultivating Dafa and refused to compromise she was persecuted to death.
Six Falun Dafa Practitioners from Jilin, Liaoning and Sichuan Provinces Died as a Result of the Persecution
2005-09-14Ms. Xiao Jizhen was eighty-one years old. In March 2001, her eldest daughter went out to expose the truth of the persecution, and she was arrested and sent to jail. Knowing what had happened to her daughter put tremendous mental pressure on Xiao Xuizhen. In addition, national security officers went to her home and harassed her, and sent her daughter to a forced labour camp, where she was tortured until she suffered a mental collapse. Personnel from the forced labour camp notified her family to take her back home when she was in critical condition. Xiao Jizhen was in extreme grief when she saw her daughter's condition. She tripped and fell at home on April 10th 2004, and passed way on April 14th 2004.
Male Prison Guards at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Persecute and Humiliate Practitioner Ms. Zhao Shuyun
2005-09-14Ms. Zhao Shuyun was imprisoned in the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp in Liaoning Province because she practises Falun Dafa. Ms. Zhao felt she should not be detained at the labour camp, as it was not a crime to practise "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," and refused to wear the prison uniform. On July 7th 2005, Ms. Zhao was told to go to Captain Zhang Xiurong's office. Over two and a half hours later, Ms. Zhao left the office wearing a prison uniform and with bruises all over her body. She also had lost a lot of her hair and her regular clothes, including her underwear, were torn. Ms. Zhao was severely traumatised both physically and mentally after being violently abused and humiliated. She was at the edge of collapse. She ached badly all over and felt dizzy.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Ren Shujie Passed Away Because of the Persecution
2005-09-1342-year-old Ms. Ren Shujie suffered long-term inhuman torture for persisting in her belief and telling people the truth about Falun Dafa. By the time she was released from Masanjia Forced Labour Camp on December 24th 2004, she was extremely weak and emaciated. At 11:15 PM on September 1st 2005. Ms. Ren passed away.
Teenage Son of Practitioner Zhang Fengyun Lives a Hard Life after His Mother Is Tortured to Death
2005-09-13Practitioner Ms. Zhang Fengyun was tortured to death on August 11th 2001 by the Lanzhou City No. 1 Custodial Centre for her determination in practising Falun Dafa. Her son Xing Jun was only 14 years old at that time. He was forced to drop out of school and is now earning only 100 yuan a month, which is barely enough to survive on.
Policeman in Beijing Claims that Several Practitioners Died from the Torture of "Ice Freezing" in 2000
2005-09-13In December 2000, 70 year old Mr. Sun and his wife went to Beijing to appeal and were arrested in Tiananmen Square. In order to force them to expose their identities, the most typical torture used was "ice freezing." In the freezing cold winter, the policemen forced him to stand in the snow with only a shirt on him from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon. In the afternoon, the policemen stripped off his shirt and a couple of people took turns splashing cold water on him. After a short time, Mr. Sun was covered in ice from head to toe. He fainted. A policeman said, "If you die from being frozen, you die for nothing. Your body will be thrown away after you die. Nobody takes care of it. We have thrown away several bodies already."
Tianjin Dafa Practitioner Mr Ma Yongyue Unjustly Sentenced to Three Years in Prison
2005-09-13In June 2005 Ma Yongyue was arrested at the local market and given no reason for his arrest. Police took him to a detention centre, where he was physically abused. On July 10th 2005, Ma Yongyue was unjustly sentenced to three years in prison by a local court and his family didn't receive any notification regarding the trial.. Ma Yongyue didn't accept the verdict of the court and filed an appeal to a higher court to request unconditional release.
Ten-year-old Boy Facing Crisis - Mother Pleads for Release of Boy's Father
2005-09-12Life for ten-year-old Zhang Jiarui in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province is very difficult as his father is unjustly held in a labour camp. Cheng Qinglan, the boy's mother, divorced his father, Zhang Bin, in November 1997. Zhang Bin, whose son lived with him, started practising Falun Gong in early 1998, and he quit those unhealthy habits and started taking his responsibility toward his son Zhang Jiarui seriously. He persisted in practising Falun Gong and for the past six years has been persecuted. His workplace illegally cancelled his work contract. Zhang Bin was forced to move out of his home with his son who was five years old at the time. The father was abducted for the second time in December 2004 and is currently being persecuted at the Suihua Forced Labour Camp.
Four Practitioners from Sichuan, Hunan, Gansu, and Jilin Provinces Are Persecuted to Death
2005-09-12Ms. Kuang Yuliang, who was around 50, started practising Falun Dafa in 1997. In 2000 and 2001, she was arrested several times for exposing the truth of the persecution of Falun Dafa. She was also detained twice for more than six months each time. In addition, police extorted 8000 yuan from Ms. Kuang. In the Nanqiang Brainwashing Centre, Ms. Kuang was charged 30 yuan per day for meals, but she was only given a bowl of watery porridge each day. For four months straight, the guards did not allow her to wash her face or bathe. Ms. Kuang was cuffed continuously to the window in the brainwashing class for five months. Only her toe tips touched the floor. Guard Li Xu threatened Ms. Kuang to give up her belief in Falun Dafa. When Ms. Kuang said no or refused to respond, Xu forcefully kicked her. Since Ms. Kuang was firm in her belief, she got kicked so much that the injuries on her legs did not heal before she passed away. She was badly emaciated when she was finally released. The police often harassed her at home and prohibited her from going outside. Ms. Kuang passed away on June 14th 2005.