Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Falun Dafa Practitioner Ms. Su Aigui from Hubei Province Dies from Force-Feeding
2005-01-18A female Falun Dafa practitioner, 53-year-old Ms. Su Aigui from Hubei Province, was severely tortured after she appealed twice in Tiananmen Square. She was arrested and sent to a detention centre, where she was force-fed with vinegar and hot peppers. Finally, the doctor at the detention centre realized that Ms. Su was near death. Not wanting to take responsibility, the authorities had prison staff carry her home. However, she had difficulty eating due to the torture she received in the detention centre and was unable to further improve. She passed away on January 7, 2005.
71 Year Old Ms. Zhao Huiqun from Chongqing City Died as a Result of Persecution in 2002
2005-01-18Ms. Zhao Huiqun was retired and living in Chongqing City. After taking up the practice of Falun Gong, many of the illnesses that had troubled her for years disappeared. After the persecution of Falun Gong began, she went to Beijing twice to clarify the truth. Both times she was brutally beaten by the Beijing police. Twice she was sent to brainwashing classes to be persecuted. Police stole several hundred yuan from her home and her pension was also stopped. As a result of the long-term mental pressure and her economic difficulties, she passed away on January 20, 2002, at the age of 71.
Beijing Female Falun Gong Practitioners Yang Haiqin, Wang Qiuling and Wang Fengqin Died from Persecution
2005-01-18Three lady Falun Dafa practitioners from Beijing died as a result of extensive mental and physical torture, suffering brainwashing , forced labour and brutal treatment. These ladies were doing nothing other than exercising their constitutional right to peacefully practise their spiritual belief: a basic human right. Yet, shamefully, today Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance is a crime in China and millions are being wrongfully punished for upholding these noble principles.
Kept Prisoner in Her Own Home, Jiangxi Province Falun Gong Practitioner Ms Chen Zurong Died in 2004
2005-01-17Ms. Chen Zurong was a Falun Gong practitioner from Jiangxi Province was arrested for distributing Falun Dafa truth-clarification materials. She was sent to a detention centre, where she was brutally beaten. After her release, the police and her work unit kept coming to harass her. They also threatened her whole family, saying that they would take away her salary and apartment. Her husband was very scared, so he locked her up in the apartment, not allowing her to step out of the room. Chen's health got worse and worse. She passed away on February 5, 2004.
Liu Ziwei of Jilin Province Was Tortured to Death, Family Members' Appeal Rejected
2005-01-17Mr Liu Ziwei, a Falun Gong practitioner from Jilin Province, was tortured to death at Chaoyanggou Forced Labour Camp in Changchun City. Liu's family refused to cremate him and requested an investigation into the cause of his death. However, the family was pressured from all levels of the government to give up the investigation. Liu's family has consulted many lawyers, but since this matter relates to Falun Gong, no lawyer is willing to take the case.
Jilin Province Police Are Trying to Frame Practitioners for a Theft
2005-01-17Many pieces of equipment on a section of the Dehui City Railway in Jilin Province, were recently stolen. While police were investigating the local residents for the theft, they spread unfounded rumours that it was Falun Gong practitioners who had stolen these parts. One of the households to whom the local police spread the rumour was a relative of a local practitioner. When the lady of the household heard the police's unfounded rumour, she advised them, "You should not frame Falun Gong practitioners for the theft. They speak and act based on Falun Gong's cultivation principles of Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance."
Jiang Zemin's Faction Persecutes Practitioners Who Appealed on Tiananmen Square
2005-01-17Jiang Zemin's faction has always adopted deplorable methods of persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. What it fears the most is that practitioners are able to clarify the truth of Falun Gong to people. It fears that people will recognize its depraved nature. It fears that it would no longer be able to deceive people. Therefore, Jiang's faction employed the whole state machinery in a systematic persecution of practitioners who bravely went to Tiananmen Square to express "Falun Dafa is great."
Intimidation and Pressure Leads to Death of 80-Year-Old Ms. Jiu Junying from Shaanxi Province in 2000
2005-01-16Practitising Falun Dafa improved 80 year old Ms. Jiu Junying's asthma tremendously, so much so that her previous stays in hospital for oxygen support were a thing of the past and after 2 months of practice she could walk on her own without using a cane. However, after July 1999, the level of intimidation, pressure and coercion for her to give up Falun Dafa from the police and 610 Office meant that her health deteriorated and she passed away on November 19, 2000.
Practitioner Ms Zou Qianzhu Died as a Result of Torture at Guizhou Women's Forced Labour Camp
2005-01-1644 year old Falun Dafa practitioner Ms Zou Qianzhu was incarcerated in Guizhou Women's Forced Labour Camp, because she was resolute in her faith in Falun Dafa. When her family visited her in August 2004, Deputy Long of the Education Department threatened Zou in front of her family, "If you do not listen to the Communist Party and write a 'Repentance Statement,' you will never leave here alive." She died in the camp on October 22, 2004 and was cremated before her family could arrive and view her body.
Persecution Suffered by Mr Liu Qingwei, A Student at Harbin Normal University Music School
2005-01-16Mr. Liu Qingwei was a student at Harbin Normal University Music School. but since he is a Falun Dafa practitioner he was unjustly sentenced to 12 years in prison. In a living hell, he has been forced to become a slave labourer, and his pure heart and righteous belief are also under brutal torture.
Practitioner Ms Ren Hongxia Force-Fed With Horseradish Concentrate for Ten Hours
2005-01-16"My name is Ms Ren Hongxia, a practitioner from Jilin Province. On October 26, 2004, at around 9 a.m., I was doing my laundry at home when a dozen policemen broke into my house from the second floor window, without a warrant and abducted me to a police station. They tied my legs to the legs of a chair, and my waist to the back of the chair with towels. My hands were tied behind the chair on top of each other. A policeman restrained my head using a towel, and another one stuffed my mouth with a towel. The third one poured the horseradish from a water bottle into my nose. At that time, I felt like I was dying. I can't fully explain the choking, overwhelming sensation that went into my lungs. This went on for 10 hours."
Two Over-60-year-old Female Falun Gong Practitioners, Ms. Luo Sufang and Ms. Shen Daoqiu from Sichuan Province, Died as a Result of Torture
2005-01-15Two over 60 ladies were treated so abominably, through torture, extortion, brainwashing, police harassment and coercion to write a statement to renounce Falun Dafa, that they both lost their lives. Yet two more fatalities in this senseless and horrifying persecution of morally upstanding people, who adhered to Truthfulness - Compassion - Tolerance, to the cost of their lives.
Falun Gong Practitioners Mr. Wang Xing and Ms. Zeng Shaolan from Yunnan Province Died as a Result of Persecution
2005-01-15Mr Wang Xing, a teacher in his 30's from Yunnan Province, jumped through the train window to escape persecution but died during the fall. This happened while he was being escorted back to Kunming City after having gone to Beijing to appeal in 2000. Ms Zeng Shaolan, an over 50 year old retired worker from Yunnan Province, died on August 6, 2002 after being arrested.
Ms. Yang Xiaoyan, a Falun Dafa Practitioner in Liaoning Province, Driven to Mental Illness Through Persecution, Leading to Her Death in 2002
2005-01-1545 year old practitioner Ms. Yang Xiaoyan was a resident in Liaoning Province. In early January 2000, members of the local 610 Office arrested her. She was forced to attend brainwashing sessions. During the detention, the perpetrators provided only very thin quilts, even in extremely cold winter weather. The quilts were covered with excrement and dirt and smelled disgusting. As a result of the persecution she suffered, Ms. Yang became mentally ill. After she fell from a window at her residence, she became bedridden until her death in July 2002.
How Tangyuan County Police Department in Heilongjiang Province Tortured Practitioners (Reenactment Photos)
2005-01-15"At 2:00 a.m. on January 31, 2002, Tangyuan County policeman Xu Qing tried to strangle me with a scarf and also hit me about the eyes and temples. I collapsed to the ground when he let me go. My eyes were in such pain that I could hardly breathe."