Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
The Persecution of Mr. Guan Zhaoqi, Former Deputy Director of the Daqing Petroleum Supply Company's Pipeline Anti-Corrosion Factory
2005-09-04Mr. Guan Zhaoqi was detained on several occasions. On September 6th 2002, more than ten officers from the Daqing City Public Security Bureau broke into his home through a fourth-floor balcony window and arrested him. He was sentenced to six years in prison. When he was detained in the Daqing Prison, he was tied up, had cold water poured over him, burned by cigarettes and subjected to other cruel tortures. The captain there said, "There is no such thing as 'too much' when it comes to dealing with Falun Gong."
The Cruel Persecution I Suffered in the Shijiazhuang Second Detention Centre
2005-09-04Every other day, they would insert a tube into my stomach through my nose and force-feed me with two bags of soy powder mixed with 300ml water and salt. They called this force-feeding, but in fact it is a brutal torture method. I was in great pain during the whole process. Four people would hold me down by pressing on my legs, twisting my arms and locking my head in a certain position, and then the doctor would insert a tube as thick as a small finger into my nose and down into my stomach, causing me to choke and vomit. To make me thirsty for water, they would put a large amount of salt into the tube as well. In order to prevent me from having a heart attack, each time they started the force-feeding they would stuff a few pills into my mouth.
The Suffering of Falun Gong Practitioner Ms Zhu Xianzhi from Henan Province
2005-09-0445-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhu Xianzhi was sentenced to a seven-year jail term on March 1st 2005, because she believes in "Truthfulness- Compassion--Tolerance". She started a hunger strike to protest the persecution and was brutally force-fed through a tube, causing her tremendous suffering and a 4 cm hole in her lungs. At present, her weight has dropped from over 50 kg to a little over 30 kg. She has difficulty breathing and is on the verge of death.
Exposing the Atrocities at Changsha City Detention Centre
2005-09-04The centres police have always prevented family members from visiting the detained practitioners. Their usual excuse is that the practitioner does not want the visit. The truth is that they are afraid of the repercussions after the relatives see the mental and physical torment forced on the detainee. Also, the centre likes to create misunderstandings or barriers between the practitioner and their relatives so as to cut off support from the family. The centre has succeeded in creating false impressions for many visiting relatives who were unexpectedly disappointed. Many became miserably bitter after failing to see their relative.
Details of How Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms Han Junmiao Was Persecuted to Death
2005-09-03Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Han Junmiao was director of the recruiting office of the Education Bureau in Baoding City, Hebei Province. Before she started practising Falun Dafa she had several illnesses, but after learning Dafa and raising her moral standards, these illnesses disappeared without medication. After the persecution of Falun Gong began in 1999, Ms. Han Junmiao experienced many inhumane tortures. She was transferred in and out of three forced labour camps. After she was released from these forced labour camps she endured frequent persecution and brainwashing attempts by personnel from the Xiong County "610 Office". She died on May 6th 2005.
Mr. Qu Dehong from Heilongjiang Province Force-fed Nerve-Damaging Drugs
2005-09-03Mr. Qu Dehong, a Falun Gong practitioner was arrested by the state security team of the police department in Jidong County in October 2004. During his imprisonment, the guards tortured him many times, and he was also force-fed with nerve-damaging drugs. His family has asked the county court, the political and judiciary committee, and the state security team to release him, but all attempts have failed. Mr. Qu Dehong is in a very bad mental state. He is very weak, disabled, and needs help to walk. His skin is dry and yellow, and his only food is some rice soup every day. His life is in danger.
Ms Liu Yaokun Tortured in Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp, Unable to Take Care of Herself
2005-09-0345-year-old Ms Liu Yaokun was arrested by three policemen in 2003, and then sent to a labour camp. Police guards brutally tortured Ms. Liu in Jiamusi Forced Labour Camp both physically and mentally. Policemen beat her, kicked her lower body, and twisted her neck until Ms. Liu fainted. They then left her alone in a cold room trapped in the position of "big back-cuffing." Later, they chained her onto the bed frame. Her body was directly exposed to the cold floor for about 40 minutes. At 8 o'clock when the shift changed, the guards found that her heartbeat was unusual, so they released her from the "big back-cuffing," but still left both of her hands cuffed onto the bed frame. As a result, she can no longer take care of herself, but she is still detained in the labour camp.
Mr. Jiao Long Suffers Broken Leg Trying to Escape Police Persecution
2005-09-03On December 11th 2004 Mr. Jiao Long, 45, went to visit another practitioner. As soon as they entered the flat, a group of police surrounded the whole apartment building. The police sealed the apartment from the outside so that Mr. Jiao was confined inside the flat from the afternoon of December 11th until the next morning at 5 a.m. when he found a way to escape from the third floor balcony. As he was climbing down from the third floor he fell and broke his leg. When the police found him he could not walk, so they dragged him by his arms all the way to the police car. When they reached the police department, the police pulled Mr. Jiao out of the car, dragged him into the station and started interrogating him. Officer Dong even kicked his broken leg. Because he did not get prompt treatment for his fractured leg, his leg and foot swelled severely, almost doubling in size. To this day his leg has not properly healed.
Ms Sun Dongxia and Mr Ge Mingyu from Qingdao City Given Heavy Jail Sentences for Exposing the Truth About the Persecution
2005-09-02Ms. Sun Dongxia and Mr. Ge Mingyu, two Falun Dafa practitioners from Qingdao City, were detained by the police for distributing leaflets exposing the persecution of Falun Gong. Recently the Magistrate Courts of the Sibei and Lichang Districts unlawfully sentenced Ms. Sun and Mr. Ge to five and eight years in jail, respectively. The Qingdao Daily and the Bandao Metropolis newspapers widely reported this illegal trial. Ms. Sun Dongxia's daughter is now living with her grandparents. She is not able to pay her school fees and her living expenses for the next term.
Ms. Yang Lijuan Disappears After Being Arrested by Jilin Provincial National Security Police
2005-09-02Ms. Yang Lijuan is 50 years old. After the persecution of Falun Gong began in July 1999, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was arrested and held in a detention centre, where she experienced horrific torture because she refused to identify herself. She was exposed to the freezing winter temperatures without a coat, and a police officer tortured her, using an electric baton to shock her all over her body. Fortunately, she was able to walk out of the detention centre. At about 7:00 a.m. on August 24th 2005, four Jilin City police officers broke into Ms. Yang Lijuan's home, confiscated her personal belongings, and took her away. Her current whereabouts are unknown.
Mr Wang Wensheng of Shaanxi Province Persecuted to Death
2005-09-02Mr. Wang Wensheng suffered frequent persecution for his belief in Falun Gong. He was incarcerated in Zaozihe Forced Labour Camp in an isolated room (called the "psychological consultation room" to deceive the public, this room was actually used for torturing Falun Gong practitioners). Police guards directed inmates to torture Mr. Wang both mentally and physically. He was deprived of sleep, and inmates hit his ankles with their shoe heels, causing serious swelling. In the winter, inmates put his feet into partially frozen water. Disregarding the deterioration of his health, they forced him to do physical labour, and he was often forced to work until after midnight. He was on the verge of death when he was finally released from Zaozihe Forced Labour Camp. After a brief recovery period, officials began to illegally harass him again. He passed away on March 15th 2005.
Retired Teacher Jia Boxiang from Chifeng, Inner Mongolia Passed Away in 2001
2005-09-02On October 11th 1999, police from Aohanqi Police Department State Security Division arrested 65-year-old Mr Jia Boxiang under the pretence of tracing the contact between local practitioners and practitioners in other regions. They pressed his neck, clutched his hair and took him to the detention centre where they continued persecuting him. They tried to extract a confession by torture and force him to write the "three statements". They imprisoned him for two weeks. After he was released, personnel from the state security division tracked and monitored him. They came to his home to harass him, and sent a special agent to brainwash him and to "help him to confess." He had no personal freedom. Having endured severe psychological and emotional stress for a long time, Jia Boxiang died in April 2001.
I Witnessed the Brutal Force-Feeding that Led to the Death of a Young Woman at the Tuanhe Forced Labour Camp
2005-09-01"I witnessed the torture suffered by a female practitioner in her twenties. The police incited several drug addicts to tie her up to a bed. They then sat on her abdomen, chest, legs and arms and force-fed her with two bowls of salty water. Her abdomen immediately expanded to such an extent that it looked almost about to burst. Then they released her. She was unable to get up. Police then ordered one criminal to pull her up and leaned her against the wall. Another inmate ruthlessly kicked and stomped on her abdomen. Water gushed out from her mouth and nose and her abdomen was no longer expanded. They then force-fed her again and repeated the procedure of stomping on her. After several repetitions of this torture, the police ordered the inmates to tie her up to the bed for two days straight, during which they force-fed her once again. She was forced to relieve herself on the bed. On the third day when I saw her, she was mentally disorientated and did not say a word. I heard that she died on the eleventh day. "
A Practitioner was Tortured for 7 Days and Nights by the Medieval Method, "Five Horses Pulling the Body Apart"
2005-09-01The police in the labour camp of Ping'antai in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province persecuted Falun Dafa practitioners by using torture to force them to give up their practice. The torture method of "Five Horses Pulling the Body Apart" was used in medieval times to execute the prisoner. Each of his limbs was tied to five horses, which were then driven in different directions. During the winter of 2003, the police adopted a similar method to torture practitioner Mr. Wang Fulong by handcuffing his wrists to the two top rails of the bunk bed with his body hanging in the air for 7 consecutive days and nights.
Fourteen Practitioners from Shandong, Liaoning, Hebei and Other Provinces Died of Persecution
2005-09-01Mr. Liu Lecheng, 60 years old, was a resident of a village in Shandong Province. He started practising Falun Gong in 1997. After the persecution of Falun Gong started on July 20th 1999, Mr. Liu went to Beijing in 2000 to appeal for Falun Dafa. Police arrested him. He was beaten, threatened and suffered other types of persecution. He was forced to sign the "Three Statements" to renounce Falun Dafa and fined 500 yuan. He was released after 15 days of detention. Soon after he was again arrested by the local police and forced to undergo brainwashing. His home was ransacked and his family members lived in fear. Mr. Liu Lecheng suffered severe torture both physically and mentally. His old illness recurred, and he died on May 17th 2005.