Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
The Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioner Wang Jianfu's Family in Beijing: Husband Imprisoned, Wife Mentally Traumatized
2005-07-18Without any evidence and despite her daughter having no one else to look after her, the police incarcerated her mother in the police station for as long as a week. Zhang Zhiyun protested with a hunger strike and the police then had to release her; however, they still kept harassing her. The severe hardships in her life and the long-term harassment from the police traumatized Ms. Zhang, which eventually led to her mental collapse.
Update on the Atrocities at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-07-18On May 14, 2005, Masanjia Forced Labour Camp Team Leader Shi beat Dafa practitioner Ms. Zhu Yun, who had been on hunger strike for one year. Shi was drunk and hit Ms. Zhu's head and slapped her repeatedly until she lost consciousness and collapsed on the ground. After she came to, Ms. Zhu discovered the guards had covered the mirror in the toilet with paper so she could not see herself. According to witnesses, her eyes were bloodshot and her face was seriously swollen and deformed.
Practitioners Tortured with "Life Tiger Bench" Technique and Dragged Behind Moving Vehicles
2005-07-17Ms. Xi Liying, a woman over 60 years old was continually tortured by police. She was forced to sit on the "life tiger bench," a torture method in which a person's hands are bound behind the back, using rope to tie the forearms. The person is then suspended by the rope from a high iron frame, so the toes barely touch the floor. The feet are then bound together with a rope which is pulled by several police, so the victim hangs in the air. Then another rope binds the victim's waist, with the other end secured to the floor. With several guards pulling the feet, the person's suspended body is bent into a right angle, like the posture of sitting on the tiger bench. Ms. Li lost consciousness several times during this torture. They would then take her down so she could be doused with cold water from head to toe. After she was revived, the guards would resume their torture.
Ms. Chen Guoxiang, a 70-year-old Practitioner, Died Due to the Persecution
2005-07-17Ms. Chen Guoxiang was a 70-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner. After the persecution of Falun Dafa started, although she was illiterate, could not speak clearly and had never gone far from home, Chen Guoxiang travelled to Tiananmen Square in Beijing by herself around December 8, 1999, to appeal for Dafa and tell people about the goodness of Falun Dafa. She was arrested on the outskirts of the city and detained in Beijing. She was beaten, made to suffer freezing cold weather and was forced to stand for extended periods of time. After she was released she was forbidden to return to her daughter's house, who had been arrested and tortured for practising Falun Gong, and was harassed frequently by police. She suffered terrible mental strain, the magnitude of which is hard to image. In the early morning of May 21, 2005, the elderly Mrs. Chen fell over suddenly while on the toilet and slipped into a deep coma. A week later, she died.
The Persecution of Dong Jingzhe, Who Helped Rescue Gao Rongrong, at the Masanjia Forced Labour Camp
2005-07-17Falun Gong practitioner Ms. Dong Jingzhe, who was brutally tortured to the brink of death in Masanjia Forced Labour Camp, once said, "Throughout the ages, when people look at their past, they will feel gratified by the memory of their maintaining kindness in life, if they ignored their conscience and chose otherwise, they would regret it. And there are some people who became enemies of the honourable, thus ruining their futures forever. I wish that all mankind would protect goodness and maintain their most precious thing in life - their conscience. Telling people about the goodness of Falun Dafa is not meant to create hatred towards the perpetrators, but instead, is meant to bring people a brighter future."
Dafa Practitioner An Fengbo Sentenced - His Family Has No Way to Appeal
2005-07-17In 2001, Mr An Fengbo was sentenced to a two-year labour camp term in Jiutai Yinmahe Forced Labour Camp for practising Falun Gong. He suffered inhuman tortures and abuses by police and inmates. He lost all his front teeth from being savagely kicked in the mouth. He never gave in to the evildoers and continued to firmly appeal for Dafa.
Ms. Xie Xiulan's Personal Testimony of the Persecution She Suffered at Dalian Forced Labour Camp
2005-07-16"I was arrested at approximately 7:00 p.m. one evening in June 2000. The very next day, I was taken to Dalian Detention Centre where I was held for 42 days. I was then transferred to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp where I was tortured for two years. Later, I was transferred to Dalian Forced Labour Camp where I was sentenced to two years of forced labour. When Dalian Forced Labour Camp was closed down, I was returned to Masanjia Forced Labour Camp for further persecution. I believe in "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance," the principles of Falun Dafa, and I did not do anything wrong, yet I was brutally tortured with small cell internment, brutal beatings, being hung up with handcuffs, the Tiger Bench, and my nose was broken from the torture."
Nanhu Forced Labour Camp in Anhui Province Profits from Detained Practitioners
2005-07-16Tiantang brand umbrellas are produced in the forced labour camp. Those who worked fast could sew 70 to 80 umbrellas a day. The prison guards treated Falun Gong practitioners as money-making machines and forced them to work day and night. Even former family visiting days and holidays were turned into working days. Meanwhile, their food was of low quality. A bowl of porridge in the morning had to sustain them for five hours and the pickled vegetables smelled of maggots. Their lunch and supper each had only one vegetarian dish and the vegetables were dirty, rotten, bitter, and tough. Some Falun Dafa practitioners developed bottom sores and swollen legs as a result of their long working hours. Those who could not finish the assigned tasks were slapped in the face, beaten with rubber sticks, shocked with electric batons, handcuffed, punished by being forced to kneel down for long periods of time, and put into solitary confinement.
Beijing Forced Labour Dispatch Office Conspires with Forced Labour Camp to Exploit Practitioners' Labour for Profit
2005-07-16Because of long-term torture in a forced labour camp, practitioner Ms Wang Lei became mentally ill. On November 17 2004, almost eight months after she was released, police arrested her again and sent her to the Fangshan Detention Centre. During her hunger strike, the police continuously force-fed her. She was again sentenced, this time to two and a half years of forced labour, and sent to the Daxing Forced Labour Dispatch Office. The office knew that she had mental problems but still admitted her even though, according to the law, forced labour camps cannot accept people with mental problems. She was extremely weak, but the police still forced her to stay in the "sit on a bench" posture, with her hands on her knees, for 17 hours. In order to force her to write a "guarantee statement", the police appointed six criminals with drug-related convictions to beat, abuse, humiliate, and torture her.
Twelve Falun Dafa Practitioners from Hubei, Liaoning, Sichuan, Hebei, and Other Provinces Died from the Persecution
2005-07-1670-year-old Mr. Li Huazi went to Beijing to appeal. Police arrested him on the way and locked him up in the Shijiazhuang Detention Centre. While there, he suffered a brutal torture: the police hammered a row of nails into a wooden block, with the nails protruding one or two centimetres. They then punctured Mr. Li's palms with the wooden block. Later, Mr. Li was transferred back to Hanchuan City and sentenced to one year of forced labour. Mr. Li again suffered savage torture, which resulted in him becoming extremely weak. He suffered oedema and asthma. In spite of this, when his term was over, they still didn't set him free. Mr. Li thus underwent a hunger strike and was released in December 2001. Since then his health deteriorated steadily, and Mr. Li passed away on May 26, 2005.
The Epoch Times: A "610" Office Insider Exposes What Goes On In China's Labour Camps
2005-07-16Initially, the Public Security and police, but not the judiciary, were involved in the persecution of Falun Gong. That changed when the detention centres and jails could not hold all the people. At that time, I was the Chinese Communist Parties Committee Deputy Secretary for Shenyang and in charge of this area, so they came to me and requested that I open a forced labour camp to detain Falun Gong practitioners. Originally, the four camps in Shenyang had never imprisoned females, who would be sent to the provincial labour camp or prisons; but this time I was asked to imprison female Falun Gong practitioners.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Yang Yajuan Dies Due to Persecution
2005-07-1536-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Yang Yajuan, was from Heilongjiang Province. Township CCP Director Mr Liu Guoping hired local villains who tortured her using freezing, beating, and insults, etc. During the past several years of constant harassment and threats, her physical condition worsened. In December 2004, Ms. Yang Yajuan's husband (also a practitioner) was reported to the police, and arrested. This caused Ms. Yang's physical condition to become very severe. She became thinner and thinner, and died on April 19, 2005.
Dafa Practitioner Xu Jishan Persecuted to Death in Daqing Prison
2005-07-15On June 7, 2005, prison officials ordered prisoners to strip off Mr. Xu Jishan's clothes, tie him to a bed, and spray him with cold water from a highly pressurized water pipe. They sprayed so much water that he had trouble breathing. An hour later, Mr. Xu's lungs were filled with water. By the time he was sent to the hospital, he was already dead.
More than Ten Dafa Practitioners from Hefei, Anhui Province Were Arrested and Persecuted - Some of Their Lives Are in Danger
2005-07-15According to the reports that we have received so far, many practitioners have said that in the closed brainwashing sessions the police beat, cursed and threatened them, and deprived them of sleep. The police also isolated them from the outside world, not permitting anyone to visit. They use all kinds of torture methods to persecute them. For over ten days, more than 10 Dafa practitioners have been protesting their treatment by conducting a hunger strike. In response to this protest the police have started to torture them by force-feeding them.
The Persecution of Ms. Ta Yueping
2005-07-15Ms. Ta Yueping, who is in her 40s, was honest and friendly to everyone, so her boss really respected her. Her boss trusted her very much, allowing her to manage the store key and money. Through firmly believing in Falun Dafa and seeing the maliciousness of the evil persecution, she did all that she could to tell people the truth about Falun Dafa and expose the Chinese Communist Party's deception. 610 Office personnel and policemen continuously threatened and bothered Yueping. They pressured her boss and threatened her family members, giving Yueping much stress. Policemen abducted Yueping three times, taking her to brainwashing classes to persecute her. In addition, 610 Office personnel persecuted Yueping's family members by freezing bank accounts, tapping phone lines, and sending spies. In this scheme of total persecution, Yueping's husband was even forced to divorce her. In April of 2004, Yueping was arrested again. The police fabricated a crime and sentenced her to 10 years in prison. She is currently detained at the Guangzhou Women's Prison.