Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Five Elderly Falun Gong Practitioners Died from the Persecution
2005-04-08Ms. Liu Yulan was a 62-year-old practitioner from Henan Province. She was abducted and fined many times, and the police also searched her house and confiscated her property. In June 2004, she was reported for posting Dafa flyers exposing the persecution and detained in a detention centre for about a month. She was fined over 2000 yuan. After that, police often harassed and threatened her at her home. As a result of the long-term torment, she passed away on December 14, 2004.
Sixty-year-old Woman from Guizhou Province is Tortured to the Brink of Death in Just Ten Days
2005-04-08"My name is Zhou Liqiong and I am a female Falun Dafa practitioner from Guizhou Province. I was captured for informing people about the persecution and sent to a detention centre. I went on a hunger strike to resist my unjust incarceration. During the ten days of my hunger strike, a guard ordered eight strong men to tie me to a chair with a thick nylon rope to force-feed me. She forced a large amount of prepared food and water down my throat, and the procedure was extremely gruelling and torturous. It nearly suffocated me. This is how this group of inhumane people tortured a sixty-year-old woman.
Ten Falun Dafa Practitioners, Many in their 50's and 60's, Died as a Result of Persecution
2005-04-07The deaths of ten Falun Dafa practitioners have come to our attention. Due to the difficulty in gathering information about the persecution and the great risk for practitioners in China to inform the websites, many of the deaths occurred years ago. Yet there are no less tragic for that. Many of the practitioners were over 50 years old and had had remarkable recoveries from serious illnesses through practising Falun Dafa. Yet all were prevented from continuing their practice, causing terrible mental anguish, so for many of them their old illnesses recurred and they passed away.
19 Practitioners in China Passed Away As a Result of Long-term Persecution
2005-04-07Ms. Xi Zhaolin was 66 old and a retired official from Shanxi Province. After July 20, 1999 when the persecution of Falun Gong started, the local security office repeatedly sent people to harass and threaten her and to force her to give up her belief. Her workplace threatened her with the suspension of her retirement pension if she did not renounce Falun Gong. They demanded that she to write a guarantee statement promising not to practise again. Under the pressure of repeated torment and harassment, she became extremely weak. She passed away on September 19, 2003.
Four Practitioners from Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, and Liaoning Pass Away due to Persecution
2005-04-0737 year old Ms. Yang Xiuyun, 37, was a practitioner from Liaoning Province. On July 16, 2003, personnel from the local politics and law committee and police came to her home and forced her into a vehicle. They arrested her and put her into the Fushun City Brainwashing Centre, where she was detained for 15 days and severely abused. This brought on a serious illness, and on September 28, 2004, she passed away.
Five Practitioners in Anhui Province, Guangdong Province, and Jilin Province Have Died from the Persecution
2005-04-07Ms. Wang Conghua was 82 years old. Soon after she started practising Falun Dafa, she recovered from past diseases, including prolapse of the uterus. After the persecution of Falun Gong began on July 20, 1999, her family members were afraid of being persecuted and didn't let her practise Falun Gong anymore. Also, her eldest son passed away, and her two daughters and a son-in-law were detained. She could not take the tremendous mental stress, and her past diseases returned. She passed away on March 5, 2001.
Before Her Death from Persecution, Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Shi Zhongling Recounts the Living Hell of Brainwashing Centre
2005-04-06The "Big Truth" programme of Jiangsu Province TV Station depicted the Suining Brainwashing Class as heaven, where people could play badminton, poker, and chess, and where employees treated practitioners like family. The real truth was that Falun Dafa practitioners had to pay two thousand yuan each month, while they got less than one hundred yuan worth of food. The practitioners had very little to eat every day. That place was truly a living hell, and the employees were savages. The reports in the "Big Truth" were all lies created to deceive the general public who did not know the truth.
Mr. Zhang Shouren from Shanxi Province, Died in 2001 Because of Brutal Beatings
2005-04-06On October 17, 2000, Falun Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhang Shouren, aged 66, went to the National Appeals Bureau in Beijing to ask the Chinese government to stop its persecution of Falun Gong. He was going to share with the officials how he had benefited from the practice. However, the police abducted and confined him in a detention centre There, he was brutally beaten. His health steadily deteriorated after the beatings. On August 24, 2001, Mr. Zhang died at home.
Ms. Wu Yuqing Murdered by "610 Office" Agents
2005-04-06On December 25, 2003, 48 year old Ms. Wu Yuqing, from Inner Mongolia, was abducted from her home by the "610 Office" and police. She was persecuted to death that same night. The police claimed that Ms. Wu Yuqing had committed suicide by jumping from the fifth floor of the police building. Her body was very pale, and there was a 3 cm. (1.2 inch) hole in the left side of her skull. There was no blood on her nose and ears. If she had jumped off the building, she would have bled from her eyes, ears, nose, and mouth.
Seven Falun Dafa Practitioners Die, Including Six Elderly, As A Result of Persecution
2005-04-0690 year old Mr. Gu Qingchun from Jilin Province began practising Falun Dafa in 1996 when he was 81. He practised very diligently. After the persecution began on July 20, 1999, lawless officials interfered with his practice, arrested his family members who were practitioners, ransacked their homes, and sentenced them to forced labour camps. He suffered tremendously and was very depressed. He declared his withdrawal from the CCP on February 23, 2005, and died on February 28, 2005.
Police Cruelly Beat a Woman With a Thick Iron Bar
2005-04-05"In the afternoon of January 30, 2002, police forcibly took me from my work place to the local public security bureau without any excuse or legal procedures. They dragged me to the fourth floor and cuffed both my hands to an iron chair. They then stripped off my clothes, leaving me in only my underwear. They shocked my breasts with electric batons. The electric shocks were too painful to imagine. This policeman threw away the baton, grabbed a one-inch thick iron bar, and beat my legs and hips to the point that my legs were covered with bruises and stains. They tortured me for about two hours."
Remembering Fellow Practitioner Ms Chen Guijun
2005-04-05"While I was detained in the No.1 Detention Centre in Chengdu City, Sichuan Province, I had contact with 62 year old Falun Dafa practitioner Chen Guijun for a short period of time. She went on a hunger strike. She was so emaciated that only her bone frame was left and she could not be transfused. She died as a result. In order to absolve themselves from any responsibility, the labour camp asked the local police station to carry her out of the prison and take her home."
How The Heilongjiang Provincial Drug Treatment Institute Tortured Ms. Jiang Rongzhen to Death
2005-04-05In November 2002, the Heilongjiang Provincial Drug Treatment Institute in Harbin tortured 42 year old Ms. Jiang Rongzhen until she died. Her body was cut and bruised all over and had scars from apparent electrocution. There was a hole in the front of her head and a swollen lump on the back of her head. When prison officials saw that she had died, so they hurried to find a doctor. They then wrapped her body in a blanket and sent her to the hospital to be "rescued."
Elderly Farmer Ms. Li Hongjin from Liaoning Province Died under the Persecution
2005-04-05Ms. Li Hongjin was determined to practise Falun Dafa. She went to Beijing twice to appeal for Falun Dafa and was persecuted. She was held at a detention centre and was so brutally persecuted that she was at the brink of death. Even when she was released the police continued to monitor her closely and prevent her from practising Falun Dafa. She passed away on June 6, 2004. Before she died, she was still telling her family that Falun Dafa is great.
61 year old Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Hao Zhimei from Heilongjiang Province Tortured to Death
2005-04-04Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Hao Zhimei , 61 years old, was a retired teacher from Qiqihar City. She was abducted on the evening of March 16, 2005, by police and detained at the City First Detention Centre. She was tortured to death on March 24, 2005 yet the police claimed she died of a "heart attack". The police told the family that no cameras or mobile phones were allowed when preparing her body for the funeral and during the funeral. They were no doubt afraid that criminal evidence would be recorded.