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  • Greece: Support for Falun Gong in an Athens Park

    The practitioners have appealed to the embassy to help stop the genocide in mainland China, and have sent forth righteous thoughts in the small park opposite the embassy. People that have been visiting the consular section of the embassy have taken the information materials that the practitioners have offered and have supported the appeal.
  • Austria: Dafa Practitioners Again Invited to the Annual Health Expo in Vienna

    The peaceful exercises interested many audience members and some asked how they could learn how to practise. After learning about the persecution, a lot of people signed a petition to rescue Xiong Wei, a German practitioner currently being detained in China. Many people stood in front of the display boards that exposed Jiang’s crimes, for a long time. The horrific torture depicted on the boards formed a sharp contrast to the beauty of the Dafa exercises.
  • Report from "Radio Free Asia": Interview with a German Human Rights Lawyer Regarding the Lawsuit Against the Former Chinese President

    “The plaintiffs are 44 victims, including more than 10 Germans. The 90-page submission outlined the personal experiences of 15 victims who currently live outside the Chinese mainland and 800 plus torture cases that have resulted in death. Mr. Kaleck thinks the importance of this case is similar to that of the lawsuit against Augusto Pinochet and the on-going case against former Yugoslavian president Slobodan Milosevic.”
  • Letter from Dublin Students to the Irish Prime Minister: "Ireland should do all in its power to help bring this absurd persecution to an early end."

    "The campaign directed at eradicating Falun Gong is a systematic state terrorism and a policy that has drained China's fragile economy. The assurances given in the EU China dialogue over the past few years have changed nothing on the ground; everyday new death cases are being received. The Chinese consulates and officials even continue to spread slanderous material concerning Falun Gong in the hope that this will incite hatred or at least doubt in the minds of overseas politicians. Indeed politicians in Ireland have received such material. Their aim is clear: To justify their campaign against the practice so that they can continue their brutal suppression and genocide while escaping condemnation from the international community."
  • Germany: Famous German Lawyer held a Press Conference with the German Falun Dafa Association

    On November 24th, famous German criminal lawyer Wolfgang Kaleck held a press conference with the German Falun Dafa Association in Berlin, announcing that a lawsuit has been launched in Germany against the ex-president of China, along with fifteen other accomplices in his persecution of Falun Gong, charging him with torture crimes, genocide and crimes against humanity.
  • Article from Scottish Newspaper "Metro": An Interview with Sterling Campbell, David Bowie's Drummer

    'Sterling Campbell has been David Bowie's drummer for the past ten years and he is currently part of Bowie’s Reality Tour, which plays the SECC in Glasgow tonight. An exponent of the ancient Chinese practise of Falun Gong, New Yorker Sterling was arrested and jailed in China for voicing his support for the discipline, which has been banned by the Communist government.'
  • IFGIC Press Release: Dublin Students Rally to Rescue Prisoner of Conscience in China

    At 2pm on Friday 28th November outside the Central Bank in Dames Street, Dublin city centre, students from the major universities of Dublin including Trinity College, UCD and DCU held a rally and march to call for the release of Dun Laoghaire students Mr. Liu Feng and Ms Fang Yang, both of whom have been prevented from returning to Ireland under the Chinese regime’s campaign to suppress Falun Gong. Mr. Michael Dowling, the President of GSU of TCD, said, “We should double our efforts to get these two Chinese students Mr. Feng Liu and Ms. Fang Yang released.”
  • Global Coalition to Bring Jiang Zemin to Justice Submits Evidence to International Court in The Hague

    The coalition submitted printed materials about the lawsuit against Jiang from different countries to the first judge of the International Court and requested a trial of the Chinese dictator. The attendees came from Holland, Switzerland, Germany and Israel. This is the sixth public rally organized by the Global Coalition, following similar rallies in Paris, Munich, Frankfort, Cologne, and Berlin.
  • Germany: Several Hundred Falun Gong Practitioners Rally at Brandenburg Gate in Berlin to Support the Lawsuit against Jiang Zemin

    A spokesperson of the German Falun Gong Association said, “At the moment we are resorting to legal proceedings and legal evidence to expose what has happened in China. Of course, it is to expose all the persecution of Falun Gong and we urge the general public around the world to support Falun Gong practitioners in China.”
  • Ireland: Irish Practitioners Clarify the Facts During a Concert

    Concertgoers were very interested to learn more about Dafa when they found out that a member of the band is a Falun Gong practitioner. Many of them expressed deep sympathy and irritation over the inhuman persecution against Falun Gong in China. Lots of people asked for leaflets to learn more and gave encouraging remarks to practitioners to show their concern, including ‘good luck’, ‘freedom’, ‘stop the persecution’ and ‘best wishes’.
  • Germany: International Human Rights Association Holds a Benefit Concert for the Human Rights of Falun Gong Practitioners

    A spokesman for the International Human Rights Association presented the concert together with a Falun Gong practitioner. All performances were given by Dafa practitioners, including both singing and dancing. Between performances, time was allowed for interviews with the spokesman of the International Human Rights Association acting as a reporter.
  • Germany: Grand Parade in Berlin Had a Powerful Effect (Photo Report)

    On November the 22nd, 2003 Falun Gong practitioners held a parade through the busiest street in Berlin. This caught a lot of people's attention. Many people accepted flyers and discussed the materials while they watched the parade.
  • Sweden: Clarifying the Facts in Uddevalla City

    Many passersby were interested in the activities, actively asking for information on Falun Gong and talking with practitioners. Practitioners told them about the imprisonment of American citizen Charles Li in a Chinese labour camp and the lawsuits filed against Jiang and his accomplices all over the world.
  • A Magazine called "Human Rights" Reports on the Lawsuit Against Jiang Zemin in Germany

    The article explained that Falun Gong practitioners in Germany accuse the former Chinese president, Jiang Zemin, and other responsible persons of committing genocide and crimes against humanity. The accusation is neither an individual retaliation, nor a political movement against the Chinese government.
  • Germany: Report from the European Fa Conference

    On November the 23rd, 2003, more than one thousand practitioners from Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Holland, Great Britain, Ireland, Sweden, Poland, Italy, Spain, Russia, USA, Australia and Israel attended the European Fa Conference in Berlin, Germany and shared their experiences in cultivating Falun Gong.