Exposing the Persecution

Torture | Kidnapping | Brainwashing | Illegal Detention and Imprisonment | Extortion | Persecution Throughout Society | Inside the Labour Camps | Individual Accounts | 6-10 Office | Death Cases | Organ Harvesting

  • Harsh Situation of Falun Dafa Practitioners at Shijiazhuang Labour Camp

    Bai Yuzhi was arrested in August 2002. Since then, she has held a hunger strike in protest. On April 10, 2003 she began to vomit blood. She was force-fed daily, and her nasal cartilage became distorted as a result. She almost went blind. She could barely walk and she was carried on the backs of those who force-fed her. The No. 2 Labour Camp reported her as being "critically ill," but the "610 Office" would not allow her to return home.
  • Additional Information about How Dafa Practitioner Ms. Deng Shiying Was Tortured to Death

    Her family rushed to Changchun City's No. 1 Hospital, only to find that Shiying was already unconscious and close to death. To shirk responsibility, the jail authority sent out several policemen led by Chief Wu and the Politics Section Chief Li, who mixed threats with promises inn order to deceive Shiying's family members. They returned the 500 Yuan that they extorted on July 17 to the family. They also reimbursed the 96 Yuan travel expenses between Jilin and Changchun that the two family members spent coming to take Shiying home, in a hypocritical attempt to prevent exposure that Shiying's suffered from brutal torture.
  • Dafa Practitioner Ms. Liu Chengyan In Critical Condition from Torture at the Second Detention Centre of Fushun City

    The guards commanded criminals to beat her brutally, which caused Ms Liu to go into shock. On July 14, 2003, when Ms Liu was taken to Fushun Central Hospital for emergency treatment, she was still wearing foot-shackles and handcuffs. The detention centre then tried to extort money from her family members. Since her family did not have any money, the detention centre decided not to let her receive any treatment. Instead, they took her back to the detention centre on July 21. Now, Ms Liu is in critical condition and her life is in grave danger.
  • Remembering Fellow Practitioner Wang Zhiming

    According to sources, the police in Shanxi Province were afraid of taking responsibility for the death of Mr. Wang, so they notified his family members to come take him home. When Wang Zhiming's elder brother and his co-workers went to Shanxi, they found that Mr. Wang was already in a precarious condition as a result of torture and abuse. He was too weak to hold up his head when his brother carried him. It was too late to save his life.
  • Examples of Inhumanity Toward Falun Dafa Practitioners in Chaoyang City, Liaoning Province

    He Naifeng put Dafa practitioners in chains, poured cold water on them, and shocked them with electric batons. Sometimes he used more than one electric baton, and then beat them with hard rubber sticks. When he finished with them, they were swollen all over, covered with purple and blue wounds, and their skin and flesh were torn open. He pried open their mouths with bamboo sticks, inserted a very thick tube into their mouth, and then used a funnel to pour food into their mouth. He has personally beaten every practitioner who has been detained in the county detention centre. He would beat them first and then interrogate them.
  • Accounts of Persecution against Falun Gong Practitioners by the "610 Office" and the Political Security Office in Hebei Province

    Officials at the "610 Office" of Zhengding County directed the Zhengding County Police Department's Political Security Office as well as local police stations to commit appalling crimes against practitioners, one after another. For example, practitioner Zhao Fengnian was beaten to death and his body was dumped, while other practitioners were detained, beaten, sent to labour camps, or sentenced to jail terms. Whoever practices Falun Gong is sent to the county's Party School and forcibly brainwashed, while those practitioners who are steadfast in their beliefs are detained.
  • Police Station in Sichuan Province Persecutes Dafa Practitioner Qing Mingzhen and Harasses Her Family

    Police sent Qing Mingzhen's brother sent her to the "Wuhou Legal System Learning Class," which is actually a brainwashing centre. Qing Mingzhen did not cooperate with any instructions from the police, so police captain Liu slapped her face heavily 18 times in front of the family, causing her dizziness and profuse bleeding from her nose. Police then handcuffed her hands behind her back to a tree. With righteous thoughts, Qing Mingzhen left the brainwashing centre, and now has become destitute and homeless.
  • A Young Falun Gong Practitioner Nobly Resists Persecution during Unlawful Imprisonment

    In the detention centre, the fellow practitioners there looked after me carefully. No matter how vicious the persecution was in the jail, I insisted on practising the Falun Gong exercises, and I got out of jail several months later. During my time there, many fellow practitioners were taken out for interrogations that lasted days. Later I was told that the authorities tried to extort "confessions" by torturing them in a hotel room day and night. The practitioners suffered from severe physical abuse and mental humiliation.
  • Dafa Practitioners Unlawfully Detained and Families Torn Apart in Gansu Province

    Ms. Sang Xiaochun, is 33 years old. Because she travelled to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, she was detained over two months. On July 19, 2002, she was arrested again. She remains detained. Her 8-year-old child is being cared for by her mother-in-law who is in her 60's (the child's grandmother. Her husband is also in unlawful detention for practising Falun Gong. So a family is torn apart because they adhere to the principles of Truthfulness -Compassion - Tolerance.
  • Police in Wangcun Labour Camp, Shandong Province Torture Dafa Practitioner Ms. Sui Hongju

    The police in Wangcun Labour Camp carry out force-feeding on Dafa practitioners who go on hunger strikes to resist the persecution. At the same time, they shamelessly charge them a 70 Yuan "force-feeding fee." One practitioner has already been on a hunger strike for several months. The labour camp has extorted more than 2000 Yuan in force-feeding charges from her.
  • "610 Office" Builds a New Brainwashing Centre in Pengzhou City To Persecute Dafa Practitioners

    On May 26, Ms. Zhang Qinfang, a Dafa practitioner from the town of Li'an, had just finished an unjust and illegal term in a labour camp. Instead of being released, she was sent directly to the new brainwashing centre. This is making a mockery of the penal system! Ms. Zhang went on a hunger strike to oppose this cruelty. Director Luo Jianqiang took Zhang Qinfang out to force-feed her.
  • Husband Li Jun and Wife Du Xiuyun Are Illegally Sentenced to Prison

    In May 2002, Du Xiuyun went to her hometown to distribute Dafa materials. On May 16, Du went back to Dalian and found Li missing. The police from the Wanjia Police Station were waiting at their house and arrested her. The police also illegally confiscated their property including the copier, a printer, a computer, a cell phone, and a back certificate. At the beginning of 2003, Li and Du were illegally sentenced to nine and eight year prison terms in Liaoning Province. The police deny them their legal visitation rights.
  • Cruelty and Brainwashing at Heizuizi Forced Labour Camp in Changchun

    Hou Zhihong was the most notorious prison guard in Section Six of Heizuizi Forced Labor Camp in Changchun city. After he was transferred to Section Seven, he has become the head of the team for direct persecuting Falun Gong practitioners . He is known for using torture and deception to coerce practitioners to write the so-called "Disassociation Statement" [A statement to declare a dissociation with Falun Gong and promise not go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong].
  • Officials In Henan Oil Field Force Dafa Practitioners into Brainwashing Classes

    The party general secretary, Wang Lingkui, and the "610 Office" head, Qi Gang, tried to force her, but failed. When it was near 11 am, they called to report to the oil field public security bureau, which sent some policemen from the Security Team to Wang Wanrong's house. Wang Wanrong was forcibly dragged to a car by four people and sent to a brainwashing class held by the Nanyang City Cadre School of Politics and Law.
  • Stories of Dafa Practitioner Ms Zhang Yali Before Being Tortured and Killed in a Strait Jacket

    Because she insisted on practising Falun Dafa, the police department of the Oil Extraction Plant sentenced her to forced labour. In the Zhengzhou City's Shibalihe Forced Labour Camp she was tragically killed while being subjected to the strait jacket torture. She is one of three Dafa practitioners to have been killed in this way on June 4, 2003 at the Zhengzhou Shibalihe Forced Labour Camp.