Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Hunan Practitioner Ms Ouyang Youhua Dies Due to Persecution
2005-09-12After the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) began persecuting Dafa in 1999, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms Ouyang Youhua was persecuted by officials from the Guiyang 610 Office. Ouyang Youhua suffered illegal imprisonment, torture and forced labour. She was monitored, threatened and fined. Her daughter was detained for 15 days, and her husband, Li Jinbao, was sentenced to 3 years in a forced labour camp in 2002. Ouyang Youhua's mental and physical health plummeted under the long-term persecution. She passed away after suffering a sudden stroke on June 9th 2005.
Five Practitioners Die as a Result of the Persecution in Hebei, Liaoning, Hubei and Shandong Provinces
2005-09-1251-year-old Mr. Liu Jianhua used to suffer from gastric pain and severe headaches. He tried many types of medical treatments and medicine but did not find any overall improvement. In 1996, through the practice of Falun Dafa, he was miraculously restored to good health. In 1999, on the afternoon of July 20th when the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) started the persecution of Falun Gong, local police took Mr. Liu from his home to the detention centre for interrogation. He was released on the next day. However Mr. Liu was traumatised by these incidents. His bodily condition became worse day by day. Subsequently, he continued to receive threats, and was subjected to manipulation, surveillance, and restriction of visitors. He eventually suffered from a relapse of his earlier medical problems and died on April 17th 2005.
The Persecution Wu Chunlong Experienced Before His Death
2005-09-11Wu Chunlong, a 30-year-old Falun Gong practitioner from Heilongjiang Province, was tortured to the verge of death and mental disorder. He was sent back home on April 30th 2005 by officials from the Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp but was kept under surveillance by local police. He finally died from the lasting effects of the persecution on August 20th 2005. Another practitioner, also detained, recounted, "At about 9:00 A.M. on March 17th 2005, when we were picking beans, Wu Chunlong was taken out by the policemen. A few minutes later, we heard the loud noise of someone being beaten and Wu Chunlong shouting "Falun Dafa is good." Nearly 20 minutes later, we could not hear anything more."
Jilin Prison Attempts to Destroy Evidence of Their Crime By Murdering Yang Guang
2005-09-11Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Yang Guang is currently being held in Jilin Prison. He has been tortured to near paralysis and is on the verge of death. Authorities have refused to allow Mr. Yang's family to visit him. They even attempted to destroy evidence of their crime by murdering him. Mr. Yang's legs were crippled. His toes had severe infections and were disfigured. He was unable to take care of himself. His hair was grey and he was skinny. Because he firmly refused to follow his persecutors' orders, the inmates and the prison police tortured him to the extent where he was reduced to a mere skeleton. In the "Nudity Section," Mr. Yang was not allowed to wear trousers or underwear because the lower part of his body was paralysed and he could not control his body functions. Their living conditions are dreadful. The place provided for them to sleep is less than 60 cm. and their food is terrible.
Zhang Zhagen's Wife Describes the Process of her Husband Being Persecuted and Tortured to Death and How the Chinese Authorities Shirked the Responsibility
2005-09-11"My husband Zhang Zhagen was a 52-year-old practitioner. Before his death, he was an employee of the Kaifeng City Bus Team for Foreign Tourists. After he started to practise Falun Gong, he was recognised many times as an outstanding employee and model worker. From his actions, it was obvious that he cared a great deal for others. He loved his children and was respectful toward his parents. However, such a good person believing in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" was detained and tortured to death by the Kaifeng City Forced Labour Camp, for exposing the truth of the persecution about Falun Gong to people and speaking out for justice."
Mr. Zhang Siyou and Ms. Zhang Meishan Died from Repeated Persecution
2005-09-11Mr. Zhang Siyou and Ms. Zhang Meishan, both from Shouguang City, Shandong Province, suffered constant persecution ever since the Communist Party started its campaign against Falun Gong. Mr. Zhang died on August 9th 2001, and Ms. Zhange died on January 8th 2005. Mr. Zhang witnessed his daughter's arrest and saw her being brutally beaten, just for practising Falun Dafa. He became severely depressed and developed liver cancer. In the past few years, Ms. Zhang Meishan suffered intense mental pressure, and she died suddenly on January 8th 2005.
67 Year Old Practitioner Chen Zhengheng Died Due to the Persecution
2005-09-10On June 27th 2005, police ransacked the home of Mr. Chen Zhengheng and his wife Ms. Huang Jinlian. They also arrested Ms. Huang and took her to the Police Department, claiming someone reported her to the police for Falun Gong activities. Although they did not find any evidence they still sent her to a detention centre. Mr. Chen was visiting his hometown at the time. After Mr. Chen returned from the trip, he was very upset and in deep grief upon finding that his wife had been arrested. His old illness recurred, and he was sent to hospital. A medical rescue failed, and he passed away on July 10th 2005. The officials did not release Ms. Huang until Mr. Chen was dying.
An Account of the Inhuman Torture I Suffered at the Hands of Police in Dalian City
2005-09-10"The policemen lit nylon ropes and allowed the flaming plastic to drip on my arms. My hands and arms were covered with blisters due to the burning, and many scars were left after the blisters were gone. During the daytime, they ordered eight people to beat me. They asked me whether I would continue to practise Falun Gong. I would say yes, and they would slap my face with the sole of a shoe. Every inch of my body had been struck at some point. When the policemen saw that I was not afraid of death, and that they could never "transform" me, they gave up. On January 26th 2005, I finally went back home."
The Persecution in Nanchang City: Chen Meili Loses Her Eyesight Due to Persecution
2005-09-10Practitioner Ms. Chen Meili is in her sixties. She is the chief physician at the Second Affiliated Hospital of Jiangxi Medical University. The Xihu District Court of Nanchang City sentenced her last year to 8 years in prison because she practises Falun Gong. Those responsible ignored the fact that Ms. Chen suffered from high blood pressure, and put her in the forced labour camp hospital. Now, due to the persecution, she has lost the sight in both of her eyes.
Practitioner Ms. Zhao Huixiang from Liaoning Province, Died as a Result of Persecution in 2003
2005-09-10Ms. Zhao Huixiang was a Falun Gong practitioner who suffered a mental collapse due to the tortures she experienced in detention. She would scream whenever someone knocked on the door. Her family sent her to a mental hospital yet treatment did not cure her. On March 31st 2003, when Zhao Huixiang was home alone, she jumped from the sixth floor. She died on the way to the hospital.
Sixteen-year-old High School Student Sun Yanpei Held by Shandong Province "610 Office" for Over Two Weeks
2005-09-0916-year-old Ms. Sun Yanpei, a student from the No. 1 High School of Zhaoyuan City has been held by the "610 Office" for more than two weeks. She is currently being detained in an isolated building of the Nanling Southern Gold Mine in Taishang Village, Linglong Town. In order to conceal their illegal activities, the authorities have labelled the building as the "Legal Education and Training Centre," but it is actually a brainwashing centre where Falun Gong practitioners are persecuted.
Nine-year-old Cao Xiaodong Lost His Grandmother Zhang Jinrong after His Father Was Tortured to Death
2005-09-09Sixty-five-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhang Jinrong from Pulandian City, Dalian was persecuted for a long time for her belief in Falun Dafa, a practice which had made her live a fuller life. She was traumatised by the death of her son Cao Yuqiang in 2004 who was first tortured to disability whilst being illegally detained. Ms. Zhang Jinrong passed away on August 23rd 2005 leaving behind her husband and nine-year-old grandson.
Practitioner Yu Yali's Life Hangs by a Thread - Her Mother Asks the World for Help
2005-09-09Ms. Yu Yali is on the brink of death! The former judicial representative of Xinhuo Surface Materials Technology Limited Company of Jinan City, Yu Yali was sentenced to seven years imprisonment on November 16th 2004, and is currently imprisoned in the Shandong Province Women's Prison. She has been forced into slave labour for her refusal to give up her belief in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Tolerance," and is on a hunger strike to protest the inhumane persecution. Her weight has dropped from 132 pounds to 77 pounds . Her mother hopes that more righteous voices and media within China and overseas will sound their concern about Ms. Yu's persecution.
I Was Tortured 26 Different Ways during My Two Years of Detention in the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp in Chongqing City - Part 3
2005-09-09"When I was in the Strictly Controlled Team, Zeng Zhiping from Tongnan County asked me, "Oh! how did you come to look like this?" I said, "Zhang Liang sent me to a labour camp. Policemen and convicts in the Xishanping Labour Camp abused and brutalised me. My condition is proof." Zeng Zhiping looked surprised. When I was sent back to Tongnan County, Zeng said, "You stay here for several days, then you can go home." But I was delivered to a custodial centre and detained there. Liu Yong came to visit. When he saw me he said, "How come you look so old?" On the morning of March 5th I began a hunger strike. Vicious officers said, "As soon as you eat and write a guarantee statement, you can go home.""
Twelve-Year-Old Girl Has No One to Care for Her Because Her Family is Persecuted for Practising Falun Gong
2005-09-0812-year-old Li Yujuan is now without anyone to care for her because her family practises Falun Gong. Her father and uncle have been sentenced to long prison terms. The authorities forced her mother to leave the family. Feeling sorrow and regret, her grandfather passed away. Yujuan's grandmother cannot even care of herself because she is nearly blind.