Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
After Suffering Severe Persecution, Ms. Zhou Liangzhen Dies Under Suspicious Circumstances at the Chongqing City Armed Police Hospital
2005-03-3151 year old Ms. Zhou Liangzhen was arrested and taken to Chongqing City Women's Forced Labour Camp by police. She was forced to stand for over twelve hours daily. Ms. Zhou was not allowed to use the toilet for 11 days. During very hot days, prisoners put thick winter clothes on her, then dragged her outside under the sun and forced her to stand there. She was not sent home until she was at the brink of death. On February 28, 2005, Zhou Liangzhen died as a result of persecution at the Chongqing City Armed Police Hospital.
The Mysterious Death of Falun Gong Practitioner Ms Yang Yinghong in Hubei Province
2005-03-31Ms. Yang Yinghong was a Falun Gong practitioner in her 30's. To stop her efforts to raise awareness about the persecution, the local police department threw her into detention. However, she managed to escape. In the beginning of November of 2004, Yang was suddenly missing. Two days later, her family went to the local police department to inquire about her whereabouts. They were told that their daughter had died in a car accident and had already been cremated. Yang's parents were grief-stricken yet were not allowed see the driver. They also found out that local residents had been told not to reveal anything about the accident.
Elderly Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Ma Jingfang Died as a Result of Police Brutality
2005-03-3159 year old Ms. Ma Jingfang was a music teacher at Beijing Normal University. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, Ms. Ma continued to practise Falun Dafa steadfastly. She was sentenced to forced labour terms twice. On March 8, 2005, as a result of relentless harassment by the police after police brutality had left her in an extremely weakened physical condition, Ms. Ma died.
Cruelty at the Anhui Women's Forced Labour Camp
2005-03-31Since July 2003, in order to force Falun Gong practitioners to give up their practice, Anhui Women's Forced Labour Camp authorities have escalated the pressure on its victims with prolonged torture and sleep deprivation. Just for defending Falun Dafa, four officers immediately jumped on two practitioners, shocked them with high voltage electric batons, cuffed their hands behind their backs, sealed their mouths with tape and then humiliated them in front of everyone. Afterwards the two were locked up in another room, where they were cruelly beaten.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Sun Jianqiu Tortured to Death in 2001
2005-03-30Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Sun Jianqiu, in his 40s, was a farmer in Shandong Province. In January 2001, he was arrested and sent to the local detention centre, where he went on a hunger strike for more than 20 days. He was then sentenced to forced labour at the Wangchun Labour Camp. He died when someone struck him on the head while he was doing Falun Dafa exercises. Mr. Sun is survived by his parents, his wife, who has also been persecuted for practising Falun Dafa, and his six year old child.
Ms. Gao Rongrong Is Arrested Again -- Many Practitioners Who Rescued Her Also Arrested
2005-03-30Ms. Gao Rongrong's face was severely disfigured from burns from electric baton shocks while she was held in a labour camp. In October 2004, many Falun Dafa practitioners who were involved in the successful rescue of Ms. Gao Rongrong were taken into custody.
Prison Guard: "I Can Kill You Any Way I Want, and Report that You Committed Suicide"
2005-03-30The Qingdao Forced Labour Camp in Shandong Province has been persecuting practitioners since July 20, 1999. They set up a special unit just to torture practitioners. Every night, there were sounds of wailing, beatings and verbal abuse that kept people up all night. They gathered them up and sent them to brainwashing classes. A prison guard said to the practitioners, "I can kill you any way I want, and report that you committed suicide."
Five Falun Dafa Practitioners Young and Old Died Due to Persecution
2005-03-30Five practitioners are known to have died as a result of mental and physical persecution. One 51 year old man was slapped and viciously beaten in a detention centre such that his internal organs were severely injured. During three years, his life was so miserable that each day felt like a year. His house was ransacked many times. Under constant threats and harassment, he died in October 2003.
Elderly Practitioners Ms. Zhang Huanrong, Ms. Zhang Guiqin, Ms. Du Kerong and Mr. Ding Chunrong Died as a Result of Persecution
2005-03-29Four Falun Dafa practitioners, in their 60's, suffered gross injustices and maltreatment by the authorities that they passed away. One 62 year old lady was beaten so badly by police that she was severely wounded and traumatised. This led to her developing liver cancer, so she was sent home. However in October 2000, she passed away. Upon her death, she still had marks on her body from being beaten.
Three Perscution Deaths of Elderly Practitioners from Liaoning Province, Hebei Province, and Shandong Province
2005-03-29Ms. Bu Cuiqin was 72 years old. Since she began cultivating Falun Dafa in 1996, all of her sicknesses disappeared.. She was abducted by police in May 2001 while passing out leaflets to expose the persecution, and was detained for one month in a detention centre. She was seriously injured during the detention, resulting in incontinence. She died in September 2001 after being released.
Denied the Right to Practise Falun Gong, Four Falun Gong Practitioners Died from Extreme Stress and Illness
2005-03-29Ms. Zhao Shuzhen, 73, was harassed many times by local police. Two of her daughters were detained many times for practising Falun Gong, which increased the pressure on this lady when they were released. As a result of a series of blows and mental pressure, and under extreme threats and fear, the older lady Zhao Shuzhen suffered for three months and finally died in December 2004.
Former Cancer Patient Ms. Hong Lixian Arrested Five Times and Subjected to Relentless Persecution
2005-03-29Ms. Hong Lixian was a terminal cancer patient. After practising Falun Gong, she regained her health. Even the medical experts who performed her surgery admitted that Falun Gong has an amazing healing effect. However, exactly because of her perseverance in cultivation, she was arrested five times. As a result, her physical condition declined, and she was sent to the hospital wearing foot shackles. Despite the seriousness of her illness, she had to be carried by her husband to the court to receive a sentence of three years in prison. The judge said that the ruling was not from his own will but rather orders from above, because he could do nothing.
Teeth Knocked Out and Toenails Torn Off -- The Torture Endured by Practitioner Mr. Li Shaotie from Helongjiang Province
2005-03-28In September 2004, police sent Mr. Li Shaotie to the Shuihua Forced Labour Camp. Within two days they began to torture him. Guards kicked Mr. Li in his legs over 100 times, from top to bottom, using their military shoes. One guard shouted at him, "Do you still want to practise?" Mr. Li replied, "Yes." The guard then ground on Mr. Li's toenail with the heel of his shoes. Fresh blood spurted from his foot and two of his toenails were torn off. Mr. Li fainted.
Shibalihe Women's Forced Labour Camp Lied about the Death of Ms. Sun Guilan
2005-03-28The forced labour camp personnel forbade others to speak to nearly 60 year old Ms. Sun and ordered her to do heavy labour, which placed tremendous mental and physical pressure on her. One morning, she went early as usual to clean the toilets and she fainted next to a water pond outside the garage. She must have passed away because the camp personnel spread the rumour that she committed suicide because of guilt. Practitioners, however, investigated and found that she did not commit suicide but from the persecution of Zhengzhou Forced Labour Camp instead.
Reenactment of Torture Methods in Fangzheng County Detention Centre
2005-03-28Police heads interrogated using torture, and beat practitioners brutally with a whip and strap for three to five hours. They were beaten until they had cuts and bruises over their whole bodies, and suffered extreme pain everywhere. This is just one of the brutal tortures.