Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
As of Early 2004, At Least Seven Falun Gong Practitioners Known to Have Died from the Persecution in Jieyang City
2004-11-08During the past five years in Jieyang City, Guangdong Province, the number of Falun Gong practitioners known to have died from the persecution has reached at least seven. The number of practitioners illegally detained was at least 14, and those illegally put into labour camps was at least 60. At least two practitioners were illegally put into the Provincial Legal and Law Institute, and at least four are currently being held in detention centres. Over 3,000 practitioners have been detained, arrested and put into brainwashing classes, including those who were detained more than once.
A Non-Practitioner's Eyewitness Account of the Police Brutality on Tiananmen Square in July 2001
2004-11-08I am not a Falun Gong practitioner, but my mother and my older sister are. On July 20, 2001, I went to Tiananmen Square to look for my mother and my sister who went to appeal for Falun Gong. From July 20 to July 22, when I was looking for them, I observed a more complete picture of the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Several policemen in the centre were hitting Falun Gong practitioners on the head with electric batons. Practitioners' blood was sprayed all over a banner, yet they still carried on holding the banner and protecting it with their bodies.
After Repeatedly Suffering Unjust Persecution for Remaining Steadfast in Her Belief, Ms. Zheng Xueqiong from Dazu County Died in March 2004
2004-11-08Ms. Zheng Xueqiong, 65, was a resident of the Zhonghe Street Neighbourhood Community, Longshui Town, Dazu County, Chongqing City. She started practising Falun Gong in the spring of 1997. Falun Gong healed her partial paralysis and she no longer needed to take medicine. Ms. Zheng was sincere, kind, tolerant and generous. A lot of people perceived the greatness of Falun Dafa in her.
Savage Torture at Xinyu Detention Centre Sees 5-Inch Nails Driven into Practitioners' Hands and Feet
2004-11-08According to inside information, Ms. Dong Qixin was kept handcuffed in what is called the "handcuffed airplane" (1) torture for three days. Since Ms. Dong refused to cooperate with their demands and renounce Falun Gong, the police used an even more savage torture. They drove 5-inch-long nails through her hands and ankles and into wooden boards. This torture has lasted for more than two months. This news has been kept from Ms. Dong's children. No family members have been allowed to visit.
The "Seven Dishes" Torture in the Leshan City Detention Centre
2004-11-08Yuan Tao beat me, causing my face to bleed. Yuan and Zheng also burned my arms, fingers, and chest with cigarettes. Luo Peihua said, "I got word from the higher-ups that if we beat you to death, it will be treated like nothing has happened at all." Luo and Zheng said, "We'll stop hitting you if you curse your Teacher (Referring to the founder of Falun Gong)." I did not utter a word from the beginning to the end. The five of them stopped beating me after they were exhausted.
Falun Dafa Practitioners Persecuted at Xingfu Town Brainwashing Centre in Weicheng District of Weifang City
2004-11-08The Xingfu Town Brainwashing Centre was set up in the Xingfu Town Justice Administrating Centre in Weicheng District, which is one of the seven persecution points in Weifang City. Many Dafa practitioners have been persecuted there, and countless tragic events have occurred there. Evil deeds that occurred there have been exposed on Dafa websites many times.
61 Year Old Falun Gong Practitioner Yao Jingmin from Shaanxi Province Dies as a Result of Torture in March 2004
2004-11-07Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yao Jingmin from Shaanxi Province was 61 years old when he was sent to a forced labour camp, although the legal age limit for forced labour is 60 years. After more than four months of solitary confinement and torture, Yao Jingmin's whole body became swollen, his face became severely distorted and he could not take care of himself. He died as a result of torture in March 2004.
Additional Information About Mr. Xiao Pifeng, Who Was Tortured to Death in 2003 for His Belief in Falun Dafa
2004-11-07Mr. Xiao Pifeng was from Shandong Province. Beginning on July 20, 1999 when the persecution began, he went to Beijing to declare that Falun Dafa is good and to urge the government to stop persecuting practitioners. For that he was jailed four times, detained six times, and sentenced to a labour camp for three years. On August 24, 2003, Mr. Xiao was tortured to death in the Qiugu Forced Labour Camp.
Young Practitioner Du Weifeng Suffers Mental Collapse from Brutal Torture at Chaoyang Forced Labour Camp
2004-11-07Falun Gong practitioner Du Weifeng from Liaoning Province, suffered brutal persecution when he was only a teenager detained in the Chaoyang Forced Labour Camp. He endured tortures such as electric shock, standing straight for long periods of time and many other abuses, which led to a mental collapse on two occasions from which he has still not recovered.
Family Tragedy: A Little Girl Longs for Her Mother, Luo Zhixiang, Who Died as a Result of Persecution
2004-11-07Huang Ying's father is illegally imprisoned because he practises Falun Gong and her mother was killed whilst incarcerated for the same reason. She now lives with her grandparents in a dilapidated house made of sun-dried mud bricks. She has never told her grandmother about the death of her mother. because she is in poor health and they don't want to shock her.
Recent News of Wang Boru, The Orphaned Son of Practitioner Wang Hongbin who was Tortured to Death
2004-11-07Wang Boru witnessed many occasions where the police ransacked his house like burglars. On the morning of July 20, 1999, over 20 plainclothes policemen broke into his house and arrested both his father and mother. At that time, Wang Boru was less than 10 years old and he was so scared that he cried loudly. After the event, nobody was there to take care of him for over 50 days. He wandered around by himself.
Two Orphans Left After Practitioner Li Shuhua is Tortured to Death
2004-11-07At around 9 a.m. on September 24, 2003, deputies Jiang Wei, Li Mingchao and a Mr. Dong, all from the Peiying Police Station, abducted Li Shuhua from her home. She was tortured to death less than half a month after her abduction. Yang Kai and Yang Hang's father, Yang Zhanjiu, was abducted and sentenced to seven years in prison in April 2004. He is being detained at the Siping Prison in Jilin Province. They left behind 2 young sons.
A Practitioner's Child Says "I Need My Mum!"
2004-11-07Since July 20, 1999--when the persecution of Falun Gong started--until today, I have been living in horror, worry and fear. Because my mother practises Falun Gong, the local government officials forced my parents to divorce. Since then, my mother and I have had a difficult and worrisome life. It was even worse during the time when mother was not at home. Seeing children in other families play with their mums or go shopping together, or hearing other children calling their mums, I could not hold back my tears and just let them run down my face.
WOIPFG: Internet Survelliance in the Persecution of Falun Gong (Extract)
2004-11-06According to incomplete statistics, WOIPFG has found that as of the end of April 2004, as a result of Internet-related activities, 108 Falun Gong practitioners have been incarcerated, illegally sent to labor camps, and tortured. Three identified Falun Gong practitioners arrested for Internet-related activities were tortured to death. Among the Falun Gong practitioners who have been arrested and persecuted as a result of Internet surveillance, those with advanced degrees constitute a relatively high percentage.
A Record of the Crimes Committed by Authorities at Longshan Forced Labour Camp - Part I (Photos)
2004-11-06The Longshan Forced Labour Camp is located in a southeast suburban area of Shenyang City, Liaoning Province. The first group of Falun Gong practitioners was sent there around October 21, 1999, at a time when a large number of Falun Gong practitioners went to Beijing to appeal. They were sent there arbitrarily, without following any due legal process. The government knows the practitioners are innocent.