Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Three Practitioners from Hebei, Henan and Liaoning Provinces Die as a Result of Persecution
2005-09-08Mr. Zhao Jinwang was 47 years old. He started cultivating Falun Dafa in 1994, and benefited from the practice very much. He went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa on April 25th and July 20th 1999. Afterwards he was constantly harassed by the Beijing 610 Office, and by the police. He was arrested and taken to a city brainwashing centre in August 1999, and released after 24 days. He was also detained one month in October 2000. Ever since then, the 610 Office and the police continued coming to his home to harass him, and attempt to force him to give up cultivation. This badly damaged his vitality and spirit. He became sick with cancer in 2004, and died in August 2005.
Retired Mr. Li Zemin from Shandong Province Dies as a Result of Persecution
2005-09-0868-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Li Zemin was a retired employee of Anqiu City Light Industry Machinery Factory located in Shandong Province. Because he kept his faith in "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance," his employer mistreated and persecuted him. On many occasions officials from his workplace went to Mr. Li's home to harass him and his family, and to scare them into giving up cultivation. They had his son and daughter fired from their jobs at the factory, and forced them stay at home to watch their father every day, not allowing him to even step outside. Long-term persecution led both his mind and body to be severely damaged. Doctors discovered liver cancer in March 2004 and he died on August 9th 2004.
Practitioner Jin Sheng from Daqing City Ruthlessly Tortured
2005-09-08Mr. Jin Sheng, from Daqing City, began practising Falun Dafa in May 2000. When the Jiang Zemin regime began its persecution of Falun Dafa, his faith in Falun Dafa never wavered. Near the end of 2000, he went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Dafa, and was arrested for exposing the truth of the persecution. In prison, because he refused to cooperate with unjust demands to give up practising Falun Dafa, he was brutally tortured by the police from Beijing, Zhaozhou, and Daqing City. For more than three years, Mr. Jin Sheng has suffered from all kinds of cruel tortures. As a result, his current health condition is poor and his life is in grave danger.
The Details of How Daqing Prison Tortured Practitioner Mr. Yuan Qingjiang to Death
2005-09-07Mr. Yuan Qingjiang was transferred to the Daqing Prison from the Harbin Prison in July 2004. When he arrived he was already injured from brutal tortures at Harbin Prison. Doctors diagnosed him with "dual lung hematogenous pulmonary tuberculosis." On July 23rd 2005, after enduring long-term hideous torture he continued to lose weight and his health deterioated daily, he was tortured to death.
Grandma Shi Shengying Tortured to Death in Shenyang Prison
2005-09-07Abandoned by her parents after she was born, Lu Tianjiao was cared for by her grandmother for more than ten years. Her 65-year-old grandmother will never return. Shi Shengying was tortured to death on August 25th 2005. At the cremation memorial, her family saw wounds on her neck, chest and in her rib area. When her family wanted to take pictures, the police quickly grabbed the camera and shouted, "We can't let you take pictures.
Daqing Prison Authorities Killed Three Practitioners and Tortured Dozens Others within Three Months
2005-09-07The authorities in Heilongjiang have persecuted Falun Gong practitioners severely. Since July 20th 1999, the number of practitioners who have died as a direct result of the persecution has reached 336. This number has been confirmed, and the practitioners' names and the persecution details have been verified. These deaths represent the second largest number of all the provinces in China.
I Was Tortured in 26 Different Ways during My Two Years of Detention in the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp, Chongqing City - Part 2
2005-09-07"The two years of savage beatings and other abuses and mental torment at the hands of common prisoners and the guards in Xinshanping Forced Labour Camp gave me a broken nose, broken front teeth and severe injuries to my chest, ribs and internal organs. I was so weak and thin. But even in that condition, after my release from the forced labour camp I was still sent to the Tongnan Detention Centre for an indefinite period of incarceration."
Mother Persecuted to Death for Practising Falun Dafa - Her Children Live Difficult Lives
2005-09-06Two years ago, Ms. Xue Xia, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Hebei Province, was persecuted to death at the Shijiazhuang Forced Labour Camp. Xue Xia suffered tremendously from torture in the forced labour camp. She was beaten, shocked with an electric baton, and deprived of sleep. She was forced to take a tablet, known as a brainwashing pill, because it weakens the patient, and produces a loss of appetite and loose bowels. Xue Xia was tortured to the verge of death, and camp officials feared she would die while in custody so they released her. However, she died in hospital in February 2003. She left behind a son and a daughter. Because their mother was a Falun Dafa practitioner, the children have been denied all care and support.
Zhaoyuan City "610 Office" Abducts High School Student, Sends Her to a Brainwashing Centre
2005-09-06On August 12th 2005, officials of the "610 Office" abducted 16-year-old Ms Sun Yanpei from her class in high school and confined her in a brainwashing centre just because she practises Falun Gong. Her father has been detained at the Shandong Province Prison while her mother has been forced to live in away from home for the past four years, leaving young Sun Yanpei at home by herself. Because of her illegal abduction, confinement, and attempts to shake her belief, Sun Yanpei is protesting with a hunger strike that has already lasted for several days. She is in dire need of urgent rescue.
My Personal Experiences with 20 Torture Methods -- Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp Treats Human Life as Worthless
2005-09-06"I was detained and brutally tortured in the 5th and 1st brigades at Changlinzi Forced Labour Camp. In the end, my heart disease recurred due to the persecution. Because the labour camp officials do not care about human life, they agreed to release me only after two more deaths were registered. After two more deaths they would have reached their allowable quota for deaths, and to avoid having to answer for my death, they said they would release me. I experienced 20 different torture methods in the Camp."
I Was Tortured 26 Different Ways during My Two Years of Detention in the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp, Chongqing City - Part 1
2005-09-06"I was arrested and held at the Xishanping Forced Labour Camp for two years and was subjected to 26 different kinds of torture: I was tied up. The guard then elbowed my spine with brute force and punched my chest heavily with his fists. I had to stand in the military posture, sit upright and march using three different kinds of steps; I was exposed to mosquitoes, was forced to carry sandbags, stand against a wall, run on the drill ground, do push-ups, jump like a frog, walk like a duck and stand in sweltering heat; the perpetrators choked me and hit my face until my front teeth were broken; they force-fed me, pulled my ears, hit and broke my nose; they hit me with spiked clubs and jammed their knees into my sides; they starved me and forced me to squat. I was emaciated and was force-fed three times (twice the force-feeding caused hemorrhaging and I was rushed to the Accident and Emergency). I was on the brink of death. More than 50 different perpetrators personally tortured me."
Falun Dafa Practitioner Xin Baodong's Parents Died Within a Short Time of Each Other as a Result of Six Years of Persecution
2005-09-05Mr. Xin Baodong and his wife Ms. Gao Shuying have firmly believed in "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance" for years. Because of this, they have been subjected to several arrests, home searches, detention, and forced labour. In 2003, shortly after the Chinese New Year, after an unsuccessful attempt to arrest Xin Baodong and his wife, the police put them on a wanted list and offered a high monetary reward for their capture. Mr. Xin's mother could not stand the constant blows from the persecution and passed away on July 22nd 2003. On July 21st 2005, police officers arrested Xin Baodong and Gao Shuying. Xin Baodong's paralysed father was left at home without care. He died on August 7th 2005 from fright and worry over his son, daughter-in-law and grandchildren.
Family Still Seeking Justice One Year After Falun Dafa Practitioner Jiang Yong's Torture Death
2005-09-05Mr. Jiang Yong, 46 years old, was tortured to death in July 2004. His body was covered with injuries. A scar around his neck indicates where a rope had been. Many black and blue patches of skin were found on his body. Perpetrators from the Tiebei Detention Centre presented his family with a fake death certificate that reads, "Sudden illness, rescue efforts failed." Jiang Yong's family angrily pointed out the discrepancies in the document and refused to let the police cremate Jiang Yong's body. The police forbade Jiang Yong's family from photographing the body and hit them. Jiang Yong's family demanded an investigation into the true cause of death and to bring the perpetrators to justice. Jiang Yong's body is still stored at the Changchun City Postmortem Examination Centre. His family is not allowed access to his body.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Sun Peijie Dies as a Result of Torture in Prison in Henan Province
2005-09-05Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Sun Peijie, former head of the Zhangpan Township Civil Administration Bureau in Henan Province, was sentenced to four years in prison in 2001. He held a hunger strike and was held in solitary confinement at length, during which time he was savagely tortured. He was tortured to the brink of death at the Xinmi Prison. The prison authorities told his family to take Sun Peijie home when he was skin and bones and showed symptoms of severe illness. He passed away on August 19th 2005.
Persecution of Practitioner Lu Hongwei in Forced Labour Camps in Liaoning Province (Re-Enactment Photos)
2005-09-05In mid-May of 2001 Fuxin Labour Camp officials brutally shocked Falun Dafa practitioner Lu Hongwei with 4 electric batons. Two high-voltage batons were tightly pressed against his temples. Another was used to beat his head, and the last one was used beat him all over the body. Lu passed out several times during the torture.