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Germany: Shopkeepers and Storeowners on Unter den Linden Praised the Falun Gong Parade
2003-12-05With soothing Chinese music in the background, the Falun Gong parade passed though Unter den Linden in Berlin. Men and women of different ages and nationality held flower wreaths or banners, in different languages. Passerby looked on in awe and the police, who would usually be tense while monitoring parades, were relaxed as if taking a leisurely walk.
Ukraine: TV Station Broadcast Film Clarifying the Facts about Falun Gong
2003-12-05Recently, Ukraine’s national TV Station broadcast films two days in a row, which reported positively on Falun Gong. On the morning of the 26th of November 2003, the film “Cuiying Zhang – Traditional Chinese Artist” was shown. The film exposed the persecution, and also introduced Falun Gong to audience. These films were broadcast throughout Ukraine.
EFGIC: Northeastern Province Records China's Highest Death Toll of Falun Gong Practitioners
2003-12-05132 deaths of Falun Gong practitioners in Heilongjiang Province have been verified since the spiritual practice was ordered “eradicated” by former Chinese leader Jiang Zemin in 1999. Of the 824 total verified deaths of Falun Gong practitioners throughout the country, China’s most northeastern province, Heilongjiang, accounts for approximately 16% – the highest of any province.
Ukraine: Falun Dafa Press Conference Attended by More Than Ten Different Newspapers
2003-12-04On November the 19th 2003, Falun Dafa practitioners in the Ukraine protested peacefully beside the Chinese Embassy and held a press conference to highlight the Chinese government’s persecution of Dafa practitioners. More than ten newspapers attended the press conference. Practitioners truly seized the opportunity to let the media know more about Falun Gong.
Report from "Radio Free Asia": Falun Gong Practitioners Sue Jiang Zemin and his Accomplices in Germany
2003-12-04'On November the 24th, German Falun Gong practitioners filed an official lawsuit in the Supreme Court of the German Federal Government against Jiang Zemin, who is the former Chinese President, Li Lanqing and Luo Gan. The defendants are being sued for committing crimes of torture and genocide against Falun Gong practitioners.'
Italy: Promoting Falun Dafa at a Medical Seminar in Turin
2003-12-04On the 11th of November 2003, a medicine seminar was held in Turin, Italy and was sponsored by the Turin city council, Piemonte District and the Italian Sanitation Department. Ms Wang, a Chinese attendee from Sweden, a doctor of Chinese medicine and a Falun Gong practitioner gave a two hour lecture at the seminar, introducing Falun Gong via her own experiences.
A Swedish Practitioner Appeals for Help from the Irish Government to Rescue Two Dublin Students Detained in China
2003-12-04"I learned that Liu Feng is in dangerous situation; he has been detained for 10 month with no visitors permitted to see him. I hope that the Irish Embassy in China can send an official to check on his safety. On behalf of Liu Feng and Yang Fang I am now asking the Irish government for help to rescue them and speak out on their behalf."
Falun Gong Practitioners in Denmark Prepare to Launch a Lawsuit Against Jiang and His Accomplices
2003-12-03After sending letters asking for advice to Danish government officials, the Danish Falun Dafa Association received many letters from them after they had consulted the Danish Minister of Justice. One of the ministers commented, “I took a great interest in reading your letter. I think it is possible to sue China’s former leader Jiang for genocide in Denmark.”
UK Citizen Detained in China Because He Practises Falun Gong
2003-12-03“The Falun Gong group recognised one of the practitioners who has been detained as being a British citizen, called Ray Tang. As with a lot of Hong Kong citizens, he also holds a British passport. His relatives own a company in the city of Shenzheng in mainland China, a neighbour of Hong Kong. On the 13th of November, Ray Tang and a few of the company’s workers were taken away by the police. The Falun Gong group said that the other practitioner who was arrested was Xueying Bo, a twenty-eight year old housewife. She was arrested on the 30th of October while distributing truth clarifying DVDs in Shenzheng.”
Cyprus: Righteous Vigil at the Chinese Embassy
2003-12-03 -
Sweden: Falun Gong Practitioners Invited to Talk about Falun Gong at an American Women’s Club in Gothenburg
2003-12-03When Falun Gong practitioner Pirjo Svensson talked about her experience of being illegally detained in Thailand for five weeks, an American woman excitedly said that: "I know who you are! When your friends launched a signature collection campaign to rescue you, I signed my name to that petition. They patiently approached every passer-by to explain the facts about Falun Gong and the reason why you were detained. I was really moved by their action..."
Italian Radio Station "Pamparana": An Interview with Sterling Campbell, the Drummer of a Famous Band
2003-12-03When talking about the reason for the persecution against Falun Gong, he told the audience that China’s former leader, Jiang Zemin, out of his personal interest and jealousy, abused his power to launch a persecution against good people who practise “Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance.” He listed a large number of the persecuted cases. Finally, the host invited the audience to take note of the persecution and help to put an end to it.
Reporters Without Borders: China - 2003 Annual Report (Excerpt)
2003-12-03'At least seven foreign journalists were detained for two hours and threatened by police in Beijing on 14 February. Two Associated Press reporters, an Agence France-Presse photographer, two Reuters reporters and a BBC journalist were arrested while covering a demonstration by about 40 Falun Gong members in Tiananmen square, in the course of which some of them saw the police use violence against the demonstrators...The Chinese authorities have harassed foreign journalists trying to cover the Falun Gong since the movement was banned in July 1999. According to the estimates of Reporters Without Borders, at least 50 representatives of the international press have been detained since then, and some have been hit by police.'
Ireland: Irish Student Organisations Appeal for Falun Gong Practitioners Suffering Persecution in China
2003-12-02The rally was followed by a march to the Irish Prime Minister’s Office, where representatives of eight Students’ Unions and Societies from USI and major Dublin universities handed in a co-signed letter. They then went on to the Chinese Embassy to hand in a letter appealing for justice but the Embassy officials refused to accept it.
Greece: Support for Falun Gong in an Athens Park
2003-12-02The practitioners have appealed to the embassy to help stop the genocide in mainland China, and have sent forth righteous thoughts in the small park opposite the embassy. People that have been visiting the consular section of the embassy have taken the information materials that the practitioners have offered and have supported the appeal.