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Holland: Practitioners Peaceful Appeal at the Chinese Embassy to Condemn the Jiang Regime's Terrorism
2004-07-11After hearing that Australian Falun Gong practitioners had been shot in South Africa, Dutch practitioners held protest activities in front of the Chinese Embassy on July 3rd 2004, to expose the crimes of Jiang’s rogue political regime, who hired thugs to shoot Falun Gong practitioners during Zeng Qinghong‘s visit to South Africa.
Radio Free Asia: Falun Gong Practitioners Appealed to the German Foreign Minister About Human Rights Issues During his Visit to China.
2004-07-11Practitioners in Germany appealed to the German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer about human rights abuse in China, and asked him to help to bring an end to the persecution taking place in China during his coming visit to China. The following report is the summary of an interview with Falun Gong practitioners conducted by Tianyi, a reporter for Radio Free Asia.
Statement of Support by Member of Czech Parliament Jaroslav Zverina
2004-07-10"The tragedy is that people don’t deal with their real enemies but are cruel to others who don’t harm them and are in fact just the opposite: those who believe in truthfulness, kindness and rational contemplation. Among such tragic manifestations is the persecution and torture of Falun Gong practitioners by the present Chinese Communist regime. I have come to understand the teachings of this movement, I think quite well, and I can hardly imagine what has caused the ruling regime’s hatred."
Finland: People of Helsinki Hope that the Shooting Incident in South Africa will be Resolved Soon and that the Real Culprits Will be Held Responsible for Their Crimes
2004-07-10After reading the information boards and learning the facts about Falun Gong, people signed the petition calling for an end of the persecution against Falun Gong practitioners without hesitation. People hope that the shooting case will be solved and that the real criminals will be brought to justice. Many expressed their sympathy and support.
Spain: Dafa Practitioners Gather at the Chinese Embassy to Condemn the Jiang Group's Act of Terrorism
2004-07-10On July the 4th 2004, Spanish Falun Gong practitioners appealed at the Chinese Embassy in Spain to strongly condemn the Jiang group hiring gunmen to attack Falun Gong practitioners. Photos of the practitioners who were injured in the shooting incident in South Africa were displayed, as well as pictures of others who have been persecuted.
Russia: Falun Gong Practitioners Strongly Condemn the Jiang Regime’s Terrorist Act of Hiring Thugs to Shoot Falun Gong Practitioners
2004-07-10On July 8th 2004, the Russian Falun Dafa Association held a press conference in the “Independence Press Centre” of Moscow. During the press conference, practitioners exposed how the Jiang regime’s major player Zeng Qinghong hired thugs to shoot practitioners in order to prevent practitioners’ legal action against him.
Radio France Internationale: Falun Gong Sues Li Changchun During His Visit to Paris
2004-07-10“As a Politburo Standing Committee member, Mr Li is in charge of information and media control in China...He supported brainwashing and torture of Falun Gong practitioners while serving as the Communist Party Secretary of Guangdong province. So far, twenty six Falun Gong deaths from torture in Guangdong prison have been verified. Of China’s thirty provinces, the number of deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in Guangdong ranked 8th, ” says Zhang Jianping.
Event Notice: A Race for Human Rights, Sponsored by the International Society for Human Rights (ISHR)
2004-07-10The award of the Olympic events was seen by the Chinese leadership in Beijing, and clearly evidenced in their propaganda, that the international community recognised the existing social stability and progress on that front. China therefore believed itself to be justified in their hard line actions against dissidents. Therefore, the former Chinese Vice President Li Lanqing, after being awarded the Peking Olympic events, announced, “We have achieved an important victory over Falun Gong. We were awarded the honour to host the 2008 Olympic Games (The Australian, July 23, 2001).
EFGIC: The “Transformation” of Mr. Han
2004-07-09'LONDON (EFGIC) – Sources in China recently related to us the story of Mr. Han, a Falun Gong practitioner whose journey took him from being tortured to becoming the torturer, and finally back again, until he was ultimately killed by the very same system.'
Report from the French Falun Dafa Information Centre: The President of the Closing Ceremony of China-France Culture Year, Li Changchun, Sued in Paris
2004-07-09On July 2nd, a lawsuit filed against Mr. Li Changchun, accused of being an accessory to torture, was handed to the Inquisitor of the Superior Republic Court of Paris and was accepted. As a committee member of the Central Communist China Political Department, the former Guangdong Province's Committee Secretary Mr. Li Changchun has prepared for the persecution of Falun Gong practitioners even before July 20th 1999 and has vigorously helped to sustain the execution of the persecution.
Interview with Jane Dai: "Considering of the Children's Future"
2004-07-09On the day of the 2004 Falun Dafa Experience Sharing Conference in Vienna, I met Ms Jane Dai and her four year old daughter Fadu. Three years ago her husband in China was persecuted to death by Jiang’s regime simply because he persisted in practising Falun Gong and refused to give up his belief in Truthfulness Compassion and Forbearance. I interviewed her about her experiences in Europe:
Holland: "Petal of Peace" Activity Held in a Primary School
2004-07-09A primary school in Southern Holland invited Falun Gong practitioners to introduce Falun Gong and involve the children in the “Petal of Peace” activity. Practitioners demonstrated the exercises, explained how to make peace petals and told the teachers and thirty-six students about the persecution of Falun Gong, which is taking place in China.
Germany: Introducing Falun Gong at Chamer City Citizen Festival
2004-07-09Chamer, a small city in German Bavaria, hosted a large-scale Citizen Festival on June 26th and 27th. Local Falun Gong practitioners participated with exercise demonstrations and a display stand introducing Falun Gong, as well as performances of traditional singing and dancing. Falun Gong's participation brought peace and harmony to the Citizen Festival, which bustled with noise and excitement.
Article from The Times: Falun Gong Practitioner Shot in South Africa
2004-07-09A member of the Falun Gong movement has been shot in a drive-by attack in South Africa. David Liang sustained gunshot wounds to his feet after his car was sprayed with bullets near Johannesburg. He was in the country to protest at talks between the Chinese and South African governments. “After shooting at us they did not rob us and simply sped away,” Mr Liang said from his hospital bed. “We are sure the Chinese Government is involved.”
France: Practitioners Expose the Jiang Group’s Acts of Terrorism
2004-07-09To expose the Jiang group's employment of hired gunmen to kill Falun Gong practitioners, French practitioners immediately visited the South African Embassy and the Australian Embassy in Paris, giving them materials about Falun Gong and the persecution, and calling on the governments of South Africa and Australia to thoroughly investigate the shooting incident.