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United Kingdom: Northern England "Car Tour" Successfully Concludes
2004-08-02On the 16th of July, a group of Falun Gong practitioners from Northern England finished the 3rd “Car Tour” activity. Practitioners visited five different cities in Northern England. They promoted Falun Gong and let people know about the five-year campaign of Genocide that has been waged against the practice.
Hungary: Hungarian News Agency Reports on Appeal at the Chinese Embassy to Protest Against the Jiang Regime's Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-08-02On the 20th of July 2004, the Hungarian News Agency (MTI) reported on an appeal held by Falun Gong practitioners outside the Chinese Embassy in Budapest. According to MTI Budapest daily summary, a group of Hungarian Falun Dafa practitioners held an appeal outside the Chinese Embassy today, protesting against the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China.
EFGIC: State Councillor and Former Chinese Education Minister Sued for Torture and Killing of Teachers and Students
2004-08-01'JOHANNESBURG (FDI) – A State Councillor and former Minister of Education who utilized the Chinese education system to indoctrinate teachers and students against Falun Gong – often inciting violence – has been sued for torture and extra judicial killing in a Tanzanian court. The civil suit was filed on July 19th as the former Minister of Education, Ms. Chen Zhili, was visiting several African nations.'
Liu Feng Successfully Returns to Ireland
2004-08-01Falun Gong practitioner Liu Feng was a student in Ireland who returned home on a visit to China and was not allowed to leave again for over four years. His human rights have been violated by Jiang’s regime. Liu Feng was rescued from China and arrived at Dublin Airport on the evening of the 25th of July.
Russia: Russian State-Run TV Station Reports on the Jiang Regime’s Persecution of Falun Gong
2004-08-01A Russian state-run TV station recently reported the ongoing brutal persecution against Falun Gong practitioners in China. It revealed that since July 1999, while Falun Gong has been subject to slanderous propaganda and persecution in China, the practice has spread rapidly abroad to over sixty countries and the number of practitioners has reached 100 million.
Hungary: Calling for an End After Five Years of Brutality Against Falun Gong Practitioners in China
2004-08-01On July the 20th 2004, Hungarian practitioners commemorated the fifth year in the unrelenting persecution of Falun Gong and remembered the 1,000 practitioners who have lost their lives. They died because they practised Falun Gong. They range from children to the elderly. The practitioners called for an immediate end to the persecution.
Sweden: Practitioners in Gothenburg Let People Know About the Persecution
2004-08-01On July the 20th 1999, the former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin began a nationwide persecution of Falun Dafa. Five years have passed since and today there are over 1000 documented cases of practitioners losing their lives because they practise Falun Gong. Practitioners in Gothenburg held three days of activities to inform the public about this brutal persecution.
France: Dafa Practitioners Hold a Candlelight Vigil to Commemorate Practitioners who Lost their Lives
2004-08-01On the evening of July the 23rd 2004, French Dafa practitioners held a candlelight vigil in the Human Rights Square opposite the Eiffel Tower to commemorate those who have been tortured to death in China for practising Falun Gong, and to call upon kind-hearted people all over the world to come together to stop this persecution.
Denmark: Commemorating Five Years of Persecution
2004-08-01On the 20th of July, Danish Dafa practitioners held a series of activities with the theme “Against the persecution, Against terrorism, Explain the Facts” in Copenhagen. The practitioners made special banners and used photographs of the torture to call for people’s concern over the genocide happening in China now.
Germany: Practitioners Protest Against Five Years of Persecution at the Chinese Embassy in Munich
2004-08-01Falun Gong practitioners held an exhibition of the brutal facts of the persecution and demonstrated the five sets of Falun Gong exercises at the Munich Chinese Embassy. Many onlookers or passers-by came to ask for leaflets and newspapers. As usual, the embassy staff monitored the whole activity using a video camera.
“The Society for Threatened People, will take measures to ensure that leading Chinese politicians who have ordered the annihilation of Falun Gong will suffer the legal consequences of their acts.”
2004-07-31"Five years after the start of the persecution of Falun Gong, the repression of Falun Gong is escalating in China...The Society for Threatened People accuses the People’s Republic of China of blatant disregard for their constitutional guarantees of freedom of belief and for purposely criminalising a peaceful spiritual practice."
Germany: Appeal at the South African Honorary Consulate in Dortmund
2004-07-31On July 16th, practitioners from Dortmund went to the city’s South African Honorary Consulate to appeal to the South African Government and people, asking them to pay attention to the shooting incident which took place in South Africa recently.
Russia: Practitioners Hold a Parade and Anti-Torture Exhibition to Expose the Persecution
2004-07-31Falun Gong practitioners in Russia held activities on July 20th, including a parade, and an anti-torture exhibition, to protest against the five year-long persecution of Falun Gong in China. All activities took place in a peaceful atmosphere, which obtained high praise from the police as well as human rights organisations.
Sweden: Fifth Anniversary of the Persecution Commemorated with an Anti-Torture Exhibition in Gothenburg
2004-07-31Falun Gong practitioners from Gothenburg and nearby places carried out activities in downtown Gothenburg three days in row. After exhibiting a live anti-torture presentation on July the 20th, which caught the attention of the public, practitioners continued with the activities on July the 21st and 22nd.
Hungary: Exposing Five Years of Persecution in China
2004-07-31Last week, Hungarian, German, Ukrainian and Australian Falun Gong practitioners held activities in Hungary’s capital city, Budapest. The activities included a peaceful appeal and press conference at the Chinese Embassy, promoting Falun Gong, and visiting various media outlets, Embassies and Members of Parliament.