Exposing the Persecution
Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting
Ms. Ou Xianyan, a Minor in Guangxi Province, Is Sentenced to 4 Years for Her Belief in Dafa
2004-08-01Ms. Ou Xianyan is a Dafa practitioner from Wuzhou City, Guangxi Province. In 2002, while studying at a vocational school in Nanning City, Guangxi Province, she clarified the truth about Falun Gong to her classmates. However, her classmates reported her to the school. The security department of the school then sent people to monitor and interrogate her, ordering her to give up her practice.
The Treachery of the Chinese Dictator Jiang Zemin
2004-08-01Jiang retained his position as the Chairman of the Central Military Commission through scheming during the 16th National Congress. By the looks of it, he continues to ask everyone to adhere to his "Three Representations"1 announcements. Behind the scenes, he shamelessly abuses his power and forms cliques to further his self-interests. He is guilty of embezzlement and corruption, and he shelters degenerate but trusted subordinates. On the surface, he appears to be an honourable gentleman, but he is a shameless villain in disguise.
Seven-Month-Old Baby Suffers Life Threatening Infection From 48 Hours of Neglect, When Police Arrest his Parents and Do Not Give The Baby Proper Care
2004-07-31Mr. Tan Zhiqiang and his wife Ms. Xu Li were arrested, leaving their seven-month-old son at home alone. After repeated requests to breast-feed her child, Ms. Xu Li was taken to the hospital to see her son. Only three days ago, her son, Zhengzheng, was still a healthy baby, but now he was lying in bed. He was wearing an oxygen mask, and an oxygen tube was inserted into his nose; he was receiving intravenous injections through a needle in his head, his eyes were closed, and he was unconscious.
Cases of Illegal Arrests After the Supreme Procuratorate Published the Bulletin, "Strictly Investigating and Punishing the Crime of Impinging on Human Rights"
2004-07-31The Chinese Supreme Procuratorate decided to carry out a one-year special campaign to strictly investigate and punish the crime of impinging on human rights from May 1st to June next year. This decision affects five categories of crimes. They are illegal imprisonment, illegal searches, extorting a confession by torture, collecting evidence by using violence, and abusing prisoners and illegally extending detention terms. But, after this bulletin was published, the cases of illegally arresting and detaining Falun Gong practitioners have increased.
Guards at the Tangshan City Kaiping Forced Labour Camp Severely Torture Falun Dafa Practitioners
2004-07-31Section Chief Jianzhong Zhang in Kaiping Labour Camp, followed by two other officers, broke into a room where Ms. Shugui Dong was sitting in lotus practising the Falun Dafa meditation exercise. They asked Shugui Dong to take her legs down. Dong did not move. A guard came forward, stepped on Dong's head and dragged her to the ground by her hair. Other practitioners tried to stop him but he slapped Ms. Lili Ma so hard on her face several times that her ears were ringing. The guards continued to beat up other practitioners.
Mother and Newborn Baby Arrested and Sent to Brainwashing Centre
2004-07-30On April 8, 2004, Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Luu Yanna, who had just given birth ten days earlier, was unjustly arrested. She and her newborn baby named Shanshan were taken to Longkou City, Shandong Province 300 miles away, and they are now detained at a Brainwashing Centre. The young mother, who is still breastfeeding her baby, has been tortured by policeman Ma Xiangyang to the point of losing consciousness three times.
A Hundred Tortures Illustrated (16 - 18)
2004-07-30In order to torture steadfast practitioners, police place a type of electronic device onto the practitioners' heads or chests, which results in their instant collapse. This torture device can severely damage the brain and internal organs, resulting in loss of memory, confusion, lack of energy, extreme pain, but no visible injuries to the surface of the body, because the damage is inflicted by sound waves or vibrations.
Pregnant Falun Gong Practitioner Wang Guijin Arrested and Separated from Husband and 4 Year Old Child
2004-07-30At the end of February 2004, perpetrators abducted a whole family of practitioners in Zhoukou City, Henan province. Mr. Song Zhenlin, his wife Ms. Wang Guijin, and their 4-year-old child were all taken away. The wife was released after it was realized she was pregnant. A while later, police detained the pregnant Wang Guijin again, openly violating the nation's law.
Police Brutality at the Daqing Prison In China
2004-07-30Between March 10 and April 23, 2004, the Daqing Prison stepped up its brutal persecution of illegally detained Falun Dafa practitioners. Division chief Li Fengjiang and Xiang Zhenchen in the seventh prison section ordered inmates to violently abuse Falun Dafa practitioners. They cruelly tortured them by tying them up, beating them, pouring cold water on them, and burning them with cigarettes.
After The Truth About Falun Dafa Is Broadcast over a Loudspeaker in the Chongqing Police Department, Practitioner Zhang Qiyong is Tortured to Extract a "Confession"
2004-07-29One day in May 2004, the truth about Falun Dafa was broadcast over a loudspeaker into the detention centre in Chongqing. The broadcast lasted over 20 minutes and awakened the guards to the realization that all their bad deeds would be recorded and would have to be paid for. Zhang Qiyong, a Falun Dafa practitioner who was detained there and on the verge of death due to persecution, was questioned while being tortured and forced to "confess".
Harbin Prison Secretly Transfers Practitioners to Other Prisons in Order to Conceal a Torture Death
2004-07-29On July 1, 2004, the Harbin Prison suddenly and secretly transferred more than seventy Falun Gong practitioners to prisons in other cities of Daqing, Tailai, and Mudanjiang. During this period, Wang Dayuan, a Falun Dafa practitioner who was a young scientist and lecturer in Harbin Industry University, was tortured to death on April 5. In order to conceal the truth and evade the responsibility for the crime, the Harbin Prison secretly transferred the practitioners to other prisons.
Details of At Least 60 Practitioners in the Shijiazhuang Area Arrested Over the Past Six Months
2004-07-29Since the beginning of 2004, persecutors in Shijiazhuang City, Hebei province, have escalated their persecution of Dafa practitioners. The persecutors include the "610 Office" of Shijiazhuang City and surrounding counties and towns, Political and Security Subsections, all police sub-departments within Shijiazhuang City and public security bureaus, procuratorial bureaus and people's courts of the nearby towns and counties. They trail practitioners, appoint people to keep practitioners' homes under surveillance and arrest them. Over 60 Dafa practitioners were arrested, of which 2 were sentenced to jail terms, and several others were sent to forced labour camps.
Dafa Practitioner Ms. Geng Xuezhi from Shandong Province Died As A Result of Torture
2004-07-28Falun Dafa practitioner Ms. Geng Xuezhi went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa near the end of 1999, but the police arrested her and took her back to Pingdu City, Shandong Province. The persecutors brutally tortured her during her detention. She was detained in an old building with broken windows in the middle of winter. As a result, Geng Xuezhi became very ill from the extended exposure to extreme cold. She continued to suffer from her illness after she was released, and medical treatment over a long period of time failed to save her life.
Chongqing City Forced Labour Camp Hangs Up Dafa Practitioners by their Handcuffs for Extended Periods (Illustration)
2004-07-28In July 2000, Qiu Cuixiang, from Chongqing City, was illegally sentenced to one year of forced labour. They tried to force her to give up the practice of Falun Dafa. They handcuffed her and hung her from an office window metal railing. Her whole body was suspended in the air with only her big toes touching the ground. They also deprived her of sleep around the clock for 30 days.
Falun Dafa Practitioner Mr. Yang Jiuhe from Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Region Unjustly Imprisoned Leaving Family In Dire Straits
2004-07-28Mr. Yang Jiuhe is a 40 year old farmer from Gannan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Gansu Province. In October of 2003, Yang was sentenced to three years in a forced labour camp. His condition remains unknown. Now that Mr. Yang is incarcerated, his wife must care for his eighty-plus year-old mother and their young child by herself. This has put an enormous burden on his family's finances and living conditions.